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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57993648 No.57993648 [Reply] [Original]

>As a male, when applying for a MANAGERIAL position (which I assume may be different than applying to other roles), to maximize your chances of being hired you should:
>A. Assert that you identify as a female.
>B. Decline to identify your gender
>C. Admit that you a male.

>> No.57993660

any non schizophrenic person would pick C

>> No.57993675

Sure, but he didn't post to /biz/ to get sane answers.
>D. I am le attack helicopter kekeke. gib job nao plz.

>> No.57993715

Actually, I did. I understand that a hiring manager MIGHT look at a female identifying man, and say, 'fuck this weirdo/fraud', but DEI is a real thing, and I want to know how to optimize my chances. I literally have a job application in another tab, and I'm waiting on a healthy ballotbox to make my decision on how I answer that particular question.
The company in question seems to value diversity highly enough that it employs atleast 3 mentally disabled white males. Two of them in about their mid 20's, and one of whom is about 50, and does not shower, even though he deals directly with customers, but they are obviously not in managerial positions. There are also a number of gay, female and ethnic employees and managers.

>> No.57993808

Just identify as non binary instead of female, same thing.

>> No.57993815

That's not a clickable option.

>> No.57993900
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Anonymous (ID: sEIi7hn8) 03/14/24(Thu)03:27:39 No.57993648

>As a male, when applying for a MANAGERIAL position (which I assume may be different than applying to other roles), to maximize your chances of being hired you should:
>A. Assert that you identify as a female.
>B. Decline to identify your gender
>C. Admit that you a male.

Anonymous (ID: KkWDLxzS) 03/14/24(Thu)03:28:56 No.57993660>>57993675

any non schizophrenic person would pick C

Anonymous (ID: OQt0/o2m) 03/14/24(Thu)03:30:20 No.57993675>>57993715

Sure, but he didn't post to /biz/ to get sane answers.
>D. I am le attack helicopter kekeke. gib job nao plz.

Anonymous (ID: sEIi7hn8) 03/14/24(Thu)03:33:12 No.57993715>>57993808

Actually, I did. I understand that a hiring manager MIGHT look at a female identifying man, and say, 'fuck this weirdo/fraud', but DEI is a real thing, and I want to know how to optimize my chances. I literally have a job application in another tab, and I'm waiting on a healthy ballotbox to make my decision on how I answer that particular question.
The company in question seems to value diversity highly enough that it employs atleast 3 mentally disabled white males. Two of them in about their mid 20's, and one of whom is about 50, and does not shower, even though he deals directly with customers, but they are obviously not in managerial positions. There are also a number of gay, female and ethnic employees and managers.

Anonymous (ID: gXiqZAvQ) 03/14/24(Thu)03:40:37 No.57993808>>57993815

Just identify as non binary instead of female, same thing.

Anonymous (ID: sEIi7hn8) 03/14/24(Thu)03:41:07 No.57993815

That's not a clickable option.