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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58008113 No.58008113 [Reply] [Original]

should i do a masters,
got laid off
i still cant decide
it takes 3 semesters
but i am not super motivated
but on the other hand it would be the normie move here ... and im not sure if i fuck my resume by potentially having more gaps, i dont care about bein an npc though

>> No.58008186 [DELETED] 


>> No.58008224 [DELETED] 


>> No.58008275

depends on your degree engineering? finance? math? yes potentially due to the opportunities or pay increase.

>> No.58008286

yea engnieerin specialsed in climate sustainability sutff and energy

>> No.58008302

unironic man.

>> No.58008306

kinda in the same boat except I wasn't laid off and I don't need to work ever again. Need one summer course and a final semester to finish but I just don't think I got it in me to get fucking rekt by stem any longer

>> No.58008334

built for bbc

>> No.58008350

Masters rarely pay off, anon. Start picking up 1099 work and find something you think is easy but there's a decent market for. Then once you do find it, start an LLC

>> No.58008365

yea a masters would be good. then you can make threads like
>I have a master and phd in sustainablilty and blah blah and still cant get hired!

>> No.58008399

im german its not easy to be an entrepreneur here unless youre already rich with connections
its rigged
why do you need to put others down for no reason? probably bc youre a loser

>> No.58008418

lol you really think this? are you gay? i mean shes really cute

did you luck out in gambling?

>> No.58008483 [DELETED] 

go for it if you feel like it, 3 semesters isnt that long all things considered and waging is sometimes usually more painful than studying in my opinion

>> No.58008485

because its funny and will be true!
cant be more of a loser then you. i didn’t get laid off

>> No.58008504

go for it if you feel like it, 3 semesters isnt that long all things considered and waging is sometimes usually more painful than studying in my opinion, youll get some credentials that will hopefully increase your wage and you may have a higher chance to be recruited by larger companies

>> No.58008538

if you werent a loser you wouldnt be randomly insulting anonymous people on the internet faggot

>> No.58008566

A legitimate biological male boy.

>> No.58008584
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 85406850215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your fucking money up retard, once you have money, you can do anything else that you always wanted to, im seen retards here that prefer to go to collage, waste 5 or even 8 years of their live, to get a piece of paper that wont assure you to get a good job, thats why im telling you this, get your money up, invest in some altocoins like $SUPER $ETH or whatever the fuck you want, just same sure you do at least 5x of what you put in, and then, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, easy peace

>> No.58008600

ok big boi
you asked for advice on a mongolian basket weaving forum
and you got it.
if you want nice advice and echo chamber go to r*ddit
screen shot my advice. and prove it doesn’t happen when you finish

>> No.58008632

insulting random people is not givin advice you pathetic loser incel

>get your money up, invest in some altocoins like $SUPER $ETH or whatever the fuck you want, just same sure you do at least 5x of what you put in, and then, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, easy peace
for every x5 there 30 rugpulls, youre literally posting pepe jew

>> No.58008658

you stupid europoor

>> No.58008799 [DELETED] 


>> No.58008816

>Maj ID
Nice try poojeet

>> No.58008824

Only if your employer is paying for it

>> No.58008827

retard, we are doing this to get into college, the fuck

>> No.58009007 [DELETED] 


>> No.58009212
