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File: 363 KB, 1536x2048, yassss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57993920 No.57993920 [Reply] [Original]

I have $8,500 to gamble away in the Solana casino. Just set up a Raydium.

Give me at minimum a 10x, gonna spread this out through at least 10 shitcoins.

>> No.57993951

Kek I've seen the wojak a million times but somehow never saw the original. He looks like even more of a faggot then the meme

>> No.57993980

I am looking through the list of brand new coins to maximize my gains (then bailing before the inevitable rug). It has been working well for me, I've done a few 2x today and am in a 4x right now with "Obummer". Some good support following dips so far, people like their shitty political meme coins.

>> No.57993990

Would you take the gamble?

>> No.57994035
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Munch. Just launched

>> No.57994042


>> No.57994046
File: 41 KB, 800x800, IMG_20240313_225721_515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically HIDLER

>> No.57994082

10x: boden / tremp
100x: MELON / MUMU
1000x: WIFS

Simple as

>> No.57994083

How long do you last before the inevitable rug? A week or so?

sure, its gambling money. will take a quick look

>> No.57994108


Oh no, much quicker than that. I usually take my initial out at 2x and let the rest ride to protect myself, because plenty of these shitcoins go to zero within a day, but will do 2-10x before that if you get in early and can sniff the downturn. Usually it is when you feel giddy like you just hit a jackpot- time to sell or take your initial. You get a feel for it and its honestly hard not to make money.

>> No.57994161
File: 3.98 MB, 3230x1694, Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 9.38.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED. We are going to 6 million

>> No.57994163

If WIFS gets to just 10% of the original WIF marketcap (and it will because WIF whales are jumping over), that’s a 100x right there

>> No.57994191

Thanks man

>> No.57994248
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I'm tired of this jannies's bait post
You are a loser, you probably would lose all of your money if you gamble in any platform with any shitcoin
If you want to lose your money buy whatever they shill you (except HIDLER, that's looks actually pretty hilarious) but if you want to profit buy the regular normiecoins

>> No.57994263

If you do that you’re going to lose your money fast. 99% of new tokens are pajeet rugs and they often pull the rug before the marketcap even reaches 100k.
Finding tokens between 3-10 mill marketcap that havent been rugged yet and have legs to stand on is a much better way to 10x your money since basically everything that isnt an outright rugpull pumps to 50-100 mill marketcap during the bull. And ignore the hidler meme. It might be funny but everyone in the game understands thay cex’s will never list it for PR reasons so the potential is lost which means people simply wont buy it at all. You have to think like a normgroid when you’re trading memecoins, because that’s whose money you are trying to capture

>> No.57994341
File: 1.44 MB, 300x289, IOKL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a engineerfag and dont need any more money

I see >:)

>> No.57994355

>Just set up a Raydium


can't you just connect your wallet to raydium? You don't need to "set up a Raydium"

>> No.57994375

also, buy Boden and GUDFOTHER


>> No.57994379

yeah thats what i menat

>> No.57994431


Not if you bet ~1 SOL at a time and go for big multipliers. You will definitely get rugged a few times, but you can make much more money than you lose if you're smart about it and learn the ropes. Note that this only works in a bull market, it is crazy right now and everyone will buy your bags.

>> No.57994505

It’s expert mode and OP obviously isnt an expert. It would take 3-4 hours and his 8k would belong to pajeets. It takes months to get a feel for how things really work and in the meantime he should be playing it relatively safe by going for midcaps or high caps

>> No.57994543

yeah gonna start playing with like .5 sol to get a feel for it

>> No.57994573

By the way, if you bought WIFS when I first posted you’d be up 50% right now, and it’s only getting started

>> No.57994600
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>> No.57994610
File: 158 KB, 1707x543, tism coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have autism? Of course you do. Get in with the rest of us and slurp up some TISM.

>> No.57994720


new shitcoin from 4 hours ago based on charlotte fang, 90k mcap, lots of miladies. big early sellers are out and literally now is the perfect time to get in

>> No.57994721

We all have a bit of autism my friend.

>> No.57994856

Unironically, Solcard. Jannies will probably ban me for posting this since it’s an actual good buy.
>pls don’t ban sers. I give shit advice sers.
Just dyor and decide for yourself on it. If it’s legit, it’s going to 10x easily and soon.

>> No.57996052

Saylor Moon

>> No.57996309

help a fellow retard out

How does everyone go from just a name of a coin to getting the contract address and pricing data when some are so small?

I wanna gamble tiny amounts, not pay $50 in gas

>> No.57996417

This guy fucks

>> No.57996435

I have assburgers.

>> No.57997202

aight but what if I take a photo of my dick, then create a token called PENIS on SOL with it as the image.

Would it moon? How much to make a new token. I'll fucking do it.

>> No.57997225

Bro forget radium start using jupiter on phantom or solflare wallet. You can also get lucky with an air drop.

Buy some boom 35k mc. solana bin laden is just getting started.

>> No.57997243

Don't use raydium it suck and it's slow
Use a tg bot like Bonk

>> No.57997265

I heard $UPDOG is on a rebound.

>> No.57997317
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COMFY on sol. It has a nice chart.

>> No.57997362


devs rugged, community brought it back to an even higher ATH

easy 10x

>> No.57997364
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Comfy Will be the next X1000

>> No.57997367


>> No.57997394
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my bet

>> No.57997498

buy solama

>> No.57997537
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SNEEP DEGG literally just launched

Easy x10 from here

>> No.57997546
File: 26 KB, 871x391, lazy money cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No gamble sir, only 100x here

>> No.57997685
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