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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57944236 No.57944236 [Reply] [Original]

If you're not retarded you would have realised already that Base projects are the most asymmetrical bet this cycle.

CB has the most resources to funnel users to it's chain and via it's smart wallet you can buy Base projects on your phone with your CB balance.

They are already sending push notifications to users for free USDC on their first deposit. For the low IQ's what this means is that CB have spent 5 years building infrastructure to onboard millions of users (1bn to be exact, see phase 4 of their plan) and they are now at the early stages of fully executing on the marketing phase of this plan.

There is a wave of retail coming to Base soon.

So let's all not be faggots and make a fucking based efforthread for un-mooned Base projects with maximum potential for pump. I'll start:

>GrandBase $GB $20mm - RWA tokenisation. Massive big dick energy and still a sleeper.
> Tarot $Tarot $2.5mm - not sure about this but based dev, clean looking project, founder was at Coinbase afterparty a week ago (insider?), and works very close with Aero
> Riku $Riku $1.5mm, cute meme appealing to asian market (year of the dragon), active in Farcaster and Jesse Pollak is following
> Briun Armstrung $Briun $1mm - degen meme, actually pretty funny, liquidity locked and burning the supply every few days, good potential
> Basic Dog Meme $Dog $6mn - first Base project, kinda funny memes, L3 for launching meme projects with a few clicks, original idea,

Obviously TYBG, Mochi, Toshi, Doginme, Brett & Aero will all have moderate to massive gains this cycle but everyone already knows about them.

So what's the next potential 50-100X and why? Don't be a faggot, drop some alpha.

>> No.57944264

>So what's the next potential 50-100X and why? Don't be a faggot, drop some alpha.


>sub 10k market cap
>logo that appeals to normies
>looks like a super saiyan wolf (DBZ creator just died so maybe that will give it an additional poomp)

>> No.57944271 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw some lunch money at this SOL coin. 2k market cap and LP is burnt. This is going to moon once everyone starts shilling it


>> No.57944293

So by linking my coinbase account to my smart wallet I can buy shit coins?

>> No.57944296

Also we (the community) can call each other "lobros" haha

This is a BASE thread.

>> No.57944299

Also what dex has most of these?

>> No.57944309

Bumping for AVI bridging over all normie ETH coins to Base to save on gas fees

>> No.57944319

so will there be a token for BASE like ARB and OP?
imagine them airdropping coinbase users tokens to use there? that will happen?

>> No.57944325
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you have my attention. my main criteria is that none of the top traders have yet made much profit. and you pass that test with flying colours

>> No.57944328

I hold a few meme coins but don't sleep on circle. Normies coming, deflationary, unique concept and at least 2 coinbase engineers hold circle and talked about it.

>> No.57944337
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>It's new
>It's carbonated
>It'd got a fat relative initial liquidity (locked)

>> No.57944341

>Obviously TYBG, Mochi, Toshi, Doginme, Brett & Aero will all have moderate to massive gains this cycle but everyone already knows about them.

Kind of disagree. They're not on any main exchanges so there's still 100x potential. A 100x for MOCHI for example would put it at a 4b market cap, which is only 1/10 of SHIB's ATH from the previous bull market.

>> No.57944357

Yeah I bought it on the day it launched and it did a decent 2-3x since then, unlike most BASE tokens which instantly do a 10x on the same day and then dumps just as fast.

>> No.57944364

>logo that appeals to normies
wdym? there's no logo or socials on dexscreener

>> No.57944369

Wtf happened to toshi guys? Not cool.

>> No.57944411

It's on their Twitter account. (look for LOBO the BASE DOG)

Most of these shitcoins don't have a logo on dexscreener

>> No.57944428

yes, on your mobile phone, CB not only are OK with this, they want to move 99% of liquidity onto Base

Eventually coinbase listings will mean a lot less, because you'll be able to buy everything on chain via smart wallet

Uni and Sushi are the best, if you need to bridge - move some Eth onto base via Hop Protocol (fast and cheap)

Most likely, some are farming already in anticipation of this. I think CB will drop tokens only to CB account linked wallets.

Basepilled and ultimately agreed, I just dont feel a need to shill these project coz so much available alpha already

Shill it so the uninitiated can get the alpha

>> No.57944443

what are the plans for this? chart looks good but how will this be shilled

>> No.57944489

Yeah shilling on /biz/ isn't going to do much for an asset that already has a 40m market cap. LOBO, on the other hand... *rubs hands*

We can do it, Lobros!
10m make it stack
1m sui stack

>> No.57944493
File: 350 KB, 507x500, gsdfjbasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catinme. It's the cat themed version of Doginme as there is a gross disparity between the total marketcap of dog based meme coins vs cat based meme coins. A guy with strong toshi connections took over after the dev pussed out and killed this coin and singlehandedly brought this up from 3 cents to $1.30, breaking 2 aths.

Community is committed to making this the biggest cat memecoin on basechain, we just recently revamped our logo and are working on a new website.

>0% tax
>Liquidity locked
>renounced contract
>100% minted tokens

Had some dips recently due to a lot of people jeeting their bags but it's held strong compared to most other base memecoins that just die. Perfect time to get in if you want to be legit early.

ca: 0xa182C48d6e89A65499801EFd0DF40E4e9aAD367c

This will be the next doginme. SS this

>> No.57944527

The creator seems pretty adamant to shill this shit. He created the Twitter account like 4 months ago, so it seems like he's in it for the long run. (that is a long time for a shitcoin Twitter account).

With tokens like this it is all a matter of luck though, but even the simple act of spreading the word on /biz/ could pump this to a 100k market cap at bare minimum. Who knows where we'll go from there?

Just don't ape in because I couldn't live with myself if your life savings get rugged. Just throw like 50 bucks at it and see what happens. If you lose it all I'll buy you a couple of beers in the afterlife to make up for the karmic debt (No I am not a Jeet)

>> No.57944535

He fucked up the mint bad, this is gnna be $1 at $1mn marketcap. Do the math. Very high risk.

>> No.57944564

i agree that shilling this around a bit will easily pump it to 100k which would make a nice floor, assuming biz doesnt jet lol. biz is always looking for dogcoins to pump under 10k

>> No.57944604

Lol someone just bought a bag of LOBO and the dev already tweeted the graph because of the resulting green candle. THAT'S how early we are. It's also kind of adorable.

I'm going to work now. Hopefully I'll see you guys at 100k mc.

>> No.57944630

And whats the issue with that? Circle has a low supply and it mooned. My point is, there is a lot of potential for a cat vs dog rivalry in this space. Plus people that are salty they missed out on doginme will likely be looking towards this. Shitloads of doggie themed coins but few cat coins. It's a strong narrative similar to shiba inu the doge killer

>> No.57944756

$catai and $cookie
wanted some Brett but mc is already fucking massive

>> No.57944773

What are these projects and why should we buy. This is supposed to be a glorious effortthread anon

>> No.57944784

>missed the brett 100x because was in circle and mochi
Mochi is still promising but Circle is a loser. GB, Tarot, and Dog all seem interesting but will anyone actually want to use them for anything? Projects that have more thought put into them than ponzi memes with marketing always seem to underperform. And speaking of $DOG, is that what the "Basic Doge NFT" I found sitting in my coinbase wallet is?

>> No.57944864

Do you have the devs twitter

>> No.57944987

what is a CB account linked wallet? just one you've withdrawn to or deposited from?

>> No.57945022

there's already mochi and toshi. but is there a cat wif hat

>> No.57945059

Yes and the guy who helped Toshi is behind this. Toshi even added a liquidity pair for catinme-Toshi. Sure cat wif hat is a missed opportunity but this is still big. Most other cat coins on base just die after the first day, but catinme not only rose up, it's still going strong with a devoted community.

>> No.57945063
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Read NPC docs

lurk harder and you will get devs are always few steps before market


easy x5 short term.

>> No.57945125

I feel like GB won't be the official RWA platform coinbase would want to use. CB is part of the tokenized asset coalition, GB doesn't look professional enough. But I feel like if Coinbase does not have anything by the time people move on from AI into pumping RWA this will pump hard since it's the first RWA token on base. I put in a small bag in case that happens, if this goes the route of ONDO it can 100x. It is boring as fuck compared to memes though so will probably have to patient and let it play out

>> No.57945140

You were right you crazy bastard, lobo is mooning.

>> No.57945159


>> No.57945392

buy lobo guys, it's still really early and just posted on twitter

>> No.57945457

Also, Dober is sitting pretty at 150k mcap proven to be not a rug, should fly

>> No.57945510
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Buy Avi before they bridge to Base and before Coinbase lists them. You're welcome, I'm not spoonfeeding you anymore than I already have.

>> No.57945588

jeets taking profits like usual, need a lobo thread up

>> No.57945679

I would do it, but I just got nuked for making a catinme thread

>> No.57945996
File: 931 KB, 2000x2000, 565D17F7-B065-4C20-B5DC-EB20605193D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EarnFi. The marketers/influencers that were shilling Brett are going to be pushing this next. Don’t say I didn't warn you.

>> No.57946198

base chain general tg
t dot me slash basechaingeneral

>> No.57946729

whale heavy

>> No.57946757

it's a brand new token, what do ya expect

>> No.57946782

Sounds gay, how do you know this

>> No.57946868
File: 333 KB, 1170x2532, 185A2F82-551D-4785-AB87-81EBEC3ED884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in the TG. There is also a twitter space tonight. I’m sure they’ll talk about it.

>> No.57947737

NFI was shilled here yesterday at 1mil and I bought, then sold my little bags of earnfi and other crap and bought again. It's a Perp futures platform that they put a lot of work into but just launched so there's not much traffic yet. It's at 1.7mil rn with 3.2fdv.

The only other perp futures dex on base is deus which looks like a mess and is about to migrate the contract, yet it's sitting at 4.6mil. if anything, NFI should be an easy 3x from here but it could do very well. If the traffic picks up I might try staking for liquidity on the platform.

>> No.57947827

send solid proof

>> No.57947851

$330k mcap, a 100x would result in a $33m mcap. That's more than realistic, it's inevitable, because free ETH forever is attractive as fuck.

>> No.57948251

Nice screenshot, checking out, normies will love this

>> No.57948257

Earnfi is the most undervalued play right now by far, having looked through all the current projects. There's actual dogshit sitting at like 100million mc while this is not even half a milly kek

>> No.57948471

>still holding
>50% down

it better fuckin moon

>> No.57948527

Get Themis, it has a lower tax and isn't a constant rug like earnfi.

>> No.57948601

does earnfi allow one to stake their coins and get rewards? Are there any staking reward competitors on base?

>> No.57948699

Post CA

>> No.57948723


>> No.57948741

thinly veiled lobo thread

>> No.57948804

It has double staking, one is passively earning eth as you hold and the other is activated through the dapp on the website which earns earnfi, but the latter is optional.
The thing with themis is that the website is a lot more jeety and they don't even explain what the other half of the tax is for which is super shady.

>> No.57948886

is lobo on base or l1 main?
how do i buy it on base?

>> No.57948965

> comes to /biz for alpha
> gets given alpha
> thinks there is a conspiracy about the alpha

find God anon

>> No.57948972

Lobo tg?

>> No.57948993

Ticker symbol BASE
5 days old
Sitting at 26k market cap
Price $.038
Limited supply of 69420
Normies can send this 100x-1000x
Would be retarded not to throw in like 10 dollars

>> No.57949037

send eth to binance from metamask. then send eth from binance to metmask and select "base" as the protocol on the binance withdrawal page. Or you can click the bridge button in metamask but that will cost a lot more in gas fees

>> No.57949039
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I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it

>> No.57949094

Down 40% on circle so far. Awesome.

>> No.57949131
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this is circle's new competitor. but their team seems to be a bunch of dude-bros that are no-where near as smart. It just broke through support 2 mins ago

>> No.57949138

> 3 buy orders on low volume shitcoin

why you diluting this thread with nothingburgers

give the alpha on why this is gnna moon

>> No.57949154
File: 290 KB, 900x900, basicdog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic Dog Meme, still early

>> No.57949161

chart looks good, but yeah this is whats important. why is it alpha? besides good meme

>> No.57949423

how do i buy this crap

>> No.57949434

bought 20usd of lobo.
btw for the anon that explained to me how to get base stuff. I already knew, just couldn't find lobo before. anyway you can just buy eth on base that is way cheaper than bridging you can do that on metamask, it's without a fee.

i expect this do reach 1M mc than I shall swap back to MOCHI I have insider info that it will do very well.

>> No.57949458

Op here from my phone

Unironically got shilled into earnfi

Go look at it anons, normie friendly dapp with super simple tokenomics, based US dev doing AMAs etc and believes in his project

This is a winner, just needs a couple crypto bros to advertise eth earning model and this will dump upwards while all holders earn fees off of thr transactions

>> No.57949467

I've been staring at this shit for way too long. I need to just buy some, at least I'll get eth dust if there's any volume which is way better on base. Will pay for a reasonable % of gas fees just holding it.

>> No.57949468

btw, is there some logo graphics or a site which we can use to shill it further on biz and plebbit?

>> No.57949485

Think you're in the wrong place anon, this is an alpha thread for the non faggots

If you have insider info on a major project you wouldnt be shitcoin trading $300 for a 2x

>> No.57949487

There is currently a coin launching called Shibase Inu. The fucks have a presale right now. Its on eth but they want to move it onto base asap however that works... dont buy the presale because who knows if they rug but if its still around in a week Ill throw beer money at it

>> No.57949503

They're probably planning on using skybridge when it launches

>> No.57949573

>no website
>no TG
>no Twitter
obvious rug

>> No.57949716

my total holdings on base are close to 15k.
i am not the type of person that risks too much on shitcoins. all my friend (employee and fairly high ranked) said is that the most popular meme tokens on base will get shilled by employees and coinbase itself and that they will increase, how much that i do not know... i am hopeful it's at least an x20 as the MC for mochi is fairly low and it could be the DOGE of BASE so who knows... or it might do just an x2, that is also fine. One think I don't get is why I even trade crypto when I have an actual job and a six figure income, I feel cheap, but I still dream of making millions to help my family with their issues, feel stupid.

>> No.57949725


>> No.57949861

Baby Brett

Name a baby coin that didn’t take off after its parent

>> No.57950330

Everyone knows that shit and mochi/Toshi being the CB versions of shib and doge this bullrun has been speculated on here since at least December. If you have actual alpha drop it, but your posts sound like a fuckin bot scraped this place with the keyword base.

>> No.57950659

basebonk is where its at
idk how this shit isn't over $1m market cap already

>> No.57950721

ahh i only ctrl+f'd before posting my post. but based(bonk)
this shit deserves to fly.
is there a website?

>> No.57950771


I have a bag of this shit and it boggles my mind how its still sub 10 Million MCAP.

It has deep liquidity since it has a pairing on Aerodrome that gives like 300% APR in AERO rewards, they are launching an L3 for shitcoins and memes where the gas is their token, and they literally got the fucking ticker DOG. Its the most normie friendly art and project I've ever seen. It was also one of the first to launch on Basechain in general.

There is another DOG project on BASE which is annoying and I think confuses people perhaps.

>> No.57950806


I almost bought this shit and was glad I didn't. Chart looks bad. It also had a white list so a lot of people got in around 2 digits. I mentioned that on /biz/ the day it launched and they immediately changed the website to remove the whitelisting part which is immoral.

That chart is a perfect representation of whales distributing their holdings. Volume died off a lot too.

>> No.57950850

>idk how this shit isn't over $1m market cap already

Maybe because of garbage tokenomics, retarded % slippage needed to buy. trashy twitter not bringing enough people/interest? Jeez, I don't know.

>> No.57950888

The CB bro whales that cycle through coins to pump are probably still slow accumulating this and will pump it right before the L3 launches. That's purely speculation on my part, but it would make sense. It's technically going to be a utility token, not just a meme so, no sense in swinging it too hard RN or people might be hesitant to use it later. You want steady growth on a gas token, not wild swings.

>> No.57950898
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Also worth noting the staking doesn't lock your tokens. They stay in your account so you can still earn the ETH rewards. If you wanna jeet you just unstake and sell

>> No.57950939

it's literally just lucky dog coin with its reflections but an extra 2% tax going to the dev/owner

>> No.57950963

>right before the L3 launches.

Any word on when that is exactly? I went through the website and Twitter couple week back but so updates. I need to see if they have a Discord or something. It seems like a no brainer but what do I know? Lol

>> No.57951095

I don't and I haven't checked any tg or discord for them either. Ive been busy clicking through wallets trying to find new base gems, but most of these assholes are swapping eth back and forth from numerous wallets to CB which makes it harder. Ironically I do the same thing with cb, I'm just not a whsle (yet).

If you find updates on the L3 launch, let us know fren.

>> No.57951267


Thanks will do

>> No.57951310
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Obviously, it's Mochi

>> No.57951362

Also, the other dog token is a factionalized dog nft. Check your wallet on basescan if you haven't recently. I got some airdropped twice about a week ago.

>> No.57951413

I've made about .01 ETH so far holding a small bag of EarnFi for about 5 days. This shit could be printing so much ETH if it takes off. In a week or so I'll have made my initial back off of the rewards alone.

>> No.57951414

I asked him for more info, if he replies I will make a thread about it. I can't make any promises that there will be more info.

>> No.57951456

>t. massive retard

>> No.57951491


Elaborate a bit? I didn't buy the other DOG token just the Basic Dog Meme one.

>> No.57951529

they're trying to be too legitimate, so many of the scammy pumps are out of the question.
Coinbase isn't Binance and they're a very toned down version of the chink tricks we witnessed last bull

>> No.57951575
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 465767889878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a guy yesterday that shilled this memecoin on base, went 4k ish to 350kish. I checked around and talked with the team and they are legit. If you want something smaller mc with more upside, this is the one for you. Oh and it's like circle, but with meme power, no brainer for me.

>> No.57951639

>t. Gagandeep Patel

>> No.57951731

I'm not sure which coins I'm holding qualified me for the dog nft airdrops (maybe Mochi?) but copypaste your base wallet address into basescan and see if you have any dog nft tokens. Some of these memetoken devs randomly airdrop each other's coins. It's been happening for like a month on base. My dog nft airdrops are worth about $40 RN I think. I got some other ones too that are worth pennies though lol.

>> No.57951894
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We are all gonna make it.

>> No.57951912

>brown ID
nah that's you

>> No.57952116

Ok, I'm sharing this mornings autism with you degens. The wallet that bought almost $10k or Riku 30 mins ago has 1000 circle and 2.2mil in USDc on his main wallet. Do with that information as you see fit.

>> No.57952143
File: 78 KB, 858x811, COMPOUND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is EarnFi's staking dapp, you get eth rewards just for holding transferred directly to your wallet and you can ALSO stake your earnies here to get more earnies which you can compound directly from this dapp.

Buy high sell low biz

>> No.57952251

LOBO is up 50% in the last hour.
Thanks to the anon who suggested it.
Just threw in another 400$

>> No.57952270

thank you based fren, it's up 7.7x since you wrote us.

>> No.57952308

Base is a centralized scam btw Armstrong is a scammer. Base threads are not organic

>> No.57952349

>he says while buying and using basedlana
not even hungry skeleton can save you

>> No.57952386
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>> No.57952409

I’m going to retire off my Earnfi bags

>> No.57952415

I'm up.on every single token I hold on base rn. Wtf are you buying? Lol.

>> No.57952534
File: 222 KB, 1704x637, dobermayn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one ready to blow, 145k mcap

>> No.57952657

everyone talking about Toshi and Mochi, but what about Toshe? by far the cutest meme coin imo.

>> No.57952889

Riku up over $600k since I posted 45 mins ago with more whales buying.

>> No.57952927


That's actually kind of sweet thanks I'll check the explorer.

>> No.57953072

good morning ser

>> No.57953104
File: 232 KB, 693x829, tarot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tarot launched its own Dog coin called HPC a few days ago. As they have close relations, probably someone from CB asked them to launch a new meme coin that has a reputable source, so it can be safely pumped and listed on CB later. CB team is fucking smart and doing a lot of stuff in the background to make the chain great

>> No.57953146

RIKU looking like the winning move for today. 10m market cap inc?

>> No.57953289

was pain in the ass to bridge but i'm a bonker now

>> No.57953402

yeah honestly if you just buy dog and bonk coins you can do really well. maybe one day cats will rise but this a good retard strat that works.

>> No.57953559

I would think 8ish within a day or so, just going off HPC last week. Idk how much demand there is for dragon memes though. Maybe it blows up faster? HPC itself is a terrible meme lol. I'll probably take a little profit from Riku if it starts touching 7 and let the rest ride.

>> No.57953974

Check it often. It gives you the option to open the link in metamask directly for whichever network you're on as well. You don't even have to copypasta.

With the declaration of no native token on base, I think these random airdrops are going to increase. The dog team's L3 is going to have a memetoken creation app that auto airdrops 10% of the supply at launch. CB probably wants to use "surprise" airdrops instead of just attracting farmers and jeets like other L2s. It would certainly build more hype amongst normies.

Take a survey or something on cb, get some free coins in your CB wallet, swap for something else and...holy shit, you've got $300 worth of baldbluepuppies! Lol.

>> No.57954169
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I have coinbase wallet strictly for base stuff. Am I supposed to connect it to my coinbase account or can I just leave them separate?

I traded $AERO recently but I sold too soon. Idk if any coins that look good or are good.

$AVI - rumor that this coin is coming round base next month

Shill me some tickers pls anos!!!

>> No.57954279

i mean it's up 7x since he wrote about it as that's when he shilled it here and people bought

>> No.57954336


That may be better as you said.

>The dog team's L3 is going to have a memetoken creation app that auto airdrops 10% of the supply at launch.

So for just holding DOG I'll get some percentage of any meme coin created on their platform airdropped to my wallet? That sounds ridiculous. I bought a relatively small amount but I may increase the holding.

>> No.57954359
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when expect Based season?

>> No.57954510

Idk, but those particular airdrops would be on the L3 so I assume you'll need to interact with that network first.

>> No.57954688

Bullish post lol. Your CB wallet is a separate entity from your CB CEX account. You don't need to interact with CB at all if you don't want to. You can see all the tokens available on base network by using dexscreener and clicking base network under explore.

>> No.57954712

because 95% of them are shitcoins trying to cash in on Twitter influencers telling people it's "base szn"

>> No.57954766

ZOGbase has 3416 employees.

>> No.57954772

The good ones are Aero, Toshi, Mochi, TYBG, and Tarot
Everything else is stupid and dumb

>> No.57954799


I saw in posts awhile back people mentioning interacting with their testnet for airdrops but again on the website I couldn't find anything for that either I really need to check for a Discord. I really dislike TG so I hope they have both

>> No.57955006

What's the fastest way to get ETH to Base chain?

>> No.57955032


synapse protocol is fast like 7 minutes

So is just sending from Coinbase to Base network

>> No.57955066

Buy on Coinbase and withdraw (send) via Base Network to Metamask. After that, just know that 99% of Base tokens are rugs waiting to happen.

>> No.57955072

Fuck, I think my 2017 CB account is probably closed/not eligible for buying crypto.
Wonder if I can send from Binan e to Base Network

>> No.57955081

you could use metamask to bridge as that may make you eligible for their airdrop, they do take a fee on top though

>> No.57955099

Technically the fastest way is to on-ramp on coinbase wallet
After that it would be one of the bridges

>> No.57955142

See a lot of people posting shit that already mooned. Never change biz lol.

If you want legitimate alphas here are two coins on the base chain.

First one is CATINME. After og dev pussed out, a guy that had strong connections to the Toshi team came in and resurrected this coin from 30k mc to a 1.3M mc ath. He's legit and committed to making this project a success, with the community sharing the same sentiment.
>Locked liquidity
>0% tax
>renounced contract
>100% of tokens minted

I see people bitching all the time about "there are no alphas. everything's pumped" Well here is your chance niggers. BUY LOW SELL HIGH. Catinme is currently at an amazing entry point and there are talks to collab with big influencers which will send this coin.

If bizraelis get together we can make this the next doginme. We already pumped linu to where it is, we can do it again with CATINME. Drop by the tg for more info.

CA for catinme: 0xa182C48d6e89A65499801EFd0DF40E4e9aAD367c

Second coin is lobo to which I'll credit >>57944264 for shilling. Dev just created a tg and posts on twitter and is currently revamping the website. Coin went from 6.5k mc to 70k in less than 1 day and it's not gonna stop there. Drop by the tg and feel free to chat with him, hes a chill dude who's very open and has big plans for this project Coin is in the process of being listed on coingecko and CMC

Ca for lobo: 0x4e98b3917310b0E1F0d53C0619f87FE48dEB804b

>> No.57955143

>Wonder if I can send from Binan e to Base Network

I kind of doubt Binance will have that option since its kind of a competitor BUT you should check and I could be wrong.

Otherwise just send it to like Arbitrum or something and then go from Arbitrum to Base through synapse protocol.

>> No.57955277

>didn't buy Aero on the 50% dip
>back to ATH
probably going to regret that

>> No.57955412

What do you anons think of Riku?

>> No.57955530

Anyone have alpha on lolsorrydrw? It was touching 3mil, currently at 1.6. 16 hours old.

>> No.57955617

What's the tg?

>> No.57955627

I bought the dip but I didn't buy ENOUGH

>> No.57955679

$GB and $TAROT are the no brainers here. $100M easily achievable for both

>> No.57955727


>> No.57955929

Literally -50% down, kek.

>> No.57956026

Most likely to do a 4x this week. Comfy hold rn.

>> No.57956110

Grand Base, RWA tokenization. One of the few serious projects on Basechain

>> No.57956343

Tarot TG?

>> No.57956453

Yo wtf
TAROT looks heavily undervalued atm.
Under 20mil supply and 0.15$ a piece. What's the catch?

>> No.57956510

>bought a little because I thought it would retest the low

>> No.57956564

You/we simply got lucky by finding an undiscovered gem. Don't fumble this bag. Once CB makes it a two-click purchase for retail, it's gonna print in retarded fashion. Best of luck fren

>> No.57956665

tarot is trying too hard to do something it isn't: be a serious project and attach the rwa label
better to just be an out and out meme coin

>> No.57956701

!remind me 6 months. Kek ;)

>> No.57956710

Can you buy into uni or sushi swap or does it gotta be through the aero swap

>> No.57956728

I always see tarot mentioned in base threads, but what is it exactly? All I know is the dev is supposedly very well connected to the Aero team, but Tarot doesn't have a TG and I don't use discord, so I'm not sure what the project is about.

>> No.57956760

>shiba inu is literally just a doge why would you buy this @ $3mn MC

fucking retards this can be because of a single 'whale' purchase of just a couple of grand, doesnt mean anything about the project

I had another guy in the Tarot Discord talk about CB buying a bag. Also best looking chart in the market right now. Going to pack my bags.

>> No.57956765

Tarot is a defi lending platform and it owns one of the biggest Aero LPs. There's no memes about it. Tarot and aero devs built these projects at fantom and brought them to base.
GB is an rwa token.

>> No.57956828
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>> No.57956907

Circle is pumping.

>> No.57956994

Since nobody seems to be reading through the thread, I'll post this again: NFI is very good looking project with plenty of liquidity on a few Dexs. It's at 1.1mil rn but some presale/early investor whales are still dumping. Keep an eye on it at the least. It's a Perp futures platform with 50x leverage, staking, LPs etc...essentially a GMX clone for base. I'm gonna hold for a while and see where it goes. If it starts gettibg traffic it might be worth it to stake for rewards.

>> No.57957006

Imagine not enlarging your throbbing kenis on arb....

>> No.57957007

Not to alarm you guys but I think I have to FOMO into TAROT

>> No.57957008

Looks like more supply can be minted? Is this true?

>> No.57957069

HOPPY is out, making moves get in quick.

>> No.57957146

swell, maybe this time Few won't take a shit all over it

>> No.57957150

Yup. I doubt theyre gonna dilute the supply anytime soon though. I'm holding for the dev and possible cb listing. I could see them minting more when they get repaid on a bunch of new pairs or however that works. I'm not that well versed on defi lending.

>> No.57957184

Damn, so if they mint more won't they devalue the token value of current holders?

>> No.57957187

I think $24.40 is the threshold it needs to cross (and maintain) to fuck the asshole liquidity whale and breakout.

>> No.57957211

If demand remains the same then yes, of course. If demand increases faster than the new supply then, no.

>> No.57957217

Why would I buy that shit

>> No.57957255

you can move LPs around, I doubt it's still just sitting there. The issue here is you have a whale with a bruised ego at this point so he's willing to throw money away to try and send this thing to $9, we'll see what happens. Circle would already be at 100 if that shitter hadn't destroyed the momentum

>> No.57957326
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I'm comfy in Ampleforth (pro tip: buy wAMPL)

>> No.57957453

Original LOBO shillfag here.

Can't believe you degens actually pumped it to nearly 100k in the span of a day. I'll see you Lobros at 1m.

>> No.57957460

>at least 2 coinbase engineers hold circle
:DD heard that also the Pope and Queen Elizabeth have stacks on this

>> No.57957466

How to use aerodrome?

>> No.57957636

its on the dexscreen, 4chan wont allow links

>> No.57957654

Then keep chasing pumps and losing money. Never change biz, buy high sell low.

>> No.57957682


Looks like rug scams are increasing as well, i'v noticed in the past 2 weeks the amount of new token deployed has increased to nearly Solana levels

>> No.57957749

thx for dropping it anon, can't wait to see how high this goes. WAGMI

>> No.57957845

EARNFI is cool and all, and I bought when it was first shilled at 50k mc, but it won't last unless there's a utility use case behind it. Where are the ETH rewards gonna come from if there's no reason to keep buying the token?

>> No.57957926

I'm legit posting 2 base plays that are confirmed to not be jeet rugs/scams and are not pumped and people want to fade on it. It's your decision ultimately but when alt season comes, base is gonna be the #1 chain for gains.

>> No.57958027

I would be lying if I said I mentioned LOBO out of altruistic intentions. It was very under the radar--it still is--so I just knew you guys would love that shit.

If trash like FLOKI can hit a market cap of billions of dollars then I don't see how this couldn't hit at least a million. Hell, even a 10 million market cap is a pretty conservative target considering the value of some of the shit that's on the BASE chain.

>> No.57958161

>won't last unless there's a utility use case
There's no utility use case behind 99% of shitcoins shilled in this thread, it's all a bet on CB successfully onboarding normie dumb money onto Base.

>> No.57958214

Yeah I get it, we're all here to make money and it's every man for themself. But Id prefer if bizraelis bought and dumped on the normies rather than each other. I know i sound like a broken record but LINU is a prime example of what happens when anons cooperate. We can do the same for CATINME and LOBO. Both projects have solid and committed people

>> No.57958231

so these memecoins just do absolutely nothing of value right?
basically just gambling?
i guess they stresstest the l2 at least

>> No.57958263

anon if you haven't learned this already, use case is a joke in this space. It's all about hype and memeability. Why do you think most of the top coins are fucking meme coins with no utility on base? BTW lobo just hit a new ath, YOU ARE STILL EARLY ANONS WE CAN DO THE SAME FOR LOBO AND CATINME AS WE DID FOR LINU

>> No.57958302

nice pump and dump raj, shame you niggers make a good meme worth tens of millions but rug on one fucking pump, pathetic

>> No.57958310

so i know my way around contracts, i could just deploy my own, throw a couple of eth into liquidity and make money?
sad that this is what the space has become

>> No.57958361

They are serial scammers. How do you fuck up possibly the greatest meme and first movers advantage on base chain with a contract error(either intentionally or unintentionally). CATINME and LOBO are not like that and are verified and solid. I'll keep screaming this until im blue in the face. Then i will come back and say i told you so when it moons

>> No.57958391

i bought circle because of this anon at 16$
it is now at 21$ (+35%)
thank you anon for the comfy bags
i hold only circle and toshi and will probably make it this bullrun

>> No.57958427

LOBO is now 150k MC, you are still early anons. We have someone who has a connection to a large exchange. If this gets even more volume its fucking gg
if you bought when >>57958027 you'd be up over 20x right now. AND WE STILL AREN'T STOPPING. GET IN AND DUMP ON NORMIES WHEN RETAIL FLOODS BASE

>> No.57958440

I used to invest in coins with amazing use case. They have served me well the past couple of months, but if you're looking for disgusting gains like a fucking 10x in a day, you better jump on the retard train.

Forgive me for using the Lord's name in vain, but Jesus Christ, the price went from 20c to 30c before I could even finish my post. That's what I'm fucking talking about.

Just don't spend more than like 5% of your portfolio. I didn't throw more than a couple of hundred bucks at this, and it's now at fucking 4000 dollars. I haven't felt this rush since I threw 1 ETH at SHIb during the previous bull run, and it literally increased by a thousand bucks within like 5 minutes.

I'm going to bed now, but I probably won't be able to sleep lol. Next target: 1m.

>> No.57958453

*I threw
not >I didn't throw

These gains are breaking my brain.

>> No.57958478

Damn LOBO is flying. Up 4x now. Not selling till 3m and only then a small portion. Already taken my initial out. The rest shall moon or go to 0.

>> No.57958515

yeah and btw thanks for the tip
i currently have a 10x from it, just arguing

>> No.57958527

Lol I also took out my initial and a little bit extra. Got 10m left and I am not selling any until we delete another zero.

>> No.57958605

Ultimately I agree with you. But if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

Anyway I am going to bed for real now. I don't know about you guys, but I'll be dreaming about them sweet, sweet gains.

>> No.57958684


>> No.57958695

thanks LOBO anon, do you have any other suggestions?

>> No.57958705


>> No.57958722

you should probably sell anon
more people shill shit like circle, lobo is probably gonna be expired by next week
i need shit like yam, sushi, or CAKE on bsc, shit that will become an actual BASE blue chip
so far i only see Circle and Toshi

>> No.57958726

get in catinme, really low floor and the leader has strong connections with toshi and was one of the main players for getting it to where it is. You literally could not ask for a better entry. See my earlier posts for the CA and join the telegram link via dexscreener.

>> No.57958752

why would I sell now, would you have sold doginme early? Would you have sold dogwifhat early? Don;t underestimate the stupidity of clown market. Utility doesnt mean jack shit. It's hype and marketability

>> No.57958753

will buy 500$ is true

>> No.57958796

join the tg and ask him. Decide for yourself afterwards. The man singlehandedly brought catinme from 30k MC to 1.3M mc ath after retard dev fucked up the project. You can find the tg on dexscreener. 4chan wont let me link it

>> No.57958904

it goes double for EARNFI because its main selling point relies on having stable volume. why would you hold it if there isn't a consistent stream of new buyers giving you ETH kickbacks?

>> No.57958930

>you cant trade base back to eth

lol lmao

>> No.57958951


What are you even saying?

Do you mean bridge back to the ETH network? Because you most definitely can

>> No.57959020

You don't know what you're talking about. Stop spreading misinformation. You can bridge back and forth

>> No.57959068

>why would you hold it if there isn't a consistent stream of new buyers giving you ETH kickbacks?
For potential upwards price action obviously, same as any other coin, the kickbacks are just extra lure. Can you tell me the selling point as well as the utility case of Brett anon? Don't leave me hanging now.

>> No.57959239

oh yes the lobo posts are very organic

>> No.57959396

Then don't buy it. You already missed out on a 10x. Might as well sit this one out, anon.

>> No.57959403

that may well be but look at the price

>> No.57959466

Lol, like this shit was shilled at 6.5k MC and ive been shilling every step along the way. Im sure you called people shilling circle, dogwifhat, doginme, linu, lucky and many others as "inorganic jeeting". Sit out and stay poor or get fomo in classic biz style when it moons, idgaf. Im here to help anons make it.

>> No.57959489
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>this was posted before the 10x

>> No.57959500

Catinme is also reversing from 20 cents when i shilled it. It's now currently 33 cents. You are still extremely early. Both projects are solid, verified and have committed people working on it. Be part of greatness or fade this and mald later like many other moon missions

>> No.57959524

Thanks for all the info based base degenerate. WAGMI. Already way up since the shilling began.

>> No.57959539

I bought a ton of GB and put the leftover 60 bucks into lobo at 15k mc. I now have over 800 dollars if I cash it. Can't be sad about it cause GB also went to 1.74

>> No.57959545

np, spread the word and help send this shit. This is gonna be the linu of base

>> No.57959587

Lobo is making me so much fucking money

>> No.57959604

Fr, how high we goin? Think we can hit 1m market cap?

>> No.57959688

It’s 100x from here to catch linu, so 1M by tomorrow sounds about right

>> No.57959696

Do your part and shill. The dev has connections to a big exchange. Listings are more or less guaranteed if we get enough volume

>> No.57959724

why is scale so undervalued, 900k mcap ve33 system and CL farms months before aerodrome, even got an op grant for 1/3 of their mcap. is defi dead? is it memecoins only?

>> No.57959742

Imagine how fucking high this would send if we could get this listed on coinbase. The narrative is dog coins bros since brian is the hottest thing since sliced bread and he loves dogs. GET IN YOU ARE STILL EARLY

>> No.57959759

Where did you hear that from?

>> No.57959766
File: 235 KB, 920x1024, IMG_9021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, as the guy who took over CATINME, let me just tell you…I’m excited to have it grow and create a
group of people who have fun in this space and can really embrace the meme. Come check us out.

>> No.57959786
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umm earnfi bros i hope your bags are packed

>> No.57959849

From the dev, join the tg and feel free to talk to him

>> No.57959862

If fucking linu can hit 21M MC and doginme can hit 80M mc, whats stopping LOBO from doing the same? Get in and be part of something big.

Cat coins are also severely underrepresented in crypto and there is no shortage of cat lovers so get in that too.

>> No.57959878

Get in CATINME**

>> No.57960065

Catinme is almost 40 cents, nearly 2x from when i shilled it. LOBO is almost 250k MC. YOU ARE STILL EARLY. GET IN AND BE PART OF SOMETHING BIG

>> No.57960210
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Sold me on Base and LOBO. Good luck gents.

>> No.57960374


>> No.57960417

>That $4k buy

Good god. LOBO 5m mcap within a couple days.

>> No.57960446


>> No.57960511

Dogs have had it too good for too long. I think I'm siding with the cats on this one.

>> No.57960560

Just buy Mochi then, it'll go to billions in MC.

>> No.57960625

LOBO is going to take off anons, get in now before an influencer shills this

>> No.57960643

No you are right i should go in on the 45m over saturated coin from four months ago instead of the 300k mc coin from four hours ago..

>> No.57960650

>26 posts

I have nothing against your shitcoin but maybe you should make a thread for it, you're just spamming it here over and over

>> No.57960708

If i make a thread for it jannies are going nuke it. They hate anons making it

>> No.57960758

OG shillfag here (had to take a piss and decided to check the price before going back to bed again).

I agree.

We should just make a general or something. There's no need to take up all the shilling space in this thread.

Anyway, going back to bed again. Good night everyone.

>> No.57960773

You're also shilling stuff that has gigapumped, people are looking for alphas for maximum gains and that is exactly what im giving them

>> No.57960784

EarnFi twitter space going on now tap in lads

>> No.57960801

lobo was 20k MC when that post was made. I made 1 eth off it

>> No.57960848
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But you're annoying. That was, essentially, the point I was making. You're shitting up the thread by being annoying.

>> No.57960894

And you're shitting up the thread with coins that have already done 1000x. Who made who more money?

>> No.57960974

People are looking for coins to buy that don't have the chance to go to 0 overnight anon. Not everyone needs to gamble on a 1000x. Some of us just need 10-20x. I say that as someone who bought a small bag at 15k for funsies. Make your general, there's lots of other coins on base to talk about.

>> No.57961006

/biz/ I'm a dev looking for an idea to launch on Base. Please list me a few that you'd like to see. I absolutely don't care about the type of project, meme coin to ZK-based DAO ran by 50% of AI-agents or whatever you can think of.

Also, if any big wallet wants to launch with me and pay for the marketing (KOLs and other big communities), we can make a clean 50-50 on the gains. No need of LPs, that will be paid by the private sales/IDO

>> No.57961046

The best thing about base tokens is that we're early. We can pick out gems to hold now, and let CB pump our bags later. There are daily rugs on every network. It's fine if you want to chase them for quick gains, but it's kind of missing the bigger opportunities that exist by getting in on a soon to be massive L2.
Solana might be more your speed.

>> No.57961061

I have to add: It hurts me to see you guys launching your money left and right into meme coins that have absolutely no future.

Just the amount of money you are gambling with is enough to pay for the marketing, tg/pol/twitter shillers and youtube influencers

Side note: I can KYC if needed, idc about that point.

>> No.57961082

Rebasing like Ampl. Please.

>> No.57961104

I second this. I have no idea why nobody has made a good rebase token, on fuckin base network yet lol.

>> No.57961107

Kek anon you literally just said you wanted to scam by making a coin with any narrative then paying scamfluencers to shill. Your coin would be exactly same, a bit shameless to say something like that. As for your previous post, if you can make a believable AI coin before the conference next week it would pump the most. Time is of the essence, if you can make one and post it here I might even toss a couple hundred in for fun.

>> No.57961110

It literally just rugged, lol.

>> No.57961117

>memecoins that have no future
>conveniently misses 2 of the top 10 coins are fucking memes

>> No.57961123

Already discussing in private TG, come join, just laid out my 3 ideas in the chat

at basechaingeneral

>> No.57961125

For real. It’s literally driving me crazy. And Ampl is starting to get some good action too. It’s still way under the radar but it’s coming.

>> No.57961134


No scam no rug. What's promised will be done.

>> No.57961166

So how we got about it?

>> No.57961186

Ampleforth was huge on the last bullrun. I was shocked to see a wrapped version on base. The only other newer rebase token I know of is on Arb.

An anon had a good name for a base rebase token there earlier today.

>> No.57961284

? I just looked. Lobo is still going, there was just a big dump. I'm not gonna go as far as checking the token distribution or contract on tokensniffer or anything though. I honestly don't care. Everyone has to learn that shit on their own. Lots of tokens on base rug. Some go 4-5mil and 6 figure liquidity first. There was a thread here earlier today by some anon who got rugged for his first time on epep on base lol.

>> No.57961595

the zoomjeets here think that any dip is a rug

>> No.57961628

>24 posts shilling
>Yeah bro I'm not gonna look up if it's a rug or not

>> No.57961681

just launch a degen farm that has like 100000% apy on your shit token
or a IRON type algo stable ponzi that eventually implodes
guaranteed make it money

>> No.57961938

I think you have me confused with another poster. I've been talking about various (legit) base tokens all day itt. I'm not shilling anything in particular, nor did I comment on lobo until that post. It looks like shit though and it probably will rug soon if you want my opinion.

>> No.57961984

Wait, your the idiot who doesn't know what a rugpull is. I re-read your post as I couldn't figure out wtf you were getting at.

If the coin is still trading with liquidity, it hasn't rugged you fuckin moron.

>> No.57962049

dont turn your nose up at memecoins that makes you look like a prude. no need to be jealous that memes are where all the money currently is going in the market rn thats what has the most volatility and biggest run ups so thats what gets all the attention from investors. if you want to get attention from investors come up with something or invent something that captures their attention and is an asset to the community that makes investors wanna buy

>> No.57962188


Wife of poncho, whom is dieing from being first place on dexscreener. sub 10k mcap lets get revenge for poncho fellow jeets

>> No.57962477

No liquidity fag

>> No.57962487

Please go back to telegram sir

>> No.57962496

Why no one is this biz is helpful? :' (

>> No.57962592
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300k marketcap
buy eggs to hatch pokemon and earn passive income

bought a small bag for the comfy aesthetic alone

>> No.57962740


What y’all make of this?


It’s a lot of Liqudity locked.

>> No.57962772

Why the fuck doesn't AERO dip


I was not ready

>> No.57962795

What’s a realistic price target for AERO? $1 is obviously inevitable at this rate, but what comes after that? $3 $5?

>> No.57962878

I definitely have that catinme. Loaded more this morning and it is hovering around $300k mc. Fkn steal.

Base is the cat chain.

Toshi + catinme (lead by a toshi team member btw) are sure-fire wins.

>> No.57962919
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Someone explain to me how there is any potential in $tarot based on the charts? It is identical to $icp

>> No.57963161

i sold too early :( i hope tarot does well. i keep buying rugs and then selling the good coins too early

>> No.57963171

This. What happen with them in June 22 ? They had around 200mln TVL

>> No.57963193



>> No.57963196
File: 280 KB, 1846x1308, Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 7.53.09 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think zooming out too far is not helpful in this instance, look at the 1 month chart looks bullish af

In saying that i dont own any and am retard dont really understand LP projects

someone shill me

>> No.57963224

so if i dont link my coinbase wallet to my coinbase account i wont get anything?

>> No.57963271

fuck you anon you made me check the chart

>> No.57963329

No. I WANT it to dump so I can fucking buy

>> No.57963333


They started on Fantom and I'm pretty sure and its basically a meme that no one should take seriously. Like honestly who makes a Halloween themed chain? Lmao For some reason the LP based lending protocols never got any love and I'm not sure why since its a sweet idea.

The token itself though was funding a lot of the yield and probably just being sold off. Idk the exact tokenomics but the staking yield on Fantom chain for it is low like not even 3%.

I didn't see an option to even stake it on the Base chain. I'm assuming it was taking some of the yield from borrowers of the LPs. It seems much more inflationary than it is deflationary.

The idea is legit but whether the token is sound is unclear.

Right now its trending upwards simply because people are locking their LP tokens in the Tarot vaults and this auto compounds buy backs.

So the LP pairing rewards are being used to pump the price currently over time.


The AERO/TAROT pairing as an example uses the rewards AERO rewards and fees to buy the needed TAROT to deposit the equivalent value of each into the LP.

I believe I have that correct but perhaps someone else can clarify my accuracy. I went through the docs a few days ago briefly.

>> No.57963335

Can someone slide me $2k please?

>> No.57963387

I cannot afford eth gas fees. I am not sorry

>> No.57963410
File: 351 KB, 1079x1865, Screenshot_20240312_012136_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if your dip will come. Macs shows golden cross. Depth chart looking strong both sides.

>> No.57963457

What's the tarot ca?

>> No.57963497

Thank you anon and nice quads. Your probably right on the aero pairing being responsible for some of the pumping going on and for that alone Ill have to get a small bag.

>> No.57963560
File: 340 KB, 1052x1762, Screenshot_20240312_014340_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha spoke to soon! Death cross now but imo not for long. Here or soon is ur dip.

>> No.57963586


>> No.57963685

Is there no anon enough kind to send me $1k?

>> No.57963865

this shit just dropped on base and its mooning fucking hard 0x5C1cC3089a8231cDE86301e13E69d1c9b0BB8b7C

>> No.57963878
File: 106 KB, 1280x725, IMG_20240308_125511_630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole thread on Base and no one has mentioned $COIN?

CA: 0x8e16D46Cb2dA01cdD49601ec73d7B0344969Ae33



It's literally $COIN on Base. Headed to 10M last week and currently on a pull-back. Dipped to 3-4M.

The community is retarded and dev keeps grinding and pumping out memes.

When the normies start aping their first shitcoins on Base, after getting their ETH on Coinbase, what do you think they'll go for?

>"uuuuhhhhh, look at this...it's $COIN on Base...that's funny".

Don't midcurve this shit. It's going to 100M.

>> No.57964035
File: 206 KB, 900x873, 1683940418588744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I buy TAROT now regardless? Or do I wait for a dip?
Do shitcoins like this drop with btc?

>> No.57964206
File: 13 KB, 299x275, 1676876225590865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using coinbase wallet for the first time, but I do not see an option to add a custom coin by contract address

I've looked everywhere
How do I add a coin?

>> No.57964248

Please make reBASE happen dev anon, I guarantee it will be massive success. Just fork OHM or something (I don't know how this stuff works).

>> No.57964271

Shadow hitting mad hard right now. just launched. first privacy dapp on BASE.


>> No.57964813

Not buying Based Brains (CAP) = NGMI

Stop being retarded faggots and apeing disgusting jeet scams.

>First 404 on Base
>improved on base 404 contract
>ability to swap NFTs at any time, no more burning NFTs on accident
>team keeps shipping
>top 10 in mcap to liq ratio
>original content and autistic vids
>no copy pasta jeet dogshit
>nft staking incoming
>swap competition with 200k prizes and small community to compete against
>art is based
>partnered with Toshi
>Ansem following, shill imminent

There are no other good nft projects on Base, CAP is going to take the crown as blue chip cryptopunk NFT of Base and you are fading it for low liq jeet scams


>> No.57964844

Yes Cap is based as fuck and only 1.5m mcap right now. This is an amazing buy opportunity. I have almost 10 Brians myself. Can’t wait for the swap.

>> No.57964863

Nah I'll just buy LOBO thanks

>> No.57965023

TYBG is a truly BASED project lol

>> No.57965028


>> No.57965060

Git gud

>> No.57965080
File: 136 KB, 2400x1350, APU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$APU is the next $PEPE

If you lost the $PEPE train, you can still make those gain$

We are all gonna make it, frens.

>> No.57965112

are there ANY projects on this network that have some sort of utility? all i see is AERO which is just an AMM, everything else is just meme tokens or variants of current meme tokens

and before you jeets mention earnfi, thats just a ponzi, slightly better than the meme coin spam but at the end of the day, its still a fuckin ponzi

>> No.57965140

Toshi is building lots of utility and is forming a dao which is currently in the middle of the second proposal. The team is also talking about bribing utility to holders and to their NFT collection. Cap is also working on an NFT swap along with staking utility for the NFTs.

>> No.57965458

CAP lets you swap your nfts and has been doing airdrops. About to implement staking too

>> No.57965694

Every single "person" ITT smells like curry and shits on the street

>> No.57965720

why are you looking for utility during meme season? do you hate money? do you know how retarded the market is anon?

>> No.57965863

How bad are the gas fees for us poorfags?

>> No.57965870

It’s like $2 for a swap. 0.25 to send.

>> No.57965916

Being early on a ponzi is one of the only ways to make it in current year.

>> No.57966000

Don’t sleep on Slinky Doge, bro. Those nightly 10% rebases start to stack up after awhile. Plus with transaction burn, it’s the absolute perfect hodler’s coin. All you have to do is hodl and your % of the supply ownership will automatically increase over time. It’s still criminally undervalued and we’re probably going to get coin gecko listed today.

>> No.57966022

Checked and ya, I think they're basically using the rewards from their aero pool to slow pump the coin's value rn. There are no base token pairs yet, so when those launch, I expect new users then maybe CB listing etc...thus the still being early part. The dev is apparently doing some sort of utility project with his new memetoken, HPC and it looks like tarot is just on autopilot upwards for now.

I'm not well versed on defi lending either, but that's the best I can gather. I was parking eth in tarot and borrowing from it for a bit, but the rate of the price increase rose last week so I'm just leaving it parked for now. He might launch new pairs or whatever the specific next step is, at any moment, and we get a substantial pump. I don't want to miss that.

>> No.57966052

Checked. I own over 1% of the supply brother.

>> No.57966173

This new privacy token Shadow looks interesting. #1 trending on dexscreener. Most of my ETH privacy tokens with the exception of dusk have been crabbing for over a month now though lol.

>> No.57966216

There are a lot if click through dexscreener. Dackie and Bswap are dexs that started pumping yesterday. Frame is a socialfi token from the Degen devs. NFI is a new GMX clone. Send is a payment gateway. The privacy token trending at #1 I mentioned above... extra is another yield farming and lending platform like tarot etc...

I bought NFI because it looks polished and I use GMX, so I'm interested to take some perp futures positions on there once they have more liquidity, but poke around and see if there's something you like. It's so early on base that pretty much everything is dirt cheap still lol.

>> No.57966345

buy arbitrum eth and use sushiswap
probably the cheapest way, no mainline eth txn fees

>> No.57966418

>your the idiot
>your the
Ok Ranjesh.

>> No.57966485

A typo and a gross misunderstanding of the coloqiulism you'RE attempting to use is not a direct comparison you absolute fucking imbecile.

>> No.57966556

earnfi is more like a commie token rather than a ponzi scheme, tax spent on transactions are spread to everyone. That's how it works. By your definition the whole crypto market is a ponzi scheme. Which it is. But we're still making money.

>> No.57966788

don't ask me why... but I bought Brett's Grandpa

who the fuck is brett and why is his whole fucking family on BASE?

>> No.57966798
File: 132 KB, 1600x900, IMG_9579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57966818

AVI is really the only other thing I’m confident in right now. The rest sound like trash desu.

>> No.57967017

AERO is the play anon.
Any other memecoin is a trap.
Everytime someone swaps a shitcoin AERO will be bought and swapped to a shitcoin leading to a price rise of AERO.