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5802384 No.5802384 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that you only have to pay a tax of 1.2% on your cryptomoney in the Netherlands?

>> No.5802432

In Portugal it's 0 (zero)

>> No.5802777

But then you'd have to live in Portugal

>> No.5802822

Yes and no.

The Dutch government assumed you made like 4% profit (there are some scales) over your savings and you pay 30% taxes over that. So if you made less than 4% profit your screwed. If you made more than 4% profit your profits are untaxed.

>> No.5802875

So they just check what you had on 1 jan 2017, substract 25k euros and substract your debts, and you pay 1,2% taxes over that on april 2018.

>> No.5802939

Right, so if you'd go from 500 euros in January to 10,000 in December, you'd only have to pay 1.2% of that, correct?

>> No.5802956

Then you pay 1,2% over 500. Minus 25k.

>> No.5803002

As the government only looks at what you owned on 1 jan each year, you can also spend your money before 1 jan to keep your taxes down.

>> No.5803011

in the netherlands you pay taxes on your total capital (on 1st of january), which includes cash and crypto alike, not on your gains made during the year

>> No.5803047

Netherlands is based

>t. french dude that moved to NL for this

>> No.5803108

No, they don't look at profit, they just assume 4% profit and 30% taxes over that, which comes down to 1,2% on your total holdings.
They changed it last year though, now it depends on how big your holdings are, less than 75k is 0,86%, between 75k and 975k is 1,38%, and above 975k is 1,61%.

>> No.5803254
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Ik hou van Holland!

>> No.5803330

Besides your first house / residence and mortgage on that, this system also goes if you buy and rent out houses more houses.

>rent out a house
>rent is untaxed
>you made 4% profit on the house

>> No.5803490

Not worth living in such a shitty 3rd world country

>> No.5803562

So this system fucks people who keep their money on their bank in the ass, while rewarding traders.

>> No.5803595
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>tax on 1s and 0s when you already pay for Internet access
I wish people willing to pay such taxes would die along with their governments enforcing such bullshit

>> No.5803612

If you trade as a dayjob
do you 30% pay taxes on everything you own or only 30% over what you withdraw as salary / rent money.

>> No.5803626
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>> No.5803844

Yes, because you are an idiot for keeping more than 25k euros (since the beginning of this year 30k) on the bank without making at least a 1.2% return over it every year.

>> No.5803958

I really hate these fucking stupid idiots keep comming back with “daytrading as a job” and “30% income tax”. How fucking retarded are you. Who told you this? Isn’t your feeble mind capable of processing that the Belastingdienst isn’t able to distinguish wether you trade as a profession or for fun?

>> No.5803968

They look at your savings on 1 jan each year. Substract your debt and 25k. The rest is irrelevant. You made 4% profit over that during the year.

>If you trade as a dayjob
Income taxes only apply if you do 'more than' active trading, which does not apply to normal crypto or stock traders like us.
It's some vague rule for people who spend their entire days flipping houses, going to the notary to split houses up, finding clients, renting them out to those clients, fixing everything etc themselves. If you trade for yourself and maybe your friends and family it's certainly not your profession.

>> No.5803979

On everything you own.


I have made 100k in 2017 while crypto trading and I still haven't cashed out. When I filled my taxes I would have to pay (100k - 25k) * 1.25% = 1000 euros. Keep in mind that their are different tax brackets so the percentage can increase when you have more money/possesions

>> No.5804003

what do I need to do to live in the Netherlands guys? non euro here, age 35

>> No.5804061

>Isn’t your feeble mind capable of processing that the Belastingdienst isn’t able to distinguish wether you trade as a profession or for fun?
> isn’t able
okay anon
if that's what you think

>> No.5804113

would spending money also include buying more shitcoins?
also is it possible to benefit from this as a scandifag?

>> No.5804135

I'm Dutch and only started investing in crypto end of december and this shit still confuses me. Say i cash out at 5k. Does this mean i would have to pay 250 euros?

>> No.5804158
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Because crypto is legally viewed as trade goods like gold and silver, and not actual money.

>> No.5804174

are you comparing the shithole that is holland with portugal? lmao

>> No.5804179


Non-Euro here as well. I am thinking that with the rise in crypto-millionaires we might end up seeing people move to places like the Netherlands "for school" (e.g. to do a Master's degree) who end up scheming to cash out there and avoid paying taxes elsewhere.

Seems tremendously comfy to me desu.

>> No.5804183

No shitcoins also count towards your total capital, I have no idea how they would check how many shitcoins you own though but you are obligated to report those as capital too.

>> No.5804187

u must be refugee

>> No.5804197

No, because you are under the threshold of 25k euros. So if your total possesions are not worth more than that you pay nothing

>> No.5804402

I'd love this, having a daily routine with other people would also be good. Are some cities easier to get to than others?

>> No.5804472

Dutch cities are all full. Most Dutch people actually live in suburban villages. Everything is nearby anyway.

Especially Utrecht is a popular city because it's a great city itself, and Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam are all a trainride away. In fact, from Rotterdam you can take the train to Paris and be there in like 3 and a half hour for 30 euros.

>> No.5804535

If my possesions every year on january 1st are below 25k (30k in 2018). Do i still need to report it to the Belastingdienst if I don’t have to pay shit?

>> No.5804545

Bel gewoon de belastingtelefoon.

>> No.5804620

where should I look for a master's degree in computer science?

>> No.5804642

TU Delft if you're actually smart
Other universities if you're not

>> No.5804650


>wants to convert back to fiat
>doesn't want to pay taxes because crypto is against govt control

Just stay in crypto then and maybe in 10 years you can use your coins as a currency.

>> No.5804691

LoL taxing crypto what is that? Georgia is free we mined 15% of BTC and that labs are not even paying taxes cause govt gave them tax free zones

>> No.5804710

>So this system fucks people who keep their money on their bank in the ass, while rewarding traders.

this sounds like paradise to me

>> No.5804788

Netherlands is a trading hub thus this shouldn't come as a surprise.

Fucking hell we invented the stock market and the first bubbles for fucks sake. Also large crypto presence and the highest crypto holders per capita in the world. (Higher than Japan/South Korea)

>> No.5804853

If you are smart enough to get allowed into TU Delft it's best to study abroad instead.

Dutch universities suck ass and have one of the highest qualifications requerements in the world If TU Delft admits you you could've been admitted to MIT or Harvard instead. Government gives you a special loan to study at such schools as well.

t. Dutch MIT drop-out

>> No.5804883

>If TU Delft admits you you could've been admitted to MIT or Harvard instead

The fuck? Can't you just get in automatically with a VWO diploma?

>> No.5804966

10 year ago maybe. When I applied (3 years ago) there were already extra requirements in place. Things like special grades for certain subjects and taking an extra test.

Just study abroad TU Delft is not even in the top 100 technical schools in the world. Go to Germany, UK, US or whatever. You're throwing away your potential by studying there. Might even be cheaper to study in scandinavia since you pay 0 tuition as a EU resident compared to ~5000 a year in the Netherlands.

>> No.5804997

Yeah I'm not studying anymore, but I spent two years there and all I needed was a VWO diploma. Was like 8 years ago or so

>> No.5805035

just got my architecture master Feels good

>> No.5805062

>TU Delft is not even in the top 100 technical schools in the world
It's literally in the top 20. Why are you lying?

>> No.5805125

Maybe winning the boring company contract has made them rise in recent years?

Anyway my point still stands if they are not in the top 10. They have one of the strictest admission requirements and you could get into better universities with lower grades abroad.

Anyway I dropped out anyway to go full-time cryptotrading so It's not really relevant anymore.

>> No.5805155

>Anyway I dropped out anyway to go full-time cryptotrading so It's not really relevant anymore.

Tell me more

>> No.5805159

>belasting betalen
wie /geldonderbed/ hier

>> No.5805188 [DELETED] 

Anon, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group.

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.5805197

Hogeschool informatica > Uni informatica

>lees ff 10000 pagina's over iets wat je toch nooit gaat gebruiken joe

>> No.5805222

As someone who dropped out of Hogeschool Informatica and got a job on experience; it's all just one big pot of wet

>> No.5805269

also true, some lower schooled people that just taught themselves to code really well get hired more easily than uni people who can't do shit because they only got wasted

>> No.5805278

kom lekker praten op de nederdraad we hebben onze vaste cryptodiscussie

>> No.5805311

What's there to say? I started trading 2 years ago and have accumulated quite a stack. I stopped my study when I made more in a couple months than my expected salary would be after graduation. Felt like my time was better spent on focusing on crypto.

Most of you are probably fairly new so it might not look really profitable but when you are at 6 digits a 20% growth that you get easily in a month equals your post-graduation yearly-salary. Looking to cash out but I want to avoid taxes so I'm moving back home.

Int is for teenagers.

>> No.5805337

Schools in Germany, UK and Scandinavia all have worse rankings than TU Delft. There is no school in the Europian Union higher ranked than TU Delft. There are only two universities in Switzerland, but they would be as expensive as studying abroad.

>> No.5805369

>But as soon as u cash out there's records of you having the money right ?
Or did u do some shade stuff to cash it out under the radar ?

>> No.5805821

just be white and it'll be fine. welcome to the best country on earth, unironically. we're like finland with better weather and less depressions.

>> No.5805885

local bitcoins

Lots of moroccans and turkish people want btc, but are willing to pay cash. Just make sure you meet in a crowded area. They even pay premium because they literally use it for washing their drug money. You can go full arbitrage with it

>> No.5805928
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Even if you're not white, it's fine!

>> No.5806721

Just how sophisticated and well equipped is the Dutch IRS exactly?
Say I wanna declare all of my crypto holdings that are traceable to me and pay taxes for those but not report anything that can't reasonably be traced back to me. Would that work or do they have NSA tier systems in place?
And do they ask you to prove ownership of what you report or do they just take your word for it?

>> No.5807031
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>> No.5807379

TU Delft is god-tier
Groningen is okay if you can deal with the directness of northern people
Anything in 60 km of Amsterdam is laughable at best

>> No.5807698

The Belastingdienst is full of boomers that don't understand technology and would rather have everything done with paper and a pen. The FIOD (fiscal investigation service) however does not fuck around and with the new "sleepnetwet" that allows the gubment basically to act like the NSA, you're a fucking retard if you don't use something like tunnelbear.

>> No.5807749

What's the situation in belgium?

>> No.5807796

Eindhoven, retard.

>> No.5807797

>The FIOD (fiscal investigation service) however does not fuck around and with the new "sleepnetwet" that allows the gubment basically to act like the NSA, you're a fucking retard if you don't use something like tunnelbear.
meaning what? use a VPN and anon accounts when trading?

>> No.5808049

And don't go telling friends and family how you've made bank trading shitcoins. Don't go buying excessive luxury shit. That type of stuff will lead them to conclude that you're trading as a day job, which means 52% income tax
>hurr durr that's impossibru
Yet it has happened. Guilty until proven innocent bruh