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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 392 KB, 1080x1633, Screenshot_20240312_144634_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57960472 No.57960472 [Reply] [Original]

>NOOOOOOOO you MUST pay a mortgage to Mr Goldberg for the next 30 years and wage cuck to support your future ex wife and her boyfriend

>> No.57960534

mortgage was always jewish slavery and modern marriage is basically slavery, believe it or not but getting married was pretty much a no brainer a few decades ago, anyone getting married now is a retard waiting to get slaughtered.
The solution of course is to buy a house with cash (a small one if you can't afford a big one) and revoke women's rights (which is pretty much a guarantee in the next few decades if birth rates don't recover)

>> No.57960537

I just hate waking up at 6am knowing I have to waste another 8 hours of my life.

>> No.57960563

experience over possessions is such poorfag cope

>> No.57960591

>anyone getting married now is a retard waiting to get slaughtered.
t. jew pushing white genocide
getting married was the best decision of my life

>> No.57960597
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my retarded boomer mother thinks a man should fork out at least 10k for a wedding and 5k for a diamond. why are women such insufferable materialists?

>> No.57960613

she'll divorce rape you in 10 to 20 years max if she is a western women if not then probably not

>> No.57960680

remember when going into debt meant a place to live?
now people just get a piece of paper that says they're retarded

>> No.57961846

I'd rather get laid and hike mountains than buy funko pops and pc parts or whatever the fuck you buy.

>> No.57961850

Worst decision of my life, unironically.
INB4 you didn't do x enough.

>> No.57962072

Pretty much this

That's to be determined on your death bed not
while on your honeymoon?

>> No.57962075

same, too many incel zoomies on /biz/ though so probably wasting your breath while inside their echo chamber

>> No.57962111

can't even get a job interview

>> No.57962140
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why the fuck would i buy boomers bags HAHAHAHAH yea lemme buy ur bags for $1m for a shitty house from 100 years ago! OKAY ILL get right on it!! ill make sure to make my $5k a month payments house inssurance mateince and property taxes and dont forget HOA! and garbage and utilities!!! yes i cant wait to fork the money over to my slave masters!!! wow also dont forget the internet bill so u can coom!!!

>> No.57962194

if you're a city cuck, you deserve that fate and worse

>> No.57962317

I'll back this because zoomies are talking about concerts, not fatherhood. They're talking about immediate gratification, and their lack of any foresight is what guarantees their hopeless future at an individual level.

>> No.57963091

first person to call someone a jew in the thread is usually the jew

>> No.57963119

You can get laid and hike mountains for free though

>> No.57963147

You can have white children without getting married.

>> No.57963153


>> No.57963278
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I'm happy for you

>> No.57963298

haven't worked since 2020 when i made so much from crypto
pretty comfy

>> No.57963312

>and YOU MUST chase those promotions and work those 70 hour weeks so you can afford those things!

>> No.57963415
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>anyone getting married now is a retard waiting to get slaughtered.
It depends on your jurisdiction.
I was afraid of divorce rape, but then I looked up the laws in my state and they are actually very fair.
For example even if you make millions, there is a low cap on monthly alimony and it only lasts a short time.

>> No.57963421
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I'm not taking out a jew mortgage to buy a boomer bag like Dave Ramsey says in Baby Steps.
We're in the Satoshi Century gramps. With Bitcoin I can own digital property and not be subject to any of the bullshit stated above.

>> No.57963461

Property tax is the biggest scam of all. Thankfully the Republican party in my state is at least trying to abolish it. But we'll see if they follow through.

>> No.57963486

I'll buy a home when boomers lose 90% of their value on their real estate

>> No.57963501

whoever buys those deserves to get fucked

>> No.57963537

What I want is for my crypto to go up enough and I'm moving to Siem Reap, Cambodia to NEET out in a $150/month fuck pad for the rest of my life with pussy on tap

>> No.57963702

Why would I do that? I took a loan on BTC and bought the house outright when BTC was $5k, then when BTC was $50k I sold it and paid off loan. And this was last bulllrun man, I rebought at $8k.

>> No.57963776
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because they're women, they're raised to be that way by other more insufferable women, they're reflections of the parents mistakes and environment
Well, i wont have kids tho, i prefer to keep all my dextools money to myself than to put it on a random overgrown sperm who won't give me back 20 years of my own time and earnings to raise them
plus i would be a shit father, probably

>> No.57963975

Judges straight up don't follow the law and grant the woman way more than she's legally entitled to.

>> No.57964081
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18 to 21 year old prime pussy or no work, no house, no taxes, it's that simple jews.

>> No.57964103

>Force gen z to become rentoid wageslaves
>Laugh at the fact they'll never own a home

>> No.57964118

>experience over possessions
Quite literally "you will own nothing and be happy"

>> No.57965055


Because they are lazy pieces of shit who lived off welfare their entire life...

One thing I do know is when you take away state security and welfare from a woman they almost always rope. kek

>> No.57965059
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>caller lives with his parents in his 30s while saving

>> No.57965086

>getting married was the best decision of my life

>> No.57965183


>> No.57965227


>> No.57965229

Any zoomer with half a brain wouldn't take that deal. Instead they get a van for $10k, a gym membership to shower and work 3months a year, paying fuck all taxes and yoloing between ski season and summer fucking roasties season for the next 7yrs until Jesus shows up

>> No.57965253
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>just pay my debt hun, its OUR money

>> No.57965484

10k for a wedding is absolutely bothing LMFAO

>> No.57965541

like wtf?

>> No.57965828

>90% prioritize experiences over possessions
And yet the buy now, pay later meme is bigger than it's literally ever been. Hmm... something's not adding up...

>> No.57965880

You have to have to be a drooling retard to even 'like' westoid roasties, let alone be a 'goy' to marriage and mortgage to them.

>> No.57966013

You say that now, but a deal where you gain very little and have a 50% chance of being financially assraped is not a good deal. You can still have kids and start a family without the official documents

>> No.57966032

>t. 20 year old that rarely leaves the house

>> No.57967538

>Best decision of my life

Can you explain that? What has marriage given you that has made it such a great decision?

>> No.57967647

Based zoomers. Fuck marriage and fuck mortgages.

>> No.57968005

LMAO this is literally fraud

>> No.57968031

you know you can have kids without getting married right?

>> No.57968086

It was probably a lot in the 1960's when that dumb hole roped Anon's dad.

>> No.57968169

I'll never get married while divorce rape asset forfeiture and alimony exists.

>> No.57968173

Getting married is like playing russian roulette.

>> No.57968226

With an ak47 and you're going first.

>> No.57968237

It's funny in a way. They made men and women hate each other, and forgot that a man has little incentive to get a mortgage and become a life long payslave if there's no woman involved to make him do these things.

>> No.57968239
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Bcause all are trany dick sucking fags

>> No.57968252
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and go boden

>> No.57968260


Might I add no hymen no diamond no exceptions. Observing this rule would solve 99% of marriage problems.

>> No.57968266

why don't we force the government to change that again?

Why are all men cucking out on this??

>> No.57968300

>why don't we force the government to change that again?
k I'll go walk in to the nearest government building by myself and tell them I want it changed. I'll let you know if it works.

>> No.57968353


trump is sht to

>> No.57968360
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TRUMP is good just MAGA

>> No.57968378


funnier than casino, going for MAGA TRUMP

>> No.57968391
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you're mentally retarded

>> No.57968421

How comfy you really? Are you Socomfy?

>> No.57968496

what the fuck

>> No.57968634

in current year getting married is one of the worst financial decisions one can make

>> No.57968694

At this point I don't care anymore. I just don't want to wagecuck. If I can achieve just that, I'll be happy.

>> No.57968994

You will achieve that. In ze pod. Eating bugs. Not having to work tho.

>> No.57969032

me and my wife are signing the paper on the 22nd. It's crazy weve been together for 3 years, but still actually doing it feels like a dream.

>> No.57969095


any woman that will have a child with you outside of marriage is trash. you probably fantasize about impregnating a prostitute.

>> No.57969117

you can have kids or even get married without needing a government marriage

>> No.57969183

That sounds pretty gay tbqh

>> No.57969918

Welp I guess that's that. Time to remake the world and make Gen Z'ers a bunch of serfs, boys


>> No.57969988

>Have a stable emotional support for life
>Have a stable sex life
>Have an option to have kids & raise them properly

Anyone opposes marriage is a faggot. Yes sometimes I gotta fuck some escorts to satisfy my weird fantasies but for me marriage was a blessing.

>> No.57970029

When she gon' leave yo ass she gon' leave with half

>> No.57970215

If you've ever watched a marriage go spur and end in a bitter divorce then you know it's not all sunshine and rainbows like you make it out to be.

>> No.57970232

marriage is a religious ceremony. have a marriage ceremony but don't sign any government papers

>> No.57970717

>marriage is a good investm-

>> No.57970807

>I'm just going to live with mommy and let her do all the work! She says I'm the goodest little boy!
God damn people here are the most pathetic people to ever exist. Get a fucking job you obese loser.

>> No.57970886

You need the Sacrament of Matrimony.

On that note, the Catholic Church does make couples go to a retreat, and they share all kinds of stuff with each other, including debt. I really wish the Church would also say that you need to disclose previous partners. Lol. Half the guys would probably up and leave.

>> No.57970930

Anyone who doesn't get married and have children is going to be utterly alone in their old age. Your parents will be dead, your aunt and uncles will be dead, if you are lucky you might have a sibling but they will likely live far away and be busy with their own life.

Nobody, NOBODY, will look out for you. As soon as your health declines you will be thrown into an assisted care facility and be at the whims of some 2060s mystery meat worker who will have no problem treating you like trash because you are an old evil white man.

>> No.57970936

>you have to move out of your parents' house to get a job. You can't simply work and save wealth while living with your parents
ok bagholder

>> No.57970953

Delete this NOW

>> No.57970958

>be me
>want house
>rent while saving
>buy house cash in 5 years or so
>miss out on repaying sheklestein 3 times value of asset over 30 years

why dont people just buy?

>> No.57970971

>Nobody, NOBODY, will look out for you. As soon as your health declines you will be thrown into an assisted care facility and be at the whims of some 2060s mystery meat worker who will have no problem treating you like trash because you are an old evil white man.
It's funny because everyone I know who got married and had kids ultimately ended up dying alone in a nursing home because their kids were too busy living their own lives to take care of their ailing parents. I see it happening right now, my grandmother has been in a nursing home for the past 2 years and it's been 6 months since my parents have visited her because it's too far away.

>> No.57970992

right, I'm sure you drive an altima and still rent to live because you just don't want to. you definitely have the money for a nice car and a house. you'd just rather spend it to do the extremely expensive hobby of walking up a hill or convincing a drunk cougar to sleep with you.
lmao - literally the poorfag coper the anon you're replying to is talking about. really telling that you think PC parts or "funko pops" are expensive possessions.

>> No.57971051

i couldnt get a mortgage even if i tried

>> No.57971053

Your family is dogshit. Mine isnt like that at all.

>> No.57971056

>Half the guys would probably up and leave.
Women would immediately divorce them because those men are virgins.

>> No.57971072

Spending money on nice cars and houses before you've made it to a state of financial independence is retarded either way. If you can't live off the wealth you've built then you are poor

>> No.57971075

gen z has been told true love is impossible and that they'll never afford anything so they just want to make money bottom line, as the oldest of gen z I do in fact have a wife ive known for a decade but the money side is certainly intimidating

>> No.57971079

Also this is why you should be having 4+ kids. More kids is more support.

>> No.57971080

A 10k wedding is basically a back yard BBQ, and 5k for a ring is about average.

>> No.57971108

>which is pretty much a guarantee in the next few decades if birth rates don't recover
We can just import illiterate third worlders for that.

>> No.57971107

>I know exactly what my family will be like in the 2060s, including those members who aren't even born yet
Sure. I'm sure your post-internet-age children will give up their lives and careers to take care of someone who's just going to be dead soon anyway

>> No.57971133

All my fellow 90's kids friends that got got married, even the tall white well-paid one, have had their wives cheat on them and file for divorce since covid

>> No.57971140

You are a terrible parent if you value your own life over that of your child's. My plan is to kms when I get too sick to help my son and grandson. No need to waste time here.

>> No.57971156

Here in Canada home price increases outpace wage increases.

>> No.57971172

The solution is an actual holocaust for real this time

>> No.57971200

Imagine thinking you need to give up your career in order to visit your mom more than once every 6 months. Your family is dogshit bro, your parents could easily have her move to a closer facility. If they were actually close they would have done this from the beginning but im guessing the family dynamics are bad and nobody actually cares about each other.

>> No.57971219

You would never have the balls to kill yourself

>> No.57971247

Most men aren't even hoping to get married so it's not their problem.

>> No.57971271

Wrong. If my life will look and feel like shit, hotshot of fent.

>> No.57971345

There's a third path; steroids
You get to live strong even through your old age and then die of a heart attack while deadlifting 500lbs. Oh no, I only live to 60 instead of 80, where I'll need help living (utterly shameful) and possibly develop dementia.

>> No.57971414

Yeah you and all the other people with suicidal thoughts that never do anything

>> No.57971424
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This thread explains a lot.

>> No.57971462

>You need the Sacrament of Matrimony.
you don't need anything but you and her agreeing to get married and having a ceremony

>> No.57971517

Sirs how you get a mortage as a schizo? I just can't accept a fucking 30 year debt, longest debt I have had are 3 month 0 apr purchases on my CC and even those make me really uneasy when I think about them

>> No.57971569

Buckbroken chud alert

>> No.57971597

Retard alert

>> No.57971651

i think they're referring to homes and assets, not funko pops you fucking moron. you're so poor and desolate you can't imagine owning anything that could increase in value

>> No.57971769


Kek. Brutal awakening overdue for this young child.

>> No.57971879

you read wront, retard. alimony has no connection to asset split. asset split is universal, she automatically gets to have half of what you acquired while you were together.

>> No.57971999

nah, I'd rather just not work that hard to buy things that I don't actually want. sorry if that offends you and your life choices.

>> No.57972954

Kek, that's because you are a pathetic retard.

>> No.57973858

congrats anon
hope you and your girl have a beautiful future with lots of healthy kids

>> No.57973882

>you're a terrible parent if you prioritize your life over your kids
>you should traumatize them instead by fucking killing yourself
This board is a hoot

>> No.57974237
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>18 to 21 year old prime pussy
>or no work, no house, no taxes
I completely agree wuth you anon, but for me it's 10-16.

>> No.57974249

>rent cope thread AGAIN
getting pathetic in here.

>> No.57974287

10k is just the fee for the event planner

>> No.57974406
File: 3.73 MB, 498x311, 4A3C4E65-C752-4121-8134-0E48802B9B9F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol Europlebs at it again.

You guys love your “purity” argument. Unfortunately your entire continent is cucked, stupid, poor, and totally incompetent and sees innovation as a pariah. Oh you are also the laziest faggots on the planet, the top 5 countries who do the least work are all European.

And I hate to break your bubble but you are more racially miked than anyone. Europe hasn’t been pure since the time of the Romans, and it wasn’t pure then.

But keep living in your 100 meter shithole and talking shit about the one country that keeps Russia from your door. Because if America ever gets the brains to stop funding NATO with money, troops, and equipment Russia and its Proxies will literally take all of Europe in a day.

>> No.57974416

Pikers in here tut-tutting over 5k for a bridal gown.

>> No.57974444


I hope Russia does. Europe is the cancer of the Earth. It needs to be removed.

>> No.57974505

The majority of people DO get divorced raped sir
Unless you are marrying your fucking high school sweetheart and ain't an autistic mess + have parents who will arrange a well paying job after you graduate college

>> No.57974616

Keep coping you stupid fat americuck. Your whole country is literally a laughing stock to the rest of the world. So seethe you mutt.

>> No.57975489

It's a really great idea for people that are undesirable and just happen to find someone as undesirable as they are. It's also a great idea for gold diggers, male or female because as long as you pressure the other person into it, once they're in it, they're stuck so it's a very clearly defined and massively rewarding goal to seek in a relationship. It's also a great idea if you are completely stagnant and plan on being stagnant for the rest of your life. Finally, it's also a great idea for wealthy people trying to consolidate their wealth, power, etc. For anyone else it's really a bad idea. Marriage works best when it's 2 ugly people working at Walmart or 2 wealthy people looking to consolidate power. For everyone else, it's really pointless.