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File: 65 KB, 1247x772, top resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
580480 No.580480 [Reply] [Original]

An anon asked for this a week age, sorry...

Anyways: resume thread

>> No.580680

That 'Personal Information' section is taking up valuable space. Its only 2 lines on my CV.

Also why have you included your DOB? Is this common in the US?

>> No.580689


I'm sure putting Libertarian on your resume is probably safe, because the platform is not likely to offend anyone that's in business but I would be interested to see what other anon's think about putting something that identifies a political affiliation on a resume

>> No.580739

Major gamble. If your resume is being read by a male boss, congrats kid you start tomorrow. If it's being read by a female HR, into le trash it goes.

>> No.580745
File: 100 KB, 735x859, Capture22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.580756

Make it one page and with work experience placed first.

>> No.580771
File: 42 KB, 653x842, marklar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention that the CV in the OP is not mine, here's another template. (I can make a DL link if you want)

>> No.580772
File: 223 KB, 701x901, Screen Shot 2014-12-13 at 12.54.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted mine a few times. But I'm always up for some critique and new perspectives. I'm relocating to NYC in January to give the job market there a squeeze. Any tips on that will be greatly helpful.

>> No.581185
File: 84 KB, 613x792, Screen Shot 2014-12-13 at 9.28.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 year old who's broke as fuck, just got kicked out of house a month ago and living with a friend, and desperate for a job. I've done basically nothing with my life thus far, but I do plan on going to college soon. This resume is just for random jobs that don't require hardly anything. I don't even know why I haven't killed myself yet.

>> No.581191

I'm not really the most qualified for any sort of feedback here, but I will say that this seemed somewhat long winded and I had a hard time staying focused while reading through it, and it just seems sorta cluttered and unorganized due to the sheer amount of material forced onto the single page.

But like I said, I'm probably the least qualified person to review a resume/CV

>> No.581197

This. I wouldn't mention any political party unless the industry is dominated by one. Even then it's not going to benefit you much if your employer wants people from that party and will obviously be a negative if they're from a group with contrasting ideals.

>> No.581221

1. Your resume shouldn't be longer than one page single side, get rid of those shitty double spaces.

2. Personal information should only have a phone number and e-mail no one gives a shit about your DOB (address is case by case but usually not needed).

3. Strengths section should be shortened or merged with "technical skills" and should be called "skills"

4. Heading with name should be center adjusted with needed personal information center adjusted below it.

>> No.581509

into the trash it goes

>> No.581516

>One page resume
What do you guys live in the 90s? 2 page resumes are standard. I am an HR director and I have only seen like 3 one page resumes in the whole last year. Get with the times /biz/

>> No.581518

HR director where? Gradschool where CVs are endless?

OP's resume is full of unessential info and whitespace

>> No.581520

Fortune 500. I didn't even read OPs resume but I have heard /biz/ say numerous times that resumes should never be 2 pages and scratch my head each time. I agree about cutting out the fluff but I am actually less likely to read a resume scrunched into 1 page with tiny font and small margins.

>> No.581526
File: 88 KB, 711x941, Resume spoilered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I agree with you. I think since we're going 99% digital resumes it doesn't really matter if it's longer.

Do robots do your initial sorting?

Here was my latest one (I got the job by a landslide I was told)

When I transition again, I'm going to go real minimalist I think.

>> No.581537

We use ApplicantStack for the screening. It gives a score based on certain criteria. I don't really use it for that however. As long as the resume registers a couple keywords we are looking for then I will read it.

>> No.581549

Which keywords would those be, specifically?

>> No.581560

Depens on the the job. This is what you do, read the job description, copy those words / phrases. Sprinkle that into your resume.

Always tailor your resume specifically for each job.

>> No.581562

It really depends on the position. A good way to get past HR screening software is to take some keywords from the job listing and add them to your resume. If you can't find a way to work them in casually another thing you can do is add them to the bottom of your resume in tiny font so they arent visible to the eye.

>> No.581563

>I am an HR director
Stopped reading there.
This guy is bullshitting 100%.

>> No.581565

Can you put any time you tried to start your own business on your resume?

>> No.581567

If the experience was relevant. Notice my two business in >>581526

If you never got off the ground or didn't do it for more than 6+ months, I probably wouldn't

>> No.581569

I am absolutely full of shit. Go ahead and keep cramming everything into your 1 page resume even if it looks tacky or is almost unreadable.

>> No.581574

I could say that I was a billionaire but there's nothing proving that I was a billionaire. What's proving you? The words coming out of your ass?

>> No.581577

does it matter the source if the advice is sound?

>> No.581578

No need for me to prove anything. You should always take everything posted here with a grain of salt anyways. Just assume I am full of shit and keep cramming your resume into 1 page. Doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.581836
File: 161 KB, 1275x1650, resumeIIbiz-page-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went to my schools Career Center and all they said beyond minor formatting stuff was was "You should add more shit"

But I can't really think of anythings else I've done with my life

>> No.581842

I would put your education first if I were you, that gpa should be the top of the list on a resume

>> No.581853

Conor is dat u?

>> No.581859
File: 99 KB, 418x1251, boardroom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many words total?

If i was trying to hire I wouldn't give a fuck about your sabbatical. Are you a frat bro?

Education goes up top. if you went to my rival college fuck off and die.

List your supervisor's names and their phone numbers.

>> No.581866

Damn man, pretty much everything you said was wrong.

>how many words total?
doesn't matter
>If i was trying to hire I wouldn't give a fuck about your sabbatical
correct, if it has nothing to do with the job your going for, remove it
>Education goes up top
education goes up top if you have zero actual work exp. Relevant real world exp trumps everything else
>List your supervisor's names and their phone numbers.
don't waste precious resume space with that shit. It's understood that you "will provide references upon request".

>> No.581883

so is it a good idea to put your GPA in your resume? what about SAT scores if you did very good?

also, would adding a made up online store/business or something like that (say I did appraisal and sold antique toys on ebay for example) give me an edge as a recent graduate? I dont have any work experience besides my 8 month internship and a stint as a news editor for a local tv show sponsored by my uni.

that said I speak 2 languages fluently, 2 other at a conversational level and am currently learning a fifth language, how should I address this?

>> No.581890

Nah. I might know him though. Was he in Dr. Gardner's class this semester?

>> No.581908

Idk, he's a guy I met on 4ch. I'm down in smyrna

>> No.581928

> is it a good idea to put your GPA in your resume?
its a good idea if your GPA is good. generally, 3.8 or above you put it on. below 3.5 you leave it off.

>> No.582023

Anything on this? Anyone?

>> No.582043
File: 370 KB, 1275x1650, HXRCvR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.582062

Fuck. This is good. No way it's real?

>> No.583062
File: 26 KB, 568x736, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an engineering internship.

>> No.583076

Of course it's a male.

>> No.583083

Fuck right off

>> No.583324

Why on earth is your font not Times New roman?
Did you not bother to even adjust font size for titles and even try to deviate the sections by adding horizontal barriers?
Objective? Really? Your resume should not include and "objective". that is what a cover letter is cover. Take that shit out.
Relevant courses? Present it in a more readable manner. As an employer I want to know the most advanced courses you have taken, bt for fuck sake put it in a way that I can read comprehensively. Also include your fucking transcript when you apply
"Knowledge of safe equipment technique" waste of space. are you kidding me? something special about you that you want an emplyoer to hire you based on is that you know how to be safe? apply yourself
Have you no other experience other than being a caddy on a golf course? Make some shit up if you can't come up with atleast one relevant experience that is admirable
Awards are good

because you have so much fucking blank space (i imagine you're young) include your refereences on the bottom and your relationship with them. it will fill up dead space

>> No.583325

best formatted reusme in this thread but honestly it's far from good

>> No.583362

what do you guys think about putting an mcat score on a resume? i got a pretty decent score that put me at around the top 5%, but i'm currently in a job unrelated to healthcare and have aspirations to move into a more finance/economics focused job once i reach a year out of school

i originally put it on as another indicator of aptitude, but i'm wondering if it looks like i have split interests (ie i don't know what i wanna do with myself) if i'm trying to find a job that isn't going to med school

>> No.583432

Is this an american thing? Why wouldn't you list volunteer work like that? If they don't hire you solely because of your affiliations with a political party then that's bullshit. I know such prejudice wouldn't hold in my country

>> No.584578

What do I do if I have a written reference? Do I put the contact details on my CV just like any other reference?

>> No.584596
File: 90 KB, 747x471, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be the OP image for resume/cv threads hereafter

>> No.584807

> tfw be midlevel-managment from car industry in westeurope
> would instantly toss theses CV into the bin, cause totally fucked up.

I know you Amerifags dont put photos on your CV and leave out info like what grades you had and how much of a black-cis-faggot you are (or not) but i still cant get a grip on those type of CVs.

i would look for: what did you do in your last job and tell me why exactly you are the best for the position i am offering???

>> No.584853

WHY 2 PAGE?! Fuck your strengths and volunteer work noone gives a fuck. Studied engineering and computer shit but worked at some crap logistics bull shit. Can't figure you out, into the thrash, also because 2 page bullshit and fuck yahoo.com.


No idea wtf is all this shit. any projects or general terms that can kinda combine all these shit together?


Confused, not sure if work experience or student. Timeline is fucked, look like you doing 3 jobs.


HAHAHAHA I don't even..


WTF am i reading the newspaper or what you faggot. learn to bullet your points too you god damn it.


Listing university curriculum for what? You don't need to explain what is math faggot. Looks like you lost as fuck. Math would be good but you did nothing with your life except to play with some ants. Looks like a decent skill set for some data analyst/scientist role with math python excel and matlab but looks like you can't do shit with them. go sort your life out and stop fucking with the ants.


Seriously you got on honor roll and dean's list but your resume is boring as fuck. what is EXPERIENCE in blah blah blah. obviously you havent done shit with them. stop lying you faggot. Otherwise list that shit down cause it's better than your crap golf tournament and golf drain bull shit... wtf....

Fucking fail resume thread.

>> No.584970

lmao im sorry man but this is some shit
>58 WPM average typing speed

top kek

>> No.584972
File: 830 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 3.35.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in a thread from a few weeks ago. Would love some new perspectives.

>> No.584996
File: 53 KB, 601x682, redactedresume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a jump from valuations into some kind of middle office research job and maybe move into portfolio management from there.

>> No.585384

I agree with most of your points but you sound like a fucking retard with critique

How about getting the cock out of your ass and give some constructive criticism you man-child

>> No.585401


instant trash.

>> No.585417


Scientist here. If you are going to make a big deal about your internship with the ants, you should not say "helped collect literature about the experiment". You have to BE SPECIFIC. WHAT WAS THE EXPERIMENT? "Got these ants to form a raft". Are you kidding me with this? It sounds like you have no idea what you were doing and you wandered into a kindergarden class.

What species. What was the purpose. What was the result that you had a meaningful contribution to?

>> No.585422


You don't put test scores on a resume if they aren't relevant. If you aren't currently applying to medical/graduate school, they are not relevant.

>> No.585615


I cannot even fit all my degrees and certifications on one page. If you only need one page I feel for you son... now refill my coffee

>> No.585629

Why don't you /biz/nessmen with technical degrees list your portfolio or links to projects you've done on your resume? When I graduated with my MS in CS, the only sections on my resume were "Education" and "Portfolio", and the portfolio sections had descriptions of 8 major class and personal projects I had completed with links to the working thing, descriptions, and technologies used for said project. I didn't even bother putting a work history section since it was all irrelevant service sector work and it didn't fit anyway (resume took 2 full pages which was mostly my portfolio). With custom cover letters, this netted me several interviews (and job offers) with companies in my area. I'll admit though that my personal projects in particular were quite advanced compared to the average CS graduate from my school so that could have made me stand out. But I still think you're selling yourself short if you don't at least link to a webpage or something that showcases your work (program executables, program source code, CAD files, or whatever type of files an employer would be interested in seeing).

>> No.585644
File: 94 KB, 830x1122, MAtC7TV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a robot keklmao

>> No.585647


Very good. Always put and get experience that will relate to your field first. Who gives a fuck if you have 5 years experience delivering pizzas or washing dishes? Some people have their priorities wrong as fuck. So did I.

>> No.585676


Get on Luigi's Level
>tfw I would love to see the full cv but they never printed it


Helping rid the world of malaria and setting up Germany's first pie restaurant are among some of the colourful claims made by Palino political organiser Luigi Wewege.

The Herald on Sunday obtained a copy of Wewege's 2011 CV in which he claims membership of nearly a dozen global associations spanning science, humanitarian and leadership initiatives.

He also claims to have been executive director of a tyre company while an undergraduate in the United States.

One achievement listed was the "creation of the KwaMashu Township initiative" with Westville Golf Academy, near Durban in his native South Africa.

African National Congress staff in KwaMashu had never heard of the initiative, and could not locate any evidence of its existence.

>> No.585678

Actually a lot of these things seem to be on his Linkedin lel


>> No.586062

Suggestions for bullshit tools/apps or programs you can add to a resume to fill space. Things that may not be a requirement directly but will look good if you are knowledgeable or have used them before?

Example for me. I'm applying for sales positions. So CRM programs/technologies I have down. Stuff like SugarCRM and sales-force.

But I am looking for other things.

>> No.586176

Even if you were applying for grad school, you generally already put your test scores in a different place.

>> No.586588

Lmao fuck you guys, I just got a web-dev gig using this resume.

>> No.586609
File: 2.79 MB, 213x250, 1357263570309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not putting the majority of your personal information on your cover letter
>Including diversified positions that have nothing to do with the job you are applying for
>Volunteer work has its own section
>Actually putting strengths on your resume and not having them as implied on your cover letter

I just cut your resume in half, you can thank me when HR start actually responding to your applications now.

>I was bitten fucking hard for having a resume like yours for a year of no work after uni
>One day I went to a job agency and they took one look at it, recommended what I did in this post, and by the week after I was getting daily interviews

>> No.586674

Who are you quoting?

>> No.586677

tfw can't get a job anywhere. Sometimes I just wish I'd know what I did wrong or what was lacking, if only I could as HR/my potential employer

>> No.586683

whoa, I'm gonna put down sales-force too

>> No.586730

>Web dev gig
Ok buddy

>> No.586733


i don't know australia's specific requirements, but get rid of your references, get rid of all non-hard skills from the skills section (these should be demonstrated in your experience section) reverse the order of your education, put the work in any order you want (most important / impressive at top),

>> No.586761

Holy fuck I laughed my ass off at your comment about kindergarten hahah

>> No.586766

Will do. Thanks mate

I'm not a robot