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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57954322 No.57954322 [Reply] [Original]

>I can buy fake monopoly money and ill be a millionaire in a year regardless of any macro encomic conditions
>My family will ask me where my money came from and i'll be able to say "i made it with an internet meme crypto called $MUMU"
>I'll be able to see my siblings, who are all lower class despite having PhDs seethe

>> No.57954377

man i love bullseason

>> No.57954388

Have you seen this MUMU? 5LafQUrVco6o7KMz42eqVEJ9LW31StPyGjeeu5sKoMtA

>> No.57954398
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Don't you just love shitting on normies?

>> No.57954411

Obligatory 2024 bullrun thread

>> No.57954418

to be completely honest if they had PHDs and still remain lowerclass that meanst they're completely retarded

>> No.57954434
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>> No.57954552

I have the opossite problem OP, i make some good money investing and my wife and i usually make a family dinner each month to catch up with everyone and my brother won't shut the fuck up about how great his life is, and its just obnoxious. They often bring up money (how good of deal they got on things, how much they make per month) and talk about how hard things are for them (babysitting is so expensive, maternity leave has made them poor, etc). And the biggest issue has been for a few years it seems everything we do they do 25% bigger and better. We bought a house, they bought a house for a better deal that is nicer and bigger, I tried to start a business and failed my sister in law started a business and tells me she'll be pulling in 8000-10000 next month, we book a massage they book a weekend retreat away and tell us 'self care is just really important to them'. I just booked a budget weekend trip to Toronto for myself and son and a couple weeks later they booked a trip to Toronto for their whole family for 5 days 2 weeks before I'm going. They are staying in the exact same place, but doing way more extravagant things, hiring a babysitter and going out to fancy dinners, etc and I'm just so so annoyed. Remember making money isn't everything and you're equal amounts of a faggot and a dickface if you try to make money the only thing you have going on in life

>> No.57954568

It’s curious that you write they are better off than you but yet they mimic your life. I wonder if they think you’re happier than they and copy your actions to grasp as wee bit what they envy in your life. Comparison is the thief of joy. Your kids won’t care if they have less assets if they have your attention and love.

>> No.57954584

lol no you're just a petty mofo who cant bare the fact that his family is happy

>> No.57954592

>im 32
>no wife no gf
>just my doggo
>not even that much money
>im completely happy and i wouldnt change anything
i think you're just dead inside or completely unhappy and you're coping bc your bro clearly is

>> No.57954598

pot meets kettle i guess

>> No.57954616
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pipipipi oh pooor anon woe is you your brother is sooo sucessful mimimi

grow up