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58026053 No.58026053 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a market for selling Steam accounts that have 500+ games and have an estimated account's worth of 10k - 15k? I'm getting to the point where I have other priorities in life than gaming.

>> No.58026068

if you're so poor that you would give up your 15+ year badge of service on steam then you are not going to make it. find others ways, anon.
you're basically doing shit a highschooler would do like selling their online wow account for a little amount of cash or something.
Get a real job for a fucking year or two or something, i don't know. I hope you're under the age of 20 at least making this post.

>> No.58026083

don't tell him anon he is going to sell his account for 10K-15K for sure he thinks his steam account is like a second hand car and has any value more than 100 bucks

>> No.58026100

That's the truth, probably more than $100. He might get $300 or something. But still what a colossal waste of a steam account.
Even though I haven't played the shit game in over 6 or 7 years I'm still very happy I have my ZG tiger in the retail version of WoW knowing I never jeeted out for half ounce of weed or something retarded i'd traded it for 15 years ago.

>> No.58026123

they are memories anon. why would you sell your memories? someday you'll want to take a path down memory lane.

>> No.58026182

I've considered it many times but I've basically come to the same conclusion >>58026123 has. Do I regret spending so much time playing counter strike, garry's mod, and halo mcc? Yeah kinda, wish I had spent more of that time playing guitar or developing my programming or math skills but I made a lot of really good friends who I talk to pretty frequently, I have screenshots dating back to like 2013 (I'm 22 dont judge im not an oldfag yet...) with my friends and I playing tf2 or doing funny shit. It's also fun reminiscing on old times when I see when I unlocked some achievements
>wow, I remember getting that shovel kill achievement when playing day of defeat source on some russian server at 3am on saturday night, just a few hours before mom and dad would wake me up for church

>> No.58026198

videogames are for faggots

>> No.58026567

even if you did, hardly anyone would pay the price for it. If you mean selling skins or trading them then yes you may do so, but this will take a long time to get the right offers and you need to devote your time selling everything one by one which is a waste of time unless you have nothing better to do with your time. Selling accounts is against valve TOS , and anyone can recover their account easily after selling it (even after email is changed /password/authenticator/etc) by just giving out some info to steam support like past purchases, keys, etc. so highly unlikely someone would shell out 10k+ to risk getting it taken back by you.

>> No.58026588

furthermore account value from just games doesnt mean jack shit when you can pirate most games. Unless you are collecting rare games or something, most games go on -80%+ sale regularly so their value declines quick, they are never considered an investment, I mean neither are skins but people atleast speculate one these unlike games which is similar to crypto

>> No.58026616

There is a market, it's mostly Russian niggers buying accounts with a lot of hours and badges on CS2 so they can cheat more easily without being found out, having a lot of games on the account also helps even if the Russian nigger is never going to play them.

>> No.58026852

Youl get about 8-10% of your value aka you can sell that for like 1 grand.

>> No.58026868
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>> No.58026893
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>> No.58026898

I got CS:S along with half life 2 and stuff for Christmas, think it was some box set anyways came with steam which wasnt even a game selling platform at the time.

>> No.58026911
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nice i actually spent over a decade rolling joints on the orange box which i regret later because it left plenty of resin stains and shit on it. Checking the steam account I found this really old screenshot from counter strike. Glad I never sold my steam account to have this shit still.

>> No.58026928

That's pushing it, maybe 2-5% in this market if you even want to secure the sale within a reasonable time frame

>> No.58026944

my account has tons of dota cosmetics
I bet I could get 25k from the right buyer who just got banned and wants his shit back

>> No.58026959

actually I want to do this
how do I find out how to sell my steam account but focused on dota? there's exclusive shit on it that can't be purchased anymore so it has to be worth something

>> No.58026972

You won't get much out, youd be better of selling cosmetics seperately

>> No.58026979

eh I'll wait till gabe capitulates and puts it all on chain before I waste my time selling for market value

>> No.58027028

You might get 5k

>> No.58027053

where though

>> No.58027144
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ayo wassup lil niggas

>> No.58027189
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i kneel

>> No.58027202
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Why would someone pay for something you can get for free? Wanna play something? Just pirate it. Don't tell me biz actually pays for "games" (a.k.a paying for downloading and installing a game you don't even have a physical copy of) If Steam goes down for whatever reason all "your" games are done for. Steam fags have literally zero games to their names