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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58041987 No.58041987 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you started successful businesses yourselves? I'm early 20s and trying to assess how worthwhile an attempt is, without basing it on some YouTube retard trying to sell me a course. Any information anons?

>> No.58042000

I make around 7 million a year yes

>> No.58042056

inb4 muh reddit
you should check out r/business even tho it's on reddit you should check it out it's got a good community with people who know what they're talking about in that domain hope it helps

>> No.58042078

Would you mind giving me some advice?
Will do, thanks anon.

>> No.58042320

Go back

>> No.58042328

I can help anon, I run an onlyfans

>> No.58042332


>> No.58042339

90% percent of businesses fail. use it to your advantage and harvest loss those taxes

>> No.58042365

kys retard I only use reddit for info tbf so it's fine

>> No.58042421

Go back

>> No.58043655

we all have reddit accounts. the anti-reddit-sentiment on this site is just an inside joke

>> No.58043686

It's not fine. If you go on reddit for info and advice, you're getting info and advice from redditors.
Head on back nigger!

>> No.58043695

I ran a break even business for 6½ years before getting a government job. Still bitter about it.

>> No.58043718

>Head on back nigger!
woah... toeing the line on hate speech there, jannies will clean this up shortly

>> No.58043729
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first of all op you need a job, and try to save some money to invest in a few shitcoins and make (with luck) some 4-8x. then you have plenty of options, supply and demand baby, truflation has many indexes o real world assets, this indexes are on this assests inflation rates... dyor before committing to anything

>> No.58043743


>> No.58043744


fren of mine just got his contractor's loicense, doesn't even have that much work coming in and is making bank

>> No.58043803

if you do not want to gamble and are willing to work hard and try again after failure you will make millions from the right business

>> No.58043919

Alright buddy, I have some advice for you. For context, I pretend to be women online and sell used panties. I make $200k a year. The most important thing is you need to hang your pride at the door. Making a 'normal' business isn't possible anymore, you have to be creative. I'm not young enough anymore to tuck my cock and sell pictures, so I use AI to generate nude picture. AI isn't as good, but YMMV. Since you're 23, you're good for tucking your cock, also you can bend over and take ass picks if you put yoga pants on. That worked well for me. It can be a grind sometimes, but you have to stay focused, think of the money. Have vision. Think about who you want to be in the future. I can give more tips if you want.

>> No.58043989

truflation is just another twitter influencer bruh you cant fully focus on whatever they say and say it's true unless you're a faggot who also likes being topped

>> No.58044014
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please enlighten me, anon.
i shall get better at the path of the discord kitten, I really want a new graphics card and got the simp I just need creativity

>> No.58044031
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OMFG, this dude right here! THIS FUCKING DUDE RIGHT HERE!!! that's the attitude, that's a man sure of his masculinity, that's a man with no shame! cheers bud!

>> No.58044036

>same truflation promoting and showing the actual unemployment rates
sure m8

>> No.58044043

and that is how some of us could afford helldivers. say amen to that gospel, son.

>> No.58044063

you have awesome advice here op! stop whining

>> No.58044179
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>> No.58045590

Op here, anon please don't gatekeep. This is my last shot. It's one last attempt at digging myself out or drinking some methadone.

>> No.58046234

I use to sell weed. shit was a pain in the ass. Now Ive developed a 15 yr IT career. People will ask if I will do IT shit for them and pay me monthly. I said fuck all that managing customers and selling them shit is a pain in the ass. Mostly you just need to find out what you like/can stand doing for work. You may like X but when it turn into Y job you fucking hate it. This is not an easy task to accomplish.

>> No.58046767
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Methadone it is then

>> No.58046812

do you have an exit plan?

>> No.58046834

Honestly if you want to get rich and don't already have a few million dollars in play money, it's better to have a regular job than to be an entrepreneur.

>> No.58046884
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>wage slave until death bro
Nu uh

>> No.58047065

Based adapter

>> No.58047072

I am taking beekeeping classes this spring so that I can sell honey at farmer's markets. I've also heard that some businesses will rent beehives from you in order to pollinate their landscapes. I'll check back in here in a year and let /biz/ know how it panned out.

>> No.58047087

The more you "own" the less alive you will be.

Freedom is internal. Don't sell yourself a fake person that is chained to the laws and religion of supply and demand..

>> No.58047535
File: 222 KB, 1068x819, 1690201760487657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those who are commenting above me are lying, what you should do is to buy $SUPER

>> No.58047974

First thing is, you have to understand that most businesses are not glamorous, but the money is what makes the biz glamorous. So don't worry about "plumbing is not cool" kind of views from other people, focus on a business model that will put cash in your pocket.
What are you already good at, or interested in?

>> No.58048944
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Worthwhile depends on what you mean by "start a business." Hanging a sign out and offering a service or food is intellectually trivial but tons of labor. Creating a scaling-startup with an exit plan is intellectually grinding but doesn't take a ton of time outside needless agonizing over minute details. What do you want to know?
>won't dox self, but am known in startup world

>> No.58050447


>> No.58050509


>> No.58052479

Anon, I'm COO at a small/mid size (40 employees.)
If you see this thread again, willing to answer any questions or give advice.

>> No.58052526

yea but it can be very cheap to start an online business. you might fail, but either way youll learn , and youll be more prepared and capable for your next attempt.
its just like a video game if you keep playing and you play more than anyone else, its basically inevitable that you will become one of the top players

>> No.58052614

Get ready for losing, lol

really, if you will not prepare for negatives results, you will very sad

>> No.58054581

Industry, what did you do before, how long did success take, how did you start and was it worth it? OP.