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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58033600 No.58033600 [Reply] [Original]

What a bloodbath on the weekend. Back to Mcdonalds on Monday!

>> No.58033619

>gap created from 69k which you bobos seem to love.
>RSI on the daily time frame getting reset as we speak
I honestly believe we may not even see it below 60k at this rate and if it does go below it won’t be for long.

>> No.58033620

I fucking hate you
kys nigger DIE SHITSKIN
I want you to suffer and die a painful death
Every bone in my body is wishing for your suffering

>> No.58033639

Bears stay winning.

>> No.58033643
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Can't wait to see the threads here on Monday. I can't say too much, but I'm an insider and I sold everything on Friday.

>> No.58033651
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>> No.58033675

I have to admit, I didn't expect this much action on what's usually a boring as fuck saturday, especially not that we'd break the upwards trendline we established yesterday. Welp...at least there's no doubt about our ultimate direction now...

>> No.58033694

I'll probably start slurping at 60k, but 50k just feels right

>> No.58033699
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>> No.58033741

And what's that direction?

>> No.58033875
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>> No.58033890
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we are going to crash hard monday won't we? the boomers are probably panicking hard right now they are gonna dump so hard.

>> No.58033932

The "Experts" are slinging doom and gloom on old-media news sites, so YES, boomers are going to sell, BUT don't count out delusional retarded jeets/chinks who are going to "buy the dip".

>> No.58033945

I sold everything on thursday, THANK FUCK

>> No.58033959
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>> No.58033981
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I sold my 100% eth at 3900 baby. Now that I think about it I do want some mickydees.

>20 piece nugget with savory sauce
>1 big mac & 1 quarter pounder

Time to eat like a king

>> No.58033992

Can i get the telegram invite plzz. Im not pajeet and live in first world country

>> No.58033993

Eat shit and die ponzi memecoin faggots. I hope you lose every last cent.

>> No.58034007
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haha makdonuls hahaa

>> No.58034023

Imagine if bitcoin slow dumps in the next 3 years below 10k
Wouldn't that be funny

>> No.58034032
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what are you talking about? The coin I bought gained more than 150% in the past 24h
you sound unhappy

>> No.58034038
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you gotta be fucking kidding me if you think im going back to being a wagecuck, I already invested into $SUPER, and since that shit made me 5x last month, im not going back to work for somebody else

>> No.58034049
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>> No.58034052

investing into $SUPER means that you'll be back to being a wagecuck in no matter of time, kek, enjoy being a broke NIGGER

>> No.58034066

you both wrong.

this nigger fall straight into the FOMO pit

5x is not enough anon, you need to do at least 20x to be worth it

>> No.58034069

I work weekends tho.

>> No.58034081
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insider on a shitty discord you meant to say

with the market cap of $SUPER, you should at least expect to do 10x lmao, this faggot talking about 5x, go bigger pussy

>> No.58034084

>next support at 62k
>next support agter that at 52k

>> No.58034099

Fuck yeah I’m sidelined right now. I’m might be able to get two BTC’s!

>> No.58034103

Monday will be a good buy day, tuesday maybe too. Will faggots get scared at 73 -> 66 move?

>> No.58034104
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proof of fake


>shit made me 5x last month
>$500M marketcap
eat shit and die

>> No.58034745

niiiigur ger nigger arger nig nig ger niggerur

>> No.58035325
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fucking dammit i thought it couldnt go lower
time to switch for a temporary alternative to binance
HELLO DEXTOOLS MY BELOVED, hopefully your shitcoins treat me better for a while

>> No.58035343

I literally just quit my job and now I need to hobble my way back and beg for it back

>> No.58035367

boomers must be panic calling their brokers right now as they learn it trades over the weekend but they are locked out because they bought with the ETF. mass market sells are being prepared for market open and the boomers are NEVER coming back

>> No.58035378

>He thought he could make it from binance coins
That's literally the final stop for shitcoins and where only boomer gains lie