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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.58046687

just bought 100k

>> No.58046706

Why is it dumping now? Did this pedo get caught with loli doujins or what?

>> No.58046743

Their Q3 financials came out and were a disaster.

Company' growth is completely dependent on its EN branch, and its EN branch is currently imploding, allegedly because a bullying clique chased out their top talent for the lulz and management is so incompetent they sat back and let them. Half the branch has been suspended or is on "vacation" and revenues are likely to be massively down in Q4.

When the Q3 financials came out last week, investors finally had enough and began selling like crazy. The stock fell so hard that it hit the "circuit breaker" on the stock exchange last Friday.

>> No.58046837
File: 219 KB, 1801x985, 20240314_142824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They released their quarterly financials
It did not look good

>> No.58046882


>> No.58047118

His fourth attempt at overseas expansion has clearly failed, while his main competitor has just announced that they’re opening a US office to handle merch distribution and sponsorships in the west, and their biggest event of the year actually loses them money because they shifted a portion of the merch sales for it to next quarter to soften the blow of the even bigger overseas disaster happening there. Overseas expansion is important for them because they’re stagnating domestically, on top of Japan’s current economic situation. They have repeatedly missed their quarterly growth targets and need to have record growth in Q4, which is historically their weakest quarter, current crisis notwithstanding. CEO has no real plan to sort out the mess.
Most recent report shows a 40% YoY decrease for NijiEN, and since then they’ve lost 3 members and had multiple scandals, starting with one member getting bullied by management and the other members into attempting suicide, then getting unceremoniously fired, with a public statement trying to smear her. The outcry from that opened the floodgates to further accusations and leaks, and the company has proven incapable of reining in the members from stirring up controversy.
TL;DR: quarterly report is catastrophically bad, next one is guaranteed to be even worse.

>> No.58047212

Think AquaBounty... but Vtubers.

>> No.58047307

Heh, goddamn japs. Tryin to do business in the west and shit. damn.

>> No.58047349
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Thank god i'm not a weeb and i don't know who this flailing retard is

>> No.58047431

Not to mention the holofest (the competitors main event of the year) had a shit ton of foreigners coming, the Tokyo government was probably drooling at that.

>> No.58047469

Cover made it even easier for foreigners to attend this year by doing a separate lottery for them for the tickets, and they like to show foreigners in crowd shots during the performance. They have results on that front and aren’t afraid to show it. Also they aren’t retarded and have companies pay to sponsor their events and not the other way around. That’s another reason behind Nijifes having a lackluster financial performance.

>> No.58047493

That reminds me of the idolmaster and Love Live festival that happened last December. The front seats were exclusively for foreigners.

>> No.58047548

Bandai sponsered this time, last year's pekora collab absolutely mindbroke them.

>> No.58047797

ppl ride like crazy any shit with anime girls and boobs, maybe superverse should make a p2e with waifus

>> No.58047815
File: 1.31 MB, 1170x1315, 1665133666486971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you hit the nail in the head, so crazy no dev ever tought about this,

>> No.58047859

fuck you but you still got my attention.

>> No.58047874

I would totally buy a meme coin if it is boob related.>>58047815