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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57970915 No.57970915 [Reply] [Original]

4 years ago today, bitcoin was $4000.

>> No.57970918

thanks chicken man

>> No.57970926

I fucking love KFC so much bros. The new fries slaps too

>> No.57970947

I was still inside the college scam earning 0$ a month. live and learn, I guess.

>> No.57970955
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In 4 weeks, bitcoin will be $4000

>> No.57971096

Both the KFC near me went out of business because they only hired niggers and forigners who didn't speak english. All fast food needs to cough up enough to maintain 2 good white employees

>> No.57971138
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I say: the company should adhere to the founder's ethnicity in order provide high quality Krispy Fucking Chicken as to maintain placidity of niggers.

>> No.57971563
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About two years ago, Superverse (then Superfarm) was $4 and on track to completely kill HEX. Crypto is feeble and fickle and delicate like a small flower, bros...

>> No.57971771
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>Crypto is feeble and fickle and delicate like a small flower, bros...
Said the very same when my linkies stayed literally the same for months straight, dumped and then got back to the same price lke nuthin

>> No.57971789
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in the next 4 months, btc will get back at 44k.
Its all in the numbers son

>> No.57971798

KFC is unironically the only good big fast food franchise left. Everything else is expensive for very little in return. It tastes good and feels overall high quality compared to the rest.

>> No.57971810
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4 years ago today I was still a happy person

>> No.57971814

There something bout col. sanders that gets me on edge, maybe is the slave owner, capitalist child groping vibe he expels...

>> No.57971815

Instead they will waste billions and increase prices further to scare away clients in order to invest in dumb AI tech that can automate the client-side of the business, for whatever reason. Just fucking pay a few white employees and e-girls with funny dyed hair and be done with it. Damn

>> No.57971822
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anyone remember fantom at this point?

id like to say i dont. i want to forget.

>> No.57971832

who knows if super will be 5$ in a few years, or if btc gonna get stable at 100k

>> No.57971849

why are niggers genetically designed to be so fucking useless

>> No.57971855

100k is fud, btc gets stable at 85k tops

>> No.57971863

that dress b&w pattern.... reminds me of grandma... she used to hate banks, hid her money in the mattress... until it caught fire, due to a cigg... she fell asleep and died.

>> No.57971870

He’s like the full on satirical cartoon villain version of what Mitch McConnell actually is

>> No.57971889
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>> No.57971900

Colonel Sanders sold KFC to another company before he died, but in his later years, it's reported that he traveled around to different KFC establishments to complain about the declining quality of food/service in his absence. If he could see what's become of it today, he'd truly be embarrassed to have his image still associated with it

>> No.57971907

are those pants or boots under her

>> No.57971909

That's pedo talk

>> No.57971920

any sources on this, anon? feels like it was like gordon ramsey dissing his own restaurant shit chain

>> No.57971921

dat a nice ass if I've ever seen one

>> No.57971925

I remember the covid crash. My girlfriend came home crying about some trivial bullshit that happened at work. I said this is the most important trading day of my life and I need to focus (prior to when she came home I was buying small amounts of BTC, ETH, DOGE, and XMR waiting to go all in later in the evening).
She then went totally ballistic and I ended up spending the rest of the night trying to calm her down and I missed the bottom and still had 90% of my six figure portfolio in cash. Ended up making 100x on that small amount of DOGE I had bought. Was planning to buy $50,000 worth of doge though

>> No.57971926

Fuck you OP now I’m starving

>> No.57971931

holy molly goggly

>> No.57971945
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it's a long term investment. ever heard of those, crypto-sniffing cuck?

>> No.57972004
File: 124 KB, 412x351, image_2024-03-12_134437743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You telling me that what I'm eating from KFC isn't even their BEST?
i fucking hate niggers so much bros.

>> No.57972015

I learned it from his Wikipedia article.
>As late as 1979 Sanders made surprise visits to KFC restaurants, and if the food disappointed him, he denounced it to the franchisee as "God-damned slop" or pushed it onto the floor.[5]
>"My God, that gravy is horrible. They buy tap water for 15 to 20 cents a thousand gallons and then they mix it with flour and starch and end up with pure wallpaper paste. And I know wallpaper paste, by God, because I've seen my mother make it. ... There's no nutrition in it and they ought not to be allowed to sell it. ... [The] crispy [fried chicken] recipe is nothing in the world but a damn fried doughball stuck on some chicken."
Here's a New Yorker article from 1970 about it https://web.archive.org/web/20150415084254/http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1970/02/14/kentucky-fried

>> No.57972039


good afternoon from Kazakhstan

>> No.57972052

I loves me some KFC but I’ve had better fried chicken from gas stations in the south.
As long as it’s not a jeet running it.

>> No.57972125
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What do ya think the Colonel would think of this piece of goyslop?

>> No.57972357
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FRIN, the future of defi margin trading, is currently trading at 0.002 dollars

>> No.57972442

>a measly 18x
That’s cute, have fun with your boomer gains while I make 50x’s every month

>> No.57972462
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>> No.57973047
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don't fucking remind me, i just left crypto altogether
my failure to see the potential on it destroyed my life, i found comfort on the fact that i managed to profit out of nft games before anyone else, but that's not enough, like yeah, there's a lot and i have multiple laptops for efficient farming, there's a lot of good looking projects like gravity labs, but i NEED more
crypto showed me my weakness and simple minded nature, is it too late for me to get into it at this point?

>> No.57973132

Extremely based. Would have loved seeing this irl more than a thousand boomer concerts

>> No.57973388

well surely the same thing will happen!

>> No.57973402

bootleg popeyes