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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57948016 No.57948016 [Reply] [Original]

priced out since 15 years while being posted about every week since?

>> No.57948062

they want to be tech elites and got cucked

>> No.57948080

HN is midwit central

>> No.57948094

what the fuck is ycombinator/hn anyways? a worse reddit?

>> No.57948151

its like total basedboy central with "tech workers" without any of the fun autism at reddit

everyone works at some FAANG goyslop company and no one works at a real finance job like Jane Street or Optiver. everything is just some SaaS solution with subscription model they trying to sell to each other

>> No.57948172

reddit for pseudo-intellectual tech bros

>tfw not smart enough to get in to a HFT firm

>> No.57948191

salty midwits


>> No.57948194

its not even about HFT, i also mean you can work like me as software dev at a normal hedge fund

I dont do any quant stuff or so, I just create some API dashboard services using React and NodeJS

but they REALLY hate anything with finance for some reason

>> No.57948198

because everyone on that board was fudded out of mining/buying bitcoin going back to the very very beginning. I remember HN threads in 2010 and all the big smart faggots non stop posting about how dumb BTC is and how it can't scale. same shit in 2014 when ETH ICO happened. non stop shit talking. the are all salty buttcoiners. the hate is cope. they have to believe they were smarter than everyone else that fell for the scam

>> No.57948230

but they could have bought ETH, SOL or even fucking LINK that tries to solve some midwit basedboy silicon valley worker tech problem at like 20 cent

>> No.57948260

>but they REALLY hate anything with finance for some reason
you work for rentech?

>> No.57948274

they were right that it can't scale. they didn't know that it doesn't fucking matter for the application. there's a weird tendency in tech to hyperfocus on random details

>> No.57948280

this, it's a place with slightly higher IQ than reddit but even more arrogance. At this point it mostly attracts FAANG cucks who are leftist robots who are the opposite of contrarian, which means they'd never buy crypto. Ego won't let them buy this late so they cape with technical criticism or saying crypto supports crime, etc.

>> No.57948344
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>> No.57948357


>> No.57948360

Hacker news is basically reddit for senior and retired tech boomers.

The average age there is somewhere between 28 and 45. Most have been in the tech industry for a while and almost all have college education. Tech companies have a habit of paying their workers in stocks, at least partially. They hate btc because it's not really in their "sphere" and speculative bubbles this big tend to suck up all other stock market in-flow. Thus they see btc booming and tech sector stagnating -> btc is lowering their income/retirement portfolio

>> No.57948398
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>> No.57948399

Pretty much. I don't understand people who actually browse this shit. There are occasionally good discussions but it's becoming increasingly rare. I work in tech, I'm good at my job, but my coworkers are insufferable and I couldn't imagine spending my free time around these same people. They're head is so far up their humorless asses it's painful to be around these types. I'd rather spend time with my family or shit posting for fun.

>> No.57948407

yeah, they talked me out of it early because technically speaking, BTC has a lot of problems and was never a good solution to the problems people wanted it to solve. it because a commodity though, not a currency.

>> No.57948411
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imagine having the chance to get in on the ground floor of the hardest (and therefore the best) form of money ever created, then fudding yourself out of it because of the tech

>> No.57948421

Because they’re already rich and they see any means of poor people gaining wealth as a threat to their position in society.

>> No.57948487

Ycombinator is a tech start up incubator. They invest in early stage companies to help them succeed and of course partial ownership. Started in Cambridge MA (Harvard, MIT land) but moved out to SF. Their biggest wins have been Airbnb, Coinbase, etc. they’ve basically helped remake the American and world economy the past two decades. Hacker news is their message board.

>> No.57948528

>without any of the fun autism at reddit
That's the best thing about it though. Always love to see shitty "jokes" with 10 follow-up jokes of increasingly lower effort get flagkilled.
The really egregious thing is that you can't just call someone wrong or an idiot when they're clearly that, but you can do it if you spend a lot of effort to phrase it in a HN-typical way. Quite annoying.
>There are occasionally good discussions but it's becoming increasingly rare
How do you know if you don't browse this shit?
Most posters are insufferable and obviously they'll flip their shit at any mention of crypto but still I find a lot of interesting shit there. I've been following LLM/diffusion developments since the beginning through HN, don't know where else I'd find that info in a palatable way, for sure it's not /g/. Occasional random nerd shit, fine details of airline issues which is pretty interesting (they all love to larp as pilots for some reason). Most threads are very predictable based on the subject but the good thing is that you can easily avoid the shittiest ones.

>> No.57948646

Missed the train
Blackrock owns it
Etf means centralization
Rich elite parasites still in power
Its over

>> No.57948701

this is part of it too imo. there's an elitism on HN and a belief that they are better than you because they made their fortune as an entrepreneur, or they aspire too.

>> No.57948757

HN is 95% wage cucks, they make good money but there's a reason the most famous post on the site is a retard FUDing Dropbox as pointless. They don't buy because their soul is burning at the fact they almost certainly knew about BTC under $10 and ETH under $15 but they didn't even throw a few grand at it, it's cognitive dissonance that makes them hate crypto "I'm smart and missed a chance at being rich, therefore crypto must be a scam". It's a form of ego protection

>> No.57948762

I don't think the proportion of actual startup founders/tech workers is as big as you're making it out to be. Probably 90% is just interested randos, quite a bit of 4channers on there too, university students (when I did CS almost everyone at least knew of the site), hobby programmers.. Probably much the same kind of crowd as here desu.

>> No.57948764

A bunch of depressed middle managers that fight over who is the smartest man in the room. They still haven't figured out why it sounds like a self glorifying echo chamber.

>> No.57948855
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This. Then there are those who cope by saying "I knew it was going to be big, but I never bought any because I didn't want to profit from the fools who buy later".

>> No.57948883

that was def the demographic shitting on BTC and ETH in the early days.
>make a bingo card generator and run it as one man saas company
>center your whole personality on how creative you are as an entrepreneur
>blog post endlessly about your success

>> No.57949360

I don't think the majority of HN users even care about Bitcoin anymore. They've just accepted it and moved on to ignoring it. the jannies won't allow it on the front page

>> No.57949665

but sometimes there is a post about tether and it gets like 300 commetns

>> No.57949957

There's a flamewar detector that downranks threads that have too much discussion for how new they are. And when something generates a lot of low-quality discussion often people will just flag the post. I don't think it's necessarily dang the turbojanny doing this.

>> No.57950114

ah, that must be it. i swear i haven't seen bitcoin on the front page in several years

>> No.57951228

interesting! sometimes i am in a thread with say 200 upvotes, but then its not on the frontpage anymore


>> No.57951585

damn. that was poetry anon. theres no way i could have put it better than this.

>> No.57953397

Yep. The utility is number go up but they see it as "impure."

>> No.57955114

Plenty of HN posters/lurkers are into crypto.
They just have the good sense to be ashamed of it.