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57979937 No.57979937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m gonna buy a laptop anons. What do recommend, use currently and what would be your upgrade when you make it.

Applefag so im leaning towards a MacBook Pro. Tell me the pros and cons and what you trade on anons.

>> No.57979972

She's sitting on his knees...

>> No.57979986

I use a MacBook Pro

In retrospect a MacBook Air would have been perfectly sufficient

>> No.57980003

I wish I had a slim girl sitting on my knees...

>> No.57980007

His dick is 2 feet long

>> No.57980030

I have an M2 Macbook Pro and its trash (faulty software), maybe I got the shitty one but good luck trading it in for a new one without going through hoops

Next laptop is gonna be Linux, not sure which one yet

>> No.57980067

I looked into the airs but the one thing that I don’t like is there’s no cooling fans and they heat up. My autism would peak traveling with a hot laptop

>> No.57980083

Any thoughts on the M3 version anon

>> No.57980101

Same anon. Traveling into small towns where the pussy is trash is horrible. I need to be back in the city with city pussy everywhere ready to fuck .

>> No.57980255

I have the M3 Pro Max, and it's a decent machine. I work as a dev and probably could have got away with the Air, but I use multiple external monitors, and it only supports one, so I went for the pro instead.

>> No.57980317

Chromebook is the future. Unless you're a literal autist who is a 'gamer'

>> No.57980367

Nice. Does the M3 max make a lot of noise I’ve read that it can get loud. I’m thinking the M3 pro with few upgrades is around 3100 is good. The M3 max start at 3500 and nosies bother me but I don’t think I’ll be doing anything to big to make it run full capacity

>> No.57980408

Does this look like /g/?

>> No.57980447

No my nigger it looks like a cozy /biz/ thread

>> No.57980474

I'll take this thread over 50 more HOKK threads

>> No.57980506

Alright, I use a Macbook M1 Air 2020 because the only thing I value is being able to browse the internet and watch movies at high resolution without the laptop getting warm. Decent battery time.
I wouldn't mind buying non-apple next time since I don't care at all for MacOS, but still waiting for other laptops to offer the same without cheap nasty plastic or low resolution screen.
It looks like I might be able to get a half decent Linux install on it soonTM since speaker support is finally here ( https://github.com/AsahiLinux/docs/wiki/M1-Series-Feature-Support ), but by the time I would consider it overall "ready" I'm probably about to buy a new laptop anyways. Will mess around with it soon though.

If you don't give a fuck about extra features just get the cheap one, but maybe a bit more than 8gb ram. Works more than fine for me to browse the net though since I'm not a 100 tab whore.

Please buy Pinakion sir.

>> No.57980539

no thanks I'll keep my autismstation for obvious reasons, also because I'm not a fag plinking around on some trackpad and miniature keyboard made for women's hands

>> No.57980590

Laptops are great if you're spending a night somewhere else for whatever reason. Also great for relaxing in bed.
They don't mean you can't have a desktop lmao

>> No.57980602

That cheap plastic is what gets to me. I don’t the look or feel. MacBooks looks and feels solid and clean.

I’m not to big on features. 20-30 tab whore on my best night. Mainly I want to be fast and seamless. So that why I’m thinking about a few upgrades on the M3 pro. Don’t think I’ll do enough to have a m3 max.

>> No.57980628
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>> No.57980654

His knees are 2 feet long

>> No.57980685
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>Laptops are great if you're spending a night somewhere else for whatever reason. Also great for relaxing in bed.
I can do all those things on the smartphone I already own that's in my pocket if I wanted to, which I don't because I don't engage in suboptimal behavior
I sleepmaxx

>> No.57980715

>laptopts are bad because i have a phone

>> No.57980772
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>i sleepmaxx
Good on you anon.

Some of us here are degens that travel fuck pussy stay up late and prefer a bigger screen to enjoy while doing them

>> No.57981443

I'm looking at Lenovo laptops they support Loonix well. but I can't find a config I truly like. I want 64gb ram and AMD chip and OLED screen for example.

>> No.57981455

They don't heat up. Apple chips are super efficient and the whole chassis cools it down anyway.

OP just get some kind of Apple laptop they're way better than anything else. Cooler, better battery life better performance, better build quality.

>> No.57981479

Her dick is 2 feet long

>> No.57981500
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i use linux i only use it because its free but i also use it because i am a genius who actually understands computers and knows my way around the kernel and its components unlike you you dipshit

>> No.57981503

Nope, I've been running multiple IDEs, VMs and Parallels on mine and the fan hasn't ever come on.

>> No.57981534

I also use linux because it's free as in free beer.
I am no pro hacker but I can write enough console commands to fix the broken audio, and to navigate and move files around in the console alone.

>> No.57981540

Is a M1 air obsolete already?
I still use a 2015 air lmao, it still holds up for regular use, but now I have to do some image/video editing so need to upgrade. Now that I think about it, this computer holding up for 7 years of daily use with zero issues is insane.

>> No.57981573

>Is a M1 air obsolete already?
I’m fine with mine. People just want new new new. Can probably get an M1 pretty cheap now. No idea how the Air is for video editing, not something I do. You should probably consult with someone who does that specifically and has used the M1. Or just look at benchmarks.

>> No.57981598

I work with two laptops. One is a MacBook Pro and the other a Thinkpad. Both have 32GB but it's a world of difference. The Apple has better screen, battery, looks, speakers, trackpad etc. The Lenovo is a chinky plastic pile of shit that makes noise all the time. It's very difficult to get the MacBook fan to fire up even when doing intense tasks like compiling code for example.

>> No.57981617

Thanks anon
Yeah, I can get a barely used 16gb 512ssd M1 for pretty cheap from a guy I know, that's what's making me even think about the M1 instead of something more recent.
Will see about those benchmarks.

>> No.57981623

Macbook Air is all you need.

>> No.57981671

>Applefag so im leaning towards a MacBook Pro
How can people have so little self respect?

>> No.57981836

what a loser. so the options are, macbook, or macbook pro? go with a palm pilot.

>> No.57981854

I got a Dell on sale with 8 GB of ram and 500 GB SSD then I popped in a new SSD with 2tb and 32 GB of ram and I was good 2 go.

>> No.57981928

>What do recommend,
>what would be your upgrade
Bigger Samsung.

>> No.57981941

yeah but Mac doesn't allow the freedom I require.

>> No.57982479

Macbooks are the best laptops for video editing by far, I would get the m1 it will be plenty capable

>> No.57982541

I had one for years and heat was never an issue. I really don’t like Mac OS though, so I bought an HP spectre last cycle.
Can’t really recommend you a machine without knowing what you use it for. I’m a developer, so specs are important. If you’re just trading shitcoins and interneting you can do that on anything and don’t need to spend much at all

>> No.57982564

looking for cheap thinkpads is my bet.

>> No.57982591

i have a macbook but I wish I just got the mac studio really. I hardly ever undock it and the mac studio is the same but cheaper. laptops arent comfy to sit on long term.

>> No.57982634

I bought this a year ago, it’s like $580:
Lenovo Flex 5 Laptop, 14.0" FHD Touch Display, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U, 16GB RAM, 512GB Storage, AMD Radeon Graphics
If you don’t want or need the flex feature then get something else. Only thing I do t like is the screen doesn’t get as bright as I’d like, otherwise very good would recommend.

>> No.57982828

MacBook Air
Just remember not to skimp out on storage, 512 is absolutely the minimum. 1tb is preferred

>> No.57982853

Arm Mac’s can run windows with parallels fairly well.
If you game there’s been tons of things to do with crossover

>> No.57982877

Upgraded from top-spec 2019 intel MBP to Pro 3 Max,
Night and Day doesn't even cover it. The Pro 3 is an absolute fucking beast. I never owned an M1 or M2 so maybe the leap from those isn't as significant, but going straight from Intel to M3 is like owning going from the horse and cart to the stealth bomber.

>> No.57983236

if you post this in g they'll just tell you to buy an used thinkpad brick and insta some autismo distro that requires constant babysitting

>> No.57983242

It's not either or. What the fuck kind of person buys a laptop then complains it's not a desktop. Normal people have both for different uses.

>> No.57983252

There would also be at least 5 pictures of indians pooping for every single post mentioning they have an apple device.

>> No.57983310
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Are you really getting a laptop before a gaming PC? You know they are cheaper and more powerful, right?
You probably wouldn't run Blocklords or Skyrim in a MacBook without your laptop sounding like a washing machine and you are going to get cucked by ((Apple)) constantly

>> No.57983394

Why are you assuming he doesn't have a desktop just because he says he is buying a laptop?
Come on anon... It's been almost 13 years.
Your phone can probably play Skyrim.

>> No.57983398

I think I just responded to benchod spam.

>> No.57983701

just buy a new asus