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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57923389 No.57923389[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what about this guy? whats gonna happen to him?

>> No.57923483

can anyone explain the bull case for the new-ish fag?

>> No.57923591

pretty much everyone who stuck around bsc dogbat for the past two years has moved on to dogbat on sol
even the dogbat eth account on X is promoting it
bsc is just a husk, it will go up with bnb but the community is flat dead

>> No.57923668

gongo up, simple as
kys jeet

>> No.57923727
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>> No.57923742
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>Is it over for BSC?
>what about this guy?
he is dead
Long live PINU

>> No.57923744

>50B EOY
But why?

>> No.57923749

Well first off if you listen to idiots like >>57923591 you will miss out on a massive run this cycle. I watch the buys and whales have been slowly accumulating, including a 25k USD buy 3 weeks ago. This is provable, on chain. The liquidity for a coin this size is also beyond amazing. The taxes, which are fudded on and hated are great for the long term, because half of all the reflections go to the burn wallet and forever make this coin deflationary. Also, the taxes mean when this thing pops off again, the LP will grow even more. At this point it’s literally the only immortal meme coin. This is not a joke, but a reality.

This is the OG dog with bat, and if you can’t see how everything I just said means the future of this coin is bright, then I cannot help you. It will take time, but when the pump happens, it will be glorious. If you don’t at least have a small bag you’re gonna regret it. Listening to fudders equals a future rope.

>> No.57923795

These guys are goofs and just say 50b for the memes. Those of us based in reality do believe 100-250m Mcap this cycle is extremely doable. Maybe even higher who knows… this is a clown world timeline.

>> No.57923896

It's going to at least 5B (safemoon ATH) and will hit 50B with a Binance listing.

>> No.57923911

Thanks! I saw the whale buy in other threads. I bought 75b a week ago because I had some spare BNB. Is there an active TG?

>> No.57923940
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He'll rebrand it, sell again, maybe generate some meme coins created on satoshisync and then keep paying spammers to boost them oon both /Biz/ and X

>> No.57923941

the original tg got shut down for cp, im not joking
new tg is like 20 guys

>> No.57924001

are you talking about the 180k mcap, 2k volume solana version? I couldn't find any bigger one

>> No.57924064

is this the original d0g3b0nk (fuck jannies), the one currently at 5M mcap? if so, easiest 1000x ever incoming

>> No.57924087

>new tg is like 20 guys
what is it then?

>> No.57924127

I can’t post the name but it’s

And it’s got 300, not 20

>> No.57924163

really considering tossing a couple hundred bucks into pinu considering the low mcap but man it looks fucking dead despite a decent chart

>> No.57924177

Whales wouldn’t be stocking up if it was dead. They see what is inevitable. If you have half a brain you would too.

>> No.57924178
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>> No.57924211

just tossed 5 bnb into it

>> No.57924222


>> No.57924407

this and the og bat are all you need for the bsc casinò 2024

>> No.57924422
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>> No.57924456

No ___
No ___
Simple as

>> No.57924475

the biggest issues are the reflections, too high liquidity and worse risk-reward than bsc itself. apart from those, it's a run of the mill dead shitcoin. i can post the chart if you want, but it's not pretty

>> No.57924492

dogbat on sol fixes this

>> No.57924493
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Based, most the tard presalers sold. We are here for the long run.

>> No.57924495

Again, sorry for being an insufferable newfag, but who is Amy and who is Ghostbro

>> No.57924505

next jeet that cash out i might buy a bit of the dip as well to make even

>> No.57924527
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Hop into tg fren

>> No.57924594

If you want to make multiple hundreds of X’s you buy this coin simple as that, let this thread rest now

>> No.57924711

wait which coin are you referring to, deauxbeau or pepeinu?

>> No.57924765

i'll join tomorrow, what's the main dev like? shitskin or at least a bit based?

>> No.57924824

>its position as the top memecoin on solana
top kek, you solbaggies are really something else

>> No.57924827

White dude, was with him in vc.
He could have rugged us multiple times but didnt. CA is renounced, liq burned. At 200k mcap he will burn 2% of total supply (from his own stack). 100/100 score on sniffer.
So I say based. We are a good community.

>> No.57924836

it's ghost"bro" who keeps posting no ghostbro no buy, sometimes he will also post his scam dog named after CZ who himself called ghostbro a filthy scammer (which he is)

>> No.57924860


>> No.57924903
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is this the correct CA? 0xCADAFE549eDC8c1BeB6247E74Af17F3A0D9A574b

>> No.57925093
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Yes, CA is renounced but dev didnt disable those functions so it looks like shit.

>> No.57926074

Why do shitcoin jeets and baggies always without fail shit up based dogbat threads? Kys shitskins, you will never make it and my gains will be directed to devastating "population control" of your shithole countries in the near future in Minecraft.

>> No.57926377


Someone with brown hands wrote this

>> No.57926379
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dogbat on sol is a billion dollar dog

>> No.57926469

if you knew how much money sol d0bo has for marketing you would be selling your grandmothers on the street to load up your bags

>> No.57926626
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Eww disgusting trans flag colors.

>> No.57926652

>enough money to pay 3 jeets to shit up /biz/
50$ may be a crazy amount to you Ranjeesh, but it is not for worlders

>> No.57926663

>first* worlders
>t. kinda retarded

>> No.57926717
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Not falling for your liquidity scam buty vinu instead

>> No.57926752

Give it up already poomar

>> No.57926801

og dog bat is the only one worth holding. All indians and brown shitskins should be gassed along with their unborn children.

>> No.57926894
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buys are going wild on sol right now

>> No.57926917

I have a cousin who's colorblind he's also poor you guys should get in touch

>> No.57926922

>this is your average SOL shitcoin buyer
BSC has never been so back

>> No.57927123

It's literally the same guy gurpreet not donating to your village

>> No.57927166

There were like 10 new coins on SOL today that broke 1m mc. How many months have you been hovering around 150k? 4?5?

>> No.57927829
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Imagine fading the OG BSC BatDog. These are just the buys over 5k USD in the last couple months. Small buys are accelerating more and more as people realize this actually is not "Dead". Meanwhile people put money into a garbage clone on a garbage layer one that goes offline, while trying to fud the original. What dirt bags.

>> No.57929361
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i can also make a screenshot with the answer i like the most and ignore the others ;)

take care

>> No.57929533

>calls me a brownoid
>shills a pajeet shitcoin scam in the dogbat thread
Thanks for proving my point Ranjeesh. Can't wait to hire mercs to carpet bomb your village in Minecraft.

>> No.57929566

What’s the new tg ? The original got banned already

>> No.57929643


I have a 100 billy stack and tempted to load up on even more. If the BSC casino takes off again (which it almost certainly will, retail is starting to back into alts), this shit will go to the moon.

>> No.57930049

Finally sold at a profit. Been bagholding this for months and missed the last pump. Might rebuy when it dumps because it always does.

>> No.57930166


>> No.57930686
File: 63 KB, 990x522, SellsIncluded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peope are still falling for dogbat lmao. Enjoy the other 10% fee when you inevitably sell. The golden bullrun is near and dogbat can't even pump back to ath which is where every major memecoins are at right now (ticker: Bitcoin, BONK sol, PEPE etc)

pic rel is with sells included lmao

>> No.57930764

i have a lot of love for this coin. it scared me out of shitcoin gambling and into safe holding mains like a good boy.

i still have my 2021 bags though because what else am i gonna do with em, eh

>> No.57931066
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Sells don't fucking matter. even with all the sells we stay around 2.5m liquidity BECAYSE of the tax. Without the tax it would have died. Trying to FUD the tax is hilarious. The people who hate the tax are the short term onions boys trying to get a quick gain, but they can't do it, so they fud instead. This liquidity is godly thick and the whales accumulating say more about the future than people trying to exit at the bottom. But I don't expect a midwit like you to understand.

>> No.57931076

Oh wait 2.5m liquidity was a couple weeks ago. Now we're at 2.9m liquidity. When will you admit you're wrong? 5m liquidity and 10m market cap? See you in a few weeks.

>> No.57931193

Bought $1k worth as a BNB play, I think the market has moved on although with crypto you never know if BNB suddenly rips 10x from some super new news or whatever.

>> No.57931606

BNB 500 is it back now?

>> No.57932297

bnb ressurection. solana can pack its bags and go