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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58026798 No.58026798 [Reply] [Original]

The world is a cruel place for stupid people.

>> No.58026811

Follow the money. If you really care about ICP just have a bag of it. But never go all in… Don’t invest with emotion. Investing is about following the money and predicting demand. Everyone is on ETH SOL and secondary markets are Arbitrum, BSC and Avax. Good luck

>> No.58027354

Thanks for the advice but I’m poor so I had to take the risk. Instead of investing I gambled on ICP. Guess that’s the reason why I stay poor.

>> No.58027361 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 1745x1954, chinagreat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do easy 10x, probably much more.

Just Launched on BASE. This is your chance to be early.


>> No.58027386 [DELETED] 

If you trade alts on SOL, you won’t find a better chart on all of Solana than $DBUY.

Check my profile posts for the alpha.

Accumulating under $1 is generational wealth.


>> No.58027397
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I bought 100 ICP @$500

>> No.58027433

Same here. Went all in and completely missed this bullrun

>> No.58027562

Promoting ICP on this board via Moonman was a lulzsec operation to banish the /pol/tards and MAGA faggots who spammed the board with political bullshit since /pol/ became a boring circle jerk for them. Moonman was the perfect honeypot.

>> No.58027575
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hi anon, i was in many icp threads from 2021-present

Did you listen to me and diversify? ICP is a huge portion of my folio - 15%

I'm quite a risk taker, you know. I would have been better off all in BTC but luckily I allocated 60% btc 15% icp 25% assorted alts.

Why didn't you have a stable growth asset like bitcoin to mitigate the risk of icp?

>> No.58028698
File: 119 KB, 354x609, icpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is legit and Mooman is a chad

>> No.58029811
File: 502 KB, 571x658, Screenshot 2024-03-12 102201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so angry that I didn't buy more ICP at the bottom and I've been stacking more and more every month. I've rotated majority of my ETH, SOL, and BNB profits back into ICP. Don't let the fud get to you man, unlocks dry up come April with ICL coming online in full force. Cross chain defi on ICP will be a catalyst on it's own. Just be patient, join the convos on openchat and Catalyze.

Monitor the following:

Don't get fucking desperate now.

>> No.58029875
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this is an apu thread now, better buy some while they're cheap...

>> No.58030155

The bullrun has just started. Everything will eventually pump. You just have to be patient. ICP maybe more of a slow climb but it will get there. Coins like AVAX and SOL are just shitcoin casinos and they are overbought at the moment. They also don't really have anything to offer other than fake TVL numbers and soon to be obsolete tech. The tech they are using will never compete with ETH and they don't have anywhere near enough core developers to create something new. ICP will outperform them in the end.

>> No.58030221

The icp fudders always poor like come on bros I am team icp but still got 10k worth of avax to compliment my 3k icp