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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57971136 No.57971136 [Reply] [Original]

Let's stop worrying anons, it's fine

>> No.57971153
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y-yeah it's t-totally f-f-f-fine

>> No.57971557

Hmm, maybe it's because the cost of everything has doubled at a minimum while wages have stayed stagnant.

>> No.57971595

>what my extremely liberal policies aren't working?
>you're just wrong!!

>> No.57971594

Basically it has to do with China and Russia flooding our social medias with negativity.
If our economy is doing 'badly' then so is everyone else's times 1000

>> No.57971635

This. Pure, unadulterated thirdie, brownoid seethe

>> No.57971661

Politi"fact" my ass. "We printed money and eroded peoples' savings so everything's fixed now!" fucking libtards. buy bitcoin

>> No.57971795

Yeah it's not good and gas being up a ton while the government jewishly plays with numbers to tell us "akshually the inflation rate is very small" because they factor in new tech trinkets being available for the same price as previous versions to be deflationary.

>> No.57973541

there is no druggy homeless or crime problem either people are just racist that's the real problem here also global warming.

>> No.57973633

I swear I saw this exact same headline a few months ago, either the media is regurgitating articles, or OP is baiting.

>> No.57973678

"why don't americans buy our manipulated data propganda?"

>> No.57973760
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right wing propaganda relies heavily on painting the progressive west as a failed state (especially areas like california, new york, etc)
also relies heavily on painting border states as warzones due to immigration 'invaders' along with rapidly declining material conditions
its a grift for low effort votes

>> No.57973771
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life is suffering

>> No.57973807

because a recession is coming

>> No.57973822

Hhhmmm, I fucking wonder.

source: Federal Housing Finance Agency
>median home value USA 1974: $28,789.00
>median home value USA 2023: $379,068.00

source: US Department of Labor
>federal minimum wage USA 1974: $2.00/hour
>federal minimum wage USA 2023: $7.25/hour

>hours of work at federal minimum wage required to earn the median home value in 1974: 14,394.5 hours (6.5 years working 43 hours/week, 50 weeks / year)
>hours of work at federal minimum wage required to earn the median home value in 2023: 52,285.24 hours (24.32 years working 43 hours/week, 50 weeks / year)
>What the federal minimum wage SHOULD BE to earn the median home value in 14,394.5 hours: $26.33/hour

But nobody actually earns min-wage, so here are some Stats what people were actually earning.

source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
>Data for production workers / nonsupervisory employees in various industries
>Total, gross hourly earnings (1974) by Industry:
>Manufracturing: $4.41/hour
>Mining: $5.21/hour
>Contract construction: $6.75/hour
>Transportation and public utilities: $5.43/hour
>Wholesale trade: $4.49/hour

Using the previous metric we can calculate what those people should be earning today:
>Manufracturing: $58.06/hour
>Mining: $68.59/hour
>Contract construction: $88.86/hour
>Transportation and public utilities: $71.49/hour
>Wholesale trade: $59.11/hour

Keep in mind we are talking about NON-SUPERVISORY employees here, e.g. for Construction sites it's the Mexican worker-grunts, not the guy giving orders.
So tell me, can some random lad who didn't even finish his highschool diploma go to a random construction site, give the Boss-man a firm handshake and start working the next day for $88.86/hour?
No? Because that was the reality boomers were living in 1974.

>> No.57973946

the funny thing is left wing propaganda doesn't even need to go through all that effort.
they just gaslight their followers direct to their face, as in the op article.

>> No.57973966

The economy can be doing badly even if every other economy is doing worse you fucking retard.

>> No.57974697

>It's da rooooosians
lmao, even codeniggers are feeling the heat now, the economy is shit

>> No.57974878

it's mostly just /pol. telling them to go back is a good way to improve the health of a board. if that doesn't work, show them good news. that really makes them mad, it's hilarious

>> No.57974941

Everything has nearly 50-100% increase in price while average american got maybe a 2-5% raise (if they weren't laid off). Full time jobs have gone down while part time jobs have gone up

>> No.57974961

the people that write these articles are the worst trash on earth, i hate them

>> No.57974985

>cant afford houses
>cant afford food
>cant afford medical care
>cant afford college
>gov keeps printing money
>obvious a depression is coming
>people don't believe obviously made up data

geez i wonder why americans think the economy is shitty? could it be because it's shitty for everyone who isn't a 1 percenter?

>> No.57974997

becuase its a lie. All americans are born into slavery to a group of jews whoccontrol the us government, "law", media, and the central bank.

because boomers are rich misers.

genx has lived a life of relentless trauma economic and death

millenials are a lost generation to pharma

genz is destroyed by criminal and nigger culture created by the central bank

newones are born into the era of homeless corporate foreign occupied government.

both republicans and democrats are controlled by raging anti-American foreign invading forces using the borders as an invasion without defense,

biden is a criminal, trump is a criminal, every president since 1910 was a criminal

America and its founding race was taken over by jewish organized crime just like rome long ago

>> No.57975012

Interest rates went up and I went from making 23 CAD/ hr to 45 USD/ hr WFH despite other software retards getting laid off. Kek

>> No.57975020

Holy shit my house went up 50-100%? FUCK YEAH!

>> No.57975042

Because nooooo you have to believe in bidenomics because orange man bad and republicans are evil racists.
We're seriously at the stage of idiocracy where politics is like sportsball. Your team good. Other team bad thats all you need to know. Hence, that's what you'll get fed by the media.

>> No.57975531

Unironically, yes

>> No.57975566

The lowest effort grift for votes is from the left and infinite gibs to any and everyone that wants to come over the border and vote for them.

>> No.57975596

Wasn’t the data also saying the economy was up during the forced lockdowns and quarantine measures? I’m pretty sure the stock market hit new records during that time yet it was easily observable to anyone we were all fucked.

>> No.57975700

nigga buy groceries and tell me we're not fucked
inflation means life is great when you're upper
and lower class but the middle class has to live in a world where their dollar buys less

>> No.57975721

I work in restaurant management and for the last 5 years it’s been difficult to get white women to work.entry level positions.
I’ve hired 3 in the last month with another on the way.

>> No.57975742

what coins do you use/ trade/ hold ?

>> No.57975903
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Holy shit, extremely based and informative post. I guess nobody has responded to you yet because 75% of /biz/ are zoomers with a rotted, no good attention span. Good redpill, anon. Thanks.

>> No.57977375

It's not THOUGH.
It's cherry-picking manufacturing wagie jobs against the aspect of cost-of-living that's most increased over time. It's as misleading as comparing SWE salaries in 1974 and 2023 against the cost of TVs and concluding everything is extremely cheap now.

You need to look at the overall picture of pay and cost of living.

>> No.57978554

its a great place if you enjoy sucking bloody baby cock like a vampire

>> No.57978594
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>> No.57978622

These same news organizations will proudly publish articles bragging about all the new jobs created for immigrants and not native born citizens and then publish articles like this?