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57924498 No.57924498 [Reply] [Original]

Europeans have the best quality of life in the world while not working themselves to death like north americans and east asians do.
Name 1 reason why north americans and east asians shouldn't learn more from Europe.

>> No.57924524

Don't be lazy, you fat european nigger

>> No.57924536

asians and burgers can't bike to a city centre, mountain peak, beach and national park all in a single day

can't have the same quality of life no matter the environment

>> No.57924545
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>Europeans have the best quality of life in the world

>> No.57924720

now do the mexican border

>> No.57924789

Europe is going to rapidly transform into a dystopia as its status quo becomes more unsustainable. The average eurolemming cares nothing for economics while holding an incredibly naive political ideology that allows him to be easily manipulated and managed by his parasitic ruling class. This generalization doubtless applies to OP. The future has never looked more bleak for most of Europe with its often Orwellian politics, a period of at least decades of reflection and cultural revival is necessary to change this. In the meantime its absolutely laughable to pretend its some kind of model and they haven't just been coasting on a past that they are increasingly far removed from.

>> No.57924908

as if this wasn't happening to amerimuttland

>> No.57925005
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>> No.57925014

Best countries in EU are finished. France is negro-muslim shithole, same with Germany, UK and Scandinavia. You can't be safe in the West and even if you are it's full of shitskins poisoning your life. The quality of life is degrading because of lack of social cohesion. Add to that genocidal politics underming white men while promoting shitskins and you are living in hellhole. We could survive being poor but we won't survive being flooded by niggers, muslims and pajeets, the downgrade of life is so big it's nogozone. Imagine Paris, London, Berlin, Barcelona, Rome were prime destination for life and tourism and they are dirty, crime infested expensive shitholes. Eastern Europe is still fine so are big cities in Russia. If Euroe won't go full nat-soc and genocide shitskins then future is in South America, Russia, Eastern Europe and Asia.

>> No.57925036

Ze Commonwealz and za UK are not Europe, fren.

>> No.57925079

Yes, East asians in particular should learned about importing billions of Africans to improve their BBC index, a must have for the developed world

>> No.57925099

Quality of life is not about money but peace, family and social cohesion - all these values have been destroyed in Europe. You need to compete with shitskins for women, work and real estate while your own government is actively promoting invaders who can literally rape virgins on the streets. Everybody is now sad and depressed because Jews destroyed their homelands forever.

>> No.57925133

Yes because importing millions of african and arab neet rape gangs is great for having the best quality of life in the world. Especially when you refuse to do anything about it because it's racist.

Western Europe is the ultimate "WE WUZ" in modern history.

>> No.57925157

>best quality of life
Nobody who shares a country with Abdul and Mahmud has the best quality of life

>> No.57925175
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>> No.57925343

yeah latinx and chinks are the future of white civilisation.
Race mix with them, that's what your ancestors say

>> No.57925373

who do you think you are, you disgusting chink, latinx or negro?
your countries are shit.
>I'm a white american
you're a 56% mutt in a fentanyl latinx filled state

>> No.57925405

>latinx to refer to latinos
you need to go back, sir

>> No.57925441

go back to mehico, you white identifying faggot

>> No.57926879

We have to go back
Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.57926913

Things change, I think Europe being more crypto friendly than the US shows that there are inklings for a better way for Evropa.

>> No.57927118

I agree

>> No.57928716

You don't have to because we bust of f our asses. Not africans you import like fucking sugar

>> No.57928740
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Europe will slowly decline and become a former great empire now shithole, like Egypt or Turkey, because Europeans don't know how to build anything any more