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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58049278 No.58049278 [Reply] [Original]

is solana going to kill ETH? everyone keeps saying its a fake manipulated blockchain, but it keeps going up.

>> No.58049287

no it’s new fags buying sams bags
the dump will be laaaaarge

>> No.58049289

nobody cares

>> No.58049301

bought in at $40 and just took profits. Seems too good to be true. And EVERYTIME its been too good to be true in crypto its been a SCAM. Dont care if I miss out, I just made huge returns and im not risking for something that seems so obviously a scam.

>> No.58049302
File: 235 KB, 1103x1121, IMG_2375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solana ecosystem is a blockchain casino. Casinos are popular. Lot of people spend their whole days there. Let’s see what happens.

>> No.58049309

"Everyone" is retarded and jealous that they didn't buy the bottom.

>> No.58049315

/biz/ has been seething about it since day 1, that's how you know it's good
Exactly, whenever people dismiss a chain as a "casino" all I can do is laugh. A biggest casino in the world, available to everyone on the planet no matter how much local regulators want to shut it down? Yeah I'd invest in that idea

>> No.58049319

normies have heard of eth but they haven't heard of sol, seems unlikely

>> No.58049381

it’s so good it goes off at the flick of a switch
post hands nigger

>> No.58049402

It might do the unthinkable and flip it.
Then again, Ether is a thing of its time. The product it brought to this landscape is both a blessing and a curse, whichever way you see it, but it's time to move on. Shit like Solana figured out how to L2 way better than it.
Ether walked so the rest could run.

>> No.58049413

Normies haven't even arrived yet.
They are going to ape like crazy because of low fees and accessability.
You are supposed to let your winners run brainlet. Now you will see the for the next 18 months.
This thread is a good demonstration of them being retarded.
Normies have, and will only spread the word more.
Because of the low fees and ease of entry.
SOL went quite a long time without issue before the last pause.
Now they had a chance to upgrade and fix the issues.

>Kinks being worked out
>Normies incoming

>> No.58049457

>low fees
>solid meme coins
do the fucking math
bome is a great example, nap looking great, fren still not exploded, and these are those which built community with meme nfts during the bear market

>> No.58049477


>> No.58049489 [DELETED] 

I am struggling a lot to pay for my university semester exam fees. Can any anon enough kind to help me with $1.7k?

>> No.58049493 [DELETED] 

sent :^)

>> No.58049497 [DELETED] 

You didn't even ask for my wallet address, at least no need to joke

>> No.58049505

snet ;)

>> No.58049506 [DELETED] 

Send Pepe address

>> No.58049537 [DELETED] 

Pepe erc20: 0x00902F9E0b9675618e5bd2b43926D055E857b3f1

>> No.58049563

I don't know will you really help me or not, but if you help it will really help me to continue my education and complete my grafuation. Thanks anon. Hope you mean it. I already paste my address

>> No.58049606

The smell of curry itt is overwhelming
But sol mooning this hard at this stage in the cycle can only lead to one of two outcomes
It ruggs hard at an unexpected time in the cycle or it overtakes effer
Place your bets accordingly

>> No.58049614

sent!! rounded up to 2k because you seem cool!!

>> No.58049633

And what did you send? I haven't received anything. Why you are lying?

>> No.58049645

>They are going to ape like crazy because of low fees and accessability.

No, they are going to ape on Base because 300M customers are going to be onchain without even knowing it with fees less than Solana. Whose native currency is ETH.

>> No.58049648

Are you gone?

>> No.58049745

The fact that a $30 gas fee is a total SOLjeet repellent is more bullish for ETH than you could ever imagine

>> No.58049817

Reported, literally kys

>> No.58049967

Why is sol more valued then bnb

>> No.58050280

SOL gonna hit 300k before halving, mark my words. Keeping a keen eye on PEAQ too, it's set to explode upon launch.

>> No.58050369

It's worth a bet, but when it comes to decentralized physical infrastructure, peaq network surpasses or beats it in all fundamentals.

>> No.58050373

It is a fake and manipulated blockchain, hell, Sqlana is barely even really crypto. That doesn't mean that it isn't profitable for some people though, you just have to realise that it's a potemkin village and will come crashing down at some point.

>> No.58050450

I know a female lifeguard from a tiny village that's bought Sol and GLMR.
The normies are already all in. They just can't get out because the networks shit, goes down, or the tx's fail.

>> No.58050464

ts about to flip tether in few hours

>> No.58050465

Def(includes me)
On examination of data there is zero reason to buy sol, none. Yet here i am, could have bought a 1000 bag for 1.5 ether a very shortwhile ago.

>> No.58050714

fake it till you make it is a real thing in crypto

>> No.58050754

Pretty sure the wallets aren't open source on sol either lmao

>> No.58050790

why is bnb even valued that much
sol does the same as bnb but is much more popular right now
don't like any of the two anyway

>> No.58050806

yea this is a LEGIT blockchain please put your life savings in it

it gives me terra luna vibes, i hope it doesn't implode anytime soon or the bullrun will really be over.

>> No.58050871

Ahhh yes the key for mass adoption is exorbitant fees. Fuckin genius.
Everything is fake and manipulated except for btc and eth, but SOL will
Skyrocket this bullrun because of hype and memecoins. If you’re not willing to exploit this current phenomenon then you’re a dumbass. It doesn’t matter ir SOL goes to zero as long as you dump before vc and alameda

>> No.58050876

BNB is up there purely for the 25% discount in Binance trading fees. It might seem like nothing but whales saving 25% on trading fees is huge and they hold big stacks of BNB.
I think BNB has suffered from too much success. BNB was just a shitcoin casino at first, but nobody even uses it for shitcoins anymore. Binance could start developing utility tokens on BNB but the L1 already holds so much value that there is not much incentive to spend money on developing the ecosystem.
BNB could be up there with ETH in marketcap if they developed shit on it, but Binance is just interested in the trading business it seems.

>> No.58050894


>> No.58051564

Probably. Gas prices on eth are too high to compete.

>> No.58051608

Kikes and jeets love it so it will probably flip ETH in a year or so.

>> No.58051624

yeah. I can't remember trading using ETH chain for trxn. The last was last year on Dua, I suppose, before it got listed on Mexc. then the gas fee was less than 5 bucks. still holding, though.
To think of it, do you think Sol will hit 300 bucks before halving? bought sol majorly at 13 bucks.

what else do you expect?

>> No.58051629

Avax will kill all coins but BTC

>> No.58051636

I doubt it, but I'd like to know what makes you say so.

>> No.58051639

It's obviously a scam that will dump. That guy from TV that gets everything wrong loves it.
Good work tiger, if your happy with your profits you did well.
Kinda, I would have sold at the wrong time anyway.

>> No.58051650

>still buying 2021 eth competitors
Heh... anon I...

>> No.58053040
File: 127 KB, 1645x637, SBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solana is a glownigger operation. SBF was only part of the equation. Tether and their fraud scheme needs to fall.

>> No.58053094

Solana === This season's Binance Smart Chain.
Anyone who disagrees is a fucking mongoloid.

>> No.58053117

ETH is a fucking pain in the ass to use. Layer 2s are a mess, liquidity is thin as shit, bridging sucks and is confusing, Metamask sucks, Rabby is over-engineered.
Normies aren't using any of that this cycle. They are going to Solana because its cheap, fast, the wallets are simple and clean, all the coins are on the same chain.
Anyone still in denial about this simply hates money.

>> No.58053199
File: 19 KB, 300x250, CQq8KMdMQB-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't reveal too much due to a gag order. But the demise of FTX and Sam being jailed were part of a bigger plan.

The seed for SOL was planted while Sam had the attention of society.

Once all FTX customers are made whole, they're free to let the house of cards crumble and short it all the way down to $0, effectively
>destroying confidence in the markets
>making politicians create stricter crypto policies
>SBF's family and friends become billionaires

Such a short attention span you all have.

It didn't have to be this way, but ultimately all of this was your choice. One can profit from your stupidity, it's only natural.

Here's a crumb for you all:

There are multiple projects that will benefit from the fall of Solana. The founders/CEOs are part of a tribe helping out SBF.

One such CEO is highly controversial in biz for dumping millions of tokens and not being transparent about where the funds are going.

This CEO is Jewish and no one talks about it, why do you think that is?...

>> No.58053549

Never change biz

>> No.58053576
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Of course it is
ETH gas prices are insane and SOL is the best direct competence that EVMs had
SOL and BRC20 tokens are the future from now on and Ethefags can only watch and hustle

>> No.58055020

idk but i had a few ethers left, which i just sold. its not worth 500B marktecap.

>> No.58055098

It works for its intended purpose. You want to send crypto? Apart from 6 hours every month when the network inevitably crashes, you can, and the fee won't be bigger than your transaction. You want to make some meme coin? Here you go. It's centralized? Normies don't give a flying fuck.
It already killed ETH, but I don't think it will flip it.

>> No.58056088

You can tell from all the posts /biz/ is severely under allocated to SOL lol, lmao even

>> No.58057008

not only normies don't care about muh decentralization, pretty much any logical person does not.
a 51% attack is pretty much the 999th security concern in crypto.

>> No.58057042

Have you considered that its Basedlana?

>> No.58059536
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I attend Uni in Canada and have overheard a half dozen conversations in passing about purchasing crypto. First off the average normie here uses crypto.com. Secondly, most people were talking about Bitcoin, Shib, and Solana. Third the only conversation I overheard that mentioned eth was bitching about the gas fees and complicated system. Sol will run wild this cycle just based off what I heard from normies. The last point I wanted to make is that a year ago I did not hear a single person mention crypto, now you have people in class showing there bags and shit talking about x10 Shiba, Sol, and bitcoin.

>> No.58059563

Solana is the girl that will peak in high school, except high school is the first 2 quarters of the bull run. AVAX will come in and surprise many soon, but mostly BASE will take over. I suspect some sort of remnany FTX dog shit will take SOL down a peg

>> No.58059576

Reminder anyone saying "normies" is a normalfag and you are late.

>> No.58059646

It's quite literally the open sandbox of crypto. If you want to do something just do it and you won't be punished. Eth does the exact opposite acting as an ivory tower of people who get high on their own farts while talking down to other chains with a smug aura of Asperger tier retardation. mETH heads need a reality check if they think ridiculous fees are an incentive that will attract future customers. Imagine buying a cheese burger from a store called Sol Burger and it costs $5 for a burger with a 1% tax while the store adjacent called Eth Burger sells a burger for $5 but after-tax costs $10.

>> No.58059662
File: 147 KB, 402x300, C6006B75-A14D-4B0E-8ADC-7F56B582099D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until it crashes. It’s time for FUN to go up now, stay tuned

>> No.58059670

Avax chads for the win

>> No.58059690

this lmao I'm surprised this even survived after FTX

going to do a LUNA

>> No.58059695

it pumps when people take profits from their memecoins and change back to SOL, not because people buy new SOL

>> No.58059786

>need to spend $30 of eth to send it to wallet
>need to spend $30 of eth to buy another token
>need to spend $30 of eth to swap from L2
>need to spend $30 of eth to do anything with your eth besides having it sit in coinbase wallet
wow what a great coin

>> No.58059802

imagine caring about $30

>> No.58059810

>They just can't get out because the networks shit, goes down, or the tx's fail.
I've been using sol exclusively for months and I have literally never had a problem. You guys are seriously ridiculous

>> No.58060415
File: 150 KB, 509x512, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peng over 100m
>pola still 500k
fuck this jeet chain

>> No.58060453

Imagine not caring about $30.
That's "nigger rich" logic.

>> No.58061353


Eth costs too much. Next best block chain? Solana. Simple as.

>> No.58062539

He sold?


>> No.58062578

shit coins are the meta, I bought in one with $1000. sold 50% for a quick $3k profit, sold another half my stack again for like 18k profit and now my last remaining 25% of my original stack is worth $40k. I would have had 160k worth had I not jeeted twice and this shitcoin is only a week old. No fkn "legit" coins make these kind of gains. This bullrun was shitcoins again and if you didn't buy any you missed out

>> No.58062666
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>hedgies run the casino
>vc's lease out shitcoin slots in said casino
What can ideally go wrong? LMAO i tried to warn you newfaggots

>> No.58062829

Nope. Good marketing, but no corresponding fundamentals to go with it. It's association with the SBF scandal distracted everyone from the fact the network has halted and crashed nearly 2 dozen times already with no explicable reason. no bugfix to the crashing, so it's not just some errant code or untested update. nope, all signs say there is something fundamentally broken with Solana's consensus model.

>> No.58062865

Wow anon sends you stuff and you call it nothing. Wow. I am never giving stuff to 4 channel again. Wow

>> No.58062891
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>everything I missed out on is broken

>> No.58063118
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Based JLaw for not falling for the architect's NPC tricks

>> No.58063876

Solana has overtaken Cardano as the top Vapourware ghostchain.

At least Cardano works and doesn't need to be reset every 5 minutes.

>> No.58063893
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Outright refusing to go below 180 rn. Comfy

>> No.58063908

>sol flipped bnb

why do i always buy the wrong thing

>> No.58063938
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well if it's on dextools then i'll trust it... temporarily
let's see how their coins go over the next months and then we'll judge it accordingly

>> No.58063956

if i had known 1 year ago I could've 10 times my money, god damn I'll never be the guy

>> No.58063967

We didn't miss SOL retards, it's a centralized ponzi owned by now-in-jail SBF. When owner/ceo of Solana dies, your bags die with him. When government wants to confiscate some random guys coins while he's divorcing, and forces Solana owner to somehow give that guys coins to government, Solana dies. When SBF dump his bags, Solana dies. When sol gets as much as transactions as ETH or BTC, Solana dies. Solana is Liberty Reserve. It's centralized and it's going to die, owner will be arrested. 10000 moonboy shilling retareded cryptofluencer won't change that so, cry, go crazy, jump, solana will die. There's nothing you can do the stop it.

>inb4 hurrrr durrrrr my cryptofluencer creates his meme coin in sol network it's the best network

sol meme coin = 5 lines of code, meaningless, doesn't worth anything

i've created 10 bots, everyday they create 1000 different solana rugpull meme tokens, with my ai they now even have cool logos. as soon as you buy them i rug pull automatically. Cry jump go crazy my bots work strong. you can't stop me, just sell your solana bags now.

>> No.58063999
File: 616 KB, 634x631, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a fake manipulated blockchain, and it probably will keep going up.

>> No.58064029

Solana jamms because its actually being used for shitcoin gambling.

Cardano literaly is a ghostchain which no one uses. Remember when they hyped the 'icecream swap'. Couldnt even get a uniswap close running without congestion. Dinosaur tech

>> No.58064038
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Real blockchains don't just "jam" and stop producing blocks for extended periods of time

>> No.58064048
File: 247 KB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_20240319_192353_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the market cap chart vs the price chart, the inflation rate is out of control.

Eth is also a shitcoin so will be killed by this even shittier shitcoin regardless.

>> No.58064059

What are some of the coin names you use?