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57989856 No.57989856 [Reply] [Original]

Are condos a scam?

>> No.57989861

Imagine living in a mini mall fuck that.

>> No.57989869


>> No.57989904

Entirely dependent on location, amenities and the ratio of Karens in the HOA.

>> No.57990020

flyover cope

>> No.57990063

How can people live like that? Nowhere to walk out, no garden, just strangers and shoppers. Fuck that depresing shit.

>> No.57990077

Any home where you share a wall with a neighbour is shit tier.
Simple as.

>> No.57990109

If I’m going to own I rather it be a si for family house
But if I’m going to be living in an apartment anyways I rather rent a luxury apartment where the management takes care of everything
Rather than me owning it and getting shit on by a HOA

>> No.57990145

Trying living around White people instead

>> No.57990584

the point is you live in a walkable area and can just walk to the park and downtown instead of your shitbox car

>> No.57990594

everything is a scam anon.

>> No.57990608

>walk to the tiny park full of dog piss and homeless people
>walk downtown where everything is crowded and expensive
Sounds fun

>> No.57990698

came here to say this

>> No.57992017

why would it be a scam? you pay and get a nice place, shelter, ceiling and shit. If I could pay for a condo I would, truflation index on housing hints we are on the best window to buy anykind of housing.... later down the road is gonna be very very very expensive. Unless we guys hit it off with tbc

>> No.57992032

>you WILL live in ze pod
go back

>> No.57992048
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a place to live in, it's a place to live in.

>> No.57992072

the thing is that younger generations have no real interest in getting a house and they rather travel or live like nomads....

>> No.57992102

Later down the road all the boomers are dead thogh

>> No.57992128

make sure it isn't built by D.R. Horton

>> No.57992888

Digits don't lie.

>> No.57993765

Cheap condos as first homes are great. They just suck if you need a garage/workshop or you have loud neighbors.

>> No.57993798

dude most of you hate these places cause of their cost, but if they were reasonable priced all of us would wanna live in one of these. Shit personally i'm dreaming of living in one of these, all the benefits of walkable city while also keeping my car giga comfy. you retards have just developed the mindset of thing old = good
thing new = bad.
nigger mentality

>> No.57993817

If you have to pay HOA, it's a scam.

>> No.57993865

I have a condo, and its wide suite instead of deep, with tall floor to ceiling windows lining the entire unit. Incredibly based for a WFH shut in like me.

>> No.57993868
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Lab = multiply prices by 3... Americans are so fucking stupid

>> No.57993890

I would argue that it's boomer mentality not nigger mentality

>> No.57993945

>Lab = multiply prices by 3...
You mean
>Coffee = multiply prices by 3...

>> No.57994002
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>buy condo
>work hard to pay off mortgage early
>more than half paid off after only 8 years
>"Condo Association Fee" goes from $200 / mo to $800 / mo

How fun and definitely not fully gay tranny bullshit.

>> No.57994024

They really should let you spend a night in them so you get a sense of how bad your upstairs neighbor and outside noise will be (trains, late night traffic, niggers with fireworks etc)

>> No.57994215
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yes. i mean the price of coffee in a coffee "lab" is 3 times more expensive. they will also put fancy name on their coffee to make it more luxury for 30+ single women that work in bullshit job

>> No.57994243

Condos are ok if you can get one at 1/3 the price of a single family home because you will live stacked on top or retards and can have you HOA tripled at any time.

>> No.57994272

Shut the fuck up tranny this is only attractive to retarded insufferable niggercattle faggots like you, I bet you unironically baseded when you saw that fucking ghetto.
I would love nothing more than to find you and beat you until you have fragments of your skull floating through your fucking bloodstream

>> No.57994281

why would i live there? been raised in one in MOI (mall of indonesia)
its SUCK because theres too many people.

>> No.57994803

im going with YES they are a scam, what is the point in paying all those real estate transaction costs for what is effectively an apartment?
Just rent an apartment and save your 50k down payment, literally makes no sense to buy an apartment?

>> No.57994873

yes they make you to pay a rent for your place plus another for maintenance, etc, thats when the scam begins

>> No.57994992

No where on Earth is immune to this type of building. nowhere.

>> No.57995081

reminder that rome had apartment buildings 2000 years ago. you know that Nero started a fire fighting force with slaves that only protected people who bought fire insurance, and when complexes burned down he'd offer to buy them for a fraction of the real cost then rebuild them and offer to sell them back to the original owners at hugely inflated costs

>> No.57995111

Sorry but if I’m gonna hear my neighbour taking a shit I’d rather rent an apartment while saving for a house

>> No.57995222
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It's actually pretty comfy to realize you're out of beer, but only have to walk downstairs to grab more from the store. I know you boomers fetishize having to take care of your lawn, but that's just work for me.