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57975053 No.57975053 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57975079

>Three vacations a year
What the actual fuck is this horse shit. This can't be real.

>> No.57975080

>3 vacations a year, 6K each
>1.5M house
>feels average

>> No.57975081

Why do they need a $1.5 million home with a 60k a year mortgage?

>> No.57975095

>three vacations/year @ $18000
nigger i'm a millionaire and i only take one vacation a year. seriously fuck zoomers

>> No.57975104

>18k for charity

>> No.57975138

The amount paid in taxes is the most obscene thing on there to me.

>> No.57975139

you cant even cash out your niggercoin holdings

>> No.57975158

>$10k for clothes, $2500 each

>> No.57975173

ok, but how the fuck was this written in 2025 when its only 2024?

>> No.57975314

9,500 dollars on CLOTHES. There is no way unless they are spending 200-300 per shirt or dress, pants, etc. what the hell. 23000 on food for four, wow they must be going on a lot of date nights. This is what must be the people who think 1 million is not enough would live like KEK

>> No.57975354

sounds like you're holding something that will make you poor

>> No.57975385

this is already 5 years old, so the numbers are even worse. A 1.5m home today is like 1m back then. Your mortgage + insurance would be almost 10k/month today. In this example it's only around 7k.
Everyone thinks they would be so much more frugal but for a couple pulling in 500k, will almost definitely be living in a nice area and have an upper-middleclass lifestyle with kids. Just think how much just college will be in 20 years.
Their car payments are only $400 each. $400 is like a 20k used car lol

>> No.57975393

$500k is nothing in Biden's America.

>> No.57975395

ask the bear spammer we have on biz
he is the only wagie cagie nigger on the entire board
I'm also getting him killed through kill-auctions the moment law enforcement gets rugged by the gov.

>> No.57975429
File: 27 KB, 343x375, ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 vacations a year
>BMW 5 series
>$10k for no fancy clothes
>$20k on charity
>$10k misc

>> No.57975439
File: 153 KB, 680x683, 255163510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 vacations a year, 6K EACH
>$1.5M house
what the actual fuck is going on with americans lmao, do they even know whats the current state of the country? at least they know about inflation? maybe they should use truflation to understand how ABOVE average they are kek

>> No.57975452

high achievers like this are probably influenced by the people around them. think american psycho

>> No.57975549

I’m going to defend the vacations. They have children. Many families call traveling to be with family a “vacation.” It’s possible they take one big summer vacation that’s an actual vacation, while calling taking the kids to see grandparents or aunts/uncles a vacation. If they all have to fly to visit family that easily accounts for the $18,000. And taking this time to visit family requires spending vacation days off from work.

>> No.57975558

>clearly live in the city
>owns a land cruiser

its all so tiresome

>> No.57975584

I wouldn't live in the United State even if they pay me 1M per month

>> No.57975611
File: 241 KB, 429x451, 72634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anom, american real estate is a nightmare right now and nobody can't afford even a tiny house in a out-of-the-city suburb
they are getting cucked by the federal reserve and israel

>> No.57975998

only someone with a low coefficient would defend something like that.

>> No.57976008

they probably barely know how to count, don't ask too much of them

>> No.57977097

yeah. if they put 50k more into pre-tax deductions or income deferral programs they would be 8% lower on their bracket and save 50k. would you rather pay 50k in taxes or 50k into your retirement?

also giving any charity or tithe when you are already doing 4/10s into taxes is insane. thats the fucking charity there

>> No.57977125

>40% effective tax
WTF is this? I am not American so curious

>> No.57977626

Why are they donating to their alma mater when they still have outstanding student loans? Also why do they need a 5 series while having outstanding student loans?

>> No.57977964

Because these niggers are lying. The federal income tax bracket for a married couple makinv 500k filing jointly is 35%. They would be paying $105,664 plus 35% of the amount over $462,500 -- so $13,125. That's $118,789 in income taxes, NOT $185,600, and that assumes they claim no deductions on their taxes whatsoever.

>> No.57977968

That's just how much houses cost

>> No.57978036

state income tax.

>> No.57978063

35% federal income tax. 10% state incone tax. 10% sales tax. 3% property tax. Etc etc etc

>> No.57978084

My wife was on 40k and was spending 5k a year on cloths. 2 women could easily spend 10k

>> No.57978112

this is why you don't get involved with women until you're already rich, you'll just be treading water with them

>> No.57978142

5 years ago this seemed a bit extravagant, but now? A couple at age 40 making $500k aren't even particularly high achievers. You're two decades into a career at this point. If you're not in senior management, you fucked up.

And none of these expenses are remotely absurd besides the charity, particularly giving to a college you're still paying loans on.

But of course the incels on here will rage about eating whole foods and wearing clothes that aren't from Walmart lmao.

>> No.57978174
File: 386 KB, 1248x871, 12k alaska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate achoovers so much honestly

>> No.57978250

Seems like they’re mostly getting fucked on their house and their child care. They’re paying more for child care in one year than a college, just so their kids can get molested by the near minimum wage “aid” that will be taking care of them. And they’re paying huge amounts for housing. Ask grandma to take care of the kids until they can go get molested at public school instead for free and buy half the housing and they could double or triple their retirement savings.

So really this should be an argument on higher end real estate vs. equity, will paying double for housing pay off when they go to sell?

>> No.57978269

Not everybody can be a senior manager.

>> No.57978276
File: 130 KB, 1280x1190, IMG_20240306_203630_877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes 500,000 a year
You didn't make 500k

>> No.57978427

>$2000/mo to feed 4 mouths

Always gets me. Are they eating steak and lobster every night?

>> No.57978486

why use gross income when tax is almost 50%

>> No.57978540

why do americans insist in talking about their salary pre-tax?

>> No.57978726

it feels better, lol, euros get booty blasted even harder than us, you have no room to talk on this

>> No.57978849

>owning a BMW or any luxury car when you aren’t obscenely wealthy
BIG mistake, lots of retards get a pay raise or something and try to “trade up” to a luxury car, only for it to be a massive financial drain.

Unless money is totally no object for you, just get a toyota Camry or something.
>student loan debt
A LOT could be saved if they cooked at home more (not ready-meals) and watched the kids themselves.
Cut that out and that’s an instant extra 20k
Go on cheaper vacations, boomer retards.
My family probably spent less than a few thousand a year on ONE drive down to Florida.

>> No.57979311

>40% effective tax rate is $185k
Say what you want about their spending habits, but you fucking black niggers sucking kike dick acting like this is ok (especially when Zog can just print money to fund itself) need to kys
all personal income tax is theft

>> No.57980599

>charity 18k
Holy fucking shit are they laundering money with that what the fuck?

>> No.57981026

>Giving to charity is bad

I thought this was a Christian board.

>> No.57981031

Is this real? It can't be real.
Just made up for sensationalist news piece surely?

>> No.57981070

Blindly giving away your money to some organization who is probably going to use it for private jet rides for it's board members, just so you can feel good about having given to charity, is not a helpful thing to do.

>> No.57981125

How you should live your life
>$250k a year because you're single
>$5000 a year on food because you eat ramen
>no mortgage, property taxes, property insurance or home maintenance because you live out of your car
>Gas: $1000 because you never go anywhere
>You should have the same clothes from 5 years ago
>Charity... HA!
>Student debt... AHAH!
>Misc: $250k ALL IN CRYPTO

>> No.57981186

Pirate everything
Go to your local church. They give you food for free
Is there somewhere to go?
Live with your parents until you inherit the place
Go to your local church or ask friends/family to give you clothes.
No. If you try to send me to prison I will claim I'm depressed and I will transition

Don't smoke and don't drink. The only thing you need is a roof, a second hand hp computer and a e-reader. The rest you can get it from free.

>> No.57981189

How the fuck are you supposed to spend $23k a year on food, even for four? Are their chidren drinking nothing but rose Moet?
I understand why someone would buy a car they can't afford, both are nice rides after all. Paying half your debt payment in charity so it's 10-20 not 5-10? Okay, maybe it's religious. $9.5k on clothes and $23k on food every year? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

>> No.57982371

All charities are scams. Help people you know in ways you know they need.

>> No.57982390

This is demoralisation propaganda.

>> No.57982418

are these 3 women pretending to be a straight couple?

>> No.57982688

People are absolutely retarded and would be happier living on a farm of 20 acres they owned and maintained themselves.

>> No.57982707

March 25, 2019...

>> No.57982819

I get jealous when I see these posts where people are complaining
Im 30 next year, living in a soon to be warzone and never traveled let alone vacation

>> No.57982830

are these bots? this thread has been posted thousands of times

>> No.57982841

Christ is king brother, but yeah, fuck charities and NGOs, give to people who you know could use money for food, rent or some shit
after the (((crisis))) here and the beirut port blast, most of the money sent to NGOs was used for >>57981070
fuck NGOs, my grandpa barely got any food rations(like food stamps, you wait in line and get a month's worth of canned food and shit)
EVEN THOSE were fucking taken by supermarkets because nepotism and were sold
our government is pozzed to the max

>> No.57982882

It’s women. I moved in with my wife 10 years ago and have been in debt ever since. I hate her so much for so many reasons, we are separating soon. One of the most annoying things about this cunt is that she would equate her Amazon shopping as the same as my buying crypto on Coinbase. Well until I did a 20x and now she’s still an ungrateful cunt. She’ll get half of it but oh well money isn’t everything. Trust me. Don’t ever get married.

>> No.57982920

you want charity?
help a hyperinflated brother trying to make it

>> No.57982940

Correct, you have to be extremely careful with the women you get into serious relationships with. I only ever met a couple who were genuinely financially smart, they all came from STEM backgrounds

>> No.57982981

This sounds like a YOU problem.
You are the man right? Or is she the man?

Women can have expectations set for them. You allowed her to spend on Amazon on day for years and now you complain?

>> No.57983299

Yes it is a me problem, as in it’s my problem for marrying her. She’s a strong independent woman. Like have you ever even been in the same room as a modern day woman? They are basically the most awful and toxic version of a man. Thanks society.

>> No.57983354

lol go ahead and try telling a modern woman what she's allowed to do, see how that turns out for you. The best you can do is not have a joint bank account. I never complained, I just said you have to be careful. The idea that you can control a woman in this day and age is delusional, that's why you have to make sure they're reasonable people who make reasonable decisions.

>> No.57983370

Thank god Im an autist that only spends the equivalent of about 300 dollars on clothes. On average 2 new jeans, 5-6 t-shirts and some underwear and socks. Had the same winterjacket for 10+ years.

>> No.57983682

It's about expectations.
You behave as a desirable man. You lay down the law. If it drives them off them that's a GOOD THING.
Many quite literally can't wait for someone to lay down the law.
Being afraid to lose them because "you can't tell them what to do" is the surest sign a woman needs to behave this way. It's like telling a child they'll never be punished.
So you create their behavior by not enforcing rules.

>> No.57985033

>feeding your children considered charity

>> No.57985432

Feed The Children is the name of a charity, that's not talking about feeding their own kids.

>> No.57985447

Are they fucking giving money to their fucking college and they still owe student debt from that college? How fucking retarded are these people

>> No.57985904

How to make $500,000 a year and still feel average? Just be a fucking idiot.
>Having a wife and wasting $42k a year on childcare.
>1.5 millon dollar home.
>$18,000 (half the annual average year income in the US) spent on vacations..
>$12,000 on LESSONS for TWO kids.
>$18,000 for charity.

>> No.57986137

The dumbest things here are the cars for sure. Get a reliable car. You don’t need to ‘impress’ people while making that little. Childcare comes second. It might be more profitable if one of them works less to take care of the kids. Or if the grandmas or a childless aunt steps in. Charity is important but these amounts are insane. This seems like virtue signaling. It’s good to give. But it isn’t if it’s hurting you family. If they could buy a smaller cheaper single house with a bit of ground that would set them up for life. But that might be hard depending on where they live. All in all these people are financially illiterate. They don’t have to be all Dave Ramsey but they need to learn how to save money. Penny wise, pound foolish.