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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57953054 No.57953054 [Reply] [Original]

Our response????

>> No.57953095

NVDA and bitcoin will pass gold

>> No.57953140

NVDA numba one

>> No.57953235
File: 130 KB, 988x315, silver chads actual thoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, TSD

>> No.57953267

Fed status: still alive
Silvercucks: BTFO’d

>> No.57953392

If he sold his silver at least one month ago and put it into BTC he would have nearly doubled his money. I sold some of mine at a small loss because the gains would make up for it. I'm definitely not buying silver ever again, but it's nice to have a "fall back" stack in the .0001% likeliness fiat shit the bed tomorrow.

>> No.57953866

Did you fall for the "buying blowjobs from a formerly well-to-do housewife and her questionably aged daughter" meme?

>> No.57953905

Just you kids wait, solar flare incoming, bitfuck to zero.

>> No.57953916

Silver actually has uses, unlike shitcoins

>> No.57953928


>> No.57953940
File: 169 KB, 749x603, prosperity_ruin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's nice to have a "fall back" stack in the .0001% likeliness fiat shits the bed tomorrow
BTC is still where you want to have your money if fiat shits the bed

gold/silver are only useful for the scenario where the grid fails and everybody reverts to farming/hunting/gathering... and that's never gonna happen, and if it does you'll probably die anyway

>> No.57953996
File: 118 KB, 354x609, 1702326827904675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Functional demand is DETRIMENTAL to a Money (store of value), price is a product of aggregate demand, a money having functional use means part of the price (proportional to it's functional demand) will be from functional demand, forcing buyers of Store of Value to pay a functional premium and subjecting them to the risk the functional demand will fall, causing real terms fall in money value independent of demand for Store of Value. This can be seen in platinum, while it's physical properties make it a strong money on paper, it's high functional demand renders it unusable as price becomes dominated by functional demand, not Store of Value demand.

Gold is the best natural money precisely because it has little functional demand, less than 10% of annual gold mining production goes towards functional use, BTC improves on this by having no functional use outside of Money (Store of Value).

>> No.57954046

Genuinely feel bad for people like this because they have the right idea when it comes to hedging against systemic risk now that the cracks in the foundation are becoming larger and larger. It’s just that they hedge with the wrong fucking things. It’s like seeing some guy stock up on BIC lighters worth $100k

>> No.57955435

>the entire catalog is encouraging anons to buy shitcoins
>4chan is run by the airforce
what could go wrong

>> No.57955494
File: 367 KB, 1080x632, Screenshot_20240305_175051_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a post from the resident tranny janny on pmg named jesse

>> No.57955526

I have 145 ounces of silver for post apoclyptic trading. Silver is is not suppose to be for making money it's just an insurance policy for if shit hits the fan and even then guns and ammo will be more valuable

>> No.57955546
File: 3.25 MB, 1080x1650, Canyouholditinhand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not your keys
>not your coins
>(((our coins)))
>if you dont hold it you dont own it

>> No.57955568

Explain to me why bitcoin, a derivative of fiat, is where I want to have my "money" if fiat shits bed?

>> No.57955637
File: 2.37 MB, 2048x3231, 1710022210056882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wont explain, hes a crypto spammer that goes on 29 hour posting sprees. Spend a day on /pmg to see how these crypto trannies subvert and then censor posts, while leaving up the tranny crypto spamming

>> No.57956038 [DELETED] 
File: 996 KB, 600x620, 4d6262dd0546d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna tell you something: the frog of yours is simply magnificent.

>> No.57956214

>guns and ammo will be more valuable
Are you actually going to try to barter with these items?

>> No.57956219

fiat worth less = bitcoin worth more
pretty simple isnt it?

>> No.57956224
File: 151 KB, 594x943, Silver depository.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver was an obvious scam but pmg fell for it, now they cry all day about crypto millionaires and how it's not fair...wah...wah....wah

>> No.57956241

Lol its iqdelet aka the jesse tranny again switched his id.

>> No.57956365

Oh is he the guy who got rich by not buying silver?

>> No.57956525

I refuse to be a raiding nigger that just kills others and takes, I'd rather cooperate and ideally start a compound with others to increase chance of survival and defense against raider niggers that try and overtake our compound to steal our resources.

I'd trade the silver with travelling merchants that visit the compound

>> No.57956530

I shift some bitcoin into gold around the top of each cycle, I like both, for different reasons

>> No.57956747

Silver is a retarded investment. Only poorfag doomers who can’t afford a lot of gold stack silver so they can feel a little bit richer. The only things worth investing in as a hedge in case of the financial system going down the shitter is a plot of land for you to live on, gold and/or bitcoin. Simple as

>> No.57956757

Both = worthless. Congrats you can exchange one worthless thing for an>>57956219

>> No.57956888

That's refreshing to hear. If it gets bad enough things will probably go back to tribal communities. And anons with silver and gold will be best equipped to eventually rebuild using a sound financial system IMO.

>> No.57956963

k thanks for the shitty advice

>> No.57957542
File: 89 KB, 1174x848, goldbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe cope, dilate, etc

>> No.57957574

>id glowing
Lmao federal kike sorry not going to upload my wealth into the matrix cold wallet so you can rehypothecate it. Just not gonna, hahah sorry

>> No.57957677

When tulip mania came to an end at least people were left with some pretty flowers
What are you going to have?

>> No.57957767

silver does nothing
bitcoin should be 100x the market cap of silver
that fact that it's just now passing it shows how early we are
imagine not locking in generational wealth because you'd rather spend 70k on something dumb like a f-150

>> No.57957820
File: 462 KB, 1080x1111, Screenshot_20240307_174730_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like what they psychopathcally screech right before giving you the error 500 and locking you out

>> No.57958217

>buzzword buzzword muh random ID makes the chart not exist
/pmg/ gb2reddit

>> No.57958236
File: 92 KB, 1521x1110, 1705752542501443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show examples of locking out