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57985097 No.57985097 [Reply] [Original]

I hate jews so much it hurts

>> No.57985111

>there won't be a recesion this year
unironically she's right on this

>> No.57985115

this is the sound of the bubble pooping

>> No.57985150

The liquidity from the increasingly worthless money has to go somewhere
It's Weimar hyperinflation time

>> No.57985160

no retard, this is the signal for increase in interest rates
smart money will literally rug you now
everything will dump

>> No.57985188
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Best laugh I've had all day.

>> No.57985195

Surely not. They just got done fucking everyone in the ass over the past year and a half.

>> No.57985206

shitshow starts 18th

>> No.57985207
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>year and a half.

>> No.57985223

The only thing that's going to rug is the job market
Last time wagies got fucked hard (2020 post-COVID dump) the stock market rallied like crazy

>> No.57985245

joooooobs will get rugged regardless, it is more than just monetary problems

>> No.57985276

They wont increase
Also it doesnt matter if its not in the narrative
Remember 2022 when everyone told you assets will crash even more because of 4% rates, and now we are at ath and 5%

>> No.57985299

yes they will increase

>> No.57985316

Kek, inflation is just getting started, soon the Great Satan will turn into Zimbabwe.

>> No.57985341

it will IF they don't commit, and they will commit since their only power is the dollar

>> No.57985503

Not even that

>> No.57985517

Dollar is going to fall as the reserve currency in this decade, the dumbest financial decision of all would be being in USD.

>> No.57985542

They won't raise rates until after the election.

>> No.57985580

bulltard cope still in full effect i see

>> No.57985678

Yeah it is now inevitable that the USD will lose its reserve currency status, but the United States will do everything in its power to try and maintain it. I foresee the currencies of United States' allies being sacrificed to prop up the dollar. JPY and EUR are most likely the first two to go.

>> No.57985755

Decade is being generous.
The next system will be a basket of commodities as the global currency, countries have already signed off on it.

>> No.57985776
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>> No.57985795

>Decade is being generous.
I said within, but yes it is a conservative estimate.

>> No.57985843

Don’t care. Own a shitload of GME DRS Pure Book King. Shorts didn’t close. Fuck you. Pay me

>> No.57985851

True, you did say within.
It's amazing how many people think it won't happen at all. One guy said the USD will stay the reserve currency forever.

>> No.57985864

No western country or US allied country is going to accept a commodity backed currency when the Dollar is still alive.

>> No.57985891

Every pump is like a new 9/11

>> No.57985902

Normalcy bias is a hell of a drug.

>> No.57986163

How long do you think the USD will last?
Have you heard of the QFS?

>> No.57986227
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>Yes I'm a maxi because crypto is an ideologically-driven attack on the legitimacy of fiat currency, how could you tell?

>> No.57986278

>How long do you think the USD will last?
It's going to last long enough to torment citizens in the West with a major loss in quality of life. And the state will make it very difficult for the average citizen to escape the dollar ecosystem.
>Have you heard of the QFS?
I'm not familiar with this acronym.

>> No.57986284

nvda has to hit 1500 first
then the rugging begins

>> No.57986310

no, it's over
black monday is this one the 18th

>> No.57986357

The QFS is quantum financial system,
Top link from a government site mentions it. That will be the new financial system, same as the old one, but they can control it more so it makes your first statement easier for them.

>> No.57986359

crypto has launched an all-out assault on the temple of democracy

>> No.57986360
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Why the 18th? GME earnings is on the 26th

>> No.57986536

And America regrets the entire Biden administration.
Trump 2024!!!

>> No.57986599

We must rally our diverse cast of allies, from the PoCs, the trans folx, the ones that run the media, government, and banks, and all other rational freedom loving peoples of this planet to fight back against the bitter incel Cheeto minions or democracy will surely fade into the abyss

>> No.57987081

Crypto is a Ponzi

>> No.57987102

the government is printing trillions a year, until that is resolved you are going to have massive inflation. Doesn't matter how high you raise interest rates. Biden won't cut spending because without all the fake government jobs unemployment would go up to 10%+ instantly

>> No.57987130
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People need to start paying attention

>> No.57987159

actually starts in 2 weeks, on the 27th. Buckle up. 2. More. Weeks.

>> No.57987160
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Same that's why I bought $100 each of Bruno, Brett and Bratt yesterday and I hope to make it and escape the meat prison.

>> No.57987178
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>I hate jews so much it hurts

>> No.57987208

gas the kikes

>> No.57987210

they can't raise interest rates, the US is already spending like 25% of tax income just paying interest on debt. They will lower interest rates and print money, crypto is going to continue to moon

>> No.57987318

Considering two quarters of negative GDP growth isn't a recession when The Adults™ Are In Charge, she's right by construction.

>> No.57987377

So it's CDBCs. But everyone knows CBDC is a big no no, so a government think-tank comes up with a new acronym.

>> No.57988771

context? why isn't this swirling around anywhere else on the internet?

>> No.57988796

People do not care. They will never do anything. If you want something to happen, you have to do it yourself.

>> No.57988805
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>In preparation for the Global Currency Reset

>> No.57988905

They want to switch to a centrally controlled digital currency with no possibility for anonymity or autonomy. The kosher approved version of crypto for labor slaves in a one world economy, one world corporate governance.

f you say anything bad, they'll shut down your access to your moneys from anywhere in the world, or even revoke your funds when they cancel you for thought crimes.

>> No.57988930

Now can she just admit she was wrong about everything she ever said, then we might be getting somewhere.

>> No.57989024

>increasing interest rates in 2024
>Election year

>> No.57989161
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if everyone, especially the laborers, were to stop having sex at all, stop birthing new kids, you can bet they would use the military to round women up into concentration camps and forcibly inseminate them with bull sperm and birth bastard kids and program in private institutions for specific services and factory assembly.
Just until they can create synthetics or artificial clones that are capable.

Absolutely nobody among the public would resist those measures if the barons resorted to doing that, even though it's billions against a few million. We know this, and we know it doesn't have to be this way, but we still choose to do nothing about it.

>> No.57989504


>> No.57989873

Do the opposite of what this guy says and you’ll be closer to successful than not.

>> No.57989924

Is it April or May?

>> No.57989961

This was going to be the result as soon as we weaponized the dollar against Russia. You just cant do that as the world reserve currency. The retards in control were too arrogant to think that every other country would see what we're doing and try to insulate themselves and create their own system to counter.

>> No.57989984

Crypto is literally ran by the exact same kikes as the Fed Reserve. It's an extension of it, the other side of the coin.

>> No.57990247

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't fucking manipulate and rig wvery aspect of the market. If they're gonna fuck up that's fine but stop suppressing gold and commodities to retain your weak ass power. Just let the markets work. Fuck.