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57956598 No.57956598 [Reply] [Original]

Why do different types of investment yield different returns?
I mean this at the statistical level, regarding the average returns of investments in different industries, not about specific investments that might boom or fail completely.
For instance, investment in real estate, investment in manufacture, investment in mining, and so on.
The logic being that investors will put all their money on the industry with more returns, causing an increase in supply which crashes profits, in equilibrium all investments yield basically the same returns.
Yet this doesnt happen. Explain

>> No.57956780

it's basically demand and luck

>> No.57956821
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The variation in returns across different types of investments is influenced by a combination of factors, including risk, market conditions, economic cycles, and investor behavior. While the basic economic principle of supply and demand might suggest that high returns in one sector would attract more investment, leading to increased supply and reduced profits, the real-world dynamics are more complex.

The complexity of the global economy, coupled with the interplay of various factors, leads to diverse returns across different types of investments. Investors seek a balance between risk and return, and the unique characteristics of each industry contribute to the varying investment landscapes.

Now with that in mind, anon, I am a meth and stat student in debt that is 30% down on all life savings yolo-ed in the 2021 bull run cuz I bought alts at ATH. Could you spare me a dime?

>> No.57956834

Because investors aren't accurately determining ROI obviously. Welcome to the counter to the EMH newfag.

>> No.57956849

Thank you ChatGPT.

>> No.57956870
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ur welcome

the debt part is sincere tho, how do I get my money back from the jews?

>> No.57956905

>ur welcome
Copying and pasting from ChatGPT is so reddittier I can't believe anyone would conceive of it. Then again, your investment strategy from last cycle says it all. Just wondering, how can you be a math/stat fag with no critical thinking skills?

>> No.57957005
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I was a 16 yo delusional retard at that time.
Let me lay it out for ya

> Turn 16 and receive your life savings your parents gathered and kept for you
> Get excited about crypto
> Buy btc, altcoins and shib during the 2021 bull run near ath like a fkin retard
> Realize you are down 40% and double down by stealing more money from your parents' debit cards (thinking that u are 200 IQ)
> Get bogged to oblivion and loose most of the money (it was so fkin painful I literally cried)
> Get doomed away from crypto and loose all hope.
> Live without ANY money during your teen years cuz u cannot be trusted with money anymore

I lost all hopes lads but now I feel that I am back.

I am still down around 30% but I see this bull run as a sign from god to get back my life savings from the jews that stole it.

I am literally a fkin MATH student in debt rn and I could definitely use the money.

My ego and shizo will not let me take out the money now (when I am still down).


The moment I hit 5% profits I will short it ALL.

Pray for me anons.

>> No.57957017

thats a reddittier question

>> No.57957085

I was fully expecting to keep making fun of you but now I feel bad for you. Thank God I wasn't this retarded at 16. Horrific. I recommend you hodl until you break even. Then I would pay back all the debts you took from everyone. Playing with others money on shit like this should be a hard line for anyone.

No it isn't. You're literally 18 or 19 you fucking newfag.

>> No.57957294
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I am quite tempted to get some shitcoins in hopes to get a 100x
> I've got like $400 in BTC which is my biggest bag
I will not do that. BTC is the only thing I ever profited on

Tbh over the years Ive built an intuition saying that the prime beneficiaries of these shitcoins are the devs themselves.

The odds of winning in this are similar to that of doing so in a casino. So, why not simply go to a casino to satisfy your gambling addiction.

istg I spent 100s of hours watching jew charts going up and down and talking to degens all over the net and in the end it all comes down to fkin LUCK like everything else.

I am so fkin poor I cannot even afford a fkin energy drink. I pass by a lot, I see all of those zoomers at uni partying, having a fun time and wasting money while I cannot even get lunch money from my parents cuz of trust issues.

> Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man.

Its so fkin over, my only hope is this bull run. If I manage to get my savings to a 5% profit I will short all of it and prbly buy gold.

The worst part is fkin student debt, even if I get a 10x it will not cover my mEth degree.


thats prbly why btc was the only thing I've profited on, cuz it actually has some application to it besides casino and degen betting/delusion.

>> No.57957343

> Then I would pay back all the debts you took from everyone

That would get me a net zero leaving me in the same situation I am in now.

Imagine being less financially successful than the 16 yo version of urself

>> No.57957577

Playing with other people's money isn't financial success. It's degenerate and at 16 you were degenerate. It's equivalent to leverage trading but you sacrifice reputation for having to answer a margin call. And you would be recovering the embarrassment you felt when you were 16. Or you can trust your pride, wait for a mad profit on your debt, and when it doesn't work out, just live with that embarrassment your entire life.

Imagine being a math/stat fag and buying a shitcoin in hopes of a 100x. You will look back on these days and see how you were hardly different from your 16 year old self.

>> No.57957632

I thought math people were supposed to be smart. I never did figure out that subject. But from your words and your decision making I can tell you're pretty low IQ. You're not lonely because you're le Terry Davis Ryan Gosling epic doomer loner outcast, you're just low IQ. On top of that you're lazy as shit, judging by how you haven't done fuck all or worked overtime during your studies to get back all that money and be in profit. Any sane person would have waged 24 hours a day after a colossal fuck up such as yours. But you did nothing but waste your time and dig yourself into a deeper hole of debt and despair. And the reason for that is because you weren't even smart enough to realize how dumb you are, that after your mistakes waging overtime was the only way for you to somehow unfuck your life. Sad. Now you'll be waging till you're 60. Its not your stupidity but your arrogance that got you. As if waging was somehow beow you just because you are the math kid. This was the last bullrun by the way. Enjoy. At least you're not in a Mexican gore video I guess. But this is financial gore still. By the way you seem highly narcissistic so you should get your brain checked, just don't take any meds. Good luck.

>> No.57957971

> By the way you seem highly narcissistic so you should get your brain checked
Could you elaborate on that?

Being rich and lucky does not imply you are smart. I am lonely because of my philosophical and political worldviews along with my mild neurodivergency.

There was a choice to be made wagemaxin and uni, and I chose the latter, partly because I find this to have more potential long term but also because that way my parents will allow me to live with them.

Also, how old are you anon? I can feel you coping with ur boomer delusion, have you ever tried working and exammaxin to get into a good uni for a non-joke degree in the 21st century? or at least talk to zoomers that are of my age? have you?

You attacking my IQ just shows ur own insecurity.

>> No.57958123
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> Imagine being a math/stat fag and buying a shitcoin in hopes of a 100x

Well yes, it is statistically irrational which is why I will not buy shitcoins but there is always a strong will to cope that underlies everything or whatever Friedrich Nietzsche has said.

> And you would be recovering the embarrassment you felt when you were 16

2 of prbly the most potent years in my teens were wasted cuz of jew driven fake money, there is no getting it back.

I could cope by wajemaxin after uni, I might get a good office job with my degree makin 70k a year, but it is too far fetched and I need to survive and study 3 MORE YEARS. I cannot productively do so while being concerned with money and jew charts, its bad for my insomnia and mental health in general

>> No.57958383
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>I will give you one marshmallow now or you can wait 5mins and I will give you 2
its entirely emotional psychological and how much can you delay gratification. I've been edging for years and its helped my returns significantly.