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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57941948 No.57941948 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled
>In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout, bonds are still trading
>2034 bonds
>2044 bonds

>Recovery possible in chapter 11 following the absolute priority rule
>Similar situation happened with Hertz. Stock declared worthless, followed by recovery for equity interests.

>Various outlets have hinted at recovery through a new entity
>What are NOLs?
>How can NOLs be used in chapter 11?
>A new paradigm?
>BBBY had over 4 billion in NOL carryover entering chapter 11

>> No.57941954

>Who is Michael I. Goldberg? Plan administrator for BBBY chapter 11
>Connections to FBI, busted madoff, possible white hat.
>Michael I. Goldberg as current plan administrator is pursuing full waterfall recovery including fraud investigations

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm

>As always
Kek bondies

>previousneed on /BBBYQ/

>> No.57942417

Your concession is processing stupid kike. Thank you for choosing paperless.


>> No.57942476
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>> No.57942485

You know they’re having a rough day when they are forced to compliment Jake AND discuss bbby in the gme thread.

>> No.57942497

I have 34 bonds. I am hoping they are converted to equity

>> No.57942503
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>> No.57942521

Always ask: “why” somebody would want you to believe something, “what” might another person, or entity gain by having you view this thing that way, and “could there be a greater reason” for the tone being pushed in a narrative.
Everything is scripted. Everything. Even Reddit to a great extent. The monetization of everything includes perceived truth and reality. Further, it is a very good tool for keeping a populous from dethroning the kings, instead, redirecting its outrage inward, onto their neighbors and/or patsy.
This isn’t anything new, it’s just caught another gear in the digital age. Where it’s not only words being misrepresented, but overall discourse. Astro-turfing, forum-sliding, and consensus cracking have become a science. Misrepresenting the the discourse of the masses to influence how we store the data in our meat computers.
Controlling the perceived narrative to hack how the human brain parses and stores data. Our brains are treated as livestock, something to control and feed to produce a desired result. It’s equal parts fascinating and horrifying, and too big for any single person to combat, and too prevalent for any person to be truly immune.
It leverages the very instincts that ensured our survival, using our own programming against us to achieve an end goal. It is fucking terrifying. And the longer we all continue to allow it, the more engrained it’s acceptance will become in our society. What was unthinkable to our grandparents generation, has become so commonplace that it’s near impossible to play the game without stooping to such levels.
In a country where the majority lives hand to mouth, few can afford morals and values, and those that can; choose not to exercise such ‘weaknesses’.
Such is the way of the world in 2024. There isn’t much we can do, other than be aware and spread the word. There is a better way.

>> No.57942528

There’s actually quite a bit of documentation about it, it’s just that most people don’t have the time to worry about such things. If you Google: forum sliding, a Ycombinator forum pops up with a decent explanation for how it and other strategies work for the internet. Then there’s Surkov theater for a decent understanding of how governments have weaponized “reality”, playing both sides and sewing chaos. The book “Entertaining Ourselves to Death” is a great insight into just how overwhelmed with information we’ve become. Another book called “Influence” goes into great detail about how we can all be (and are) manipulated.
The larger issue is with how our brains store information, and how evolution fights against the overwriting of information we store store as ‘fact’. You see this clearly with US politics. Grandpa voted X, Dad voted X, so I vote X. Most people grow up respecting somebody, and we store the information they pass along as (!important), a fact of life. I believe this is a remnant of what I consider our “prime directive”, which is LIFE AT ALL FUCKING COST. If there is a point to life, it seems to me to be; the continuation of life, and nothing more. It’s in this area in human nature where free-will becomes blurry.
Eating, sleeping, and fucking fall into this category. Our brains reward us for these things with the feel goods. (Addiction hijacks these lower functions as well, distorting free-will even further.) But also, I believe these inherited ‘truths’ fall into the same category; our perceived reality, our innermost truths, they are stored and processed differently than most other ‘daily life’ information.

>> No.57942538
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In humanities early cave dwelling days, a grandparent might tell stories of lions that rip mens fucking faces off. If you see a lion, you RUN, else…you get your fucking face ripped off. Such sharing of information ensures survival. Our base code does NOT want us overwriting such information willy-nilly and running off to tame lions, or else we fail the prime directive, get our fucking faces ripped off, and humanity goes extinct.
So our brains play a trick, and meets the attempt to overwrite information stored as !important, with pain signals. This is why people will dig into their ignorance, even when faced with fact. Because it’s painful, uncomfortable, and requires a mental fortitude that must be taught and practiced. That’s why education is important, and also why certain groups make fun of science. Some religions prey on this part of our humanity, and how our brains work.
So yeah, most don’t realize the scope. But a lot of people refuse to accept it as reality, even when presented with overwhelming evidence. Which, I can’t totally hold it against people. It’s fucking overwhelming to realize it’s all just a massive fucking grift by assholes who got lucky with their RNG on spawn. Narratives buried inside narrative’s, marketing disguised as arguments and public discourse…truth, and reality…for the most part, they are whatever the person with the most means says they are. This is nothing new. Most religions have rules surrounding media for this exact reason, to control reality, and group think.
Everybody wants something from you, and it’s usually money and power. If you don’t have either, they want you to be ok with them taking it from your neighbors, or just too overwhelmed to care. If the bad actors do their jobs right, those with nothing will cheer when the wealthy ransack their neighbors meager belongings. We are, after all, a bunch of fucking animals.

>> No.57942542

I see buttfucker gets right to work being a nigger karma farming at the top of a /biz/ thread.

>> No.57942547
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>> No.57942558

I will not allow a 31 year old asian manlet that lives with his mother to communicate with me for another thread. Kill yourself

>> No.57942598
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>> No.57942602
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Bless the baker!

>> No.57942648

You don't hold shit faggot. Went from spreading FUD to suddenly owning shares and bonds.

>> No.57942658

>not liking my favorite ppshow marvel heroes is fud
suck my dick. I owe you nothing and dont give a fuck about your approval

>> No.57942674

And that makes it fucking insane that they're so focused on secret plans instead of fraud

>> No.57942692

Im hoping this is where theorico is heading with his dd since no one else is talking about it. If bruno is in fact not a plant he might stumble into the fraud topic. For now I think the topics jake cover and shit like marcus lemonis are dead ends.

>> No.57942698

Pang (sonichu poster) is a member of Asian masculinity, a subreddit of Asian incels that hate white people.

>> No.57942701

Got evicted yesterday. Currently homeless but I still have a copy of the lease. I showed this paperwork to the sheriff but he ignored it so I'm waiting to show it to a judge. Since I was wrongfully evicted and wronged by the sheriff I'm expecting multiple layers of damages to be paid to me.

>> No.57942712

>Continuously watching a show he hates
I never once mentioned piss show but its constantly on your mind eh

>> No.57942720

If fraud is found JP Morgan fails within the hour its announced, the chapter11 is halted and reversed and we return to market where they have to close

>> No.57942739

Discovery during RC's 16b case should end it all. Discovery should include internal communications, internal events that led up the the CFO jumping, communications with JPM, communications with 6th street and holly etlin, etc.
So again I dont understand Jakes focus and constant goal post moving with the nols and plan consummation

>> No.57942774

>starting to move the goalposts from NOLs and chapter 11 to some vague conspiracy about fraud
We all knew it was coming.

>> No.57942791

its always been about the fraud, blend. Focus on your nigger rap mixes and fake chains and let the adults talk.

>> No.57942807

What’s up pang. You still made about Jake being a white guy that has an Asian wife?

>> No.57942820

If your former landlord is any good you’re not getting anything. He should’ve put clauses in your lease that you most likely broke

>> No.57942825
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Are you worried? About the fraud? Whats your exposure?

>> No.57942847
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Beyond.com is a wordpress site. Seems like someone is going through the motions while the fraud is being sorted out. Would you launch on wordpress, blend?

>> No.57942866
File: 299 KB, 1676x1356, Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 11.36.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is right here, Blend
Should I buy pacer access? Again, what is your exposure?

>> No.57942930

Pang is a member of r/asian_masculinity (an incel board) He deleted posts he had on there saying he believed Canada should be 100% Chinese, and he wishes all white people in NA would die.

He is extremely mad that Jake has an Asian wife.

Remember this next time you see Pang on theppshow trying to convince people that bbby is going to pay out.

>> No.57942939
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>> No.57942959
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This one is absolutely buck broken.

>> No.57942969
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>> No.57942999

>desperate attempt to sway discussion away from exposing pang
Someone ask him about it next time he’s on theppshow. I promise you he will awkwardly and nervously try to side step the question.

>> No.57943009

Who the fuck is Pang and Blend lmfao

>> No.57943021
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>He thinks I give a fuck about exposing a chink
>He will now desperately spend the thread investigating what he thinks is a gotcha and calling me pang

>> No.57943037
File: 563 KB, 1020x934, Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 9.55.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know who pang is
Blend is the twitter faggot available 25/8 to discredit everyone from the community, frequently with Platinum sparkles:


>> No.57943046

Hello pang.

Pang is a guest on theppshow. He’s the sonichu-anon that id-hops and posts in these threads. Basically, if you’ve seen someone post as a baggie over the last few months, 90% chance it was pang. He basically the only legit baggie left hanging around here. We’ve tracked a few different data points, and he averages 15-20 different IDs every thread.

>> No.57943053

>again I dont understand Jakes focus and constant goal post moving with the nols and plan consummation
I don't either. And then various community figures hinting at trump and Q bullshit.

>> No.57943062


>> No.57943077

Shut up about "Pang". I'm obviously not him and none of it has to do with me and even if it did I don't even know who that is.

>> No.57943080

Blend is a twitterfag with fake chains and a Napoleon complex. Pang is a literal who that shills talk about because they get ass blasted during any real discussion.

>> No.57943322

Oh he's shill like tranny sparkles

>> No.57944156

Blend must have roped from his fake chains after reading what a Napoleon complex is and realizing how easily everyone sees through his facade.

>> No.57945572
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>> No.57946420
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>> No.57946950

i have 1800 shares, have I just lost 400 bucks thanks to you schizos? that could've gone on BTC ffs.

>> No.57947028

>i have 1800 shares
Prove it

>> No.57947065

Good morning, Pang. Ready for another day of pushing bbby conspiracies and hatred of white people?

>> No.57947147

Default JPM is impossible

>> No.57947657

March 11 is today! That’s means moass is today!!! There’s no way the dd is wrong!


>> No.57947670
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>> No.57947856

cope list anon was ahead of his time

>> No.57947961

some twitter fags the shillies and downies think are somehow important to this, but they don't have any baring on the legal outcome so really they are just dramafagging

>> No.57948124

I can't. IBKR has nothing lol, just hope they come back

>> No.57948147

>stock market at ATH’s
>nvda moonshots
>bitcoin rallying to insane levels
>meanwhile, bbby has officially moved to chapter 7
lmao it must suck so hard to be a baggie of this dumbass stock
why does this general still exist

>> No.57948235

Pang is a regular on the pop show. He’s also a regular baggie poster in these threads, and changes IDs a lot to make it seem like there are still a lot of baggies left. He is feedback_emergency on twittter. In addition to his posting on r/teddy, he also posts a lot on r/asian_masculinity, which is an Asian incel board dedicating to hating white men.

>> No.57948336

The Street is a rag. Wouldn't the transition to chapter 7 show up in the dockets we read every day? Is there any source to this claim?

>> No.57948338

Damn you’re right I am a baggie. I’m gonna do the same thing I’ve been doing. Literally nothing. I can’t sell.

>> No.57948370

Strange - Jake has cited thestreet.com multiple times in his dd and always says it’s a good source. Why the sudden change in baggie opinion?

>> No.57948416

So the sonichu faggot is some Asian manlet lmao. I guess when I said “your dick is small and you are bad at investing” I was right on the money! You will NEVER receive new equity, you will NEVER receive cash for your shares, you will NEVER be white. Could be worse I suppose, at least you aren’t a stinky pajeet like gay ass gaston is (probably)!

>> No.57948428
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I honestly wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with with with his dd to be as knowledgeable as you cereal altruists. I'll just take your word for it.

>> No.57948432

He is also 31 years old, lives with his parents, and works as an electrician at JCI in Toronto.

>> No.57948453

Aww, you forgot to say “tyfys”, faggot. Baggie nerves status: FRAZZLED

>> No.57948477

You're right! Thanks for looking out for me. TYFYS

>> No.57948485
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>> No.57948522

“Uhhh but how would you feel if you HADNT eaten breakfast sisyshillie heh heh” - you, gayly, from the depths of bag holder hell

>> No.57948544
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>He doesn't know what cereal altruist means

>> No.57948583

>first claim he has an autistic knowledge of every post ever in these threads
>follow up with claim he doesn’t know lore

Which is it, pang?

>> No.57948621

Why is everyone so angry?

>> No.57948628

>thinks “cereal altruist” is some clever, indecipherable wordplay
>posts irrelevant 2008 /b/ meme
Yeah, I’m thinking bbbaggots are NGMI

>> No.57948645

>Doesn't even understand sarcasm. Two different people couldn't be this stupid, right? They are either brown, samefag, or both.

>> No.57948679

Why are Chinese so obsessed with Indians?

>> No.57948687
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They know the subpoenas are about to fly and want to pretend anyone on the long side did anything wrong. Pure projection and cope can make men desperate.

>> No.57948696

kek baggies

>> No.57948697


>> No.57948820

Because they both eat dogs?

>> No.57949255
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I would be if it became evident I fudded a stock that made people rich beause a tranny called "hannah" (nice jewish name) told you it was worthless in the face of all the evidence

>> No.57949298
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Do you think its dilating during its streams unbeknownst to its viewers? Or do you think the viewers know and its a kink for them? VERY nasty and VERY sad

>> No.57949300

I found blend on video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTaPyZF5FWE

>> No.57949310

>tfw a mentally ill trannoid calling itself “Hannah” is somehow a more savvy investor than you
Kek baggies!

>> No.57949316


>> No.57949376
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Bullish, today is the day according to a migrant shitskin.
>He ran away from Twitter before his prediction was deboonked
Oh, ok then

>> No.57949399
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When can I expect some actual information instead of more speculation?

>> No.57949547

There was some very pertinent information last September, you should check it out. That is if moass doesn’t occur any second now, which it almost certainly will. You’ve already won! :)

>> No.57949657

You guys are getting 0 dollars for your bobby stocks.

>> No.57949727

say the line bart

>> No.57949828

>say the line bart
“Shorts never closed”
“I believe in RC”

>> No.57949833

friendly reminder that you are either a retard that fell for a scam, a cult member that drank the cool aid, or a grifting faggot. yes, i am posting from mumbai btw

>> No.57949969
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ok hannah

>> No.57950023
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>pushes the hearing date from 3/12 to 4/16
> heh its just the game kid...

>> No.57950038

just now seeing that his eyes are insane...if he werent gay he would pull women

>> No.57950042
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jesus christ baggies, what a shitshow

>> No.57950043

Thats cool because I want Teddy shares, so you are correct

>> No.57950046

Shorts are closed.

>> No.57950094

You are never getting any teddy stocks as holder of bbbyq are entitled to nothing.

>> No.57950144

*former holder

>> No.57950155

He has the exact same eyes as that banana meme.

>> No.57950178

Thanks, you are correct, as the bankruptcy court canceled the shares, and they no longer exist.

>> No.57950185

>he said the line
thanks, new filter strings yum

>> No.57950203

Filter all you want, that won't bring back shares or reopen short positions.

>> No.57950227
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>That one?
>Yes Ryan
>Escort him to the rollercoaster and then to the showers

>> No.57950288

This image causes congestive heart failure in your average shilly or gme maxi. Hold on, I’m being passed a note, it appears that a Venn diagram of those groups is a circle. Back to you, Jim.

>> No.57950295

I just see 2 scammers.

>> No.57950298

Imagine having these two fucking dysgenic faggots as your thought leaders and idols. No wonder you fucking dipshits are managing to NOT make money in this bull market lmao

>> No.57950305

Pang - settle down. Your supervisor is going to see you spending all this time on your phone.

>> No.57950335

VanillaBlend in the house!

>> No.57950393

Found a song from Blend's homemade mixtape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiYcExcjNPY

>> No.57950425

thank you frens.

>> No.57950472

Take your heart meds

>> No.57950536
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>> No.57950579
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>> No.57950618
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>> No.57950622
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Forgot the finger kek

>> No.57950652

now I've made this I am disgusted by it

>> No.57950666

disgusting. good job

>> No.57950756
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If there is no fraud we are literally fucked. No one here should be hinging this play on an opportunist like Pulte. Ryan was probably taking a picture with what he thought was a fan - not a professional scam artist.

pic rel is from 2019 where he scammed two other communities. All of his twitter winners are his own bot accounts.

>> No.57950796

>Jews using shabbos goyim to take money from retards

>> No.57950814

Pang is losing is his mind, lol.

>> No.57950829
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>> No.57950861

the twin towers look so yellow

>> No.57950887
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>if I close my eyes and pretend nothing is happening maybe they’ll believe me
It’s funny that this asian is itt making fun of another asian that for not being masculine enough. Neither of you are masculine, case closed.

>> No.57950911

Does anyone know why bbby is still negotiating with tax authorities if everything has been sold off and the business will not emerge from bankruptcy?

>> No.57950916

Jake2b, a white guy, is married to an Asian woman. What’s you’re excuse, pang?

>> No.57950919

Dont forget to defend pulte on twitter too you spineless taint connoisseur...He needs you!! He cant block everyone so do your part.

>> No.57950988

At this point you should know im not on there. I know it frustrates you, but im shrimply here for the free entertainment you provide. Don’t make me bring up Nick Lewin in the gme thread.

>> No.57951058

Is that name supposed to mean something blend?

>> No.57951245
File: 1.59 MB, 1700x1700, urjehsy-59837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick lewin
>Lawyer tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>Lawyer for hunter Biden
>Lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>Lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond
One of these is not like the others in terms of scale. Such an important lawyer surely has better things to do than represent a random board member for a dead company. Be more entertaining or I’ll format this correctly and make my own entertainment.

>> No.57951327

I’ll give you an hour or so to provide the entertainment I’ve requested. I’m not unreasonable.

>> No.57951440

Imagine going to back the day before pultefest and showing baggots the state of bbbyq threads in March 2024

>> No.57951471

Why is there a general about a stock that no longer trades? What the fuck even is this? You peope are schizos, this is financal Q anon.

>> No.57951610
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>> No.57951628


>> No.57951667

Not even financial q anon. Just straight up q anon. Edwin Barnes thinks Trump is behind a secret bbby merger that will fight the deep state or something retarded like that.

>> No.57951709

Are you fucking retarded? Stop pretending to be an autist when you cant even properly scope out behavioral patterns. I probably have a larger position than you by a factor of 3 in bed bath, gme, toyrf and pong. You dont understand how cringe it is when you do this every thread and have never been correct.

>> No.57951719
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post whatever you want fucking retard holy shit im crying. Im imaging you sitting over there smug like youve cracked the case.

>> No.57951749

Sup Pang

>> No.57951806

It's a scam to get people to donate to some show about dildos.

>> No.57951813

Not as cringe as typing the captcha 25 times just to bitch and add no value.

>> No.57951845

>if I switch IDs and respond to the bottom of the thread no one will no that I too have 25 posts in this thread.
>No one will also notice that I have not added "value" to the same thread.

>> No.57951867
File: 14 KB, 1271x70, Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 12.39.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find me

>> No.57951892

Consider the possibility that your behavioral patterns do not match your claims.
And stop pretending to be schizo.

>> No.57951916

awesome. Match this behavior pattern to the previous threads.

>> No.57951940

This is not good entertainment. Time to make my own.

>> No.57952008

You have no position in bed bath, no one does, as the stock was canceled.

>> No.57952047
File: 270 KB, 681x530, bbbyq-cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no!!! hes going after shareholder rights in a stock I have a position in!!! better beg him to stop
lmfaoo holy shit I want a bounded PDF of this thread

>> No.57952082

Pulte needs a fatter face, a higher hairline and that boy molester smile of his

>> No.57952102

lol, just check the meltdown discord

>> No.57952195

Well if the claim is im one of you just DM me and screenshot it for proof. You can also reach out to me via aws slack

>> No.57952512
File: 191 KB, 1170x865, 63729272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buck broken beyond what should be possible

>> No.57952592
File: 152 KB, 379x376, 1659102704847022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, what the fuck is wrong with all of you? Both former shareholders and the trolls seem genuinely mindbroken right now. It feels like both sides are trying way too hard to out-schizo each other.

>> No.57952671

Someone’s gotta be right. Either an extremely impressive grift was performed, or bbby will soon be emerging from bankruptcy. The polarization and drips of evidence have made those the only two adequate explanations. So that’s probably why.

>> No.57952778

There is no possible way for the stock to come back, or for anyone to get anything for holding this into cancelation.

>> No.57952788

>extremely impressive grift
Impressive to the type of moron who invests in a failing towel retailer maybe. For the less chromosomally challenged of us it was all very obvious the entire time.

>> No.57952975
File: 17 KB, 593x308, l2i6ere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Court proceedings adjourned
>Shareholders wiped out
>Creditors getting whatever can be scavenged from the company accounts
Perhaps the Pulte Plan can still save bbbaggies

>> No.57953015

This. Either Ryan Cohen is going to spend billions of dollars of his personal wealth on dogshit, or I made a mistake in putting my life savings into stinking turds. These are the only two adequate explanations, time will tell which is right.

>> No.57953038

See >>57952778 >>57952788 >>57952975
Those with a bear thesis cannot fathom a bull case and are always here to respond to any positive sentiment. Whereas bulls always accept the bear thesis as a possibility. There’s no way to know what’s going on behind closed doors.

>> No.57953076


>> No.57953152
File: 19 KB, 1459x76, baggies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulls always accept the bear thesis as a possibility
>WAGMI? Never heard of it, we are incredibly level headed individual investors that are fully prepared to end up with an investment worth $0
Pure delusion

>> No.57953216

>Saving screen grabs of month old posts about a stock that doesn't exist anymore
You do realize your obsession here is pretty odd, right?

>> No.57953233

There is no bull case, the stock is canceled, there is no coming back from that.

>> No.57953237

Keeling baggies is my obsession. #mybestlife

>> No.57953284 [DELETED] 

It's the later, why do you think douggie has been so vocal?

All these massive faggots are going to go the way of the dodo thanks to RC's master plan.

It's fucking goi time, the pic he took with pulte in the den of the enemy was really all I needed to see,.

>> No.57953365
File: 21 KB, 515x183, kek3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57953371
File: 29 KB, 630x619, IMG_4737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 180 day thing is nonsense, shills will argue with the plants on /r/teddy and try to demoralize about nothing happening on this 180 day garb salad date.

Also, Remember, after /r/theppshow was nuked teddy was available with open arms and is being allowed to continue without being banned because it has been compromised from the beginning. Assets on /r/teddy will blend in for a very long time before being activated and potentially sniffed out over time. Stay vigilant and remember that Doug cifu continues to engage with supposed scitzos on Twitter (check his profile). They can delay for quite some time so be prepared for a fall crash that will be blamed on crypto. The shadow banking system is using crypto as collateral for traditional financing purposes and the system and regulators are “unaware” so that will definitely being a major talking point used to explain to regular joes why the markets imploded.

Kek Kenpai kek seafood.

>> No.57953391

Troll objectives:
>Demoralize towel baggies so they liquidate if new equity is issued.
>Demoralize vidya baggies so they liquidate before they end up like towel baggies.

Baggie objectives:
>Avoid acceptance of a total loss.

Most likely outcome:
>Baggies get picked off one by one until the threads die.

Funniest outcome:
>Baggies win. Flawless victory.

>> No.57953395

kinda surprised that place hasn't been banned like all the other incel subreddits

>> No.57953398

I'm not saying you're not allowed, I'm saying it's odd to be this obsessed. I hope it's fun for you.

>> No.57953410

Refer to the baggie NPC flowchart to see where you appear on it

>> No.57953421
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 1704859729175502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped caring the moment the Cohen and Pulte picture came out, shills can waste their energy here I drop in to post anti semitic memes and check the seethe level, but I go about my day until RC announces Teddy launch

>> No.57953468


>> No.57953483

So are you having fun or what?

>> No.57953494

Watching baggies is like a day at the zoo

>> No.57953534

What's fun about it?

>> No.57953548
File: 101 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing has been on the wall and people actually missed it, maxies will wagmi but wont have the last laugh

>> No.57953556

RC launching a teddy stock does nothing for former holders of bed bath and beyond stock. I hope he does launch teddy so you all see that you still get nothing.

>> No.57953589

>he doesn't know

>> No.57953617

I don't know, so tell me. Are you a psychopath? Or do you not have a life?

>> No.57953635

>only psychopaths visit the zoo
Spoonsneeding time is over baggie

>> No.57953653

Pang gets called out and suddenly the thread is the busiest its been in months.

>> No.57953673

If you don't want to share, just stop replying to me then. Is it that hard to answer a question?

>> No.57953685
File: 152 KB, 360x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57953713
File: 410 KB, 860x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of seethe about a stock that "no longer exists" sure is a good indicator of how much a certain doug shit cares about us

>> No.57953776

I agree, total baggie victory would be the funniest outcome by far, it's extremely unlikely tho

>> No.57953801

ngl, i do root for the baggies a lil bit

>> No.57953930

There are people who have made coming to this thread for a stock that doesn’t exist their entire life and personality. The “baggies” are justified but why are the “shills” doing it? What a strange hobby. I like stroll into the link threads and laugh at them but I don’t actually do any research to go visit the animals at the zoo.

>> No.57953939

Everybody loves an underdog.

>> No.57953975

>but I don’t do any research
Skills issue

>> No.57953983 [DELETED] 

Not entirely fair, we did fuck on valentines day but we;re not finding out til later.

The deal is done.

>> No.57954017

Is theorico a platinum sparkes level of a plant?

>> No.57954040

He escaped the jake2b mental prison camp, so the baggies are out for blood against him.

>> No.57954081

>handwaving the fundamental incongruity of his motivations
I’m not even questioning how you find the time. Are you unemployed?

>> No.57954104

>If they understood why they glow
They still would. They're helpless.

>> No.57954112 [DELETED] 


It's extremely suss this guy won't debate Jake2b on air.

>> No.57954124

I’m retired. I made enough money to retire by investing in SPY.

>> No.57954142

Equally suspicious that Jake will not respond to the bankruptcy attorney that dismantled his DD.

>> No.57954149

So you retired so that you can work just to laugh at baggies on a Congolese coconut farming forum?

>> No.57954154


>> No.57954165

Yes. It’s amazing, I love my life. Very happy.

>> No.57954178 [DELETED] 

He actually did. The worms coming out of the woodwork like this is extremely bullish.

Ya'll mf's scared.

>> No.57954195
File: 39 KB, 468x320, sneedful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think people who visit the zoo are biologists that have written a thesis on why monkeys fling shit at each other? And yet people know this happens and it entices them to go to the zoo. Hmm, how odd, that they could know things without having to do laborious research on the matter. Good thing we have baggies going schizo in public to provide us with all the information we need without having to look into it.

>> No.57954198

>I was born rich or can't into math and lie about it

>> No.57954200

Link me to the X post where he responds.

>but I can’t!
I’ll go ahead and accept your concession in advance.

>> No.57954220

Has either side explained why the bonds are still trading?

>> No.57954236

It's like a tug of war match but both sides are equally deranged and retarded

>> No.57954238

Bonds represent debt that has not yet settled. It’s written down severely, but it still exists.

The stock doesn’t exist because the underlying company no longer exists and the assets were moved to a liquidation trust.

>> No.57954268
File: 102 KB, 236x310, YouSeemUpset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhh shillies! Your thoughts on this?

>> No.57954302

Hey pang - Jake was able to find an Asian wife. Why can’t you?

>> No.57954367

This. Those with a bear thesis cant accept the great turd squeeze as a possibility. Anyone who dismisses the idea of dogshit making me rich is obviously biased, so I'll ignore them explaining why I'm wrong.
This. Just why do so many people laugh at me for investing in dogshit? They must be shorting it, no other explanation makes sense.

>> No.57954390

>Do you think people who visit the zoo are biologists that have written a thesis on why monkeys fling shit at each other?
No not all of them but the problem with your metaphor is that there are some “experts” about bankruptcy and about a stock that doesn’t exist anymore and they waste their time going to the zoo. Do you see why that would be odd? I may have mixed my metaphors there a bit but only to illustrate my point. lol lmao.

>> No.57954410

>biologists don’t go to the zoo
>therefore Ryan cohen is going to gift me a billion dollars

Baggie logic, everyone

>> No.57954420

I’ll add that while ex holders and “shills” are arguing in here the gme thread is languishing. I wonder why.

>> No.57954437

Pang is a Chinese national.

Think about that.

>> No.57954449
File: 8 KB, 225x225, IMG_8295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57954464

And for those just joining us, pang is the baggie that had pp slap him with a dildo at the Pulte/Kai’s event. Pang now regularly cohosts the pp show.

>> No.57954483

>Experts are trying to stop people losing their money
>Therefore they are not visitors to the zoo
I wonder who turns up when one of the retarded animals at the zoo needs medical assistance. Could it possibly be an expert and not a random punter?

>> No.57954502

Lose money how? The stock doesn’t exist?

>> No.57954531

The only thing more retarded than baggie lore is shill lore. At least it's easy reading until the next docket drop.

>> No.57954533

How many pairs of ppshow socks do you own?

>> No.57954560

>We are experts!
>Giving benign financial advice
>In the zoo that we troll!
>Like biologists!

>> No.57954569

Do the biologists do it for free?

>> No.57954572

>baggies are so stupid they are now arguing against their own metaphor

>> No.57954574
File: 53 KB, 489x457, 1709746655482508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The financial advice is buy bonds if you aren't a shill

>> No.57954595

>Wearing foot condoms

>> No.57954604
File: 38 KB, 222x131, Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sloppy sliding in here to distract from
How long has it been since sisyshillies were so scared?

>> No.57954639

Pang, chill out. We’re vibing.

>> No.57954867

It is jake that comes up with excuses, not theorico. Take jakes cock out your mouth

>> No.57954932
File: 411 KB, 1024x1024, RockRoller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of my favorite rock rollies. You're so close to the top, keep rolling!

>> No.57954935

Jake is also the one with the "oh no the live wont save even though every one else's live does" excuse

You wont wagmi until you realize who jake, pulte and chad are. All the division and goalpost moving comes from them (sal left else he'd be #1). Those who realize this are comfy and are just waiting on fraud to be found

>> No.57955017

Joke’s on you - i’m both of those IDs.

>> No.57955062
File: 616 KB, 244x156, 1705241635511236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57955074

I have 210 posts in this thread. I need meds so bad. The stories and worlds I am able to create scare me. SO many layers and intricacies

>> No.57955221

>thread on hyper speed all morning
>mojo and pang host a space on twitter
>suddenly all the baggie IDs stop posting

>> No.57955300

I look forward to btc rugging to $0. I don't care why it does it. I just think it's funny. Our WAGMI was locked in regardless whatever crypto does.

>> No.57955304

I just told you why, special Agent Jackass.

>> No.57955322
File: 53 KB, 440x440, 1709827780477294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57955478
File: 90 KB, 1584x1056, IMG_4594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh shilly Willy’s, what’s this? Who is Nick Lewin? Do you have an answer for that? I’m very curious what the strategy will be as gasperino and Doug continue to meltdown and rc posts photos that cause audible screeching from “simple trolls”. Lil duggie now gets to experience the little ruggy when virtu goes to zero.

>> No.57955499

Why do so many cohosts of theppshow end up quoting and refusing to work with pp anymore?

>> No.57955541
File: 696 KB, 1057x1474, Screenshot 2024-03-11 150012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is representing Ryan Cohens board picks?

>> No.57955561
File: 179 KB, 1170x896, 64738264388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck is providing an abundance of free entertainment today.
>cc @fbi
I’m sure the twitter intern will get right on that.

>> No.57955596

I have no idea who this random Chuck guy is, but baggies are obsessed with him.

>> No.57955707
File: 251 KB, 1080x1349, 1630721876510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck it is embarrassingly obvious this one is here to try and "Stir the pot" with the social media influencer drama of the month. Divide and conquer and confusion and making anyone involved look insane is all they really have, WAGMI so hard.

also, who is Nick Lewin?

Anybody heard of the name Nick Lewin? I believe he is a prestigious lawyer, who also happens to be counsel to a "shelly lombard" who is one of Ryan Cohens hand picked board members for the bbbyq entity.

>> No.57955815

shills won't touch the Nick Lewin posts, fascinating.

>> No.57955893

Might be worth adding to the op near the Goldberg stuff.

>> No.57955897

Blend is gonna do coke fueled rant on a twitter space now so he won't post for a while

>> No.57955913
File: 333 KB, 524x712, 1709298081799708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a lawyer who specializes in international criminal investigations & a plan administrator who specializes in top level fraud investigations be working with the DOJ on the "wrapped up" bankruptcy for a defunct towel retailer?

>> No.57955935

>mojo/pang space ends
>baggie posting returns to hyperspeed

>> No.57956021
File: 51 KB, 800x450, just pretending haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who hold the stock that this thread is dedicated to temporarily stopped posting when the twitter community hosted a discussion about said stock
the best they have. Senior level analysis

>> No.57956044

>The people who hold this stock really exist and really post
>That is why it has archived constantly since the last baggie hype date passed
Better go and get those baggies back here to keep talking unless you want to depend on shills to give you somewhere to discuss your investment

>> No.57956071

Always curious when they won't touch a topic after nonstop shilling for other personas that seemingly have nothing to do with the company other than perhaps owning shares or bonds, and having a lot of opinions on twitter(that are not CH11 dockets or related in any way).

>> No.57956105

Nobody cares about Rick Lewis.

>> No.57956169

>42 pbtid
jeez man, this your job or something? I care about Nick Lewin, a pretty good lawyer who specializes in criminal fraud

>> No.57956189

>It's Nick Lewin
But nice try at obfuscation
Sisyshillies scared and shamblin'

>> No.57956202

You’re intentionally misspelling it to throw people off, or some kind of dumb meme. It’s Rick Lewis.

>> No.57956255
File: 7 KB, 229x250, 5zsi3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always accuse your enemy of that which you are doing

>> No.57956395
File: 105 KB, 912x180, IMG_6582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57956410

He won't post for a minute, he is currently on a twitter space call

>> No.57956739

I’m wondering if Eddie actually fucked shareholders, like he did bring them along but pulled some magic tricks leaving shareholders of sears holding the bag. Idk what to think. Idk why it has taken so long on there BK side. The biggest tell it’s still trading like a zombie stock. Which reaffirms the bullish thesis for bbby.

>> No.57956750

good idea

>> No.57956762
File: 106 KB, 634x634, 1702672299365112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wen Theodore?

>> No.57956781

Lol Blend is getting his ass handed to him, soon he will start yelling slurs

>> No.57956818
File: 523 KB, 1325x805, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57956859 [DELETED] 

Blend is a massive faggot.

I'd love to beat him within an inch of his life with a crowbar, repeatedly.

Hopefully soon I can hire someone to do it for me.

>> No.57956934
File: 86 KB, 810x362, 1617293927505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it, make it together, I know
I'm gonna make it, make it together somehow
We're gonna make it, make it together and squeeze
Woah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

We're gonna make it, make it together I know
We're gonna make it, make it together and squeeze
I'm gonna make it, make it together and price go
Up and up and up

>> No.57956988

>Another prominent baggie 'going dark'
lmao, suddenly they aren't so bullish

>> No.57957089

>bro bro bro

>> No.57957216

why what happened? Its wonderful because I can just play games and take naps and the shills will do research for me.

>> No.57957278

Is it true the company is moving to ch7?

This shit doesn't fucking matter if the company gets removed from existence anon. Think about dominoes. The final domino is moass. That doesn't happen unless the domino before it falls down.

One of the dominoes before moass is the pic related you just shared. That's the ammo for moass or the fuel.

The company coming out of bankruptcy successfully is the trigger.

The ammo doesn't do anything without a weapon and a trigger.

If they take away the trigger then it doesn't matter how many shares they faked, instead of being used to prosecute it could just get rubbed in our faces. "Look at what we got away with you losers hahaha".

You're posting an individual domino but it's only bullish if all the dominoes are aligned and something knocks them over properly.

>> No.57957315

>Another prominent baggie 'going dark
Which one?

Michael keeps hinting at needing a trump election there's no reason I can see that trump's friends would burn down their own financial system after conquering it. Seems sus.

>> No.57957434

yall in the space is hilarious, don’t even understand bankruptcy and thinking you gonna be rich

>> No.57957473

Wigger with the fake chain says what?

>> No.57957581

Yo, come feel this chain as you fondle my nuts

>> No.57957623

Nah, go and jerk off to that BBC porn that you fancy so much

>> No.57957652

Lmfaoooo I don’t even care if we win this fucking timeline is hilarious.


>> No.57957686

Look at the date. As of today, 0 shares are outstanding.

>> No.57957722
File: 3.03 MB, 1792x1024, IMG_3714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve got it! I know why we are failing. We need a down to earth white nigger. A white nigger with middle of the mall chains, who loves rap music, who really wants to be a nigger but also…hates niggers! THAT is 4chan. THATS who we send!!!

>> No.57957736

Yo that space was just a retard covnention, not even worth my time.

>> No.57957894
File: 117 KB, 1170x577, 63829263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shortdestroyer already back to deleting tweets. The deleted tweets were directly calling for concerted market action or making more bold claims about Ryan Cohen. A few were randomly misogynist. Did he realize his new persona is being set up as one of the fall guys?

>> No.57957936
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3.5jWQhbL6DKCTJ[1]._Rgy9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what up my fellow negros! yall heard the latest vanilla ice album?

>> No.57957947

Keep laughing, your money gone though. And it’ll stay gone.

>> No.57957994
File: 7 KB, 289x98, posts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you collected your welfare check yet?

>> No.57958004
File: 64 KB, 1170x413, 736382819184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57958023

I’m not on welfare like you baggies. Go ahead and just sign your checks over to pp directly.

>> No.57958055
File: 140 KB, 924x702, Screenshot_20240123-160113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double dubs speak truth

>> No.57958069

Yeah, yeah, we know what your job is, and that you "do it for free."

>> No.57958076

Baggies gotta make it personal, you can’t just talk about the facts. Because you know you’re wrong, so it’s just bias showing and you gotta try and insult people pointing out that you got scammed.

>> No.57958100

How much are you paid to do this btw

>> No.57958112

GME will moon. BBBY is over. Never selling. Never buying BBBY shares or bonds. Trading is a tough game!

>> No.57958122

Count the posts you’ve made across threads since 2022 and the posts on your Twitter account dedicated to this stock the. Answer yes or no.

Is your behavior normal?

>> No.57958127

I’ve been fighting for retail longer than you’ve been in this. AA screwed over investors, and that pissed me off.

>> No.57958132

Lmao he is back on the space call

>> No.57958151
File: 296 KB, 1170x1758, 7492627171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon further inspection, many of the deleted tweets were also about Sal. From information via psychotic melties itt, they doxed Sal and maybe even reported him to the uk police? I think the white hats that keep an eye on this are realizing how unhinged the melties who stuck around are. Usually I don’t care what happens to the pp pantheon, but I hope Sal is ok. I even hope shortdestroyer and all the melties are ok if they’ve been doxed as well. This has been quite the sideshow.

>> No.57958180

Lmao simping for platinum tranny

>> No.57958188

I may listen later, where’s the space?

>> No.57958224


>> No.57958274

Thanks anon. I’ve needed some online drama to dive into.

>> No.57958329

I for one hope Sal kills himself. He was insufferable and had no business talking the way he did as a fucking paki.
I sincerely hope everyone else makes it.

>> No.57958345

>keith is still here filling up entire bbbyq threads with his boogeymen cringe and samefagging

>> No.57958357

That reading rainbow quip was funny. I’ll admit you’re the most funny one here

>> No.57958376

Blend sucks on cocks. Confirmed

>> No.57958449

When I called out blend in the last thread I was bullshitting. The next day he’s everywhere. Chad I know you’re here

>> No.57958485

"Don't read dockets, only read disclosures. Take everything at face value. That's working smart, not hard!" -Blend

>> No.57958533

He is one of the biggest narcissist I've heard lmao

>> No.57958547

Knowing that Blend hates my position is the most affirming thing that has happened since OG dogshit anon.

>> No.57958562

Y’all are obsessed with me, it’s not healthy.

>> No.57958567

How many times are you gonna say you going to leave the space but never actually do? Holy fuck you are stuck aren’t you. It’s a metaphor for the SHF about to get boned

>> No.57958633

You're not Blend. Blend is on a level of narcissism that you could not emulate with 100 more posts. See you in the next bake, Dnelb.

>> No.57958651
File: 27 KB, 527x600, 1631548987431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that reddit spacing

>> No.57958662
File: 890 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20240311-182506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blend can't even pronounce the words on his prompts.

>> No.57958667

>mental illness
the post

>> No.57958686

He’s not reading from a prompt. We are literally talking to one of them dressed in what they believe is a believable personality. Blend is short

>> No.57958721

The dubs tell all

>> No.57958732


>> No.57958764

You baggies are the ones that accused me of being blend

>> No.57958766

He rage quit kek

>> No.57958777

7:30pm on the dot! Lmao shift over?

>> No.57958790


>> No.57958797

This fucking trail of numerals...

>> No.57958803


>> No.57958808

Mags just loves the sound of her own voice.
Shut thee fuck up.