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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58026896 No.58026896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nobody told me about this project

>> No.58026899

Another coin hyped by twitter influencers like PENG

>> No.58026910

There's nothing organic about this. It'll crash and burn just as fast as it blew up.

>> No.58026950

we need to be more organized in here, not a single thread about it when it launched. fucking shameless

>> No.58026960

first thread was at 50 million mcap

>> No.58026965

way too late

>> No.58026966

All of these meme coins are just a scheme to get the braindead retail to part with their SOL, which is going to 500+ btw

>> No.58026992

Just got a binance and bybit listing

>> No.58027014

It's obviously a scam but It's going to x10

>> No.58027032

There's been plenty of attempts to organize coins here and it almost never pans out sadly
There's simply too much decentralization here and everyone being anonymous makes it even more difficult.
Making on shitcoin on twitter is much easier because you have a select few with a bunch of followers and everyone knows if they just follow the select few everyone will be able to make money
Thats just not possible here

>> No.58027112

its over 1b now , stay poor

>> No.58027148


>> No.58027176 [DELETED] 

I’m telling you about DBUY since you missed that

You won’t find a better chart on all of Solana. $DBUY

>> No.58027188

BOME is a seriously project DBUY is a scam, Don't Buy It

>> No.58027226

>1Billion MC in two days
What is this coin anyway? Cant find a website
Also random buys : 800k... wtf?

>> No.58027235

thanks, I will look into it

>> No.58027237

There is a website, look at CMC, also a twitter account

>> No.58027278

pajeet shitcoin makers are seething that they missed out on those buyers. that should have been their money!

>> No.58027286

That's the way bull runs go. Every time you eat, sleep, shower, work, exercise, look out the window - you miss another shot at generational wealth

Only takes a few to win though


>> No.58027299

People on here are also a LOT poorer and mentally ill. Any coin on here that has a “general” you want to stay away from as far as possible. And the good coins get drowned out by the hundreds of jeet inu coins.

>> No.58027352


The truth is;

The big pump coins often are just manipulated by people with already big wallets.

take for example this token called "Walter inu" in the 2021 bull run

I traced hundreds of rugged tokens and the funds all going directly into a network of several hundred wallets, which led to a main wallet with over 1 billion dollars worth of BTC, ETH and BN together.

You really have to understand, those "bots" you see are not often MEV but they are just buying up the chart and when the time comes, the owner dumps on new buyers, waits for others to sell, then buys back in, thus controlling more of the chart than originally.

If you have even 1/4 of a million dollars worth of ETH, you can pump a token up giving an illusion of 50k liquidity from "unique" holders, but it's all you with dozens of wallets.

>> No.58027371

I dont think thats right about the people of biz
4chan in general makes people harsher in tone, and shitposting is the standard so everyone seems retarded, but if you peel the irony i think people here are a lot smarter than people on twitter, genuinly, theres probably plenty of people on here who do ape twitter people and make money that way
I think thats one aspect of it but shitcoins that take off always take off because of FOMO
The low mcap coins want FOMO so the people only looking at 10-20m investors ape in because they want to sell at 100m, and the people only looking at 100m-200m coins want to ape in because they want to sell at 1b
The point is you its a triggered chain event, the higher mcap the token gets the more distributed the wallets get as the early more risk taking holders sell off and dont wanna be rugged etc etc
Ive been thinking about making a video and simulation deep dive into this on youtube, still thinking through exactly how to model a memecoin taking off

>> No.58027413

It's a cabal coin, had an insider presale or some shit like that. I can see it going higher but I'm not touching that at this point.

>> No.58027436


That's a hopeful way of looking at defi tokens, but I just can't see people many people "aping" in 20k worth of eth off a feeling on some non-audited, less than a few days old token.

When you think about it, this is just a game of big bank takes little banks.

The big bank buys low, the little banks fomo in while the big bank continues to buy, then comes the giga dumps before the little backs can even reach a 2x or 3x, rinse and repeat.

>> No.58027437

Meme scams will ruin this bull run probably. They are BS that make a few insiders rich and most are the exit liquidity. Don't listen to anyone who says they made it with memes. By the time its clear it's a big meme the insiders have made the money and late buyers are shat on.

>> No.58027448

memecoins are doing more damage than helping the crypto ecosystem. it's like someone is trying to turn this into mockery

>> No.58027451

Saw this on dexscreener 2 days ago at 150k mcap.

>> No.58027459

pre sale was a couple of millions

>> No.58027465
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Why would we tell you about such an obvious rug.

>> No.58027474

Most of the smart ppl just gave up posting. The gme or biz shit coin of the week “community” members stay around forever.
And honestly you kinda just grow out of shitcoining once your portfolio passes even just 4 figures.

>> No.58027478

i can smell chink hands all over the website. pepe co opted by greasy ESL malaysians

>> No.58027484

my short was $0.003 away from being hit seconds before the instant rug. This happens to me every time I set a limit order, usually my buy orders are 0.00001 away from being hit before a reversal. Do not tell me we arent living in a fucking simulation you nigger cunts. we are the punchline of the cosmic joke

>> No.58027503

Agreed with your second point disagree with the first. Dogecoin made it to 70c before everything blew up. This is still early stage mania. Easy to make money easy to lose money and essentially guaranteed to blow you up shorting.

>> No.58027506


It's just groups of scammers.

They not only work together to pump their scams, but will attempt to sabotage genuine projects by any means they can find.

If you ever watched coffeezilla, he's been gangstalked by many groups of people. It's all about market control.

They are following youtube, tiktok and facebook's playbook for controlling content.

20 years ago, memes were organic often, today... almost never. In fact if you come up with an attractive meme, it will probably get copied and used by one of these groups and even if you make 100 youtube videos, they won't get more than 2 or 3 digit hits each.

>> No.58027522

I wouldn't be surprised if these are the same actual scammer groups as the ones doing pig butchering scams.

>> No.58027548

Most people arent putting in 20k on one memecoin. Thats already whale territory for a 1m mcap coin
There are various types of memecoins. These types of pumps like BOME is obviously not super common. Its the same with PENG. Those types of coins are pumped by people like Logan Paul and crypto groups
But most memecoins are not like that. WIF, Pepe, BONK took a long time to get to $1 billion, and i believe its with an ever growing FOMO and its way more organic with better wallet distributions throughout its lifetime. You cant compare those types of coins with BOME because they are not as astroturfed, and imo if you wanna hedge your bets you dont wanna get into shit like BOME, looking at a long term view
Again i dont agree with you, idk how much you are on 4chan but i venture off to other boards and people just arent as sharp in other social medias, especially twitter and reddit. Sharp is the best word i can use for this, witty, quick thinking etc. People just understand things on a deeper level here, even if shitposting makes it hard to see, but effortposting like reddit doesnt make someone smart

>> No.58027563
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retardios be buying 9-10fig market cap meme coins for 2-5x instead of going to therapy

are you fr?

>> No.58027571


it's only going to get worse.

I'v seen businesses all over the U.S. which were just scam companies, outsourcing work, taking in millions in investments and then just disappear over night.

>> No.58027574

Yea checked maybe I confused it whit something.

I have 40 sol. How do I get into presales like this?

>> No.58027579

convert to judaism ,maybe idk

>> No.58027601

Honestly i can see this happening.
I really didnt expect Binance to list a token such as BOME. It just doesn't feel right for such a massive crypto institution to give credence to these types of contrived pumps.
Imho they should have a limit on how old a token needs to be before it can be listed. If it isnt atleast 3 months old its not listed or whatever
Because if binance actually supports these types of memecoins things can go very wrong very fast

>> No.58027856

Literally the opposite from what was happening in the previous bull all the big memecoins were shilled here at sub 1ml mc you could buy shit blind and still make money, biz is so shit now

>> No.58027925

Not entirely true in the previous bull people here were way more organized, i have been in a lot of /biz/ memecoin that did 1000x and beyond just because the community was obsessive and relentless at shilling regardless of the price and with no whales backing the project, if you were here in 2020-2021 you would know

>> No.58027952

Im not saying it hasnt happened, im saying the success rate is much lower than if you just aped twitter

>> No.58028018

Get into BOMI if you missed this

>> No.58028030

>Get into BOMI if you missed this
you are shameless

>> No.58028037

In this bull yeah, because /biz/ is shit now in the previous you could almost search exclusively here for memes and you would make a ton of money, i would only go to twitter for more 'serious' coins, the tg groups were also way more active you would be in a 50kmc shitcoin group and everyone would be super active now its just 2-3 people shilling and everyone else expecting to do 10000x without any effort

>> No.58028062

Its also because biz has been a crypto space for a over a decade
Wasnt the last bull when people like logan paul and ksi got in and started shamelessly pumping and dumping? I am 100% certain those guys are still doing that shit but no longer in public but stuff like BOME

>> No.58028094
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No thx. For me its GAYPEPE listed on Gate.io 360k mcap

>> No.58028239

Bro if you think your coin doing well is determined by your “effort” posting rocket emojis everywhere you are an absolutely clueless normie lemming. There are an insane amount of desperate pajeets creating threads on /biz/ and commenting their boilerplate shill on twitter for their scam coin and it doesn’t fucking matter AT ALL. The only thing that matters is if the price is going up and big accounts are talking about it. The more third world shillers a coin has on twitter/TG ESPECIALLY the more likely it is to be a failure and/or scam.
Save yourself the time and just decide if you want to buy or not, that’s all you need to do.

>> No.58028327

>a new coin does more volume than eth and btc in volume
yeah im thinking this is some super intelligent person who has a lot of money and is creating the biggest scam of all time. I'm in.

>> No.58030096

wtf this got listed on gate?

clowny memecoin bullshit

>> No.58030135
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cryptobros are saying frogs and frog frens are going to be meme degen coin this cycle, wutever that meanz

>> No.58030398

who should I even follow on Twitter?

>> No.58030543

>just gamble your money in a fucking $50mil mc shitcoin
>it's 1B now, stay poor

Kys nigger
Sorry, next time we'll try to predict the future
In fact i'll try buying a 5B mc shitcoin now

>> No.58030565

The problem is that this entire board became paid indians getting paid 5 rupees to shill their own projects. I personally stopped visiting like 4 years ago and I stick to my small higher quality telegram groups.
If you want actual good alpha though, buy $BOMO. It's probably going to be the most successful BOME clone since it has similar liquidity (4million rn, similar to BOME when it was first starting). I managed to DCA some for about $0.012 so I'm up a bit right now, and I'll probably sell my initial after a 2x. Hopefully it'll return to its ATH.
There's like the one good coin recommendation you'll get on this board, good luck anon.

>> No.58030805

You have to follow greasy neckbeards on Twitter and wait until one of them, the most popular one, decides to start their own memecoin.

>> No.58030971
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it needs 50b for $1m, right?
should I gamble $100 for the lulz? I could use a new pc

>> No.58031172

No chart is showing 50x

>> No.58032339

Its over now stay away from it because you are going to be dumped on hard

>> No.58033092
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you niggers called me retarded earlier this morning. look at the fucking chart on this thing right now, so damn bullish its gonna make me BUST

>> No.58033189

Making threads about altcoins or shitcoins that jannies dont hold is a 7 day ban. Pajeets spamming their scams is a problem but unfortunately all the good memecoins get banned as well

>> No.58033523

Impossible to get significant returns on BOME so late and since it’s bound to stick around due to industry insiders shilling it, just bet on decent derivatives to piggyback off BOME instead for 10-100x’ers. BOBA, Bume and BORE will probably do well in the next few weeks

>> No.58034720

>20 years ago, memes were organic often, today... almost never.
yet you all faggots are still buying this shit expecting to make it, so shut up

>> No.58034842

>It's just groups of scammers.
>They not only work together to pump their scams, but will attempt to sabotage genuine projects by any means they can find.

You aren't wrong many of the large crypto twitter accounts network together to fuck retail as much as possible. Its actually evil. Money does crazy things to people.

>> No.58034976
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Comfy is organic and fair launched on biz. We also have a LINK marine dev :) Feel free to join, we're making it happen and have more liquidity than other Solana shitters.