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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57981711 No.57981711 [Reply] [Original]

Circle bros...
Is it over?

>> No.57982126

This will still have the same price at half the supply, so yeah, it's dead for the next 2-3 years or so. See you in the next bull run.

>> No.57982706

>This will still have the same price at half the supply
>See you in the next bull run.
BASE is going to release this year though

>> No.57982931

>no marketing
>retarded whales that kill momentum every time price does start to breakout
>minimal chance of CEX
>low supply, which leads to unit bias and normies not wanting to buy an "expensive" coin
pretty much, unless a whale transfers some of their Circles to a few influencers to shill for the coin. My guess is somebody with a brain will copy the deflationary mechanism because it is actually genius, but they'll actually do marketing and have a memeable mascot and higher starting supply

>> No.57983055


>it's dead for the next 2-3 years

The increased burn rate is in like 5 weeks which will use more ETH within the CCTP.

>sell low buy high

Never change /biz/

>> No.57983093

increased burn rate doesn't matter if there's minimal demand for that reduced supply. And burn rate will be slow as shit if interest in this coin keeps dropping, volume is already way down. Circle has great tokenomics that will 100% be copied, but that doesn't mean Circle itself will amount to much. This thing is actually down in holders over the last week, hundreds of "holders" just have dust left after selling

>> No.57983174


Most people are in fact retarded. The design of the token is hilarious. The token price goes up and the MCAP doesn't move nearly as much. The LP is also limited as a product of the token design. This allows relatively small buys and sells to drastically affect price action.

So yes increased burns (which is simply just more aggressive ETH buys) will in fact increase price. It doubles in price on like $100,000. Lmao

>> No.57983221

>volume drops because people stop trading Circle, fewer fees to collect
>CCTP burns through its ETH reserves(or dev just rugs the ETH)
>no more token burning
thanks for playing

>> No.57983233

i haven't come across any explanations of how the eth burning mechanism works. where did you read about that?

>> No.57983276



>Dev initiates a 50K+ buy
>It immediately hits top 5 hot on Dextools/Dexscreener
>Jeets and retail buy pump it further and shill how its immediately going to $29392053953959 per token
>It continues its obvious accumulation, parabolic expansion, and distribution phases as it did at from $1 to $8 and then again at $5 to $35

I get everyone wants to accumulate more but honestly how much more can really be shaken out from these threads? Lol

>> No.57983312

Just bought 50 more roundies on this dip

>> No.57983321

nothing's stopping you from paying some CT influencers to shill it if you are so confident that it is an inevitable 100x+ coin once it gains traction

>> No.57983329

just get in burnedbrian

>> No.57983372

>Circle has great tokenomics that will 100% be copied
why would you believe in the copy and not in the original?
we have ultraround.money

>> No.57983379

i am poor, lost all my money on circle

>> No.57983421

because people won't know the original exists, nobody gives a fuck about the numerous cryptocurrencies that existed before Bitcoin and Bitcoin copied with a few improvements

>> No.57984439

>this dip
dip isn't over, see you at $8

>> No.57984592

Maybe but it seems like it bounces off this level pretty consistently >>57984439

>> No.57984720

Circle is constantly top trending on both Dextools and Dexscreener, I am pretty certain it will do well in the coming Base season. 500 mm mcap is very realistic, especially for a project that is Safemoon+Ohm on steroids.

>> No.57985377

most people just buy what influencers shill, retail buys what is on CEX, and Dextools/screener trending is dominated by Solana shitcoins

>> No.57985881

using bitcoin is not the best example here anon.....

>> No.57986104

the point is Bitcoin wasn't a first mover, it copied shit and overshadowed its predecessors. Somebody with a game plan will copy Circle in the near future and execute better

>> No.57986296

>muh cex listing
Coinbase smart wallet will essentialy comingle the cex and base funds
This token is a liquidity succubus that will unironically go to 4 figures

>> No.57986399

there is only one bitcoin and there is only one circle anon

>> No.57986416

>10% burn in rate 20 more weeks, TRUST THE PLAN
what happened to those $100 waiting room threads? Going to need a $10 waiting room thread soon

>> No.57986590

Honestly I'm hoping we go a little lower, as i sold a decent chunk around 20, wasnt expecting the run to 30+

>> No.57986836


>> No.57986992

>catching a falling knife

>> No.57987404

>whales just dumped 100K in 5 minutes
dev selling from his wallets, its ogre

>> No.57987578

ITT: People refusing to read the research paper. Dump it to $8, I need to get back part of my stack that I lost swinging.

>> No.57987597
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Link that shit then playboi, I am trying pamp other things on base.

>> No.57987601

>implying I won't be bidding the random meme line once the trend swings
I have done twice already, wont stop me from doing a third time

>> No.57987605


>> No.57987644



Just read you niggers

Also I wonder if this asymmetrical liquidity model prevents it from being listed on a CEX. Also without anyone shilling it no matter how much supply gets burnt it won't moon anyway.

>> No.57987674


Bro I'm thinking you are the whale. Lmao

>> No.57987683

nice tech
>gets cloned by team with marketing budget and KOL shills

>> No.57987684

Yet the baseline is constantly rising. Study more. Listing on a CEX should be fine, as it would cause arbitrage, fueling the volume.

>> No.57987702

But Anon, that token isn't a Circle fork.

>> No.57987749

CEX trades won't trigger burns. CEX is bad for this

>> No.57987774

Read again what I wrote, slowly.

>> No.57987801

I'm saying in a few weeks or less a team that actually cares about making money will clone Circle, the Circle dev flat out tells people who care about making money to sell. He comes off as a guy just doing an intellectual experiment, it's going to become a Tesla vs Edison situation where the autist ends up broke

CEX is fine, arbitrage bots would take care of any issues between Uniswap pool and CEX markets

>> No.57987833

Number/volume of arbitrage trades will be far lower than the centralized exchange. Fees will be lower too. Exchanges make their money on fees not arbitrage. Ideally they arbitrage as little as possible, keeping the right supply just for their clients

>> No.57987848

Arbitrage also doesn't happen in a liquidity pool, it happens over the counter.

>> No.57987939

then id just buy more. you dont make money buying once and leaving. you make money buying, then buying more when its red, then buying even more when its more red

>> No.57987948

i wish i rotated all my circle to earnfi. would have been earning so much harder rn

>> No.57988022

I bought without doing research, because I just wanted to dump the rest of eth into something like a wild card. I'll just hold. Maybe I get lucky yet.

>> No.57988054
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that's how you end up getting zero'd. Pic related, you probably don't even know who it is

>> No.57988148

this thing was tweeted by the chief officer in coinbase, i think it's at least interesting to some
it reminds me in 2019 of shitcoins like yam and sushi, they ran pretty hard in the defi summer, and then harder in the bullrun, and their idea was simple

>> No.57988156


Well yes hindsight is 20/20 and emotions are convincing. Of course now you'd be selling a low on CIRCLE and buying a parabolic move on EARNFI

This is literally the reason most people fail.

>> No.57988184

yeah its all good. i still have all my circles, just wish i put more into earnfi when i bought a bag a few days ago

>> No.57988200

that's why the cctp contract is private. someone will need to come up with a working cctp themselves to launch a competitor.

>> No.57988221
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1024, shib_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should have bought LINU like the rest of us. It's not too late

>> No.57989303

it won't be that hard to reverse engineer the concept and the dev has plans to decentralize and open source it in the near future. Nothing wrong with Circle, just don't expect it to moon because the dev literally doesn't give a shit about the price

>> No.57989550

>dev doesn't care about price or marketing
>butthurt whale using multiple wallets suppressing the fuck out of every upward price movement
>chart is an amalgamation of every bear signal ever
>logo is a fucking 0
>unit bias problems
>tg has turned into a baggie cult
it's not looking good

>> No.57989615

CIRCLE to the moon

>> No.57989765

I have to wonder how many of the whales in the TG claiming they are never selling are currently dumping on the people they've psyop'd into holding and buying their dips

>> No.57990141

CIRCLE to the moon. It's that simple.

>> No.57990190

the coinbase director and an engineer both follow and like Circle on base posts on social media.
They're gonna boost it at some point and send Circle to a billion plus mcap

>> No.57990457

>literal whos are going to be the reason retail buys a coin

>> No.57990490

coinbase is going to promote circle, dumbass

>> No.57990829

>coinbase will promote a random coin.. because they just will!
hope isn't a strategy

>> No.57990963

It's over, I told you guys but you didn't listen

>> No.57990990

It's not over

>> No.57991002

Coinbase wants Base chain to succeed.

>> No.57991039

why does it matter who some boomer from the 80s is. this is 2024 and the age of memecoins and ponzis

>> No.57991051

This coin has so many swing trading bots operating on it... it's funny watching them play with each other

>> No.57991062

circle bros. We pampin' fr

>> No.57991089

yeah boy

>> No.57991118

You married you bags, it will go to $1 soon, sell

>> No.57991130

We're pumping as you speak

>> No.57991221
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>> No.57991237

Stop watching Japanese cartoons, you degenerate

>> No.57991273
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>> No.57991279

>down 40% from yesterday

>> No.57991299

> doesn't know what market cycles are

>> No.57991419
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>> No.57991579
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>> No.57991602
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>> No.57991747
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>> No.57992103


>> No.57992519

I own 100 burning circles. feels bad man.

>> No.57992807
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1080, [Akatomba-kBaraka] Mob Psycho 100 - 05 (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC) [E75C1D87].mkv_snapshot_06.59_[2019.01.08_18.30.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$4 within a week

>> No.57992907

if it drops that low this project is dead, I can see it doing a quick wick through $8 down into the $6 range though

>> No.57992961

I'm just salty I bought the top and lost $2k. And that's from a successful swing on a dip to lower my buy in the other day.

Maybe you guys will get the fabled coinbase publicity, but this has zero marketing or awareness so I'm out.

>> No.57993008

Fees are now negligible on base. Under a cent. Record volume. New holders. New ath

>> No.57993572

Base volume isn't the problem though, there's enough money flowing to pump Brett to 450M MC and Aero to 700M MC. Circle just doesn't have any marketing or awareness

>> No.57993755


>> No.57994508

Not this.
Circle’s volume in part generated by the CCTP puts it in the top trending coins on base most days alongside meme coins with hundreds of million mcap. It’s being noooticed. Looks like there’s the top inferencer on friend tech in the telegram right now as a matter of fact.

>> No.57994669

People are definitely aware of CIRCLE. Coinbase employee tweeted about it AND its literally trending hot everyday on Dextools and Dexscreener.

A whale is just accumulating. Eventually he will be done and the price will be marked up.

>Looks like there’s the top inferencer on friend tech in the telegram right now as a matter of fact.

As I said people know.

>> No.57994676

link or screenshot I'm not in the trannygram

>> No.57995638

its happening. Circle got shouted out by a high follower account.
There's still time anons. Come with us if you want to live.

>> No.57995824

I bought a small bag but isn't there a way to speed up the burn? People keep talking about 10% but that's not going to happen any time soon, 4 months minimum.

>> No.57995860

Check out https:// dune . com /huntersull/the-burning-circle
This shows the burn rate for circle, how much has been burned and current supply. It’s burning about 400-1200 a day. Let’s say it burns 500 daily. It’s only going to be 40 days until the last 20k of 920k is burned for the 10% mark. I still hold a bag, I’m going for long term even tho I hate these faggot whales dumping and accumulating

>> No.57995896


Ironically a lot of people will probably to front run and get in before the 10% mark as well which then increase the burn rate bringing it sooner by a little bit. Lol

>> No.57995987 [DELETED] 

Its kinda complicated and I'm not sure I understand it desu. A few community members wrote this paper on Circle
At 10% the CCTP starts using two more eth. It doesn't speed up the burning. It makes it sustainable off burning the uniswap v3 LP fees or something like that. The dev's goal is hyper deflation. He actually wants this thing to last forever until the last decimal point has been exhausted. The deflation is just a fun cool self sustaining feature. He has a lot other stuff planned he's working that will gamify the coin. Dude is not your normal dev. This whole thing could fly off the rails or it could make early anons rich. I can't say for sure, but could be fun to ride out with whatever you have to risk losing.
Really what it has going for it its very high volume and liquidity for its mcap. That much more useful than the deflation. Its volume and liquidity is up there with Brett and its 20x smaller mcap currently

>> No.57996051

Its kinda complicated and I'm not sure I understand it desu. A few community members wrote this paper on Circle
At 10% the CCTP starts using two more eth. I'm not sure it will speed up the burning. It just makes it sustainable off burning the uniswap v3 LP fees or something like that at a similar rate. The dev's goal is not rapid hyper deflation. He actually wants this thing to last forever until the last decimal point has been exhausted a very long time from now. The deflation is just a fun cool self sustaining feature. He has other stuff planned he's working that will gamify the coin. Dude is not your normal dev. Interesting character This whole thing could fly off the rails or it could make early anons rich. I can't say for sure, but could be fun to ride out with whatever you have to risk losing.
Really what it has going for it its very high volume and liquidity for its mcap. That much more useful than the deflation. Its volume and liquidity is up there with Brett and its 20x smaller mcap currently