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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58034786 No.58034786 [Reply] [Original]

Well /biz, I have finally accepted I am the loser in my family. I work a blue collar job while my siblings work in tech, healthcare and finance. My GF works retail while theirs work white collar jobs. I am seriously thinking of skipping the family reunion because of this. So what career should I switch to that'll pay me the most with a year or two of training?

>> No.58034838

Gay for pay.

>> No.58034849

LINK hodler

>> No.58034915

You should get a big visible swastika tattoo. Should afford massive respect from your family

>> No.58034948

Google Mike Rowe works foundation

>> No.58034961

Blue collar work is always available plus you get to be fit and ride forklifts plus the pay is decent af once you get more certs

>> No.58034978
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I think Op should instead embrace a life serving Christ.

>> No.58035019
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As long as your gf is hot that's all that matters.

>> No.58035125

I don't see why you have to measure yourself by your career. Focus on building the kind of life people want to have, if your girlfriend is a good woman then build a life with her.

I'm the only successful brother in my family with a 'cool' and impressive career but it's pretty shit coming home to my flat in hive city every night. I'm mostly here because of the money and I don't know what the fuck else I can do in life.

>he doesn't have a work wife


>> No.58035888


I doubt it

>> No.58035952

my siblings are all more successful than me and I'm nothing but happy for them. I don't understand how you can be jealous of your own family.

>> No.58036038

just read and be way smarter than them and make them feel bad for being dumber than a tradie.

>> No.58036538

My brother makes 275k/yr and is very smug about it. He sends me pictures of shit he buys and makes snide comments about how I only make 85k all the time. He's unironically a retard when it comes to money though and went into massive credit card debt and had to sell his home in 2021. He just lucked out big time they it was during the pandemic housing boom, so he profited even after paying his debt off and was able to get a new home. If it would've happened in 2019 he would've been fucked. He did the same thing in his mid-twenties(on a smaller scale though) and my mom bailed him out.

Now he's getting into day trading and thinks he's a guru because he's started in a bull market.

I'm honestly just waiting for him to implode again from spending too much, and now with the trading... It could end bad.

>> No.58036566

stop putting yourself down fren, you're doing good

>> No.58036600

I can't relate to this specifically because everyone in my family is a fuck up like me but I've felt this way around my peers. It's a shitty feeling but comparison really is the thief of joy. I'm sure more money would solve a lot of problems and erase some stress but it wouldn't necessarily make you happy. Also, keep in mind that you only see the highlights of people's lives. Those titles may sound fancy and their lives desirable but for all you know they're miserable and their girlfriends cheat on them

>> No.58036698

I don't know anon, I've seen a lot more hotties working at the local starbucks than I've ever seen in an office.

>> No.58036735

Depends on if your family is a dick or not. I love my family to death and would help any of them out with whatever they need. I try to lavish them when I have money I can blow because I believe they would do the same for me.

My girlfriend has a shitty family though, none of them help each other out because they don’t ever trust each other. Playing life with a shitty family seems like hell honestly.