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57960652 No.57960652 [Reply] [Original]

bsv holders are getting hotwired in the ass rn

>> No.57960671

God please no don't post more csw we've been csw free for a while now please don't start again it's endless spam and I am tired of hiding these threads all the time.

>> No.57961029

Sshh, it's almost over baby. Just let it happen..
The preliminary issue court case in the UK resumes tomorrow and for the next 4 days (but probably shorter) as each side provides their closing arguments, and there's no way we're not going to have threads about those.
Then Master of Ceremony Mellor will retreat to his castle, and we'll all have to wait until he reemerges and declares Craig to be a sorry excuse for a man, let alone for Satoshi Nakamoto.
OP's screenshot is taken from one of Patrick Madden's many appendices to his expert reports analyzing a small percentage of the staggering number of forgeries Craig Wright has fed to the UK court system.
I'm not sure why this one in particular. It's a pretty boring forgery by Craig's standards.

>> No.57961069 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57961118

he's getting raped in court from tomorrow until Friday
then CPS comes in with the criminal charges
I'll be surprised if he doesn't just flee the UK to Antigua

>> No.57961216

Your capacity for analysis doesn't extend beyond deciding which crayon to use.
CSW is Satoshi. Anyone who has a functional brain can see it, and the Judge has a functional brain.

The more intelligent question to ask is, so what? Even if he is found to be Satoshi, nothing will change. The US G will support BTC, and BSV will be something that virtually nobody knows about, and the price will not change.

>> No.57961636

Heh. You still believe Craig is Satoshi, and you have the Dunning-Kruger-acity to think you can evaluate the intelligence of anything.
A few things will change once he is yet again found to be a liar and a fraud, as he has already been in several other courtrooms, because this time, his fraud is not a side-show, it's the centerpiece of the court case.
The most immediate impact will be that his strategic and punitive lawsuits against Bitcoin developers and Bitcoin exchanges will be thrown out.
If someone bothers to go through the necessary legal motions, UK residents may once again to be able to load https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
Calvin Ayre may finally realize he no longer has a path to make up his losses. He will never get the Bitcoin that Craig once "sold" him at a discount. TAAL will never be profitable. Lightning Sharks and Coingeek will most likely repurpose into gambling marketing efforts, to promote all the online gambling operations Calvin Ayre doesn't own. nChain will have its patent portfolio left, and they'll get to live with the knowledge that the moment they attempt to extort Bitcoin companies with that portfolio, COPA will be back for round 2, and this time it will be for their actual raison d’être, not the amuse bouche we're seeing right now. Ayre Group will no longer throw free money at any BSV startup with a half-baked business plan.
What's left of BSV if the man paying for literally every single aspect of the BSV ecosystem gives up on it? Dozens of die-hard idiots who will refuse to admit they've been had, will continue to screech that they've totally figured out who Satoshi is (and what of the watermark good sir? do you even know about the holy watermark?), and will keep claiming that BSV is the single most important blockchain to ever exist, even has it crumbles under them.
Oh, also, there's a chance Craig might go to jail. I don't place huge odds on that, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.57961854

>refers to Dunning-Kruger
>thinks he is not Satoshi.
Peak Midwit.

>> No.57962004

Please be careful not to hurt your brain with those spicy retorts.
Just wait a few weeks for Pimp Master Mellor to lay down the law.
It'll be over soon enough.

>> No.57962443

So, for argument sake, when CSW wins, what do you think happens?

>> No.57962481

>CSW is Satoshi.

it's just that simple.

>> No.57962492

>and what of the watermark good sir? do you even know about the holy watermark?
999% thissss

>> No.57962612

What will you do if he doesn't?

>> No.57962665

when, uh? Sure, let's see.

It seemed a strange coincidence at first that Judge Mellor would render his judgement on the day of the halvening. As he announced before a full room that Craig truly was Satoshi Nakamoto, and that he saw zero evidence of forgeries and fraud being committed on the court, the lighting in the court room began to shift. Shadows lengthened as everything grew dimmer, except for Craig Wright, who now appeared to be enveloped by a mystical light blue aura.
Those closest to him could see his feet were floating a couple of inches off the ground as he gazed at the powerless masses around him, a smirk on his face.
The blue light intensified until it became impossible to look directly at Craig. A loud whoosh was heard and the crowd was pushed to the ground. When they dared lifting their heads again, the light was back to normal, and Craig was gone. The court goers slowly left the building, an uneasiness seizing at their heart.

Little did they know that the rolling icebergs had already started. At the precise moment Judge Mellor admitted his defeat at Craig's hand, massive amounts of leveraged shorts against BTC appeared at the same time on every crypto exchange in the world. Immediately after, large sell walls appeared, sucking all the liquidity out of the market, and quickly taking BTC to $1,000. The leverage shorts closed in extreme profit, but the sell walls continued unrelenting for days, causing Bitcoin prices to lose orders of magnitude every day. Barely a week after the fateful court decision, BTC had plummeted at $0.00001, its lowest price ever recorded.

>> No.57962723

Just then, the sell walls disappeared. Was the nightmare over? The price quickly bounced to $1, then $100, then $10,000 and people dared to hope again. Alas, their dreams were dashed when a 51% attack on the Bitcoin network was used to exploit a mysterious SegWit bug, reallocating every balance of every SegWit address directly to Craig. People cried foul, but Craig Wright's true devotees reassured them that those SegWit addresses were always a donation to the miners, and Craig merely collected was had been given to him.

Faith in BTC was greatly shaken, while BSV skyrocket to his just and fair market value. But Craig was barely getting started. In the weeks that followed, he obtained court injunctions after court injunctions from a judicial system that was frankly afraid of him at this point, and rightfully so. The Bitcoin developers were forced to modify Bitcoin Core to support confiscation transactions. Yes, even developers that hadn't touched that code in years. No choice. Then miners universally agreed to run that version, using the keys controlled by the Bitcoin Association for BSV, which was promptly renamed to the Bitcoin Association for Bitcoin. From there, it took mere hours before Craig claimed every single one of Satoshi's mining blocks. Sure, they were largely worthless at that point, but it was about the principle of the thing.

And of course, every organisation in the world agreed that BSV was the real Bitcoin. The Bitcoin ETF providers collectively realized their folly and promptly swapped BTC for whatever small amount of BSV they could obtain for it, etc., etc.

And Craig laughed. Oh how he laughed.