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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57934081 No.57934081 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you make money outside of crypto? What's your hustle?

>> No.57934102

Retired and living off Link rewards. Not that much atm but enough to quit work and it'll only go up in future.

>> No.57934122

yeah I show up everyday at this office and they pay me, it’s pretty tight

>> No.57934266

Obviously beyond your regular wageslaving. This was more meant either as a business you built or something you do on the side

>> No.57934314
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Retail arbitrage basically. It's very jewish but I make a lot doing it. Built a couple mil in net worth and the money rolls in easily from boomer investments. Crypto just for fun.

>> No.57934333
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Webshitting and I own a clothing store.

>t. Still poorfag by /biz/ standards.

>> No.57934365

Do you make money on clothing store? Im a europoor and own a small bar and it's alright, i make about what a doctor would here but it requires that im there 12 hours a day 6-7 days a week (small town so its impossible to just position yourself in a high traffic zone and earn passively, have to work hard to get guests except for 4 summer months when there id tourism). Sometimes i think about giving up because the time and effort committment is just insane

>> No.57934821

Clinical drug trials.
Made almost $40,000 AUD last year, on track to do similar this year. Pump most of it into crypto.

>> No.57935084


>> No.57935122

You should get a "manager" to manage "This location" HE deals with your tasks and you take profits and reinvest into a new location.
If the bar tanks, you can just close business and continue with your endeavours.

>> No.57935135

I am an IT consultant. Shit sucks but I need the money

>> No.57935176

Potato farming

>> No.57935242

How mental would that bitch be to wear that? I thought RA was dead. You aren’t private labeling? Do you source online or actually at retail stores? How did you get ungated in all those categories? What is your main category? I sell used but only net 5k a month I can’t imagine finding that much inventory

>> No.57935393

If i had to pay a manager there would be pretty much zero left. The bar has like 10 tables, its super small. Its a town of 5000 people (30k with suburbs). It's completely unfeasible that such a small operation would make enough money to have a manager. If i do it i have a very nice salary but that's it. Pretty much how all bars work in this small town. The only more profitable move is to relocate to a bigger city but you need some luck there because most spots in good locations are already taken. Even then the margin rates are very small and this industry is pretty much shit and becoming worse from talking to other people who are in it. I would love to have something else with a better margin or a side-income but no ideas so far and i dont have tons of cash sitting on the side to invest

>> No.57935421

what happens if I trip over something and my faces plunges into her ? financially speaking?

>> No.57935442

Yeah I have a job and I get distributions from a recreational marijuana business but it’s not much.

>> No.57935881

Keep going untill you find a way to branch out.

>> No.57935934


keep it up anon, I beleive in you

btw where's your bar?

>> No.57935945

I sell stuff on ebay. Kind of slowed down recently due to my day job and because sourcing has become harder.

>> No.57935963

Nice job anon, me too. earning 4 Link per day rn but hope I can get up to 6 next year and hopefully price is nice. I could make $600/+day work.

>> No.57935978

I cuckwage. Save some money. Invest the rest in federal bonds and stocks. Don't like crypto shit.

>> No.57936327

I suck dick, $20 a pop, usually make a couple thousand each week.

>> No.57936418

Local auto repair biz. About 10 years in. Just broke 1 million in sales last year. Still only clear about 80k. Can never go back to waging now. I do work every day, but I have a really great manager that I trust and pay well.

>> No.57936448

Be careful. Oracles may not be needed if web 3 can interact with web 2 data.

>> No.57936551

I'm working on a novel that if I can't get published normally, I'll publish it piecemeal on royalroad and bait patreon/subscribestar/crypto donations. Nothing beats crypto though for just continuing to make money for doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.57936600

yeah I show up everyday at this warehouse and they pay me, it’s pretty shite

>> No.57936613

Published author here. It’s tough to break into. My suggestion for getting published traditionally is this
>Get shorter stories published first through publications online or anthologies
>Have at least two fully ready manuscripts completed and in a condition that you’d be comfortable shopping them around
>Find an agent who specializes in your genre. Be picky with them
That’s the order I did it in. I had about 10 to 15 stories already published before finding an agent. Think of it like resume building. Outside of those 10 to 15 I was either long or shortlisted countless times. Also don’t expect overnight success. But based that you’re doing it. If someone pays you any money for anything you write, congratulations, you’re a working writer. My first story got me a whopping $50. Felt good still.

>> No.57936714

Arts are an incredibly hard path to make money from. It is incredibly lucrative if you are top 0.01 percent but otherwise there is a sea of people who earn close to nothing.

>> No.57936731

Yeah I'm a straight white male and writing a fantasy lit-RPG. Odds of me getting traditionally published are basically zero, but I figure it's worth a shot. I'm much more optimistic about royal road, because the general quality there is utter trash, and the pattern of what gets popular there is pretty simple. Decent prose + the stuff they already like + a semi-female sounding author name is probably all it'll take to break into top fifty and bait readers into paying a subscription to read "chapters early" lmao.

Congrats to you though for actually getting traditionally published. That's legit impressive in current year.

>> No.57937999

It only took me nearly 20 years of grinding it out. I started with small local competitions, worked my way up to larger and larger ones. My “break” was when I placed in an internationally recognized horror competition. Didn’t even win, just top 3, but that was enough to get an agent to pick up my stuff. I’m a straight white guy too, so I get how hard it is. A lot of publishers are just looking for authors that fit their woke mold. It’s brutal. My project after making it is creating a publishing house for based authors. I think there is a market for it. People are tired of “here is my story of growing up as a Mexican lesbian in a white town” shit.

>> No.57938151

>My project after making it is creating a publishing house for based authors. I think there is a market for it. People are tired of “here is my story of growing up as a Mexican lesbian in a white town” shit.
it's unironically an untapped section of the non-woke market. I can't even read any modern sci-fi because it's full of strong independent women, fags, and niggers

>> No.57938553
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do white people really?

>> No.57938593

I make $60k a year working the night shift at a community home
I mostly just play video games and sleep

>> No.57938612

Can you explain your process? Obviously you don't have to divulge what kinds of goods you buy and sell but how do you source and also, how'd you get into doing this?

>> No.57938630

Job title?

>> No.57938712

the tranny is jealous cause it can't make that money sitting in the basement all day posting nigger dicks

>> No.57938771
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If you want to be successful in life you just have to use your brain

>DON'T SAVE YOUR MONEY IN DOLLARS, don't get cucked by inflation, retard
>Keep a track on your increase in monthly spend, there's a bunch of sites like Truflation who let's you calculate your personal expenses
>Invest in real estate
>Diversify your crypto wallet with a balance in stablecoins and alts
>Invest in the stock market (Airlines, high tech and arms contractors)
>Use your credit card, don't use debit

That's it, you just escaped poverty

>> No.57938800

I work

>> No.57939160

gas station. plus furry porn commisions on the side which all goes into BTC

>> No.57939255
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Based. Maybe someday I'll learn to draw and get in on that dirty furry money.

>> No.57939417

Jizz mopper.

>> No.57939495

General contractor for projects in people’s homes. Making about $60 an hour. Meh. I just want a million so bad.

>> No.57939502

How can i make money to invest in crypto

>> No.57939506

I sell 3D printed shit. When I sell it's priced at $.10/g of plastic used. That way a $15 1kg spool of plastic turns into $100. The volume isn't that high so it's just a side job/hobby.

>> No.57939566

"side hustles" are only profitable if they are illegal and you dont pay taxes

>> No.57939717

If i buy a 3D printer what should I do? Who is the market for it?