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57981957 No.57981957 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomies are fucked.

>> No.57981961

Don't care bought in 2018

>> No.57981993

>buy house
>yes sir I will pay the banks 1 million dollars over 20 years and then continue paying property taxes until i'm in the grave like a good little goyim

why would i want to do this?

>> No.57982004

Is renting your life away any better?

>> No.57982016

Why don't developers build more houses? They could be raking in millions. Supply is supposed to increase to meet demand.

>> No.57982020

Because they would need to buy land

>> No.57982030

I am zillenial and I went from making 23 CAD /hr to 45 USD /hr

>> No.57982037

No developer wants to take out loans at current interest rates to build new inventory.

>> No.57982090

>don't care i dun gots mine!
Found the nigger!

>> No.57982182
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Realistically, what would it take for the real estate ponzi to collapse ?

>> No.57982216

government artificially restrict supply

>> No.57982224

Yes because then my landlord takes care of pesky decisions like whether or not I'm allowed to own a pet or whether or not I'm allowed to hang things on my wall or whether or not I can have kids.

>> No.57982246

This is extremely true for Germany for example
The governemt needs to approve 10 things before you can build, and says what heating is allowed, how big you can buy etc etc. And then you need to pay absurd taxes.
Mafia style

>> No.57982363

You have to go back to Canada

>> No.57982515

Your wife will do that anyways

>> No.57982535

$1,000,000 is the new $200k
You need $10,000,000 today to say that you barely made it
By 2030 you will need $50,000,000 to be considered rich

>> No.57982632

The problem isn't the housing prices, it's the low wages after such high inflation. Right now people should be earning double what they made back then.

>> No.57982643


>> No.57982647


>> No.57982674

Once the majority of DINK (dual-income, no kids) couples cannot afford a house.
I have friends (30s, a few late 20s) that have managed to secure houses because of their combined income with their wives/gf/fiancée. Without dual income, they would have to save at least 7-10 more years worth of income to afford current house prices.
Conversely, I have only 1 friend who solo bought a house. It's in a ghetto, its a fixer-upper, and his neighbor is some hick trash who's kids threw a fat dead possum on to his yard.

>> No.57982715

development requires a lot of water and we are facing a water shortage. different states are fighting over water rights for development and it's expensive. there is not enough to go around.
tl;dr long on water futures

>> No.57982727

If you don't realize that this spells housing bubble you're legitimately retarded

>> No.57982860


>> No.57982874

Well when you say it in all caps it sounds very reasonable

>> No.57982901

Gives me the idea of selling my house and moving to the country that these illegals are coming from.

>> No.57982918

I won't ever have a wife because I rent.

>> No.57982956
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Average real estate prices have risen according to Truflation and every single macroeconomic indicator
We are heading towards a child-free landlord-based society if we keep going in this direction and the Congress just approved a foreign aid package to Israel

America is a fucking joke

>> No.57983045

Give them the old okie doke?
Sound like a plan.
And a plan needs a team.
You in?

>> No.57983085

It begins much earlier, the local government first needs to approve and build new development plots where people are allowed to build on, goyim cant just build anywhere, furthermore those build pots are restricted again by the local government on what you are allowed to build on and how large it is, 400m2 micro plots is the norm because... The german government decided new developments need to have X living quarters per km2 so they end up with micro plots, which still cost half a mill for just the plot

>> No.57983141

They only make money on the higher end of the market, luxury apartment buildings and the like. Nobody makes money on affordable housing, that's why the government builds it. Or at least they're supposed to.

>> No.57983149

Sand is in short supply too. Don't believe me? Google it. Desert sand can't be used to make concrete.

>> No.57983164

Interesting fact. The base unit of the hectare is the "are". One "are" corresponds to roughly 0.025 acres. And 0.025 aCres corresponds to roughly the footprint of an average house.

One "are" of area = one wagie housing unit.

>> No.57983181

Wtf are you talking about nigger it is rain 100 days out of the year and lakes and rivers are everywhere.

>> No.57983192

>and his neighbor is some hick trash who's kids threw a fat dead possum on to his yard.
Based country boys dabbing on the bourgeoisie city slicker.

>> No.57983198

Rain water isn't wet enough.

>> No.57983205

They're coming from countries like Haiti and Venezuela.

>> No.57983238

I'm staying with my mom until I'm 30 fuck the rent kike

>> No.57983340
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im 31 and still am. the ride never ends anon. living with parents and fiance because canada is fucked beyond belief. i NEED to make it this cycle. ive been on this board for 7 years now and am about to fucking lose it

>> No.57983373
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Zoomers got what they voted for.

Not my problem.

>> No.57983414

With so many immigrants, I bet there will be lots of squatters and delinquency as well.
And it is all so ridiculous: Jews have been assiduously trying to infiltrate every position of power and influence, and all for what? Just to get obsessed over some piece of dirt in the middle of the desert and end up destroying the world economy by fucking up one of the richest and most influential countries on the planet.

>> No.57983456
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>the ride never ends

>> No.57983538
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>I bet there will be lots of squatters and delinquency as well
1 in 5 people are unemployed and
>not looking for work
in the uk.

>> No.57983553

kek tik tok was just banned as well. zoomers utterly btfo

>> No.57983567

>don't buy house when rates are basically 0 a few years ago
>despite literally everyone in every market saying to do so
>cry endlessly when rates and prices skyrocket and you're priced out
I mean I guess I'd need to project my retardrage outward if I were that stupid too

>> No.57983621

>generation raised on screens
>they don’t know how to socialize
>pandemic made them even more antisocial
>can’t afford homes
Tough break

>> No.57983665

Mexico almost entirely moved in and now South America is moving in, why would you want to let them in?

>> No.57983766
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Counter point: low wages wouldn't matter as much with high cost of living, chiefly driven by high housing costs across the board.

>> No.57983848
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I couldn't afford a house when rates were practically zero either. It looked possible if I saved. Now I know I will never own a house.

>> No.57983930
File: 670 KB, 3040x1387, Screenshot_20240313_145132_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uk interest rates are variable. See if you can guess which way this graph is going next.

Daaaaaaaayst riiiiiiihhhhh
Dayst rih....

>> No.57983969

Not with abortion being restricted and fundies trying to outlaw contraception, we won't. Normies will absolutely get pregnant by accident and their whole family line will be increasingly impoverished down the generations, breeding more cheap labor for the overclasses, as planned. Crime will be rampant, but they won't need to feel it, safe in their gated communities.

>> No.57984297
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Security shutter stocks are a guaranteed return for the upcoming epoch.

>> No.57984345

I’ll sell my house to a zoomie for 2 million

>> No.57984719

Sick of avoiding the elephant in the room. This is all intentional to push poorfags and patriotcucks to join the military so they can die for lithium and water wars. Snowpiercer level shit

>> No.57984748

If you’ve been on this board for seven years and haven’t made a dent….anon

>> No.57984875

ive made a lot but its never enough. good chance i reach my goal this cycle

>> No.57985065

what makes you think any of today's influencers will want your crappy house?

>> No.57985093

yes we have freedom to leave at a moments notice and go anywhere in the world while you homeowner cucks are tied to a single location for life

>> No.57985199

you'r location is tied to what your job mandates, wagie, you're still a slave

>> No.57985208

All expats are sexual predators

>> No.57985933

>Cries in lease contract

>> No.57986129

how is anyone gonna raise family?
the WEF must be behind this apart of the great reset right?

>> No.57986321

you need to understand that the WEF realized that the globe needed a severe decline in human population to save the planet environmentally and minimize the risk of social decay from a lowered QOL with everyone competing for limited resources while still maintaining the freedoms they have.

There's a reason why its called a "sustainability program" rather than directly stating a culling program. It is smarter to make the current environment as hostile as possible to reduce population growth rather than outright killing people, so as not to make noise.

This is also why China is currently the country that favors the WEF. Its already chosen one of the two acceptable paths forward for "sustainable development" Either A) Cull the population to free up resources, improve QOL and allow nature to correct whilst giving everyone freedom or B) Allow the current population trend to continue, but everyone has a shitty QOL and everyone is subject to an authoritarian gov where you have no right, freedom, etc. and do everything for the collective and sustainability around the human hive and the earth.

There were videos of certain WEF members stating these ideas, but I'll pull them up if/when I can find them.

>> No.57986387

Imagine being in crypto since 2013 but you never made it because you were too young to do anything for most of it, then got meme’d for both 2018 and 2021 because of school and not enough money to do anything
Now imagine you actually listened to your risk-averse parents and bought boomer rocks because le volatility is le bad
I want to fucking kill myself
I argued with them for days in 2015 to buy at $200 or whatever
The money spent on my education could have turned into $6.9m today, which outweighs my whole life’s earning potential. That’s today; TVM would peg it between $69 and $100m in 40 years with average S&P returns

>> No.57986437

you have tens of thousands of dollars and years of permitting before you even begin

>> No.57986472

If you believe in their Malthusian nonsense you're stupid. WEF fags have no idea what they are doing they are just unhinged parasites who want control over others. We could have standards of living that seem like utopia were it not for such backwards statists.

>> No.57986583

pricing normalfags out of a family is i suppose one way of reducing the population + brain washing the younger generation on anti nuclear family bullshit like feminism or LGBT rights

>> No.57986785

If this were the real reason why would they be so hellbent on inflating the fuck out of Africa's population and boating them into western countries. Wouldn't a smart Malthusian world government want to cull the population of countries that have an average IQ of 75?

>> No.57986847

Fuck me, you mean my zoomer kids are going to have to live with me forever?

>> No.57986849

Why would you cultivate competition instead of a permanent ethnic underclass?
They already know that we’re never getting outside of the solar system and that colonies on other planets aren’t sustainable. It’s a big power play so they, and their bloodline, live off of the serfs until the heat death of the universe

>> No.57986867

Lol thank God I bought 2020

>> No.57986885

At some point the golden goose is going to get sick and be unable to support the stone agers. Maybe AI finds the solution but the Earth only has so many resources to go around. Just hope we don’t get overrun by the cannibals before the actual collapse.

>> No.57986984

I'd lean more toward private security, personally. Who wants those ugly things on their beautiful mansion when they could just have the guards shoot poors for getting too close to the fence?

>> No.57987194
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i know how you feel. similar story. but in my case, i could've done something about it back in 2015 as that was the age i was old enough to work legally. was aware of btc back when it was $250 per coin, but couldn't do shit about it.
i wish i was like the other guys i met in college who literally went all in spending their college loans on ETH and LINK before the 2021 bullrun.

>WEF fags have no idea what they are doing they have all the capital and influence to pull it off. and have tried implementing it since 2010. the control measures are there to protect the planet considering the limited and shrinking amount of arable land across the world. water crisis', mental illness' spiking due to lack of nutrients in the soil, improper waste management in the oceans, military submarines using sonar disrupting whale migrations (same with shipping routes), overuse of gasoline-fueled cars in major cities causing shit air pollution and further asthma/other respiratory diseases, light pollution messing up with the migration patterns of nocturnal insects, over fishing, destruction of coral reefs, wood is getting weaker due to overforestation, etc etc.

theres just too many humans for this world and people just hate it when it is mentioned because they are acting in self-preservation not wanting to be culled. to put things into perspective... there are MORE humans than there are cattle, or even worse there are about 7 roaches per human on earth. 7 ROACHES per human... and they breed like crazy.

that utopia you seek may not exist imo as it's not harmonious with nature. unless you're okay with literally eating fake lab-created meat, piss-filtered water, etc.

pic rel

im not sure desu. perhaps to create a vassal state similar to China but to export to the west... coercing the native population to go with option B as I stated earlier... lowering QOL and freedoms

>> No.57987248

not if you work remote in a high demand field

>> No.57987301
File: 252 KB, 800x1068, teddmugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get rich off bitcoin
>dump bitcoin bags on institutes
>keep some in monero and silver coins
>buy property in ruralass appalachia
>stock gunz and build rambo property in meth lab hood
>encourage hamas supporting crazies to take over congress and wait until israel collapses from bad decisions
>live comfy in post global economy world
>plan B would be the road vandweller and find some sanctuary before the cannibal wars start

this is the gameplan frens gonna make it

>> No.57987313

>requires a lot of water and we are facing a water shortage
nigga, like half the planet is literally filled with water

>> No.57987379

It's easier for homeowners to leave because they can leave all their things at home. As a renter you have to move, dispose of or rent storage for everything. As long as you have at least one (1) friend willing to check on the house from time to time, you can pretty much just go.

>> No.57987453

mean to have
>WEF fags have no idea what they are doing
as the green text lol.
>Why would you cultivate competition instead of a permanent ethnic underclass?
somewhat this. strangely enough anon is right on questioning their motives in the West because I've heard talks of some members referring to Europe as a fertile "Garden".
the world is a big place, so I wouldn't be surprised by differing factions at play. then again you also have to consider that it looks politically incorrect for migrants at the border to be turned away or shot upon arrival under the current climate.
>just hope we don’t get overrun by the cannibals before the actual collapse.
they know already something is up considering the massive brain drain underdeveloped nations have gone through, and with tiktok/social media being accessible showing how ppl in the west live... the hoard is more than willing to travel by foot across continents to get a piece of american/european pie.

do you drink seawater? lol, its filled with salt anon... and it takes a boatload of energy to desalinate it... let alone treat it against chemicals and other harmful biological life.

>> No.57987541

WE got what zoomers voted for, ftfy

>> No.57987643

>rent is lower than property tax
>don't have to pay for or perform maintenance
>don't have to pay for utilities
I have to say I lucked out though, my rent hasn't risen since I've moved in because I'm considered almost like family by the landlady. The only reason you really want a house is for raising a family and I hate kids so that's not a concern.

>> No.57988038

And because buyers are fucked, rents will go up, and with it CPI. The Fed can't fix it with high interest rates. We've seen this before.
>mayor meets with landlords oy vey.png

>> No.57988652

stockpiling bullets and bombs and going postal on your local central bank compound is a more logical proposition.

>> No.57989081

in minecraft?

>> No.57989090

I am still in Canada

>> No.57989147

should've bought a house back in 2008 instead of fucking around finishing High School I swear...

>> No.57989182
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>> No.57989218 [DELETED] 

well that depends. is the central bank a private corporation, just a run of the mill business? or is it in fact legally an apparatus of government?

>> No.57989221

the only people my age that I personally know (and second hand acquaintances) that actually own land is because of three things:

>Daddy is rich and bought a house when daughter got married, gave it as a gift
>Daddy is rich and bought a house for his kids
>Daddy is rich and "loaned" a couple mill to his kids to buy a house and "help them settling down"
>Rich grandpa passed away and left fren a good inheritance to buy house
>Daddy is rich and already owned a second home, gifted it to his kids
>In-law is rich and gave the home as a wedding gift
>Works in daddy's job who incidentally is a "real estate firm"
and last but not least
>Daddy works in goverment so he bought a house while offspring lives in government issued house.

This is on a 25 - 35 year old range

>> No.57989277

put more than three put point still stands, it is all because of rich daddy

>> No.57989332

Nobody builds affordable housing because you can make the cardboard box slightly bigger and shinier and charge triple and people will pay it. Also who the fuck wants to manage affordable apartments for low IQ violent poors