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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58040184 No.58040184 [Reply] [Original]

What should I look out for in terms of top signals this bullrun?

>> No.58040193

bet they bought again 3 days ago

>> No.58040350


Bitcoin will blow up faster than a little girl at an Ariana Grande concert

>> No.58041622


They all have DCA'd through the bear and have a better average entry than /biz/ and continued to advance in their careers and personal lives and had fun doing it.

meanwhile biz has been biz the whole time and underperformed.

>> No.58041650

you'll know and if you don't, you weren't meant to make it

>> No.58041683

when coinbase hits no.1 on the app store, you sell.

>> No.58041811

>What should I look out for in terms of top signals this bullrun?
Capo capitulates.
That will be a local top.

>> No.58041829

lmao, you think these sluts are doing any trading?
They literally get paid to exist by some old faggot twice their age. A couple are probably part of Chainlink's HR roastie stable.

>> No.58042526

I think the biggest one esp for alts was elon on SNL. That was the clown world singularity event.

>> No.58042559

so she goes around trying to interview billionaires every day, literally nothing value added, then at night she apparently meets up with her old friends she surely know for ages, they all me each other in first grade class? checks out

>> No.58042597

Same as last cycle: Women, coworker and billboards

>> No.58042606
File: 1.08 MB, 1030x488, Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 3.50.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget, hitler wanted to turn gaia into a sterile parking lot for npcs, dystopian visions like the borg in star trek

>> No.58043924

on crypto mostly anything goes, anything can happen, truflation can project and calculate many things; they even have numbers more accurate than "official" data.... but predict crypto price? that's hard, so.... just go with your gut?

>> No.58044156

I don't care bout bulls and crypto but those bitches ain't eating nuthing! clean plates! wtf

>> No.58044166
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its either trusting an octopus or an AI for try and reach a grasp of the future
truly idiotic but amusing

>> No.58044170
File: 487 KB, 3000x3000, 1689372024109982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its awesome he surrendered and left for argentina, pretty chill oldman after all this years-

>> No.58044181

I'd go tor the octopus... I still remember paul fondly, made me win over 100K on bets,

>> No.58044218

we all know what you want the octopuss for bro dont lie.

>> No.58044228

the fisherman wife and the squid vibes?

>> No.58044237

maybe a lesbian little girl that is!

>> No.58044239
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I didn't know of the existence of this tweet and now yet, i am still not amused.

>> No.58044251

TikTok influencers

>> No.58044260
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you know how them laundries works like lol
anything goes
>"official" data
if its not precise, is really useful data then?

>> No.58044315
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Easy. /biz/ shilling reaches peak.

>> No.58044323

>bragging about being a newfag
/biz/ has fallen

>> No.58044356

Maybe wait for when everyone isn’t fixated on calling tops