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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 28 KB, 1876x472, CCIP fees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57980135 No.57980135 [Reply] [Original]


So this is the reason that the FUD has been so bad this past few weeks. It looks as though the Dune dashboard was created three months ago, pity no one noticed till now.

>> No.57980153

they were talking about this dashboard update in the SDL telegram and hinting it was crazy
but holy shit, is that accurate?
the fud of late has been intense... that makes a lot of sense

>> No.57980157
File: 2 KB, 125x116, 1605035586900s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57980172

the last completed day was $67k in fees
and that's with very little live

>> No.57980184

what dapps are actually live?
if you see the xswap leaderboard, some have done $250k+ in volume with ccip
but i don't think many other dapps which do large amounts of volume are live.. maybe just usesingularity?

>> No.57980199
File: 59 KB, 1024x914, 1707717762713562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its still on limited access. Seething kekfudders incoming

>> No.57980206
File: 47 KB, 1876x631, LINK revenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their other dashboard is insane too.


Chainlink has averaged almost $107M a year in fees since Price feeds launched in September 2020. The marketcap divided by annual fees is about 115. Is Chainlink the only fairly valued crypto in the whole space apart from BTC and ETH?

>> No.57980210

Brainlet here, is it good or bad? Not gonna click that shit btw

>> No.57980232

it's good for chainlink the company but meaningless for LINK holders and stakers

>> No.57980245

pretty good considering ccip isn't even in GA yet and the big players are still waiting for CLL to greenlit turning it on. All of the major players have already integrated it, we're all waiting for it to get used

>> No.57980280

that's a bullshit chart because it doesn't tell you what users actually paid. almost all of that "revenue" is dispensed by the team to pay node operators a flat rate per data feed tx. at least as late as mid 2021, projects like Maker were paying chainlink the company ~3k USD monthly per individual price feed, but the LINK "fees" paid to nodes by chainlink were worth substantially more.

>> No.57980290 [DELETED] 

>Only $1399800000 fees more to offset sirgay yearly dump! WAGMI MARINES
THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57980380

Not really trying to fud, it's becoming fairly obvious that chainlink itself will likely succeed. The one thing that still honestly bugs me is honestly how usage actually increases the price. My understanding is that the link used for fees is bought from cll, and then distributed. Is my understanding correct, and if so, how does usage increase the price? It's literally the one doubt I have.

>> No.57980639

>how does usage increase the price?
idk but if we as stakers will get some of that revenue I likey

>> No.57980675

But you'd get that regardless of where the link was bought. Wouldn't you rather the link that you get from staking be worth more?

>> No.57980693
File: 7 KB, 512x512, PTeIFe5Nur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah whatever you say broseph hoba is the token you should invest all your life savings in if you want the money you are probably just a fudder you and your mom's tiny tits don't know anything about crypto and you clearly don't understand that all of the team's tokens were bought from cz on a sketchy deal if you don't buy $hoba you don't love your children don't be a bad dad bro but go and buy shitcoins if you don't want to buy honey badger you'd rather buy cumcoin

>> No.57980703

kek they certainly aren't paying that now

>> No.57980727

I have this same concern; also how come PYTH works cross-chain already and LINK is still not greenlighting CCIP? Seems like LINK is falling behind.
Looking at PYTH's site, it seems like they focus more on "internal" (if you wanna call it that) data than "external" (real-world) data. But what if they say "hmm i want a slice of LINK's pie?

>> No.57980768

What if I start my own computer company and take a slice of Google's pie? That'd show em.

>> No.57980802

>Wouldn't you rather the link that you get from staking be worth more?
ofc but whoever is manipulating link with btc clearly has it by the balls so there is nothing we can do about it might as well take the scraps we're offered

>> No.57980855

its a hard capped supply not an infinitely inflationary shittoken
so eventually cll will run out of premines to distribute, this will happen sometime near the end of next cycle tho
however speculators will buy it up long before then based on future growth

the thing is i am very worried for underperformance this cycle that will conclude in about a year and a half since sergey will max dump the whole way
but i am all in so i can only sit back and enjoy the ride i suppose

>> No.57980918

Ok everybody is still playing guessing, got it.

>> No.57980953

Is that really the plan? Just wait until billions of dollars have been paid in fees before it drives any price increase?

>> No.57981028

since the fees are soaked up by the premines being released the tokenomics are shit right now, this has been known since the whitepaper
what we were hoping for was speculative investing kicking of long before fees would be net positive buy pressure
we have severely underestimated the level of suppression that link would receive
do you know of any other coin that has a zeus capital for instance

>> No.57981037

it shouldnt come as a shock if you read the first whitepaper and half of the supply still held by chainlink labs

holders are emotionally invested and cant see the writing on the wall clearly enough to sell so they are going to miss yet another bullrun while cll sells on binance

also: price feed revenues dont scale with usage since they are free to read but in fairness ccip and data streams do scale

>> No.57981065

>the fees are soaked up by the premines
Right now Bitcoin mining rewards are 97% premine subsidies.
Your thoughts?

>holders are emotionally invested
t. holder

>> No.57981126

>It looks as though the Dune dashboard was created three months ago
Bottom of the x-axis says July 1st 2023 which was 8.5 months ago
If it's the y-axis result you refer to, then 3 months ago was mid december 2023. Decent volume wasn't until feb 1st.
Unsure exactly what you mean

>> No.57981142

Yeah I can setup a chart using the react-chartjs-2 package too

>> No.57981232

you can check the queries yourself, you do know that right?

>> No.57981306
File: 504 KB, 1170x1848, 97ABB77F-A223-44F3-AF2D-ECB87292D6A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but when do we fucking pump? This is so demoralizing

>> No.57981315

zoom out

>> No.57981317


>> No.57981325
File: 520 KB, 1170x1891, 32798050-D8F3-437E-A463-7276EAE0B7F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double top

>> No.57981338

either theres news this friday, or more likely, we start getting news from 18th onwards, ie next monday

>> No.57981345
File: 11 KB, 191x316, 1513192444850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double top
I'm about to double your top ifunnowaddaImean

>> No.57981354

News about what? GA?

>> No.57981360

You mean we're going to $106?

>> No.57981378
File: 36 KB, 512x512, BFU6IGCTP0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

news about $hoba you dumb fag this is going to the fcking moon and if you don't buy now it is your loss cuck

>> No.57981402

guess i'm a cuck then boo hoo how will i get over it

>> No.57981425

Another day another scam shitcoin being shilled.

>> No.57981431

You don't hold any Bitcoin?

>> No.57981440
File: 82 KB, 750x959, 1708801516662247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The digital asset summit in london is on the 18th til 20th march, sergey is there and has a fireside chat with AAVE (probably the biggest partner with ccip integration).
Also, they did say ccip GA around Q1 2024, so they might aswell announce it then with the event.
If it doesn't get released there, i wouldn't bet on it coming before july desu

>> No.57981449

I do but what does that have to do with anything you retard

>> No.57981453

>Right now Bitcoin mining rewards are 97% premine subsidies.
>Your thoughts?
good tokenomics versus shit tokenomics
the halving creates a game theory optimum where every cycle it forces miners into higher profitability and both holders and miners have incentive to hold on to their coins as it can be expected that price will go up later in time
premined link doesnt have this dynamic as serg subsidizes every node completely removing the need of them to be forced into higher levels of profitability and doesnt create the pump cycle btc has
last year the team put out an entire blog post discussing this dynamic showing they know it completely and then end the blogpost with lol we are going to ignore all of this for link and actually increase the emission from premine to subsidize the notes fuck you holders

the fudsisters have poisoned the well so all criticism of link isnt possible anymore but it cannot be denied that the team itself is doing all it can to suppress a link moonshot this cycle
i truly fear for underperformance to eth in the coming months
but go ahead and proceed like every single time someone puts up reasoned and ration al critique against the team and devolve into a pointless shouting match egged on by the fudsisters

>> No.57981463

>If it doesn't get released there, i wouldn't bet on it coming before july desu
this too, ever since 2022 the only thing we have known from cll is delays and pushbacks i am not holding my breath anymore for ga any time soon

>> No.57981471
File: 58 KB, 740x553, 1682815713265388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is your "good tokenomics" lmao

How is it demoralizing when one of your assets is stable while another pumps?

>> No.57981474
File: 36 KB, 512x512, b8Rqxoc3Vb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga be asking if link is premined bruh you want to give the team a reason to increase token emissions this nigga is like
>give me a reason
and they going to oblige your ass and not only increase emissions but literally give themselves a 97% premine honey badger coin gonna fix our tokenomics yeah i am going to fix your girlfriends tokenomics by pumping my 12ft honey badger sausage in her dirty hole we'll see who's worried about token emissions then

>> No.57981476

Iirc, the AAVE talk is not part of the digital asset summit, Sergey is talking at the summit with SDX on the 20th. But the AAVE talk does coincide with the summit and is also in London.

>> No.57981486

Because I could have been all in on Btc instead of wasting my time on link?

>> No.57981496

>I want to be all in the one asset that performs best at any specific time

How old are you?

>> No.57981574

I will say there might be a good chance that the Aave talk is related to CCIP ga release, it was announced only a few days ago and they might have wanted their own thing with more than 20 minutes to speak about it.

>> No.57981590

not needed

>> No.57981596

wouldn't it be weird letting Aave announce Chainlinks CCIP?

>> No.57981601

I do think they really want to release it before the halving and I really hope we have a GA ccip for the bullrun because I'm sick and tired of all the conversions.

Btw CCIPs github current merged version is 1.4.5 from 5 days ago and they've been updating basically weekly since 1.0.0 last august. Idk if the next merge will be 1.5 or 1.4.8 or smth, but it all coincides with the latter half of march.

>> No.57981608
File: 575 KB, 656x818, 1694340820283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously I don't get this kind of replies. The anon was making a good point that coded controlled inflation diminishing over time forced the miners to not sell all their bitcoin and force them into being profitable and you just reply with a blanket shit post. Why not discuss the possibility of having link premined release coded into the tokenomics into a way that increases the token value through game theory instead of an opaque centralised dump?

>> No.57981622

It's clearly a linkcentric event featuring Aave. Announced by the chainlink team, the event page is focused on chainlink

>> No.57981643
File: 323 KB, 642x2185, A61D5446-1F4E-4AE7-8FBF-F10952AA9E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I want an asset that doesn’t lag behind the entire fucking market you dense retard

>> No.57981655

Why does CCIP Ga matter anyways? It’s not like it will pump the price. And even if it did the profit will just get traded into BTC like the past pumps.

>> No.57981656

Bitcoin has had three halvings, and mining rewards are STILL 97% inflationary subsidies.
Being hardcoded is cope and doesn't change this simple fact.
Link inflation will stop almost a century before Bitcoin's.

>blanket shit post
Those are literally Satoshi's own words, dipshit.

Chainlink has been lagging for nearly four years now, if that's your standard then you should've sold a long ass time ago.

>> No.57981696

Good post. Ultimately what we need is good game theory for link's inflation. But the mere mention of this sets up the advocate bat signal and thy will kill any constructive discussion surrounding this

>> No.57981719

It might, or it might not.
I invested because I think having a stake in a network that imo will be / is a very important underlying foundation to crypto, is a good thing to do.

I have big enough bags in other projects that do well enough so I can hold my link without feeling sad about slow price movement. Of course there's opportunity costs, but it is what it is.

>> No.57981725

>It’s not like it will pump the price
Increased usage of CCIP after (not at the moment of) GA will increase demand for the Link token, putting upward pressure on the price. But you know this.

>> No.57981740

Bitcoin tokenomics work. Miners have an incentive to drive the price up. You might not like it but that's a fact. Why not have some sort of system like that for Chainlink, even more if you think it could be improved. Give me ONE reason it would have a downside effect on Chainlink that is not the team would lose their central authority on the dumps. This is why I think you're an advocate.

>> No.57981749

oof this is bad marines, we are going down very soon

>> No.57981782

>why not rugpull the entire project and relaunch it with a proof of work consensus model
great idea you should email sergey and ari

>> No.57981783
File: 35 KB, 512x512, uGwhnNc13t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof is right you dumbass marine this honey badger erc is gonna send link to the moon and if you arent smart enough to see that then your wife is definitely going to find a new boyfriend for herself pretty soon my bags are full and only growing heavier with your mom giving me all the honey badger erc tokens she can muster up so she can buy more lube

>> No.57981812

ah yes, thanks. I has it in my head that was at the end of the month. cool, only a week away. any idea if we can see it live or right after? i suppose someone will be tweeting out

>> No.57981903

well at the current emission schedule from the team itself the premines will be distributed fully at the end of next cycle so it doesnt really matter it will all be gone soon
the problem is very specific for us and for this current cycle
afterwards it will pump unrestricted

>> No.57981904

Ok just wave it away with an absurd comment. No one said anything about pow. Just make the inflation mechanism part of the protocol. I know you have no argument besides the team does not want to lose control over the premined. You're the reason this board sucks btw, worst than the fudders really

>> No.57981930

are you now literally arguing against btcs tokenomics impact on price
you cant be this retarded

somebody said that you idiot, all that would be required was for the team to do a halving of link in premine emissions, doesnt even need to be decentralized the team can keep control but just lower it

>> No.57981972

>Miners have an incentive to drive the price up.
By dumping their mining rewards, which are 97% inflationary?

>are you now literally arguing against btcs tokenomics impact on price
I'm posting the literal facts about BTC's tokenomics.
If inflation bad, then BTC's tokenomics bad.

>> No.57981975

>Bitcoin tokenomics work. Miners have an incentive to drive the price up
Ah yes the famous Chainlink miners let's wake em up. Wtf are you smoking?
Did you never read the whitepaper? Most of us who invested approved of the model and that's why we invested. If you don't like it, why don't you try fucking off elsewhere? Or better still, start your own project and clean up because your idea will undoubtedly improve on Chainlink's?

>> No.57981987

Christ the fud today is boring af. I'm out. They're just talking utter shit now

>> No.57982008

it depends what they have meant by the 350 million link for growing the ecosystem.
Are we 587 million in and there's only 63 million left to sell with the next 350 million to go on incentivising the network? unlikely.
But surely it isn't the case that all 400 odd million left are just for dumping...

we are all pretty much in the dark about what's happening token wise.
do we even know what happened to the link that didn't migrate from v0.1 to v0.2 ? is it in the ether? stranded? burnt? gone?

>> No.57982018

>with the next 350 million to go on incentivising the network
They've been incentivising the network for nearly 5 years already.

>> No.57982057
File: 20 KB, 512x512, vDk2nly9Xe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with the next $hoba million tokens to go on incentivizing the network they have been driving the price up with a massive pump and dump scheme don't listen to that fool buy $hoba and lose all your money you gullible idiot i guarantee $hoba will be a top ten token (for like 30 minutes) buy some today so my wife can suck my honey badger tokens and you can lose your wife to my penis you're welcome

>> No.57982060

Why do you autistc bagholder scrutinise chainlink with a magnifying glass in regards to fees and economics when its already league above any other alt even if it isn’t quite as good as BTC itself? Its weird.

You are asking the wrong question. Its clearly on the right track and way better off than any other alt. Try do the same for anything i the top 50 and you’ll see exponentially worse token economics.

You faggots are looking for reasons ad logic for why it can or isnt pumping when shit like ada is top 10, dog coons are etc.
The truth is that the patterns of speculation and accumulation etc are just not happening with LINK right now in the form you want it to and threre isnt much you can do about it.

>> No.57982081

No it's fake

>> No.57982114

>even if it isn’t quite as good as BTC itself
There's nothing specifically "good" about BTC's tokenomics; inflation is rampant and its pumpamentals revolve almost exclusively around speculative hype, as stated by Satoshi himself.

>> No.57982144

Well I don't necessarily think no inflation would be a good thing either. It wouldn't be very cautious. And I do think trustlessness and certainty would be more attractive to investors in the crypto space. But anyway, nice to see some sensible anons back in here.

>> No.57982180

they stated they are dumping 70 mil per year so that token distribution mentioned early on is pointless as we cant see what the allocations are
by next cycle all premines are gone

>> No.57982184

You must understand that major players, such as corporations and banks, will never buy tokens from Binance or any other exchange. The Chainlink team will sell massive amounts of tokens to larger companies at a much lower price. The price of Chainlink will not be driven up by anything other than hype and massive influxes from mainstream investors like us.

>> No.57982194
File: 61 KB, 736x550, 1686245854906623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The price of Chainlink will not be driven up by anything other than hype
You sound like Satoshi

>> No.57982214

>But anyway, nice to see some sensible anons back in here.
its almost impossible to hold a real discussion anymore as the fudders have completely poisoned the well and some holders have dug in completely in response
i mean i get why but its killing the board

nooo you are not allowed to improve things to maximize your gains, you cant be this stupid

>> No.57982218

it will be driven up by yield. just like ethereum, the security model is dependent on fees which come from usage

>> No.57982236

>fudders have completely poisoned the well
t. the same guy who said Link has "shit tokenomics"

>> No.57982242

>so eventually cll will run out of premines to distribute

Yeah after you miss 2 more bullruns. Sergey should be in prison

>> No.57982245

>some holders have dug in completely in response

I don't think it's holders, their appearance coincides with Adelyn lay off and the new marketing guy hire. Plus I recognise their style and arguments from the telegram and discord admins. But hey, could be wrong

>> No.57982263

Yes. In other words, you’re fucked

What page of the whitepaper? Ive read it a few times, said nothing about Sergey tapping funds like an atm

>> No.57982264


for sure, and they've also been dumping...

all i'm saying is as the ecosystem grows, so presumably will the incentives until it's genuinely self sustaining, and as they've been dumping (as we knew they would so i have no problem with it) and as they've also been incentivising, we don't really know when all the tokens will be out.
If ccip scales quickly, and more feeds come on board, and incentives scale with it, it might be sooner.

>> No.57982267

You can like Chainlink but still criticise some aspects of it not everyone is a fanatic. Or do you think everything the team does is absolutely perfect? Even they change their take on things from time to time. You are an absolute retard

>> No.57982277

Its not 2017 anymore. Bullshit conferences and litecoin walmart partnerships dont pump shitcoins anymore

>> No.57982278

If you liked Chainlink, you wouldn't criticize it for things even Bitcoin does just as "badly".

>> No.57982323

The more adoption ramps up, the higher the rate of token emissions, absolutely.

>> No.57982352

Correct. Ga release will cause a sell off when you all realize there were no users waiting. It will be their emperor has no clothes moment

Seems youre upset no one new is joining the cult, so youre taking your ball and going home. How pissed are you that you cant ban dissenters here? Maybe head back to your safe space, faggot

>> No.57982369

>no one new is joining the cult
At least we'll always have you

>> No.57982404

BTC $11,000
ETH $300
BNB $22
LINK $20

BTC $73,000
ETH $4,050
BNB $391
LINK $20.50

Was this in the whitepaper?

>> No.57982406

It wont cause a sell off or a pump. You people are fucking deluded.

>> No.57982425

what if I don't care about BTC? can I criticise LINK now?

>> No.57982445
File: 17 KB, 827x351, linkpyth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys had the pleasure of seeing the LINKPYTH chart yet?

I think I'm officially done with LINK and just waiting for an exit. I can't even be bothered engaging in the topic anymore. It's just plain and simple LINK, for any reason you might choose, has no narrative momentum, no speculative interest. Its narrative has effectively played out.

Get this: In Q3/4 last year, I punted a bag about half the size of the LINK I bought in Dec 2017. That bag already made me half the ROI, in a matter of months, that LINK has from when I bought it to now. It actually makes me sick this apparatus of influence the team has in place to constantly dangle carrots and, as overused as this word is, gaslight. I've just gone full villain arc at this point, full unironic support of all the people heaping shit on it on Twitter and humiliating holders here too.

>> No.57982449

I own all of those lmao
You're basically a Link maxi, fudding his only bag.

It's not just BTC, pretty much all of crypto is bootstrapped.
So it would be called a double standard.

>> No.57982456
File: 33 KB, 512x512, X8lfPmSK0T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it definitely will cause a pump you ignorant twat i'm currently buying hand over fist and will be dumping my fat stack of hoba tokens so soon just to leave you in the dust just imagine the look on your family's faces when you're homeless because you missed this once in a lifetime opportunity to become rich if you weren't such an imbecile you would have known that hoba is going to be a huge win

>> No.57982466

what if I'm all in LINK and I only care about that? Am I allowed to critisize my holdings?

>> No.57982469

pyth is really gay tho

>> No.57982507

That's exactly why you see fudders attack Link for things even Bitcoin does just as badly.

>> No.57982526
File: 24 KB, 1007x453, adamandeve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, where's that fucking condescending fucking TA retard from a week or so ago?

>hurr durr LINKBTC adam and eve never seen one so perfect besides textbooks hurrrr

What a fucking dumb cunt. Why are TA tards always like this, thinking they can force a point by assuming a tone of authority and clairvoyance? If it was an Adam and Eve, it broke downwards and now looks like this. It's such a fucking shit chart.

>> No.57982539

so am I allowed to critisize it or not?

>> No.57982561

any sergey spice memes?

>> No.57982572

Willing ignorance is retardation.
It leads to situations where you say "Link can't pump because inflation is too high", even though a ton of coins with much higher inflation DO pump.

On the other hand it also makes you extremely obviously a Link maxi, so that's a good thing.

>> No.57982581

you still refuse to give a straight answer

>> No.57982600

>daddy am I allowed to do retarded things?
>answer me daddy

>> No.57982604

>Seriously I don't get this kind of replies
it's to dismiss the valid points without addressing them but i assume you already knew that and just wanted someone to say it out loud

>> No.57982611

>valid points
"Bitcoin inflation good, Link inflation bad" isn't a valid point.

>> No.57982621

People like you are the death knell of this board. Fancy leaping in to defend decent criticism. It doesn't matter if it applies to certain other shitcoins. We're starved of profit. In a way LINK is a meme token, in that people like you are a meme.

>> No.57982628

>decent criticism
"Bitcoin inflation good, Link inflation bad" isn't decent criticism.

>> No.57982631


>> No.57982650

let me rephrase my question
under what circumstances is someone allowed to criticise LINK?
what are the prerequisites?

>> No.57982660

>under what circumstances is someone allowed to criticise LINK?
>what are the prerequisites?
Not making retarded points like "Bitcoin inflation good, Link inflation bad".

>> No.57982661

Can the mods just give linkies their own board? Make biz great again.

>> No.57982667

why don't you try again without inventing new goalposts?

>> No.57982679

lol what
That's been the crux of the discussion, that's what you replied to me about: >>57982278

>> No.57982717

so you cannot criticise LINK under any circumstances whatsoever?
Doesn't seem healthy to me

>> No.57982745

Yes anon, that's exactly right.

>> No.57982781

great, there's no point talking to a literal fanatic so don't bother replying to my posts ever again, literal paid shill

>> No.57982783

You can criticise it as a developer or network user. 99% of fud is "I am the main character because I bought token and then did absolutely nothing" from people who don't realise that they are literally at the exact bottom of the heap in terms of whose needs should be prioritised.

>> No.57982813

>there's no point talking to a literal fanatic
Aren't you the guy who said he only holds Link and refuses to look at any other crypto?

>> No.57982938

Get lost nerd

>> No.57982944

the original whitepaper isn't available on their site, it has been edited several times

>> No.57982970

as predicted this thread has devolved into pointless screeching
cant criticize chainlink at all, you dont realize you are doing the fudders work for them

>> No.57983024

Took the words out of my mouth. Another mild criticism thread bogged down in semantic shit by a stinkie apologist. Used to be the fudders who did that!

>> No.57983082

ok so I just have to trust you? Surely someone here saved a pdf copy

>> No.57983101
File: 272 KB, 753x1280, 33333333333333333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSA - here is one of the biggest advocates yesterday admitting there is absolutely no reason to expect a price increase anytime soon given the monstrous inflation

>just miss another bullrun bro
>Truth>trust, but seriously, just trust us

>> No.57983134

>Seems like LINK is falling behind.
This is like Eritrea launching a nigger into the troposphere with a jumbo bottle rocket they bought from China and kvetching about how the US is falling behind in the space race.

>> No.57983197

well that is true for everything out there, its all speculation on future growth
at least link has revenue streams and a fixed supply unlike many other craptokens out there

also inflation isnt even remotely monstrous

>> No.57983395

>doing the fudders work for them
Aren't you the guy who said Link has "shit tokenomics"?

>> No.57983417
File: 3.65 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought $200 of Link woohoo

>> No.57983419
File: 169 KB, 2370x1022, 1703817631409100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reason to expect a price increase anytime soon given the monstrous inflation

>> No.57983431

>sergey is there and has a fireside chat with AAVE
He's going to execute the aave rep live as payback for them hinting that ccip world be released ages ago

>> No.57983441

>we have severely underestimated the level of suppression that link would receive

Sergey held 70% of the total supply and still holds 50%. Each leg up the dumps will hit harder and harder. If you dont understand this you shouldn't be in finance.

>> No.57983462


>> No.57983478

Hey Fishy you dumb nigger. Glad to see you are still dumb as ever. You'd think having an opinion so stupid it immediately identifies you would give you pause, but it doesn't. Truly a retard.

>> No.57983505

Very good post. Unhinged fuddies need to take a knee and let their intellectual betters criticize LINK.

>> No.57983533

What's so funny about these retards is they think that the laws of supply vs demand suddenly no longer matter when it comes to what they are invested in.

You'll notice they will only talk very narrowly about supply, not the implications of how the supply makes its way into the ecoysystem (team dumps to binance vs airdrops to holders) and they will definitely NEVER talk about the demand part.

>> No.57983535

>The marketcap divided by annual fees is about 115. Is Chainlink the only fairly valued crypto
How is a 115x price to earnings ratio "fairly valued" on a speculative technology that hasn't proven long term utility or even viability? Ordinary boomer bonds and boomer stocks and even tech stocks have a better ratio.

>> No.57983564
File: 36 KB, 1779x161, btc abandon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably sergey, ari, steve ellis, and a bunch of insiders and early whales. Once link is ready they will dump btc for link on the open market, as link is just better in every way and actually has utility. An outdated 15 year old PofW coin shouldn't be number 1. I mean, why hold btc, which is backed by nothing and has no intrinsic value other than its decentralised, non inflationary properties, when you can buy a gold token or real estate token which is backed by something real? You can't stake btc either, unlike eth or link.

>> No.57983566

So complain about the lack of demand then.
Because in terms of inflation, Chainlink is extremely average.

>> No.57983603

genuine question, where can I look this up? I found 412,9 million in the non-circ supply wallets

>> No.57983610

>How is a 115x price to earnings ratio "fairly valued"
Because crypto is still a complete and utter "pets.com" shitshow, and in this shitshow a 115 p/e ratio would be considered S tier.

>> No.57983666
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>> No.57983713


>> No.57983742

>i wouldn't bet on it coming before july desu
7th mainnet release anniversary in May is the date

>> No.57983778
File: 369 KB, 3288x838, 1672938576983281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have it backwards. Halving reduces miner rewards, making it harder and less profitable to mine btc. The only way for btc mining to be profitable is mine in a country with low energy costs or for the btc price to go up, which is not a given. Every halving miners are squeezed, one could say they are taxed. PoS is better in pretty much every way, you are not limited by energy prices of your respective country if you want to support the network, you can do it anywhere with any hardware, and you have stake slashing which would be the equivalent of your ASIC miners burning down if you tried to attack the network. Now I know you are a disingenuous fudder that is pretending not to be one, but just a heads up out there for anyone more gullible. Link is kingmade, btc was just a very early prototype.

>> No.57983792

they would miss their self set deadline but i still would be immensely happy for that date
as its touching the optimum for pumpage into the btc top if we can take pricefeeds from last cycle as a reliable data point

>> No.57983797
File: 437 KB, 1875x511, 12.65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOL sparked an entire microcosm bullrun from meme coin speculation on its chain over the past 6 months, in case you missed it. It has been entirely relevant in the conversation and smackdab centre stage protagonist so far this cycle, you can't deny it. Look at WIF or WEN or any of the other shit. AVAX to a lesser extent but the L1s are where it's all happening again it seems. I can imagine a world where CCIP was delivered promptly and the inventions that might've come along which sop up some of the capital flying around in memecoins, which form around each L1 like little derivatives. But instead we're just kinda hanging out again hoping for attention. It's like being caught off-guard. I'm sure there are some here who even believe it was the deliberate intent of the market to do so too, that we're only taking off early to scupper what would otherwise be a super gigaorgasm paradigm shift singularity on LINK were CCIP delivered. That would be the schizo bagholder cope spin, not that it's sat outside underperforming all over again and here we all are repeating exactly the same things we discussed in early 2021 around LINK's floppy cock performance.

>> No.57983830

the guy you're responding to is a paid advocate, you're wasting your time unironically

>> No.57983833

>a disingenuous fudder that is pretending not to be one
yes keep screeching this at anyone even remotely critizing link that will certainly make it true and add to the discussion

in any regards you midwit you missed the other part of that equation, miners need to become more profitable due to either cutting costs which is hard if not done by a forced ending of activities of enough of them to lower difficulty
but the other part of that is improving income via increasing btc price due to no longer selling for cheap
come one anon this is btc game theory its neither new nor untested here now is it

>> No.57983832

The difference between crypto and stocks is that with crypto, the value is part of the security.

Also, let's compare:

>last year Bitcoin's total mining rewards were $1 billion (36k BTC)
>roughly average price per BTC last year: $30k
>against a $500 billion market cap (at $30k)
MC was 500x total revenue

>last year's total revenue $107 million
>roughly average price per Link last year: $7
>against a market cap of $4 billion
MC was less than 40x total revenue

Like anon said, Link's revenue-to-valuation ratio is absolutely golden among cryptos.

>> No.57983846
File: 32 KB, 617x382, 1692381219826399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, let's talk about Sol

>> No.57983855

You people can not be serious
Chainlink holders tend to be both arrogant and not rich

>> No.57983860

>even remotely critizing link
Saying "Link has shit tokenomics" kind of goes beyond that, fuddie.

>> No.57983907

>which is hard if not done by a forced ending of activities of enough of them to lower difficulty

What the fuck is this word salad. Are you ESL?

>> No.57983935

And guess what? Absolutely no one cares and it doesn't need to be perfect. SOL is relevant right now from the use of its product. LINK still hasn't found its way to that relevance and its supply keeps inflating meanwhile, which routes straight back to the origin of the whole thread.

>> No.57983941

now compare to ETH

>> No.57983949

ah yes there is the other favorite excuse to kill conversations
you know perfectly well what i was saying even when i didnt feel the need to type it out in full prose

>teams that actually deliver to happen in the next 6 months
and you post this image unironically

>> No.57983976

That silence from fudturds is deafening

>> No.57983999

>And guess what? Absolutely no one cares
Clearly lmao

>SOL is relevant right now from the use of its product
Its product is an ETH-alike that breaks down every two months.

lol you do it.

>> No.57984012
File: 64 KB, 850x400, schopenhauer truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dead serious. Btc is seriously outdated tech. It's probably the equivalent of AOL in the early internet. Now I'm sure there are insiders/ incredibly smart people with connections in the blockchain industry who saw the value in btc, bought very early, and held for years. These are your btc whales. Nobody is denying btc had value then, but it has been surpassed long ago today, and these same smart people who bought btc in 2009 and 2010 are now trading it for link, while less intelligent people are 15 years too late. Less intelligent people always end up adopting the beliefs of the intelligent belatedly after a certain number of years, it just takes them much longer to see the truth. Most people used to believe in religion, with only the most intelligent seeing through it, but now after a hundreds of years the less intelligent finally see the truth. See pic rel.

>> No.57984039

>Chainlink holders tend to be both arrogant and not rich
dafuq r u smoking, the poorest link holders have 10k link, most have between 10 to 50k and then a few have between 50 to 100k linkies

>> No.57984061

the issue is customers aren't paying that, they are subsidized by CLL
>give customer discount on list price
>subsidize it by dumping LINK on market to cover the revenue growth that is unprofitable

>> No.57984069

Bitcoin miners are 97% subsidized by Satoshi, right now.

>> No.57984103

>you know perfectly well what i was saying even when i didnt feel the need to type it out in full prose

No I didn't your sentence literally made no sense. It doesn't matter if it's prose or poetry or rhyme or whatever the fuck you simply made zero sense my ESL fudsister. Also look up the definition of prose. How is life in the balkans?

>> No.57984111

idk, i dont have it but it has the allocation of the token supply in it

anyone who's held link from pre 2018 knows this

>> No.57984115

The token is a cuckcoin, its entire purpose is to cuck its holders, so yes they are not allowed to criticize their masters, its part of the kink. The token bleeds for years eternally and the team does not deliver anything ever, its part of the actual entire purpose of this project.

>> No.57984152

except that the token captures none of the value whatsoever and is completely useless. it is just there to dump and cuck you as a holder. Look at the fucking chart retard. You think a revenue to valuation gap like that just stays for years because why? why? could it be not because there is some insane alpha you and other schizo linkies have about it and that there is a severe lack of value capture in the token itself. it is unpumpable because zero thought was put into how the token could be usefull and gain value. it doesnt matter if CLL makes 10 quadrillion in revenue a year, the Link token will bleed and crab eternally because again it has no use or value.

>> No.57984162

>the token captures none of the value whatsoever
This is true for both coins in the comparison.

>> No.57984180
File: 4 KB, 236x213, kakain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm looking at here. Is it bad or good?

>> No.57984218

miners can become more profitable as a whole not individually by either being more efficient as in lower electricity costs like you said
however this is hard
miners can also become more profitable when the worst of them go out of business and the btc difficulty readjusts so the remaining miners get more corns for the same computation
prose: to follow typical writing conventions and formatting
but every i dont like is a bulgarian and people wonder why this board is dying
can you really not tell the difference between low iq paid for fudders and real anons who have some question regarding the current state of the project

>> No.57984237

JFL at this post. You literally need the token to use oracles, to use proof of reserve, to use ZK proofs, to use DECO, to use anything in the chainlink network at all. And if you don't want to pay in link, your currency/crypto of choice will automatically be converted to link with an extra fee on top.

>> No.57984250

why is arbitrum generating the most revenue for CCIP?
who's using arbitrum that we don't know of yet, can someone lay some breadcrumbs?

>> No.57984268

wrong. bitcoin is actually used and traded around as mining rewards. Link is just slowly dumped from CLL wallets and distributed as fees to pay for services, then immediately dumped on binance. There is no use of the link token as a payment system and there will not be one in the next 10,000 years. you will miss not just this bull run but you will miss the next 20 years of gains because CLL is not going to ever magically release some epic version of CCIP in which there is more use than there is now, and that use is not being subsidized by MASSIVE cll wallets. it can only literally dump. it is a mathematical certainty that link will crab and bleed against the market basically forever.

>> No.57984303

>bitcoin is actually used and traded around as mining rewards.
97% of those mining rewards are pure inflation, dumbass.

>> No.57984306

you can say whatever you want but the token continues to crab and bleed against the market and miss another bull run, congrats. just ask yourself why after years of oracles being live and gathering fees, the token has performed so poorly? what are the tokenomics here? they are cuck tokenomincs. it is designed to dump and bleed. literally unpumpable. you hold an unpumpable coin.

>> No.57984337
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and despite ALL that usage and adoption and the TVL and the TVE the token price does not reflect that!
agreed, Ari was a retard for inventing POW

>> No.57984343

kek sure you are definitely real. Here is the actual definition of prose from the cambridge dictionary:
Written language in its ordinary form rather than poetry.
Not whatever this is:
>prose: to follow typical writing conventions and formatting
I'm guessing the bulgarian to english dictionary isn't very good.

Now I will give you some credit, you said miners who aren't profitable will stop mining and leave. That is true. But do you know what the effect of this will be on the network? It will mean network security will decrease because the computational power required to launch a 51% attack will decrease as more miners leave and stop mining due to the lower block reward. And if btc becomes less secure and decentralised, it's value lessens.

>> No.57984355

Its funny to me when the conversation with cucked linkies get into this part, where a cucktard has the audacity to start suggesting how the thing that has accrued all the value in the market essentially over the past decade is flawed economically, and their cucktoken made by a company which has failed after over half a decade to deliver anything that can make their shitcoin pump in any meaningful way during multiple bull run's is more economically sound. You are mentally insane. If link is more economically sound, less inflationary than bitcoin, then I guess its more logical to own something that is more inflationary and less economically sound because it actually somehow accrues value. Your shitcoin will literally never pump against sats ever again.

>> No.57984360

Annoyed that it’s looking like I’m going to have to sell half my fucking stack just to survive another 4 years until this actually takes off. Hopefully we at least hit the old ATH before EOY ‘25, the fact that that is remotely in question makes me fucking SEETHE.

ETH holders had it so fucking easy kek, I don’t think my absolute worst nightmare scenario from 2018 had LINK flopping this bad having fully understood the tech. The crypto market is a total joke.

>> No.57984374

>agreed, Ari was a retard for inventing POW
PoW inherently has nothing to do with inflationary subsidization. Even if/when Bitcoin switches to 100% user fees (in 100 years lol), it'll still be PoW.

>suggesting how the thing that has accrued all the value in the market essentially over the past decade is flawed economically
Only if you follow fuddie logic.
I think Satoshi's bootstrapping idea was genius.

>> No.57984396

dude you're addicted to cuck porn stop projecting on this board and go back to gif no one is going to sell or start banging your gf (bf)

>> No.57984407

it is never taking off. seriously just think about what has happened over the past six years. look at the token value capture vs. their services. the token is literally NEVER grabbing any value. it is a funding mechanism for the company. There is no reason to hold this cuckcoin whatsoever other than to watch it bleed.

>> No.57984422

makerdao didnt use chainlink oracles in 2021 anon. you dont know what youre talking about.

>> No.57984428

You're addicted to cuck financial domination to HR roasties and a fat russian guy who teases you for years and forces you to watch your paypig token bleed. Not a good look bro.

>> No.57984435

true altho the realistic drop in hash will not be near enough to allow for a sustained attack
but the main argument i made was the other part of the equation where miners are forced into higher profitability by not selling their corns cheaply as in you know below the cost of production
but due to btc game theory force the price higher
this simple game theory is often overlooked, again link could have done something similar to their nodes even with the team holding full centralized control was what i said all the way higher up
is there some form of drawback i am not seeing here or is it as i stated fully possible and even easy to perform since no security audits necessary

i got my definition from the english wikipedia, however i see no real difference in meaning between what you said and what i copy pasted regardless
still keeping to your thought that only native english speakers may use this board and criticize projects or is that another goalpost we can bury forever

>> No.57984449

Only (you) you’ll get from me cause I am checking your digits. You are so easy to spot, how many times have you posted in the last few days? 200? 300 times? You are obsessed with LINK.

>> No.57984459
File: 165 KB, 1821x737, link adult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh performance
Why are you whining about it? Sell and leave. I don't have high time preference because I am not ignorant and I know what I hold. I also know that chainlink have to get this right the first time, they cannnot afford to rush out a product to meet your arbitrary time frames (because you are poor and your only source of income is the token). In the blockchain and smart contract industry there is no room for failure. The whole raison d'etre of smartcontracts is that it is trustless, tamper proof, deterministic, etc. If it doesn't work that defeats the entire point. If you fail even just once, your reputation is gone, your trust is gone, and you will never be able to recover it. These things take time, and they require smart reputable people which is why so many ex google, meta, blackrock, employees are joining chainlink. Pic rel

>> No.57984470

>PoW inherently has nothing to do with inflationary subsidization
>ctrl+f micromint
next time read up before you spout more bs
and according to the author it's POW not PoW, Zach

>> No.57984475
File: 501 KB, 1242x662, IMG_2331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this specific fudnigger could get minecrafted this entire board would be so much better. Every fucking thread you come in and say the same retarded shit and waste everyone’s time. The old /biz/ would have doxxed this kike in a month and ruined his fucking life

>> No.57984485
File: 462 KB, 2390x2224, Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 11.32.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-3.04% Today

>> No.57984494

Your realization is about 10 years early. Don’t tell the mouthbreathing retards here please.

>> No.57984503

why does this fudder always go on about 'cuck'? so, a cuck/cuckold is a man whose wife is having an affair, right? Okay, gotcha. What has this to do with chainlink? If it's a metaphor then it's a weak metaphor. How is chainlink having an affair against its holders? Who is the affair with? Can anyone explain what this is about? This guy has been spouting it daily for ages.

>> No.57984522

Seriously remember this in 2-3 years when you are down 90% more in sats and there is still nothing happening on CCIP. Its actually fascinating the different amounts of time it takes for different people to finally wake up and realize they've been drug along and teased for years with no end in sight and no reward waiting for them. If you actually work hard right now, you would be able to see this shit for what it is but you are sadly too deep into the grift's trap. Maybe a couple years of dumping and bleeding will wake you up, maybe not.

>> No.57984526

Micromint is a demonstration of PoW, an example.

Bitcoin is set to completely ditch all subsidization in 100 years, and it will still be PoW.
Subsidization has nothing inherently to do with PoW.

>> No.57984534

Guess you should've held some Bitcoin too instead of going all in Link, huh?

>> No.57984553

Let me put it in a way for you to understand. Why on earth would miners set the price when the quantity of mined bitcoin is so small in comparison to that in circulation on the market? They aren't the only ones selling btc. Why buy a miner's more expensive bitcoin when you can buy a cheaper one on the open market? And if I wanted to obtain a bitcoin, surely it would be cheaper to simply buy one that mining one if mining costs are so expensive?

>> No.57984556
File: 7 KB, 250x187, IMG_2332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll concede that nu-/biz/ rekt uncle oldfag so there’s hope, and every fudnigger gets cocky and eventually slips. but oldfag’s schtick was actually funny and somewhat cozy. This other faggot is just a literal sperg hodler derailing every thread with low effort stale fud. Pathetic

>> No.57984561

>youre taking your ball and going home
kek i went swimming then went for some lunch with a friend, actually. Does that count? sorry if i don't take this place quite as seriously as you, old chap

>> No.57984584
File: 17 KB, 320x511, tjmarkets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great points here. The entire fuddie mindset falls apart when one begins to psychologically integrate concepts like agency and personal accountability. Usually this happens in early adulthood so it'd be safe to assume that fuddies for the most part are zoomers and underdeveloped millennials who bought late/didn't diversify and are now grappling with the consequences. Years ago people on biz told them one thing but something else happened instead. It's a lot for them to digest.

>> No.57984587

I'm so glad you asked. The type of cucking that linktards enjoy is more of a subcategory of financial domination fetish, with cuck elements actually. The findom nature of holding the token is that the team dumps it and it bleeds in sats forever, so the holder gets the feeling that their investment is being used to pay for HR roasties LA and NYC lifestyles. The cuck element is more subtle and actually very profound and poetic in its complexity. The holder watches his wife (chainshit) being used and dumped by a bull (CLL) in order to satisfy their needs for funding roasties vacations. See, its similar to a findom style kink but can also be related to cucking as well. In the second case, the bag that you've "married" is your wife and the bull is CLL having their way with it. In the first scenario it is just a tool of a larger findom kink. Does that make sense cuck? Dont worry, part of the humilation for link holders in many cases is that they don't understand the dynamics fully, they are just along for the ride down as it bleeds endlessly against btc.

>> No.57984619

If you actually other coins, you'd mostly be the cucker, not the cuckee.
The fact that you're so upset about Link's cuck status demonstrates that you're basically all-in Link. Because cuckers don't get upset at cuckees, ever. It's always the cuckees who decry their situation.

>> No.57984624

It doesn't matter if you tell them the truth or not. less intelligent people cannot see or understand the truth even if you spell it out for them as plainly as possible. Intelligent people who are 10 years too early are mocked by the ignorant majority, until they eventually see that the intelligent person was right all along. People cannot appreciate or understand what is beyond their level.

>> No.57984630


>> No.57984683

well thats the whole point of why the halving sparks a bull run
are you now arguing against the entire btc value proposition that has been proven multiple times in reality cause apparently it happens every time when a halving happens so yes miners do set the price to some degree

>> No.57984684

Thanks. Are you on some form of medication? The story isn't bad, though you could improve on the rambling prose. It's not too absorbing.
As for the chainlink thing; i'm really happy for you, making that story up. I should let you know that I've retired and am living off Link rewards now. Do you think I've made a terrible mistake?

>> No.57984707

I'm not reading your alternate reality cuckhold head canon which you have concocted I'm afraid. Go home, you sound absolutely unhinged. Verification not required.

>> No.57984746

Bro, you will be able to earn yield on bitcoin. That’s basically as good as staking. There will be defi on bitcoin. You will be able use wrapped btc on defi.
Bitcoin is backed up by the network and the performance of said network. Every day that the network performs properly, it becomes more trusted. You make wild speculative claims, and I say that as a link holder.
To the other anon arguing that linkies are rich- no, more of them are not. 50k cubes is a hair over a million right now. That’s not rich! It ain’t poor either but damn.

>> No.57984756

Ah yes because price performance is an indicator of true value. Even if you want to continue along that train of thought, linkies who bought in 2017-2018 are retired now. Link is one of the best performing assets in history. Zoom out.

>> No.57984762

/biz/ died to me the day I realized I was literally the only anon on this entire board who realized the implications of the Schmidt/Sergey ‘23 fireside chat. all of the true high IQ OG’s are gone.

I wish I could relay to you fools how far beyond degen-ing into fast money in the 2020s this goes.

>> No.57984766

you guys literally have no sense of humor. the sheer joy i get from concocting unhinged cuck lore for you guys is maybe slightly too high but your project is so utterly retarded and fucked it really amuses me.

>> No.57984784

He was doxxed, his name is adem kayser. Look his name up in the archives if you want a good laugh - his existence is beyond pathetic. I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t so annoying

>> No.57984800

Honestly hilarious post, got me good anon, cartmanesque

This was funny too up til the larp at the end

>> No.57984839

Yes that's true. I suppose they now meetup IRL at the chainlink talks. I was here in the OG days and it's a night and day difference between then and now. So many golden nuggets of wisdom which I have meticulously screen capped for posterity. I feel like a christian monk trying to preserve texts from antiquity during the dark ages.

>> No.57984842

>the value is part of the security

>> No.57984919

>larp at the end
because no one on this board knew about Link until 6 months ago, right? how new are you?

>> No.57984979

Whatever, nobody really cares about bitcoin anymore. Smart contracts and oracles will achieve 1000x what btc achieved. It's funny how you mention staking btc using defi when defi's entire naissance is owed solely to chainlink and ethereum.

>Every day that the network performs properly, it becomes more trusted

That's a fallacy I'm afraid. There are plenty of things which have been existence for hundreds if not thousands of years only to be eventually replaced and made obsolete. People fought with swords for thousands of years but it doesn't necessarily mean people will continue doing so for another thousand or indefinitely. The conical bullet and firearms rendered swords, spears, crossbows etc obsolete. Bitcoin has scarcely been around for two decades there is no guarantee it will last for a couple of hundred years.

>> No.57984997

Your first sentence is moving the goal posts. Why bother reading the rest? How can you say no one cares about an asset that’s at its all time high? Disregard this charlatan.

>> No.57985198
File: 157 KB, 861x589, ccip_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CCIP is being subsidized and artifically inflated.
The top sender for almost every chain is this address 0x1A2A69e3eB1382FE34Bc579AdD5Bae39e31d4A2c
Follow the way this wallet gets LINK onchain and youll find that it comes from Chainlink Noncirculating Supply 19
>0x1a2a gets 1,000 LINK from 0x9d6A86FaCdCF24859a38e6b9A2Ef87610a4fC157
>0x9d6 gets 499,999 LINK from 0x7A28b8cFeb73b45626f521dE928d0DD2D25C14a3
>0x7a2 gets 499,999 LINK from 0xD50f074Ec5c7997cE1DaacB513Ec194C480878Af
>0xD50 gets 3,049,999 LINK from Chainlink: Noncirculating Supply 19

The wallet that generates the overwhelming majority of CCIP fees is actually being gifted LINK from noncirculating supply wallets. They are not purchasing chainlink to use CCIP.
I believe this wallet is actually controlled by clabs and they are using it to inflate CCIP numbers

>> No.57985212

Just had a look at this guy. Linkedin says he's currently working as a 'cryptocurrency trader' at the Success Factory, an IT services company. (Why would an IT services company require a crypto trader..?) If this is true, i wonder if The Success Factory management would be interested to know what our Adem gets up to in his spare time? I'm sure they could be informed. I know if i were in charge there i wouldn't want my company's reputation stained by such behaviour.

>> No.57985216

The POW boys HATEEEE when you tell them why POS is better. Although that is only in certain cases like Chainlink.

>> No.57985238

the culmination of six years of work and hundreds of employees: ghostchain vaporware that is fully subsidized by team wallets. Congrats guys this is seriously incredible. Heres to a decade more of bleeding against the market

>> No.57985244

Other projects with way higher supply inflation have pumped way more. When can you idiots put the counter-evidentiary notion to rest that the supply inflation is the primary cause of what you're complaining about?

>> No.57985265

This ones REALLY gonna rile them up.

>> No.57985287


>> No.57985324

This guy got REALLY riled up. He wants me to sell (spoiler alert: I’m not going to)

>> No.57985352

i really do respect your decision to hold a dying shitcoin. We each have different things in our life that make us happy. Some people like to hold tokens that will go up in value, some people like to hold ones that dump and bleed against the market eternally, it really is just personal preference and I totally respect your lifestyle

>> No.57985388

It would appear that this thread absolutely mindbroke this fuddie. Lurkers please observe carefully, this is a RILED up third world cuck projecting his filth onto the rest of the board. Quite fascinating.

>> No.57985394

>revenue exploding
>dying shitcoin
Holy shit are you even trying?

>> No.57985404
File: 1 KB, 60x34, IMG_8280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can you see me

>> No.57985421

why is the token value not going up? could it be that the revenue has nothing to do with the token value because CLL subsidizes the network entirely and will do so indefinitely, so the token has no value and could therefore be categorized as a "dying shitcoin?" Im wondering why the token has fully retraced despite revenue going up. could you enlighten me linkie?

>> No.57985423

i just sold all my link tokens after inspecting this image

>> No.57985459

lots of dying companies have lots of revenue

>> No.57985477

As you can see by how riled up this fuddie is, I’d suggest it’s been awhile since his last coom session. Considering how far gone he is, probably about 10 minutes

>> No.57985505

cool. -3.18% today, do you think tomorrow it'll crack a negative 5% day?

>> No.57985528

>why is the token value not going up?
Anon, it's up to $20 from $7 over the past five months. That doesn't mean there isn't FUD, but you're not a high IQ fudder and you need to develop a genuine appreciation for this reality and stop posting. You're an inferior mind and your participation is destroying the general quality of LINK threads and LINK fud.

>> No.57985569


>> No.57985596

now -3.49%, losing support, target 1800 sats

>> No.57985709


>> No.57985749

No, this a shit-flinging thread apparently.

>> No.57985758

A MILLION IN FEES?!! Holy moley! This certainly justifies our 1000K EOY price point. Were gonna be rich linksisters!

>> No.57985872


if it's so good then why is chainlink losing ranking every day?

You guys are straight delusional. No one gives a shit about this worthless token

do you guys not see?

If it was so revolutionary this would be at rank 3

it aint doing shit and it won't ever do shit

get over it and start buying meme coins. it's meme season buddy

>> No.57985913
File: 225 KB, 1868x1766, 20240312_222352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw that pyth is outperforming link and the pyth stakers already got a few air drops.... can't make this shit up. I'm so depressed

>> No.57985955

>I believe this wallet is actually controlled by clabs and they are using it to inflate CCIP numbers
Good. Finally. It's what every vc backed chain and app does anyway.

>> No.57986008


>> No.57986174

Good idea, I just sent them a message from a burner account with his twitter profile linked and some excerpts from the archive that prove it’s him. Hope he gets fired (if he even actually works for them)

>> No.57986309

I’m going to find you one day

>> No.57986331

based. number 1 rule of 4chan is don’t kick the hornet’s nest. I’ve had to bow out of some arguments just from knowing that the anon on the other side was likely both autistic and schizo enough to track me down online and dox me kek

>> No.57986417

Youre addicted to random dudes’ jerkoff habits. That’s pretty gay

>> No.57986563

>agency and personal accountability

for who?

>celsius, bancor, sbf
>lady luck
>ccip will be out this year (1/1/22)
>build rewards


>> No.57986576

Yeah guy’s fucking with the wrong people desu. A lot of linkies have already made it. I’d put up an asssassination smart contract for him myself just to make link threads high quality again. And he probably lives in the third world, so you know it wouldn’t take a large bounty to get it done

>> No.57986633

>linkies who bought in 2017-2018 are retired now.

highly doubtful revisionist history. I'd be open to believe this if you had any proof but, yeah...

he's actually hilarious, keeps adding twitter followers, and rattles the fuck out of you on a daily basis

too much projection...the thread clearly bothered you


>> No.57986668
File: 116 KB, 588x560, 11111111111111111111111111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe edgelords...desperately begging for someone to do dirty work for them. Go do some pushups

>> No.57986688

>linkies who bought in 2017-2018 are retired now.
lol, maybe like 1% of em

>> No.57986697

sterling work! i hope he's reading this thread and shitting his pants. Adem, you should swing by the office tomorrow if you're already WFH. You can thank us for what happens then.

>> No.57986700

>t. adem
just a heads up but I will be spamming your employer with messages about you until you’re fired kek

>> No.57986706
File: 1013 KB, 1200x872, pyth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I favor speculative shitcoins more than a project that's in bed with Swift since 2016

>> No.57986773

Personal accountability for you, a guy who lost a bunch of money chasing yield.

>> No.57986790

no because those stupid cocksuckerrs told me to only buy 10,000 to make it.

why couldnt they they tell me it was 50,000 k to make it or 100,000

>> No.57986815

Begging? I have a very liquid 7 figs at my disposal. You’re an ant materially, physically, and mentally. Please, drop an address.

>> No.57986856

oldfag got smoked and disappeared forever. this “cuck” fudder is treading on thin ice. very easy to doxx people these days, there’s always a trail

>> No.57986878

such as

>> No.57987282

based and checked

>> No.57987335
File: 29 KB, 762x528, fees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question - does the payment abstraction layer work yet? I mean do the fees actually get converted to LINK yet? I saw somewhere that like 95% of fees are not paid in LINK.

I don't doubt the conversion will happen, which will pump LINK - but does anyone have a confirmation that it's currently in use?

>> No.57987353
File: 203 KB, 1080x1080, ademkayserjan24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he put this on his fb in jan

>> No.57987385
File: 64 KB, 1305x759, fees2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image. If I understand this correctly only 19,773 LINK's worth of fees have been paid, which is less than $400k vs 234 ETH fees = $950k

>> No.57987400

Is that his mother? Send it to her too. Everything. She will have to know her son is a porn addicted coombug.

>> No.57987403

these numbers must be wrong
i assume that they are just tracking the LINK payment
however, this LINK payment includes the gas costs on the destination chain
obviously still very bullish but this isn't profit

>> No.57987423
File: 93 KB, 1169x1170, petra-fied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is his friend Petra. What a rare beauty. I bet her plastic would melt if she were to receive a ton of info about our Adem and his extracurricular activities

>> No.57987441

I’m gonna fuck her and send the video to Adem. We will see who THE REAL cuckhold is then.

>> No.57987457

last i read (which was several months ago) the non-link fees are sitting in a pool and will be converted to link at an undetermined date. Keep in mind that some of those fees were tallied months ago when link and eth were like 25% of their current prices so the actual amount might be higher

>> No.57987479

I want to track when they convert the fees to LINK and the price impact.

>> No.57987488

holy mother of kek. Brb creating a facebook burner account

>> No.57987502

>posting someone's kid on 4chan
you are disgusting

>> No.57987540

checked and do it. photograph the friends in case he locks the account
it's not his kid just that woman's kid. who cares

>> No.57987895

guess i must be a one percenter. I feel so special now

>> No.57988014

done but I’m going to wait for him to spam biz again before I strike. Strange coincidence that the cuck fud died down after messaging his employer multiple times

>> No.57988067

cancel culture reddit roastie detected

>> No.57988132


>> No.57988316

Yes, will be interesting to see how this develops. Well done sorting that out. I don't see any of this as unreasonable. The guy is a complete cunt. Fuck him.

>> No.57988406

It stopped as soon as you said you'd emailed his company. I think we have a direct hit.

>> No.57988429

Well done anons. This place still has some of the old magic yet.

And yes this is fully deserved, more so than even uncle oldfag. the cuckster has ruined every single one of our threads for a year straight. I’m not going to plebbit or crypto-shitter to have a LINK discussion because just some faggot stacklet thinks he is invincible, fuck that shit.

>> No.57988508

Uncle oldfag was funny at first but annoying after a while and it is why i doxed him. I am that anon. At least oldfag had a larp character, even if it turned out to be some pathetic wannabe shit after i doxed him. i guess that is why i held back on fully doxing him. he did fuck off for a long time like i asked and he at least was entertaining for the first 2 years.

This adem faggot is not like that at all and deserves a full dox. hes done literally nothing but spam his loser bagholder cope, not even in any kind of entertaining way or persona. just his raw, real loser bagholding whining

>> No.57988584

bet you have like 1 million and think you are retired lool

>> No.57988621

Totally agree. And oldfag typically would contain his fud to his own threads, swooping in occasionally to dab on Linkies in other threads, but always leaving his calling card.

The cuckster is just unhinged low effort patronizing fud nonstop at all hours in every thread, far beyond what has historically been considered as tolerable on this board.

>> No.57988629

You're a good man, anon. Thank you for your service.

>> No.57988691

how did you even dox him just off of shitposting on 4chan? you think that you ever got the wrong guy?

>> No.57988753

Don’t respond to this please. You don’t want to tip off the guy that is currently getting doxxed. For the betterment of our threads just say that he slipped up

>> No.57988813

im not the guy but i just dont understand how anyone could get any information that would pinpoint someone. Are they paying a mod.janny, posting a link. i dont understand the mechanics of it

>> No.57988822

Glad to know you still hang around man. We haven’t had a conversation in at least a couple years.

>> No.57988878

thomas was doxxed because his twitter account username was the exact same as his reddit account username, and his reddit account had posts where he writes his literal name

>> No.57988903
File: 49 KB, 1156x581, 4645675467345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make this a trustless exchange of information so first I'm going to ask you some questions. I'll provide my own personal answers after each question for the sake of transparency.
1. What color is your skin? White
2. What is your opinion on LINK? I like it
3. Do you hold LINK? Yes

>> No.57988925

well I guess this fag has apparently already been doxxed so it’s not as pressing.

oldfag basically posted on other sites at the exact same times he was posting as oldfag here. he got doxxed that way.

>> No.57988970
File: 619 KB, 1666x1175, 1693354236050511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that shitskin coomer is getting both his knees powerdrilled after all

>> No.57988997

unironically disgusting subhuman who should be purged

>> No.57989029

lmao fucks calculating, sharpe, p/e ratios, debt, meme poison motherfuck, stochastic navier stokes bullshit while dogwifhat will be on the sphere and achieve an infinite P/E.

This whole field is an absolute joke.

>> No.57989291

i wish that amount would be redistributed in the current staking

>> No.57989426

that's the year they finally started using cl oracles. on makerdao forum you can read the initial proposal, including pricing.

>> No.57989465

Finally a decent bit of breadcrumbs in the sea of dogshit that /biz/ has become.

>> No.57989566

>Reddit account

>> No.57989596
File: 492 KB, 739x760, 2024-03-14 08_14_31-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of crypto is smoke and mirrors you moron, it has fuck all to do with PA.

>> No.57989601

you sound like an actual woman

>> No.57989645

well well, look at this
dodgy office tour by 2 sleazeballs
Is Success Factory paying our Adem to stockbash Link? I'd say there's a strong chance of it

>> No.57989648

Oh, you're the only high IQ holder left! Thank goodness we have you to contribute absolutely nothing. With that being said most OGs havent left. They got sick of telling off trolls and regurgitating information. Anyone from 2018 who bought and held knows they have something special.

>> No.57989665
File: 202 KB, 826x313, 1659161947936205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57989674


>> No.57989710
File: 141 KB, 360x346, 1610248753567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57989788

and he still has the audacity to come here raging like a fucking idiot. It must suck being that stupid and miserable.

>> No.57989883

SupraOracles is entering soon and will btfo both link and pyth

>> No.57989934

So basically because of CLL dumping 7% of the supply every year, the new suicide stack is 2000 LINK to account for inflation

>> No.57990213


>> No.57990364
File: 129 KB, 1613x422, suprawhitepaperlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol supraoracles literally listed in their whitepaper how they have no solution for a big oracle network except
>uhhh we will mandate the size, as long as its not big its fine haha
pic related

>for commodities with prices that don't fluctuate wildly