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57940617 No.57940617 [Reply] [Original]

Do not sacrifice health in order to make money or you will sacrifice money to recuperate health later.

>> No.57940631

So what's your idea? Be completely average in all aspects for my entire life until I gracelessly expire in a nursing home?

>> No.57940668

that's a man

>> No.57940721
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>> No.57940752

this is wise information. for many people it sadly takes a health scare to do anything about it. if you don't consider your health...you will have a health scare sooner rather than later.

>> No.57940754

neither of these women are at all healthy though. The whole wheyfu thing is so bizarre and gross and, frankly, gay as hell.

>> No.57940758

t faggot in denial

>> No.57940817
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testosterone is pure energy bois
you either have it or you inject it losers

>> No.57940828

>pinning for this

>> No.57940851

Health is easy if you aren't a low impulse subhuman. Wealth is also easy if you aren't a low impulse subhuman.

Guess the lesson is don't be gutter trash.

>> No.57940936

>>pinning for this
you mean pining. the verb is "to pine...(for)"

>> No.57941020
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We can't run barefoot because of black and brownoids.

>> No.57941031
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a girl i was friends with in high school got into "bodybuilding" and started taking steroids to get grossly muscular and low bodyfat, and she looks like a complete freak now and is balding and her voice sounds like a pubescent boy.

>> No.57941049

No, he means pinning, she's roiding, as is any woman with visible muscle

>> No.57941143

I'm in Canada though, healthcare is paid by the taxes so whatever.

>> No.57941180

Might be a man, but I sill would, also, how do I gift her an NFT if I get to win it through eesee? I think S(he)'ll love it

>> No.57941763

Her clit is probably the size of your thumb

>> No.57941811
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wnb / 10

Disgusting freaks. It's sad what the Leftists have done to you. You won't listen to anything people tell you, so carry on, I guess. I think we both know you like shit.

>> No.57941877

TRT does not improve health

>> No.57942046

Health is the only thing that truly matters, everything else like money comes after it. Most people don't even know the basics, this rabbit hole goes a long long way. For starters:
>shower filter and mineral water in glass bottles, avoid all plastic
>no deodarant or shampoo/body wash with chemicals, make natural deodarant and buy natural shampoo with zero chemicals, etc
>eat extremely clean, no goyslop, no sugar, nothing processed
>exercise every day, no need to use steroids or powerlift, some cardio and light weights is enough
90% of the population can't even do the basics, nevermind the more advanced stuff not listed. Most people are literally fat/overweight, it''s insane.

>> No.57942082
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as a personal experience, never sacrifice health for money, then you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor and there are times when money will not be able to help you. Many friends decided to play things like metin2, blocklords or wow to earn some extra money and today they are unable to get out of bed because of obesity and there is no money that can get them out of bed.

>> No.57942131


>> No.57942135

those are the retards that are glue to their fucking pcs kek

>> No.57942145
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I mean, there's better ways to earn a little bit more money than just spending 5+ hours on your pc playing a fucking vidya, those faggots are just nerdos

>> No.57942164

It's an excuse to be a fatass and play video games, they delude themselves into thinking "oh i'm earning money, being productive", deep down they know they're retarded and earning 50 bucks for 10 hours of work etc is dumb a nd they're wasting their life.

>> No.57942338

with money you can hit the gym

>> No.57942346
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I'm tired of being fat, i'll never get laid