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File: 1.93 MB, 816x1456, avichad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57916212 No.57916212 [Reply] [Original]

Aviators, this is your General speaking.

Our practice at the Air Force has soon come to an end. We're ready for take-off. Buckle up, it will be one hell of a ride.


1 - 1000 CADET
1000 - 10.000 AIRMAN BASIC
10.000 - 25.000 SENIOR AIRMAN
25.000 - 50.000 FLIGHT LIEUTENANT
50.000 - 100.000 SQUADRON LEADER
100.000 - 250.000 WING COMMANDER
250.000 - 500.000 GROUP CAPTAIN
500.000 - 1.000.000 MAJOR
1.000.000 - 5.000.000 COMMODORE
5.000.000 - 10.000.000 VICE MARSHAL
10.000.000 - 25.000.000 MARSHAL
25.000.000 - 50.000.000 COLONEL
50.000.000 - 75.000.000 BRIGADIER GENERAL
75.00.000 - 100.000.000 LIEUTENANT GENERAL
100.000.000 - 150.000.000 GENERAL OF THE AIR FORCE
150.000.000+ RED BARON

>> No.57916219

Colonel here

I'm gonna cum

>> No.57916243
File: 183 KB, 1080x1260, Screenshot_20240308-125116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna finally make it. We bought the token that is bringing normies to Base

> "Coinbase Ventures is investing in new use-cases that emerge from bridging."


>> No.57916254

3M reporting in.
We really are going to 1B by October.

>> No.57916273
File: 193 KB, 1170x780, IMG_4693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow fox niggers

>> No.57916280

Finally got to Vice Marshal, when 1 Avi = 1 dollar?

>> No.57916303

I can only imagine what it would cost me to get to 500k at this point...

>> No.57916314
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>> No.57916446

Do a barrel roll!

>> No.57916521
File: 183 KB, 1283x1285, IMG_7196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vice Marshal reporting in (with a 1 week ban)
Fuck jannies

>> No.57916568

>200k stacklet

pray for me bros i hope we all make it

>> No.57916637

How does 150k sound?

>> No.57916642

I got 60k. You will make it far further than I...

>> No.57916652

if that happens i'll eat my fucking feet

>> No.57916663

Thinking about jumping in, is 5 million AVI enough to semi make it?

>> No.57916677

Oh yeah more than enough it’s 18mc

>> No.57916688


Only invest what you can afford to lose, but what do you think is the value of the token that can deploy any ETH token to Base? This is without talking about their arcade or anything else.

>> No.57916693

Double dubs cant lie!

>> No.57916715

Alright anons thanks I’m ready to fly

>> No.57916729


>> No.57916778

Not really feasible, 5 million isn’t enough when you have holders with 100m+. I would just go into a lower market cap project and become a whale there. 5 million AVI won’t cut it unfortunately you’d probably need around 25-40m sorry anon this one has sailed. Reasonable price prediction is around 0.01 so if you consider 50,000 making it sure go ahead. But you probably want atleast 1.75 million so you can just collect interest

>> No.57916807

Yes ser that a very good amount buy well done

>> No.57916819

The token doesn’t deploy, the skybridge does which doesn’t even use AVI. The AVI price will only really change with the arcade which is what people are apprehensive about since web3 gaming sucks

>> No.57916820
File: 203 KB, 1024x1024, avikenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a toast to my old friend? Cheers gentlemen

>> No.57916846

You really think this is reaching 0.20? An arcade token won’t have that much value look at gala. AVI isn’t needed for the skybridge just the arcade.

>> No.57916854
File: 206 KB, 512x512, 1708924181375821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brigadier general reporting.
hello niggers.

>> No.57916853

Lmao you fucking idiot

>> No.57916862

What was galas ATH

There’s your potential

>> No.57916874

He’s a fuddie that’s not even at 100m

>> No.57916881

It will be similar to gala. AVI only matters for the arcade so the skybridge release and utilization will have no effect on the price. Going from that 0.01 - MAYBE 0.05 is reasonable, but that anon would need +0.20 and that’s just not feasible. I don’t even hate AVI it’s just not a reasonable price for a token with this arcade utility.

>> No.57916900

>muh fundamentals
It’s a cute little pilot fox. It’s gonna go apeshit once listed on a cex

>> No.57916907

your overthinking this


>> No.57916917

To expand on this, it’s still at a price where normies can grab millions of tokens

>> No.57916919 [DELETED] 

Its my birthday tomorrow , but I am broke :' (

Any crypto for me? :' (

>> No.57916941

>skybridge will have no effect on price

Really? Is that why it’s done a x15 since the announcement it’s being audited ?

Ah huh. Where do people like this come from kek.

>> No.57916940

Maybe, but there’s better options for that anon to put almost 15k into than this where he wouldn’t make that much.

>> No.57916949

What’s the better option than? Lucky? Kek

>> No.57916961

Listen here you little shit, it’s done a 15x because of jannies allowing these threads to stay up when they shouldn’t. Useless fucking coin useless arcade. I’m laughing thinking of you fools imagining this going higher than 0.01. There’s no need for this stupid arcade. And since there’s no need for the stupid arcade there’s no need for the stupid coin.

>> No.57916967

Avi token does matter for the bridge lol, have you not paid any attention?

>> No.57916975

why did you sell
you couldve just held anon

>> No.57916981


>> No.57916983

You’re fucking stupid mate lmao barely any whales ADDED in the last couple months from here, 100 biz bros adding $500 to the pool doesn’t do shit you’re just fucking mad and delusional.

>> No.57916986

And so the truth finally comes to light. Tell me fudder, how many tokens do you own? 50 million?

>> No.57916989

Why is there a need for any crypto? Why do meme coins go to multi billions? What you're saying doesn't even make sense.

>> No.57916998
File: 116 KB, 500x384, IMG_1805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you’re the schizo lol ignoring you now

>> No.57917008

this thing is going to do a 10x like Aero just from getting listed on Coinbase you faggot

>> No.57917019

ser, which coin should I buy to feed village?

>> No.57917033

Yep. 10x is my conservative estimate for this coin mid-long term

>> No.57917070

So 0.03? That anon who asked the original question is not making it with 5million AVI at 0.03. All I’m saying is he would need more because yes I agree 0.03 is possible. But to make it, the coin would need to be +0.25 and that’s just not reasonable. Again I like AVI but to make it, it is too late without somehow obtaining around 20-40 million AVI

>> No.57917093

BTC will 2x from here that is the ONLY gains you will see from it

See how stupid you sound

>> No.57917108

this shit is absolutely going to a quarter. its programmed anon. arcade games cost a quarter. that's how it works.

>> No.57917110

Just buy back in after Enzo’s next selloff retard

>> No.57917125
File: 594 KB, 1428x807, 1692727843122369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its very comfy now that lots of biz anons finally realize how much aviator has going for it
unironically there has never been genuine fud because you can always just ask questions directly to the team and youd always get an answer
avi threads were empty for months but i knew people would eventually start catching on
imagine what itll be like when avi starts getting major attention anywhere outside of biz

25 cents is reasonable
its a crazy good project that i think cant even be compared to regular gaming projects, but gaming projects having 10 figure mcaps was completely normal last bullrun.
many of them even stayed over 1bil throughout the bear

>> No.57917161

Even at 0.25 it’s not enough to really make it with 5 million. 0.26 is most needed

>> No.57917197

To the fucking morning that keeps saying

> reeeee token not needed

AVI is used in the bridge to provide liquidity for supersonic bridging from L2 -> L1 to avoid the 7 day delay. The token is absolutely needed for both the bridge and the arcade. Stop being a moron.

>> No.57917211


Moron* not morning

>> No.57917214

the biggest reason to be bullish on AVI is because you know Coinbase doesn't want Base to just be another shitcoin casino, they want normal people using it long term for other things like gaming. Wouldn't be surprised if they get a similar grant and partnership with Coinbase just like Aero. Coinbase will probably pay to airdrop tokens to users to get them to try out games

>> No.57917223

Group Captain reporting in.

Am I finally gonna make it?

>> No.57917239

Yeah I just listened to the voice message, sorry guys I just want a better entry price I can’t make it at these levels can you all drop the price for me please ? I regret getting out of AVI and I’ll try to do better

>> No.57917253

Guess I will have to be happy with my 60k of AVI. I spent way more than I should have to get it. But my SHIBA and stocks are doing alright. Not enough to make it but still nice.

>> No.57917255


the FUDers true face revealed

>> No.57917265

>pay to airdrop tokens to users to get them to try out games
thats a great point i hadnt considered, theyve been doing that coinbase earn thing for a long time
avis literally the perfect candidate for giving a bunch of users a few free tokens to go mess around with

>> No.57917267
File: 78 KB, 701x432, avi coinbase buys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, Coinbase will literally be spending millions buying our bags so they can get the millions of new users signing up during the bull market to get hooked on Web3 shit

>> No.57917272


I honestly think 100k is a sui stack. I used to think 1m but the more you follow this token the more you understand just how bullish the thing is


Stop fudding no one is gonna listen to you and the price keeps going up. Just follow big wallets and buy when they dump it's not hard. It's still easily a 1b+ marketcap token that solves multiple business problems for Coinbase

>> No.57917274

Nigger just hide the thread lmao

>> No.57917289
File: 128 KB, 634x798, IMG_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57917295

will Aviator allow gambling type games? Just imagine millions of Coinbase users getting funneled to Aviator and gambling using AVI tokens

>> No.57917326
File: 51 KB, 425x637, 1709605061351423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No plans at this moment because of potential regulatory issues. It makes sense if you read Coinbase's guide to getting listed

>> No.57917328

No there has to be an element of skill involved otherwise US regulators will fuck the teams ass.

>> No.57917407
File: 206 KB, 1106x610, Screenshot 2024-02-28 153244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the best you are gonna get, it may dip a little more but just buy and hold on, once the audit clears its going to go to .01

>> No.57917448

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything
What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I'm still right here
What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
Source: Musixmatch

>> No.57917475
File: 83 KB, 720x720, 1709406200695558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: Musixmatch

>> No.57917486


Homelander I miss you. I liked when you were on the winning team. Stop fudding and come join us again, with or without AVI in your wallet

>> No.57917502

0.004 before the AMA

>> No.57917527

>Where do people like this come from

>> No.57917602

Nobody misses him or his cringe low quality posts. This nigger needs a doctor

>> No.57917636


Not true. Homelander I miss you, homie. You know who this is.

>> No.57917763

can this chill the fuck out until I buy more? its unironically rising too fast

>> No.57917826

Has any other avi holders gotten a letter in the mail from nintendos lawyers or am i the only one? Im freaking the fuck out i think they subpoenaed coinbase or something. We are actually fucked aren’t we

>> No.57917878


There's an Enzo dip right now, but we tend to go up on weekends and nights because of cheap gas. Verify what I'm telling you by looking at the chart.


For anyone reading this stupid Nintendo fud: In the last community AMA Stixil spells out unambiguously that the Nintendo stuff is complete bullshit

>> No.57917889

I don’t even know why the Nintendo thing needed to be addressed it sounds like a joke anyways

>> No.57917897
File: 60 KB, 1074x949, 1690812198836506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got my letter and nintendos legal department said they were going to "buttrape my white pig ass and cum inside"
does anyone know what this means??

>> No.57917902


It is a bad fud/joke but I think a few people thought it was serious at least in the Discord

>> No.57917907

I just a letter from nintendo japan lawyers retard. My grandpop is now afraid they will take his house and i might be banned from internet privileges. I hope the devs are happy. I should have never bought this arcade stock coin.

>> No.57917927
File: 341 KB, 632x976, IMG_3879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the man that promoted this in December

I need to speak to you

>> No.57917931
File: 47 KB, 600x476, 1588809911893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got an email from Phil Spencer, he said he wants to buy my stack of AVI. Im gonna say no

>> No.57918018

But AVI with gala’s mcap would make it almost a quarter

>> No.57918021

>Phil wants in

>> No.57918026

My letter says free Pokémon cards for the rest of my life what the fuck

>> No.57918101

I would be able to retire. That’s fucking crazy. I really hope this play works out

>> No.57918127

I'm tempted to buy some but literally never used uni swap wtf do I do so I don't lose my crypto?
Also I see it's ranked 1000+ on CMC is this really that small?

>> No.57918136

You can use cb wallet too but yeah

Yeah the cap is 18 milly dude it’s still so fucking early

>> No.57918138

There's less than 2000 holders and a lot of those wallets only have dust in them my dude. This is basically a bunch of 4chan incel chuds and people from Twitter right now.

>> No.57918155


Coinbase created a page explaining how to buy here: https://www.coinbase.com/how-to-buy/aviator

Only invest what you can afford to lose

>> No.57918156

Yup exactly and not a huge Twitter following yet either

>> No.57918160

Why would coin base have a guide for this though?

>> No.57918167

Gee I wonder why indeed.


>> No.57918175

Why would coin base have a guide for this though?

I don't have coin base wallet does it work with MEW?

>> No.57918212

I can’t speak for the Coinbase thing, I’m willing to bet they’ll be listed though this year.
You mentioned uniswap you can use that, it’s perfectly safe

>> No.57918225
File: 357 KB, 1080x1331, Screenshot_20240304-194051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Why would coin base have a guide for this though?

Probably nothing ;)

>> No.57918276

Dumb nigger, https://www.coinbase.com/how-to-buy/ works for tons of tokens. The thing of note was that the image for Aviator was hosted on their own server when everything else were not. It's not clear if that means anything, but one possible explanation is that it was added manually when other are just scraped from CMC or something.

>> No.57918312


> The thing of note was that the image for Aviator was hosted on their own server when everything else were not

Not sure why you are arguing with me, but you sound like an idiot. There are some tokens this exists for, but it's clearly not just auto-scraped because otherwise you'd see everything available on CB wallet for swap (e.g Linu) and not stuff like PEPE and TOSHI which also are known to want CB listings. Also, as you mentioned, the image is hosted in Coinbase's S3 wallet. So, yes, Coinbase created this page but for some reason you are arguing with me like a fucking idiot.

>> No.57918321


S3 bucket*

>> No.57918329

>trusting a furry fag
This dude is rugging at 50 mil

>> No.57918348

Can’t rug, DYOR

>> No.57918350


Yep someone who is doxxed via an LLC, audited their token and KYC'd their team via Solid Proof, audited their bridge with Hacken, burned about 1.5 million dollars in tokens and did the work to be fully green on Dex tools just that to create an elaborate rug and go to jail with his entire team.

>> No.57918367

Ngl at first I hated they’re furries

But then I thought “wait the degens always win in the end” and here we are I’ve made so far $33000 off a 3k investment that was 2 months ago

>> No.57918412

Didnt read fuck off tranny shill

>> No.57918431


Then don't buy. Do you think I give a fuck?

>> No.57918685

I get the hype, but coinbase also has a guide on how to buy LINU, the supposed jeet scam

>> No.57918957

>brown id

>> No.57919040

Why are these threads being deleted?

>> No.57919120

sers what happens when the liquidity is unlocked in 4 months?

>> No.57919223

it unlocks so they can add avi liquidity to other chains
theyll likely do a dao vote about how to split that up and then lock it again

>> No.57919236

We’ll be on coinbase by then. Liquidity will be needed

>> No.57919273
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, 1709573514267178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to the anon who shilled this in July if you are still around. He claimed he made it with monero because someone shilled it to him early so now he's passing on the favor by shilling AVI

>> No.57919446

Never trust fur fag he will rug at 47mil

>> No.57919861

So my choices are to either trust a furfag who has made me 6 (six) figures so far, or a Romanian retard that should be investing in meds instead of crypto… tough decision

>> No.57920372
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>not trusting village rapist

>> No.57920668

Another ATH broken

>> No.57920763


*You will never make it by buying AVI
Unless you throw $10k or more ($20k would be a nice stack)
There are fags with 100 and 300mil tokens ready to dump on you at 30mil mc
This shit will never reach 100mil mc without violent dumps.

No, you won't "make it " with 1mil AVI

Stop giving dishonest niggers on this thread exit liquidity and also learn what marketcap is

>> No.57920812

Anyone who thinks its too late to buy into a 20m mcap token, is a retard

>> No.57920889

666k holding
Major asshole reporting for duty sir.

>> No.57921200


>> No.57921653

We get it you sold early, it isn't too late

>> No.57922351

100m wallet taking profits. Soon these higher wallets will start decreasing in size and the distribution that the fudfags are so worried about won't be an "issue" anymore. Can't wait to see what bullshit they come up with next

>> No.57922425

Make it is different for everyone.

There’s nothing stopping this from reaching .25 by the end of the year or into next, if you don’t have the patience to wait a year or the brains to realize how early we are you’re hopeless.

>> No.57922467

My poorfolio is finally gonna hit 5 figures. Feeling comfy.

>> No.57922603

I’ll hit 6 figures with avi alone lol

>> No.57922751

So you’re saying it’s going to 100M? Nice

>> No.57922938

It’s honestly wild how early we are

>> No.57922951


We have hit 30m fully diluted market cap with a healthy chart, no CEX announcement, and being only on biz. If you think we, solving multiple real problems for large public corporations, won't be 1b+ MC in the bullrun you are gonna continue holding micro cap garbage and getting rugged.

>> No.57922978


This is also pretty important. In all these AMAs there are a lot of really subtle bullish things you learn about AVI that aren't in the TG/Discord

>> No.57923026

How do I convert one meme coin to this?
Never done this before?
Help a retard out.

>> No.57923038


You just swap on something like Uniswap (assuming your coin is on ETH). If you have Metamask or Coinbase wallet it's usually pretty easy

>> No.57923047

Official nintendo lawsuit announcement will change things

>> No.57923061

It's on ETH, but getting screwed on gas fees. Is there a cheap route?

>> No.57923083

Yes by not being poor

>> No.57923093

>He buys every coin /biz/ shills...
Sucks to be you I guess.
>Verification not required.

>> No.57923276

Only on Uniswap at the moment.

It's going to BASE with the launch of SkyBridge in two weeks.

Who knows if the price movement will be larger than gas cost now. Probably you'll be far behind the cost of gas compared to the price movement in 2-3 weeks.

>> No.57923341
File: 45 KB, 486x241, 5774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good AMA

>> No.57923360

Sell signal

>> No.57923367

Fair enough. Looks like I'm gonna have to pump in some more capital before buying.

>> No.57923379

Imagine if pouya and Stix kissed hahahahahahaha that would be crazy if they started making out hahaha

>> No.57923457

Up to you fren, I'd set a price alert for $0.00275 or lower to enter.

The latest movements today look like a lot of paper hands that will probably shake out over the next day or two, so you could probably grab some cheaper bags.

However I think those gains will be marginal with the coming launch of SkyBridge and the Arcade

>> No.57923505

Hard pill. MC went from 10 to 20mil yet liquidity didnt increased. Very sus probably scam

>> No.57923552

What kind of ESL nonsense is this

>> No.57923577

I was considering buying until I saw this as well. At the very least AVI is about to see a very large pullback.

>> No.57923618
File: 47 KB, 736x596, 1000002314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Number went up but must be a lie
>lil bro
>Nintendo lawsuit
Homelander you're not fooling anyone with your multiple devices being set up to agree with your own made-up bullshit.

>> No.57923632


Mohktar using a VPN to have two different ID's is an old tactic now.

If you need cash, I just made a donation to UNHCR

>> No.57923679


>> No.57923771

Daily reminder it is too late to buy AVI
It has already pumped and you will not make any money

>> No.57923789

Fomoing in at current mc won't matter for long term holders. Accumulate where you are comfortable.

>> No.57923812
File: 78 KB, 680x703, 1679984064332318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better image

>> No.57923826


No one is selling a revenue generating token that supports large public company goals at 30m MC fully diluted

>> No.57923859

lol pouya completely roasting the puzzle telegram

>> No.57923882
File: 595 KB, 1170x1473, IMG_4697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let biz fud this they don’t deserve 30-100x gains this year.

>> No.57923883

(((echo chamber)))

>> No.57923952

AMA about nothing may as well talk about food and sleeping patterns

>> No.57924115


Imagine fading on two innovative small cap crypto projects teaming up instead of seeing it as a sign from God about what you should invest in

>> No.57924188

Why you write sentences like jeet/sea monkey?

>> No.57924219

you write like a fucking tribal nigerian

>> No.57924281


I knew this coin was going nowhere
Now you’ll all see

>> No.57924317


We have literally went up from .0032 to .0034 after the ama

>> No.57924504

we has went up y'all

>> No.57924578

Just aped in for a 10m stack. May buy more. Only issue is so many people here bought in really fucking low, but a $500m-1b mcap seems possible to me

>> No.57924604

Why is it an issue there was a lot of early buyers ?

Sounds salty to me. Everyone can win here. There will be people 2 months from now saying what you’re saying about your entry.

>> No.57924652


An update for you. We hit 0.0036 again. If you just bought when you started fudding you would have made substantially more money with your time.

>> No.57924681
File: 568 KB, 1170x1425, IMG_4698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we climbing

>> No.57924714

Got 3milly but fomoing atm. want to swap in

>> No.57924725

That was a great ama. Team are building great partnerships. KNS looks rock solid, planning to buy some after hearing dev talk

>> No.57924758


>> No.57924763


Yeah they are based AF. Doing computationally heavy stuff off chain (unchained) is really smart too. There are people on this board who see the kinda projects AVI aligns with and still fud it.

>> No.57924907

Hit 43k in avi for a second lol

>> No.57924919


There's a dip right now btw. It's not as low as the last dip when you started fudding but could be a really good entry point still.

Your fudding hasn't been a good use of your time, so why not just hop aboard again?

>> No.57924924
File: 74 KB, 598x598, 1701998812370053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have bad news for you anon...

>> No.57925039

Oh no another dump serves it right if I can’t make it then no one will be abl

>> No.57925070
File: 325 KB, 1170x1061, IMG_4700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never again..will we get these kinda prices..

>> No.57925101

You’re going to 0 . You should have sold when I did you should listened to what I said in that satanic telegram. This is an op to trick biz, ask yourself why no body knows about this nothing about this is real it can’t be, just glad I realized this before and now I need people to realize this

>> No.57925103


Back at 0.0035. Why not just buy now? You can still easy 100x in bull market with CB listing

>> No.57925114


One other thing, Homelander, is that we are gonna have some of our first "normies" exposure on Tuesday with this new AMA and marketing budget. It's not gonna stay at these prices for long

>> No.57925125

Even just credible news of CB listing would throw this to the moon.

>> No.57925135
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I did, but my dad works there, so he explained it all

>> No.57925147

Because i can’t make it at these prices, I need it to go down and I won’t stop until it does. I was tricked into selling I didn’t realize what I had. I need to make it I need the fucking price to just go down. I really need the price to go down I just need an entry I will never stop fudding until I get my entry I will make sure it goes down it needs to go down it can’t go up forever. Soon I’ll get in I just need it to go down and then I can get my entry. Soon this thread will be deleted and then I’ll start again in the next. I will not stop until I get my price back.

>> No.57925176


It's not going back the momentum has started. You had a really juicy dip at 0.0014 after the first moon and you didn't catch it. You have many signs now that it's now or never. We have mid sized whales selling and it has only been going up.

>> No.57925177

You lie you have 100m lol

>> No.57925178
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>I will not stop until I get my price back.
then youll never stop
your bitter, greedy soul will torment you forever

>> No.57925199
File: 190 KB, 1170x450, IMG_4701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the big mike poster lol

>> No.57925262

Just wait. My mission is almost complete. .0006 inbound. Once they know the truth about the telegram being filled with AI messages there will be a real correction.

>> No.57925309

It's over for you fucking cunt. AVI is the new paradigm for this bullrun, the fact that it will create a new narrative of fee less meme coins is way beyond bullish, it's fucking cum in your pants type of coin. Buy now or get left behind. God gives you two chances. Miss both and you won't get the third.

>> No.57925350

I’m impotent there’s no cum in my pants asshole, now drop the price.

>> No.57925368

You will miss the second chance from God, anon. Remember, you will not get the third.

>> No.57925382


Why don't you try another strategy? Instead of saying it won't hit X price and being disappointed, just moonboy the fuck out of AVI and say it will hit $10. It has gone up every time to did fud

>> No.57925397

Moonboy the price you say…..not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all anon. I’ll contemplate on this.

>> No.57925741

Stop capping you know you’re a whale

>> No.57926475

Kek you’ll never catch me nigger see you in the next general wagmi

>> No.57926837
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Group captain here, I don't know what it means and it sounds gay.

>> No.57926925

Real talk anon… buy yourself a sui stack. You are not well and it’s only going to get worse. Sui stack will help.

>> No.57927114

What's the Sui stack?

>> No.57927141


I just bought 5 mil because this is a good dip and also I like money.

>> No.57927146


>> No.57927149


Probably about 100k AVI, but make it stack would probably be around 5m

>> No.57927163

Will furries buy it?
Will there be furry porn games in the arcade?

>> No.57927176

I'm the rank below you so technically I'm a bottom. If anyone here is gay it's me

>> No.57927195


The team is not excluding the possibility of x rated games in their own category. Gambling is a no, for now, for regulatory reasons.

>> No.57927198
File: 147 KB, 1277x1007, 1709761751287540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a furry and i have 6 figures in this

>> No.57927258

My gay Uncle's boyfriend works at Nintendo.

>> No.57927272

Holy based furGODs I kneel

>> No.57927305

Anyone holding avi is a winner mate

>> No.57927317

New ATH by tomorrow

>> No.57927325

I don't care about gambling, but will they allow people to create arcade games for their arcade? Or are they creating all of them. And say if someone made a game would they recieve the Avi, would the website receive it, or would it be split between the host website and the game devs?

>> No.57927365


It's like steam so people can publish games, but they are self publishing a few too and have game devs on the team. The tokenomics section of the whitepaper explains their amazing tokenomics better than I can

>> No.57927390


>> No.57927439

this is guaranteed to hit $1 right

>> No.57927440

Sounds like fun, I might make a game for the fuck of it.

>> No.57927442

Stupid fucking fox

>> No.57927458

If they wanted people to fucking take them seriously why did they make it an animal coin. I should have fucking made it. I’m not well thinking about what I could have had

>> No.57927475

>why did they make it an animal coin.
For the meme energy.

>> No.57927479

Why doesn't Majorko need to get reined in?

>> No.57927506


I actually think that's a pretty good idea. The most popular tokens on there will clean up nicely. You can write a WebGL game now and then easily publish it later.

>> No.57927511

You sound like a decent guy anon can you ask for the price to be lowered so I can get a good entry? I really thought this was a meme coin. Thanks!

>> No.57927574

If I make 2m off my portfolio I’m gonna give my parents $250k

>> No.57927582


Stop being greedy just wait for a dip with a price tracker. It's very clearly not dropping below 0.003 ever again, and it probably will clear 0.004 by tomorrow (again)


You are gonna make it. Make your parents proud

>> No.57927660


For those waiting for a dip, the order book is all buys.

>> No.57928332

We're almost at .0037 already, if you had bought yesterday at .0032 instead spending your time fudding, you'd be up 16% already.

>> No.57928515

Anon I need to make it, I can’t afford the input. No point in putting money in AVI when I can make it with Lucky. If I fud there’s a chance avis price decreases

>> No.57928542

The relevance of /biz/ holders only shrinks as more people buy in. Your fud is pointless now

>> No.57928550

Also we had another Enzo sell. Just buy after one of those.

>> No.57928558
File: 52 KB, 690x596, 1706911151243145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you having mental breakdowns and pouting wont make this project lose value
youre investing in shitcoins solely because the market caps are low, and their market caps are low for a reason.

>> No.57928573

Anon this is my last chance I cannot make it at these prices I am desperate I need the price lower >>57928542

>> No.57928576

I hope lucky does well I have a 60t stack for shits and giggles but I know the team working behind it is dedicated to making things happen can’t ask for much more

>> No.57928579
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>Anon I need to make it, I can’t afford the input. No point in putting money in AVI when I can make it with Lucky. If I fud there’s a chance avis price decreases

>> No.57928586

Anyone with a significant amount of money in AVI is going to be well-informed about the project. For your fud to be worth your while, you'd be having to convince these very people because only they can create the price action you want. The problem is, all you can ever come up with is outright lies, spam, and all-caps posts flailing your arms around like a baby. It's a useless endeavor.

>> No.57928622

I know six figure hell isn’t “making it” but $300k is better than completely missing the boat. And if we moon before bitcoin’s blowoff top you may just make it anyways

>> No.57928630

I’m sorry anon I just keep seeing the price go up and up and I could have really made it if I didn’t sell and I’m not mentally well I’ve been staring at the chart sweating and shaking while posting here hoping it goes down but it just doesnt. I’m starting to talk to myself I haven’t left the computer screen in days I’m just really confused right now

>> No.57928644

It looks like you just your dip. Now is a good time to buy

>> No.57928648

Anon, you're not making anything with Lucky. That's the cold hard truth. Be smart, take what you can get. It doesn't have to be AVI but if you really need to make it that bad a 4chan dead dog meme (and a 2nd rate one at that) isn't your answer. I feel bad for you man, I seriously think you need to move that Lucky into something that will actually help you out.

>> No.57928654

Look man, the mental state that you're in right now is the same one that led you to scream about no marketing and get baseless fud in your head that led you to sell in the first place. You need to make a change from the ground up if you ever want to get better because otherwise you're going to be stuck in a permanent cycle

>> No.57928683

Alright I did it, just got like 100k it’s all I can afford. I know I won’t make it but I guess it’s better than nothing. Sorry for my earlier posts anons I will no longer fud. It is a very cool project.

>> No.57928697
File: 407 KB, 1217x831, 1710035891727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you the best of luck my man. I really do. Go get some fresh air.

>> No.57928709

exactly this
its extremely damaging to latch onto the idea of going straight to make it territory with only a single play
itll take multiple coins and lots of patience to get there, and the stories you hear describing otherwise are extremely rare exceptions and/or exaggerated
i know it fucking sucks hard to not have a great entry, especially when you had it before- but this whole game is about getting the gains you can get since they will add up over time if you act right

wishing you the best anon
you wont get 50 million dollars off of this or something insane but we genuinely are still incredibly early

>> No.57928715

In 6 months you will have a fatass bag that you can springboard into other projects

>> No.57928753


This was literally the fastest I've ever dumped 20k into a coin. 5 mil stack sounds just right.

>> No.57928777

Thanks for the kind words anons, hope you all do well with your bags, and looking forward for what’s to come with avi

>> No.57928778


Haven't you learned by now that the only way to make money on alts is cute animal coins?????

>> No.57928785

It's literally rugging

>> No.57928805

8E99? I'm making a deal with you. Don't jeet by Friday. OK? Just let me know if that's your wallet.

>> No.57928840

His paper hands will drop at the first sign of sub .003

>> No.57928865

Anon I appreciate whatever the deal is, and I can tell you are a nice person. But I have to admit I am a significant bag holder and that is not my wallet, and I just do this fud stuff because I am bored at work. Thanks for being a great representation of AVI in this threads!

>> No.57928867

Most likely kek.

>> No.57928876
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>> No.57928888

You had me kek, I shouldn't be so nice. It's not much but I was gonna send 20k avi

>> No.57928905

Bored at the scam call center, eh Ranjeet?

>> No.57928944

Checked, also I'm not sending my AVI anywhere until Base network. Fuck Ethereum gas fees.

>> No.57929000

Staying in cold storage until I have reason to do otherwise

>> No.57929782


100k is a great number. You may not make it, but that's probably 10 to 100k depending how long you hold after Coinbase listing and ETH ETF/CB hype. I'll be cheering for you.


Last I heard the order book is all buys except MEV bots

>> No.57929813

I dont get why token is needed, I just did an ETH -> Base bridge in 30 seconds with debridge and it only costs a few dollars

>> No.57929815

what's nice about AVI is that once it's listed on Coinbase we'll probably get a solid amount of buys just due to the mascot, it's a utility token with memecoin appeal for retail as well
it's literally dumping upwards, it's over

>> No.57929853
File: 225 KB, 746x1280, 1709662954321173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SkyBridge lets you deploy any ETH smart contract to Base. This means you will be able to trade stuff like Shiba, Linu, etc. on Base. They are also developing web3 steam with that bridge so that indie devs can publish their own games on that. These two things are gonna give Base massive adoption. There's a lot of other stuff you'll read in the thread etc.

> "Coinbase Ventures is investing in new use-cases that emerge from bridging."


>> No.57930123

AVI transfers on the bridge are fee free and instant (although non avi fees are just 0.001 eth flat which is very nice when others are % based and can get much higher). Also part of the coming bridging rewards. But the main use is the arcade. Team has also said that the arcade is phase 1, more is planned after. And probably least on the list is it's a governance token for the DAO but no one really cares about that.