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58047408 No.58047408 [Reply] [Original]

If I'm too stupid for a STEM degree, what college degree should I pursue?

I just want a 9-5 where I don't work 60 hour weeks but make enough money for a simple life. Don't really care about career maxing, it seems like most people with six figure jobs are stressed out due to high pressures and high work hours

>> No.58047439

I would LOVE to date a light skinned black girl or mixed girl with really curly hair

>> No.58047451
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There is no escape.... if you want to be comfy, you have to suffer...

>> No.58047467
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I will never forget the feeling of busting in my black ex gf 6 years ago..

>> No.58047492

Tradie or healthcare related. Otherwise basically anything useful is gunna require calculus and statistics minimum

>> No.58048291

This can't be life, theres gotta be more

Is there even comfy jobs in the healthcare sector? Seems like you deal with obese retards all day

>> No.58048337

Mixed girls have good soles

>> No.58048446

If you're unironically too stupid or unmotivated to do stem then you should just become an electrician. there is no other undergraduate degree worth doing and most of stem undergrads are worthless as well. If you don't have passion you will never finish a ph.d and even if you do you might burn out before then
>t. astronomer

>> No.58048461

>Is there even comfy jobs in the healthcare sector?
Medical Imaging or Lab Work. Everything else is a hellscape.

>> No.58048762

seems like all the well off bros got 6 figure computer/coding jobs that they work from home 12 hours a week

>> No.58050101

I should of been a comp sci fag but I didn't wanna do calculus :(

>> No.58050103


>> No.58050137

PhD in engineering or a medical
Go into sales

>> No.58050144

Why did you break up with her then? Meet?

>> No.58050846

accounting, law

>> No.58051048

Anyone can do STEM, it's really a question of wanting to learn it, which you clearly don't.

>> No.58051087

I don't know what you mean by a simple life anon, but nowadays if you want to one day own a home and have a family, you are going to need to career max and/or invest wisely. Most guys aren't out there working their ass off for fun you know, they just know that if you want to get anywhere these days you gotta put in serious work

>> No.58051098

if d(x^2) = 2x was too much for you to remember then you deserve to be flipping hamburgers

>> No.58051121

You'd have to be retarded to be too stupid for STEM, just put in the work

>> No.58051191

it's insane how so many retards get filtered by calculus. it's just another 'memorize the problem solving algorithm and pass' class, it's not like you're writing proofs where you actually have to understand something.

>> No.58051244

I think its just lack of effort or some kind of mental block thinking oh its maths it must be hard, because at the end of the day its really not rocket science. Funniest part is if you get hired as a software dev when you finish comp sci, in most positions you won't even need maths or only basics which were already covered before university

>> No.58051277

Accounting. You've successfully surviver the AI filter because nobody wants to touch tax stuff even if an AI would do it all for them, businesses included. It's also mostly wfh or at least hybrid. It's not high level math, just remembering rules.

>> No.58051304

Psychology ?
You will always find people to help, more and more as time goes by.
And if you want to work in tech, there is always the pathway to UX Research after that.

>> No.58051341

Also how smart can STEMmies really be if they chose careers that have seen 0% wage increase since the 1970's? It's not fair but it's true.

>> No.58051350

Healthcare is the safest bet that isn't too scholasticly demanding (i.e. nursing)

>> No.58051353

Construction Management.
Get your associates and go to the military for something construction related or go for your full bachelor's.
Once you come back from service or finish your bachelor's companies will be lining up to pay you six figures for 40 hour weeks to be a foreman/superintendent.

>> No.58053381

we had to wrife proofs for math in bussiness (bachelor) grade IT/ Compsci (3 year course)