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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57931364 No.57931364 [Reply] [Original]

Why does half this board recommend ""retiring"" in SEA on around 100k USD as if its some sort of make it goal?

>> No.57931488

because after the first year and all your money is gone they will harvest your organs

>> No.57931493

the digits speak for themselves.

>> No.57931496

Nobody actually says this

>> No.57931505

because they are polcel losers who hate da west

>> No.57931508

Cause it only cost like $500~$1000 a month to live there like a king. If you have $100k, that's a good 20 years of course you're not stupid so you'd leave the actual money in some bank that gives you interest fees and live off that.

>> No.57931511

The last point on the pic kills the expat
I ESL’ed in Japan for 4 years, and that sums up like 95% of the long term’ers

>> No.57931521

i vividly remember multiple threads of people saying to retire in ukraine (cheap, huwite) pre-russian invasion. topkek if anyone actually did it

>> No.57931525

SEA is the parachute for single men that fail to make enough to retire in a higher tier country or fail to find a more attractive wife. It's the easy way out.

>> No.57931543

over the last few years ive tried all the "make it" advice on /biz/ including tax havens, prostitutes, and trying to retire in a stinky humid shithole like SEA. I realized /biz/ is a bunch of losers and retards and now i hate you all.

im going to stay in my first world country and get married and continue to insult all of you for wasting my time with your shitty advice.

>> No.57931561

yes it sucked and is probably worse now

>> No.57931563
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>> No.57931602

>i spent years blindly following anon advice and I realized its other people who are retarded not me

>> No.57931645


>> No.57931650
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anonymous advice used to be good. /biz/ was an ethereum board in 2016. its gotten worse as third worlders come online. better off using twitter or reddit now

>> No.57931682

The guy is a 6 + you can tell he has absolutely no charisma. He was almost certainly a dork in high school and then spent his time in college browsing fitness forums and not being social.

I understand why the couple is a shocking disparity to the untrained eye. But anyone who's made it to that higher social class, like me, can tell right away what's going on here.

>> No.57931805

oh no a beta got flexed on and now its time for them to vent.

I met a lot of successful and intelligent people abroad in s.e asia and east asia. yes, there are losers, but many choose to live abroad because they have the intelligence to realize america and europe are being mongrelized by niggers at an alarming rate. you can lie to yourself all you want but you're doing your mental health a disservice living there.

>> No.57931814


I'd rather retire with $10 million in the USA personally.

>> No.57931821

cool dude you observe like a woman, ngmi