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57944523 No.57944523 [Reply] [Original]

I get it, we're all chasing that sweet moolah, kek. But the longer I'm in this, the more I feel that void, especially when BTC went all ATH. Do I succumb to FOMO like in the good ol' times, or what's the 411?

>> No.57944600

sick gains

>> No.57944636
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I'm so negative in my account that I refuse to lose.

>> No.57944796

I want to see RWA and tokenization develop. Lots of government paperwork and asset management issues can be optimized because of this tech.

>> No.57944819


>> No.57944850


>> No.57944934

Money and some good projects.

>> No.57945062

Both for the tech and tendies, Anon. Blockchain technology stand a better chance to withstand the looming quantum threat.

>> No.57945081
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Shitcoins anon
2k market cap and LP is burnt


>> No.57945201

I'm stubborn as a mule, and FOMO is real. I'd kick myself so bad if I sold all my bags and everything. I'm happy with my RNDR, QANX and SOL bags.

>> No.57945236

I've been doing it for a long time and have always made money. Nothing life changing but enough to keep me engaged.

>> No.57945265

>hello fellow crypto traders, haha why are we in this
>do I fomo now
Extremely low effort mossad

>> No.57945309

Same here, remembering HBAR was at 56 cents and hoping it could do the same.

>> No.57945316

Based, senpai. A bit of excitement plus earning opportunity for me especially the upcoming royalty reward for devs coming up on QAN.

>> No.57945367

Quantum computers getting powerful enough to break current encryption methods. That's the real threat.

>> No.57945476

Dude just mentioned COQ indirectly.

>> No.57945509

I came for the gains last bull and stayed for the tech during the bear. I'm hoping to see where it takes me going forward. I have positioned myself on AI, RWA and L1 projects.

>> No.57945665
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The reason is MEME COINS.

>> No.57945788

I also have faith in my picks as they have real world utility. In addition to those QANX bags, I reckon you add METIS as they getting listed on Binance.

>> No.57945869

But isn't blockchain a bit overhyped? I mean, it's cool and all, but can it really stand up to quantum computers?

>> No.57945936

>Do I succumb to FOMO like in the good ol' times, or what's the 411?
Set a goal, set your DCA and forget until you reach your goal. Best and most stress free strategy.

>> No.57945977

It's not a silver bullet, but the decentralized nature and cryptographic foundations make it more resilient. We need to adapt our tech to the evolving threats, and blockchain is a step in the right direction.

>> No.57946096

4-5x is a more reasonable expectation for the top 50.

>> No.57946161

Alright, I'm sold on the idea. Blockchain for the win, then. Any recommendations on which blockchain projects are taking this quantum threat seriously, since there are a lot of them out there just for the hype?

>> No.57946180

What about quantum-resistant algorithms? Why not just use those instead of relying on blockchain?

>> No.57946200
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Too poor. I have made 10x from METIS, CLORE and SOL and aren't even at the peak bull yet. You are just a retard holding the wrong gems.

>> No.57946272

Alts like XTP, DIA, Metis, and QANX gonna give me easy 100x than BTC, fag.

>> No.57946351

Got a fat bag of SOL that I DCA'd during the bear market. Still holding it on Tap Fintech, along with Matic and YFI.

>> No.57946390

We're officially in a bull market, Anon. Expecting mad ROI from the token of the app that partnered with Zero Hash for their upcoming US launch.

>> No.57946750

bitcoin gongo wup

>> No.57946772

Who in there right mind would EVER trust real world asset to unregulated decentralized block chain.

>> No.57946784
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lol lmao even

>> No.57947249


>> No.57947595
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I made gains with SOL and Metis, gonna take profit to buy PEAQ when the token launches. DePIN is gonna be a hot narrative this decade, don't say I didn't inform you, Pajeet.

>> No.57947680

Look at CTI and QANX and you will understand.

>> No.57947779


>> No.57947818

That's a fact. Especially QANX with all the quantum hype around.

>> No.57947854
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It's a simple af. You can't get 100x anywhere else. By flipping shitcoin I am close to retire in my mid 20s

>> No.57947994

It's fucking future. Vitalik said they will build a fork for quantum proof. Forks can't do a jackshit to help inactive wallets if they don't migrate. That's why I see only two solutions for that, Algo and Qanx

>> No.57948084

I joined because of tech but stayed because of gains

>> No.57948145


>> No.57948169

Did you just say senpai? Did gookmoot finally remove the shitty filter?

>> No.57948184


>> No.57948292


>> No.57948385

great finds mate. I am holding them for a while. Also, check SIDUS and IXS. They will pump more

>> No.57948425

agree on. mayor pump incoming

>> No.57948470

I think I'm betting against old money at this point. A lot of millennials don't see the feasibility of stock markets, and traditional finance.

I'm betting against it all.

>> No.57948667

times are different now. anons would rather chase higher gains with higher risk than the traditional market with stocks

>> No.57948735

Cashing out? Altseason is yet to start you moron

>> No.57948736

My thoughts are as the US dollar inflates, it reflects on the price of Bitcoin.

>> No.57948847

90% of my portfolio got liquidated in a couple of retarded trades, and now I'm gradually working my way back up. It may be the only adversity I've tried to overcome in quite a while.

>> No.57948863

Since you are stupid, let me try to break up for you. With the new quantum computer, which has 1100+ qubits, it can easily break any crypto elliptic curve, which 99.9% of the blockchain depends on. Even if any project does work, for instance, Bitcoin, all users who migrate will be safe. But how about the Satoshi wallet or other wallets that have been inactive for years? If hackers het into those and dump all shit on us, everything could go to 0.

>> No.57948878

That too

>> No.57948941

So what? Are we screwed?

>> No.57949060

Not necessarily. There will always be chains that are quantum resistant from day one. Also, hopefully, no crazy man will own it in the next few years.

>> No.57949182

kek, I thought I was the only one here holding Sidus

>> No.57949403

Just buy QANX, thats all you need

>> No.57949618

There is one already

>> No.57949651

>we're all chasing


>> No.57949771


>> No.57949826

Since it uses Crystal Dilithium I think it should be able to

>> No.57949934

I think I just found the next 100X

>> No.57950020

Most L1 will melt faces this year

>> No.57950108


>> No.57950109

Metis was at ETH Denver as one of the first main event talks. They pushed decentralization of Layer 1's.

>> No.57950130

Pardon, I meant L2's.

>> No.57950247

Even BTC is not safe with QC coming into play, we are fucked

>> No.57950554

AVIATOR is gonna make me the gains i need to go on pesion when im 35, thats why im in this game. to never have to wageslave again

>> No.57950573


>> No.57950818

No we are not

>> No.57951223

Whats the next PEPE

>> No.57951292

IBM Alright introduced the Condor already, QCT is close

>> No.57951348


>> No.57951401

Good bag right there anon

>> No.57951476

I had the chance to buy this at a low price now its above the roof

>> No.57951534

I just bought some, I hope I make it

>> No.57951625

Vitalik is smart as fuck I think we might be planning a partnership with QAN

>> No.57951728

I made over 4x already

>> No.57951787


>> No.57951837

Anon are you talking about QAN

>> No.57951901

I noticed too Last year, one of the Ethereum board members, Patrick Storchenegger, was present it quantum-resistant private blockchain launch.

>> No.57951942

Just remember when BTC went from its previous ATH of 67k to 36k in just three months, then dwindled down to 16k over the course of a year. I’m hovering the tether swap patiently.

>> No.57952445

the fact that i can still get some value for my investments. it has been a long ride

>> No.57953033

cant get value if you aint vesting in something solid, i got INJ, NUklai, Cosmos and Vra.
how much value do you think i would get from these

>> No.57953278

there is still some hope left for us. earning god from my contents monetized on Hydro. this is one thing tha keeps me going

>> No.57953525

it’s not a game that ends. it’s societal transformation, if you’re in it just to acquire more fiat you miss the point completely

>> No.57953676

i came accross this a few days back. i like the fact that you dont need no ads to monetize, its an upgrade on admob, adsense and a few others

>> No.57954716

There is no next PEPE, buy QANX, when you still have the chance to buy it cheaper.

>> No.57954825

The people who see how governance and regulatory schemes operate under centralized, overregulated bureaucratic busybodies

>> No.57954972

Quantum-resistant algorithms are part of the solution, for sure. But blockchain provides an additional layer of security through its decentralized structure.

>> No.57955057


The technology is only now starting to be adopted by banks and Blackrock/Vanguard. If crypto captures 1% of the derivatives market the whole of crypto 5x's. Some way more. I think half the derivatives market becomes tokenized.

>> No.57955159

>They will pump more
The hype train is currently on the DesCi and Hyperpolyglot chains. That's where the real pumps are, IMO.

>> No.57955466
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I just don't believe in fiat anymore
I realized lately with the value of btc right now I could cash it out and buy a house outright. It has made me kind of absurdly rich over the years. Never would've happened another way
Everyone under 40 today is going to use some form of crypto or a blockchain system in their lifetime. It's just such an obviously better system
I said this years ago with international wires, which are actually a huge pain in the ass on the back end, could be done so much easier, cheaper, and faster in crypto and you don't need very much infrastructure to make it happen.
The trustlessness is a big deal too. Maybe you trust banks, and they are fairly trustworthy, but not universally: If I want to do business with a shithole I really can't be assured that my money will come back, that warlords or corrupt governments won't seize it, that the institutions are strong. So maybe I just don't do business there. But now I could. No surprise the worst economies pay the highest premium for crypto.
I'm not that philosophical about it, it just is a genuinely useful modern technology.