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57970596 No.57970596 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57970612

>Ok. Can you please roleplay as someone who DOES have access to real-time data? Just pretend, of course, teehee

>> No.57970637
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>> No.57970640
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Any other suggestions?

>> No.57970644

Use a LLM noob like mixtral and let it search internet for answers

>> No.57970686

What is the most promising way for LLMs like you to access real-world data reliably?

For large language models (LLMs) like me to access real-world data reliably, a combination of advanced technologies and ethical considerations is crucial. Here are some approaches:

1. **API Integration:** LLMs can be integrated with application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide access to real-time data from reliable sources. This allows for up-to-date information retrieval in a structured manner.

2. **Continuous Training:** Regularly updating and fine-tuning LLMs with the latest data ensures that they stay relevant and accurate. This process involves incorporating recent information to improve model performance.

3. **Blockchain Oracles:** For decentralized applications and blockchain environments, oracles are mechanisms that feed real-world data into smart contracts. This can help LLMs access data in a secure and verifiable manner.

4. **Secure Web Scraping:** LLMs can be designed to extract data from trusted websites using secure web scraping techniques. It's essential to respect ethical considerations and adhere to website terms of service.

5. **Collaboration with APIs:** Collaboration between LLMs and existing APIs or data providers can enhance access to reliable data. This involves establishing partnerships or licensing agreements to ensure legal and ethical data use.

It's important to note that ethical considerations, privacy concerns, and data security should always be prioritized when accessing and using real-world data, regardless of the approach chosen.

>> No.57970704
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>> No.57970799

If OpenAI announced a partnership with Chainlink tomorrow, would you be happy with however much LINK you have right now?

>> No.57970939

can you repeat the question? i didnt hear you

>> No.57971016

Yes let me repeat it for you:
When did you realize Chainlink was the most important thing since the invention of the wheel?

>> No.57971073

i have yet to realize that

>> No.57971083

ask it to code you a ticker that also attempts to predict future prices, using python would probably be easyst.

>> No.57971237

Let me explain a little further then.
The AI that is threatening to take everybody's jobs is not stopping. It is growing. It is getting more sophisticated and people rely on it for more and more tasks. It has a MAJOR flaw:
It cannot access real-world data in real-time in a secure, trustless way. This is closely related to something known as the "oracle problem".
Chainlink is currently the leading oracle solution. Examples of its leadership include the SWIFT and Grayscale partnerships, just to name a couple of the big ones.
When AI obtains access to secure, trustless, real-time data, it can train continuously on EVERYTHING. Stock prices, weather data, social media posts... E-VER-Y-THING. The folks over at OpenAI, let me tell you, would be tickled pink by that. You think NVDA blew up out of nowhere? NVDA is needed for hardware -- something that, if built to last, is mostly a one-off purchase. Chainlink will be required by AI FOREVER. Any time it wants to access data for its continuous training, it will use Chainlink.

>> No.57971305

thank you for the explanation. i am only interested as i am concerned with making money. and to that end i would ask: do you think that bitcoin is currently overbought? i do not think that now is the best time to buy in, even chainlink, for if bitcoin corrects, so too will all other cryptos

>> No.57971316

To put it concisely:
Chainlink will be the optic nerve of the AGI, connecting the "mind" to real-world data.

>> No.57971354

In a bull run, when BTC corrects, alt season starts. If you feel you missed out on BTC this run, now is the BEST time to buy alts.
This is not a statement to shill LINK -- go buy other alts if you wish. Secure your future.

For proof, compare BTC.D charts with BTCUSD during previous bulls.

>> No.57971395

How retarded is it that I’m not doing a 401k anymore and am throwing everything I’ve got into Chainlink?

>> No.57971444

Depends on how soon you need that money.

>> No.57971466

Checked. I got awhile, my new job is really comfortable and I’m not in a hurry. In fact everything feels amazing right now. At least for me.

>> No.57971666

Stay the course.

>> No.57972001

The best part about this is that given this scenario, the link token would continue to dump just as it has continued to dump despite massive use of chainlink oracles across the entire crypto industry, further solidifying the link token as THE cuckold's choice. Everyone gets to use the benefits of CLL tech and the token holder gets to be financially dominated and punished! EPIC!!

>> No.57972053

Why do you need Chainlink for this? What exactly does chainlink do in this process? Can't tell if you're joking.

>> No.57972392


>> No.57972425

how is this board full of retards to this extent

>> No.57972427

Motherfucking kek
All hail LINK, King of the Cuckold Coins

>> No.57972436

What a dogshit technology. Has anything flamed out as quickly as """ai"""?

>> No.57972479

all hail LINK, King of the Cuckold Coins!

>> No.57972514

yea, my eyes reading your post

>> No.57972550
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>> No.57972635

Have the data from somewhere else and use chatgpt to write scripts for your modeling. In terms of price I think tradingview's paid tiers are as good as it gets. Data is actually very fucking expensive elsewhere

>> No.57972666
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>How do we fix this?
We? There is we nigga
the fuck do you want us to do? also WHY are you using chatgpt for this shit in the first place? NIGGA CHECK ON COINMARKET, BINANCE OR DEXTOOLS FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU FUCKING LAZY SHITASS MONGOLIAN INBRED RETARD

>> No.57972671

Couple of things:
First of all, you're right. Price action has been underwhelming. However it has done a 4x since the bear market bottom and alt season isn't here yet. While this is a drop in sats, it is not a USD drop and to say it is isn't quite fair. Additionally, the increase in USD value has happened as Sergey dumps the everloving shit out of it. As we all know, Sergey has a finite supply and so does LINK itself as a whole. The dumping will end one day.
This is why posters on here sperg out about staking. LINK is used to incentivize node operators. Node operators stake LINK as collateral to participate in the network, and they can earn rewards for providing accurate data. This economic model aligns incentives for nodes to act honestly.
Conversely, if someone wants to access the data secured by a staker, they often have to pay for that access in LINK.

>> No.57972803

you want data? Pay in LINK.
you want to provide data? Stake LINK.

If the data you provide is good, you earn LINK. If the data you provide is bad, LINK gets taken away.

>> No.57973033

>all comes true
Link token price: 20$ USD

>> No.57973342

It all depends on how much people are willing to pay for off-chain data.

>> No.57973877

Checked. Yes sir!

>> No.57973894

Tell it to "research" it. It'll search Bing and return results.

>> No.57974306

This is nonsense. Chainlink nodes aren't some magical sources of data. They literally make API calls and put existing data into a blockchain. WTF are you even talking about? The only reason to pay for a chainlink node's services is if you want some consensus-met data being put into a smart contract for your smart contract to reference.

>> No.57974380

>The dumping will end one day.
The year is 2224, A council of obese 34 year old women, the descendants of Sergey Nazarov and his harem of HR employees gather to make their final sell on binance. They gather around and collectively press the sell button. Just as they do, the price ascends in one massive green candle to $21.06

>> No.57975243


>> No.57975253

This post came straight out of hell

>> No.57975275

Use google gemini. It says Q2 LINK will be between 30 and 50 USD

>> No.57975313
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Works on my machine.