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58051015 No.58051015 [Reply] [Original]

>takes out the power and internet in the entire world
>fries every drive with the block chain
What do if magic internet beans disappear because of a coronal mass ejaculation?

>> No.58051049


>> No.58051073
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start a small farm
marry a trad
have 12 kids

you make it sound like all computers suddenly being destroyed at the same time would be a bad thing.

>> No.58051238


>> No.58051256

try to survive mad mad world at that point because it will be total anarchy
wont help retard

>> No.58051266

i would probably fart and shidd my pants

>> No.58051300

technically even if this did happen as long as you had your private key it would be possible to obtain your crypto still - actually accessing a way to do that would be hard though and i doubt anyone would care.

>> No.58051542
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hope that all your time playing games in post-apocalyptic scenarios will give you an edge to survive. given all the crises brewing everywhere and the lack of internet (or any worldwide means of communication whatsoever) to inform people of all the shit going on, I bet we'd go mad max in no time.
if you're sadist, you could maximize your schadenfreude by rushing into a financial center and watching all those big shots jumping from windows and such

>> No.58051548

>oh you think that is a good investment opportunity hmmmmmm? well what if the earth blows up? yeah i thought so

>> No.58051630

xrpl wont

>> No.58051814


>> No.58053047
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>fries every drive with the block chain
Just one person needs to have the chain backed up to optical media (CD, DVD, Blu-ray, etc). There are 20,000 live XMR nodes. Good chance someone's done it. I'll do it myself next time we get a decent pump. Good luck if you expect to see your stock account or bank balance ever again though. If you own a shitcoin where no one actually keeps the chain then I don't wish you good luck.

>> No.58053062

it will help retard. faraday cage, underground. its an emp shield

>> No.58053074

i woul pee pee poo poo and shidd and piss my pants too. but i would hide my peepeepoopoopants somewhere and then when someone finds it blame someone else.

>> No.58053114

thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.58053231

in a CME Carrington event situation your crypto will be the least of your worries. in our modern time this would literally be a mass extinction event as all electrical grids/devices in the world go bust and the world goes dark

>> No.58053366

>it will help retard
you might save a few nodes, not the public internet infrastructure

>> No.58053416

Do you have any idea where the world wide web was created?
>He doesn't know

>> No.58053500

I work with telecomunications repairs and trust me they've got monitoring systems in place to give early warnings, redundant systems to switch to backups if needed, shielded equipment, backup power so just relax, our communication networks are prepared for whatever the sun throws at us!

>> No.58053511

I think the fires would be the biggest problem. Last Carrington event set all electrical lines on fire. Not every house and building was connected to the grid in the 1800s. It would be a mu h different story now.

I'd say near 90% of the population in modern countries would die within a year. Shit hope countries would fall too, because the first world's aren't around to give them gibs.

Honestly it would probably be a good thing.

>> No.58053534

We're currently in a solar maximum the chance of a Carrington event happening within this decade is higher than it has been for a long time.

The sun has been pretty active this and last year.

>> No.58053561

You instead would have to worry more about satellites, power grids, GPS systems, but even those already have back up plans and monitoring and early warning systems, we constantly monitor the sun and space weather conditions to provide early warnings of potential solar storms and CMEs. This allows operators to take preventive actions when needed.

>> No.58053602

It takes almost 3 days for a CME to hit the earth, it does not travel at the speed of light, that gives us a window to prepare.

>> No.58053695

>trust the science
They tell you to trust the plan, while they build bunkers.