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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5792304 No.5792304 [Reply] [Original]

So what are you thoughts?

>> No.5792344

gonna pass cardano’s marketcap soon

>> No.5792379

Gonna be legitimate ETH competitor. So you should know what that means in terms of price...

Especially since most tokens will be locked up in nodes

Also inb4 waltoncuck

>> No.5792391

delete please still accumulating

>> No.5792417

Well... waltoncucks just got fucked with a shitty AMA that resulted in a delayed mainnet and a NDA fuckup by publicly stating that they are listing with bithumb. There is no doubt about it, VeChain is the top dog when it comes to partnerships and professionalism. 200$ EOY.
Waltoncuck fudding may now commence

>> No.5792475

have a fat stack, looking to increase it, might wait till tommorow to see what the big boys do so I can get more VEN on sale

>> No.5792495

Not even whales can suppress the price for long without losing money themselves. Everyone is trying to accumulate before news start to
Roll in. Then we go intergalactic.

>> No.5792528

My thoughts are... MOON already man I'm sick of driving a fucking toyota

>> No.5792604

I have my full peasant stack of 10k in from $2.33. $200 EOY whould mean a crisp 1MM. Is this truly possible?

>> No.5792729

Probably not. I would look at something like NEO as the absolute dream maybe if everything falls in place ceiling unless the PBoC rumor comes to pass. Then it becomes the next bitcoin.

>> No.5792741

Shut up, I'm still accumulating. Also, look up Ambrose.

>> No.5792754

10k would be 2mil at $200 btw. possible i guess. i kinda doubt it. 30b marketcap isnt out of the question

>> No.5792769

80$ is still a nice 800k, what is the GAS equivalent of VEN, again? You get it from putting VEN on a wallet, right?

>> No.5792816

Still unsure what the price of THOR is going to be, the market is going to decide its price. Some early estimates are 59 bucks but that just seems ridiculous to me. Id guess more around 30 bucks and thats optimistic.

>> No.5792878

50$ MINIMUM by the end of 18’ guarantee it

Surest moonshot I’ve ever seen in crypto outside of eth, literally no way this doesn’t succeed

>> No.5792954

Ex-Waltoncuck here. Just made the flip a few hours ago and I'm glad I did.

>> No.5792966

You mean AMB?

>> No.5792972 [DELETED] 

200$ puts it at 500bil mcap which is possible eoy2018 as the crypto market cap will probably be in the trillions by then

>> No.5792979
File: 60 KB, 544x768, 2017-12-31 11.46.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my long term HODL Top3-5 in 1 year.

>> No.5792990


I bought some shitty Simple Token last week which is tanking to the ground. Gonna sell it now for the VEN me thinks.

>> No.5793028

Renouncing the cultist attitude is the first step to making crypto gains. Congrats on seeing the light ex waltoncuck

>> No.5793069

I don't even know wtf I bought, I just got some when the news hit today and I'm already up 40 cents per coin.

>> No.5793070

is good? how many rupees to invest in one?

>> No.5793071

What’s wrong with WTC?
Couldn’t afford a masternode I assume

>> No.5793076

>200 puts it at 500 Billion MCAP
In what world does math work like that? It's max supply is 867 Million. Even if those were all in circulation it would still be less than 200 Billion.

At the CMC circulating supply it would be around 55 Billion for $200. The real circ would be about 90 Billion for $200.

>> No.5793180

Fuck i put an extra 0 in there. 50 bil is what I meant

>> No.5793188

tfw 7.5k more needed for strength node.
If this waits til after ICX to moon I'm noding the fuck up

>> No.5793243

how much for a node and how would you run it?

>> No.5793251

You're smart. Always be objective with your decisions.

Kys cuck, Bithumb is gone now LMAO

>> No.5793253

Same boat, in the AMA he said he would like the community to work together and make a DAPP that would allow smaller fish to work together to make a node. So there is hope.

>> No.5793260

Literally thinking of throwing more fiat at this shit, even though I said I wasn't gonna.

>> No.5793293

Good call

>> No.5793302

we are at the first sell wall guys

>> No.5793319

It's actually the second. A 300K Sell wall got eaten.

>> No.5793323

Smallest node is 10k VEN. Runs in wallet once THOR releases. ez money


>> No.5793360


>> No.5793368

Yes. They have multiple partnerships.

>> No.5793373

Just demolished a 55btc wall, get in here boyz

>> No.5793385

my god it got eaten or pulled it's literally mooning right now buy it if you don't have it or seriously be poor i'm not joking

>> No.5793388

Holy shit walls getting BTFO

>> No.5793400

lol another came back up but they can't keep this shit forever

too much hype and for very good reasons

>> No.5793438

42 BTC @ 18770 is next let's fucking go boys!

>> No.5793443



>> No.5793444

Yeah just reading it now, seems legit. Backed by the fucking UN lol

>> No.5793452

i have 10k of these strength node masterrace. tempted to dump my aion or omg to buy more. fug

>> No.5793472

whale here. we're letting this hit $5 tonight. you've been warned poor fags.

>> No.5793484

Bots trying to salvage by putting lower orders to protect the wall

>> No.5793508

Bought in today at 0.00281 ETH. Nice to see we are up nicely. VeChain is undervalued as I'm sure we all know and I was impressed with their AMA and all the new announcements. This will be a top 20 coin/token for sure. Glad I got in this early.

>> No.5793529

alright we know it's happening everyone let this thread die and silently go buy more

>> No.5793536

That wall will be destroyed tonight

>> No.5793576

cheers cunt

>> No.5793617


Press S to pay respects for Wabi/NEO/Waltoncucks

>> No.5793621

>bought in 1.8$
>comfy af

>> No.5793671

I've got 66K VET so I'm all smiles.

>> No.5793686
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u larp?

>> No.5793705

id like to thank the anon who told me to get in on VEN below $.60 or else i'd be a "salty nigger"

thanks anon! idk how im going to sleep tonight

>> No.5793708


the dream

>> No.5793715

Can I hear a a price speculation per quarter this year?

>> No.5793718


>> No.5793719

I still believe that WTC is miles ahead VEN. Everyone who does their own research can come to this conclusion.

Still, holding WTC comes with a HUGE opportunity cost. Not gonna come back to it until Q2 2018.

>> No.5793775


Q1 - $6.50
Q2 - $12.50
Q3 - $20.50
Q4 - $28.50

Speculating, of course.

>> No.5793782

Fuckin kek, get outta here Walty boy

>> No.5793783


>> No.5793791

Join the whale killing spree then

>> No.5793807

and how much do you own, buddy?

4k reporting in

>> No.5793810

did 19000 get eaten or pulled?

>> No.5793827

It is clear as fact that people from WTC are jumping to VEN

>> No.5793859

I think pulled

>> No.5793871


Not much, about 600 VEN. Most of my money is in REQ, XLM and ZRX. Just picked up VEN today but I'm happy with what I have.

>> No.5793876


mostly pulled, i think
but there are some big buys in there

>> No.5793884

We want the price to stay down anon. We need more time to accumulate.

>> No.5793898

Walls are down!!!

>> No.5793913

HOLY SHIT. SOmeone just bought 290k ven to take out the 60 btc sell wall.

>> No.5793915
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Thank you

>> No.5793921

390k gone in one buy. Mother of God

>> No.5793937


but daaaaaaaaaaaaaad

>> No.5793939

last wall was bought, saw a buy for 290000 VEN

>> No.5793947

Just one more 60 BTC and we're gucci

>> No.5793965


>> No.5793970

quick shoutout to all the whales xx

>> No.5793976

I really don't think it's breaking 20K tonight. Or if it does it won't stay there.

>> No.5793985


>> No.5793987

Why does it never fucking end!!!

We need a titan

>> No.5794006
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Should I sell everything in here and buy more? I have about $20 in each coin.

>> No.5794016


nice to see it even get close, comfy as fucc

>> No.5794020

Some rich fuckers just dish out neverending 50btc sell walls like its nothing

>> No.5794034
File: 69 KB, 1080x773, Screenshot_20180102-213409~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5794052

yes at your level go all in on VET or you'll be poor forever seriously this is the fucking easiest moon ever. You can thank me later or be poor your fucking choice

>> No.5794053

I was contemplating buying this earlier today and decided wait. Am i too late now?

>> No.5794058

I've been monitoring the price for hours. The price was being manipulated until now. I think it is taking off now so...

>> No.5794071

2 62btc walls up, heres your chance

>> No.5794094

you need to consolidate with capital that small motherfucker

>> No.5794097

Wtf is VET?

>> No.5794111


not for the long haul, for this pump yeah
it'll chill out around 18k prob

>> No.5794129

watch it go as waltoncucks realize that their trashcoin got delayed once again and scramble to get into ven

>> No.5794139

No, anything before 2 billion market cap is not too late.

>> No.5794148

just bought 30, am I gonna make it?

>> No.5794149


this is a potential 3 figure coin. were at 1 figure.

figure it out!

>> No.5794227
File: 209 KB, 1588x608, vv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based sunny

>> No.5794232

Fucking dumbass VEN=VET=VeChain they're going through a rebranding go fuck your mom, get on board, and stfu

>> No.5794235


VEN rebranding I believe, since they are working on their Thor implementation.

>> No.5794276

Cant decide if i should sell my XLM and ENG on bittrex and move over to Binance and buy more of this VEN tonight, probably not worth? Those things mooning hard too

>> No.5794278

It's not worth betting that small amount of money. A 50% increase in one is only 10$ profit, it's peanuts.

Go all in on a coin you KNOW has great potential. Wait for a great upwards trend, and sell. Don't be greedy. If you love the coin you can buy back during the dip. Timing is key here, you learn fast but it's not a sure science.

If you consolidate all of that (~100$)? You can hit a moon mission and double your buying power. If it goes south, you literally only bet 100 bones

t. poorfag with 610$ investment worth 840$

>> No.5794293

these are some of the fishiest fucking whales i've ever seen.

>> No.5794294
File: 65 KB, 502x424, Screenshot from 2018-01-03 00-42-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fuckin price suppression holy shit.

>> No.5794321

After a correction I absolutely would, this is a for sure moon mission. 120 btc sell walls got ate in minutes, then if you look>>5794294
you can see the whales stepped their fucking game up.

>> No.5794333

Should I sell my XRP and put that to VEN as welll? I have $50 of xrp.

>> No.5794347


>> No.5794357

I only have $2500 in total in crypto, $300 in VEN right now. Knowing my luck I will go to bed now and when i wake up XLM will be down 20% and this coin up another 30% and I cucked myself out of $1000+

>> No.5794362

Can I make it with 28?

>> No.5794372
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>> No.5794374

>Somewhere a whale is REEEEEEEing that people won't stop buying his walls

The price suppression on this is unfuckingreal.

>> No.5794433

What is 'making it' for you? Maybe in a year they'll be worth $5000 if all goes well

>> No.5794445

And I for one am so happy about this. I need my coinbase deposit to go through so I can buy more. I need to get as close to 10k as I can.

>> No.5794457

Walton will sink all of you. Mark my words, and don't come crying to me.

>> No.5794464



>> No.5794504
File: 29 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20180102-214704~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of price suppression is exactly the sign you want to see for something that's going to fucking expode. I feel like a little fish following around a shark and eating it's scraps, but I'm cool with that.

>> No.5794517

have ~11k for Strength node, but not enough to get to 50k without daytrading, rest tied in XLM, XRP and bnty (bought in early and still up 100% after taking profits)

>what do?

>> No.5794550

Shoo pajeet

>> No.5794557

Enjoy the 30k a year returns when mainnet releases and THOR reaches its equilibrium.

>> No.5794567

Ok i sold 75% of my xlm for this , did i make the right decision

>> No.5794607

Sell that ripple dude, it's bluechip at this point.

>> No.5794615

Welcome to Vechain on Binance life.

>> No.5794641

Just you wait.

>> No.5794644

Yes now eat those fucking sell walls.

>> No.5794674

I agree my man
Just sold all of my walts for ven. Cause that shitcoin is sinking for real after the disaster ama. once europoors wake up and realise that they've been chincked shit will reall start bleeding

>> No.5794694


that's BOLD my dude. i just posted a whale sound so im not sure why you're asking me.

XLM is a pretty good coin w/ a bright future so nobody will really know which one will outperform the other.

i personally finally dumped by fucking QASH bags and went all in on VEN. very very happy.

these whales are bonkers. we're just playing their little game.

>> No.5794700

Lol brown id fitting for a delusional walton cuck pajeet

>> No.5794729

I've got 1,529 will I make it /biz/

>> No.5794748

it's a fucking central bank they know what they're doing. Just wait till they let it go top 3 in a matter of weeks

>> No.5794749
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Based Sunny Lu

>> No.5794759

That's a lotta smack, Jack

>> No.5794822
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Why are the sells so different for ETH? Whale fishy business?

>> No.5794863


the chingchongs seem to be kings of price suppression. aint worried.

keep shilling this shit and their walls will crumble.

>> No.5794883

Should I sell my 60 REQ coins for more VEN, or hold both?

>> No.5794907

I bought one of the lower sell walls and made like $15k in literally 10 seconds.

>> No.5794910

Right now attention in on TRX and some other lesser known cap coins like ELF and ITC. Will come back to VEN eventually.

>> No.5794920

Fuck, I won't have more funds until a few days. WALTON fags need to get on their shit and start fuding so that I can accumulate more.

>> No.5794929

Can’t wait until big normie money is here

>> No.5794936

These fucking suppression walls make me want to throw more fucking money at it. I wanna eat those fucking walls.

>> No.5794964


want normie money?

shill this shit on reddit. hard.

>> No.5794984

where are you getting this chart

>> No.5795042

Binance app

>> No.5795052

As much as we hate plebbit, they bring in the big bucks with their 370k subs

>> No.5795058

No, keep it down. That way we get more Thor.

>> No.5795064

This shit went up straight through bitcoins movement.

How many other top 100s did that?

>> No.5795084

I'm actually on desktop. Go to exchange->advanced, then press depth instead of candles.

>> No.5795092

How? Noob here

>> No.5795115

so should we just be eating these sell walls ourselves? I feel like im being played if I do lol

>> No.5795133
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I only made $1700 in one minute (in at 18700 out at 19200)

>> No.5795185

Vechain has done it multiple times at this point. It did it three times on the run up from 1.25.

>> No.5795190

When you buy the lower sell walls, they get eliminated, then you can charge a slightly higher price, but still be at a higher sell wall.

>> No.5795222

Without any hard news to power the push, you absolutely are being played if you do.

>> No.5795227

What ratio would you guys have of XLM, ENG, and VEN

ALl 3 probably great returns but I want to retire dudes

>> No.5795269

usually I trade based on pattern breakouts though and this thing just broke out of long term (in crypto terms) resistance at 18000 so im pretty bullish on it, we will see.

>> No.5795270

I bought one of the walls and sold it moments later for significantly more Satoshis. I think it was ultimately a bad call, because it's going to be difficult to reaccumulate that many VEN at a lower price.

Not bad, my dude! Keep it up!

>> No.5795292

Once you developed pump n dump senses you can buy into buy walls and expect a quick flip. In this case the 260,000 ven was being deducted quickly so me and this other guy said fuck it and market bought. Then we sold. (I assume he sold)

>> No.5795318

50% XLM: Safe but still 2-3x potential, especially in the short term, but also long term
30% VEN: Mid term 5x coin
20% ENG: 50x moonshot but could take like 5 years to get there

>> No.5795353

where should I etner for long term though


>> No.5795368

what's the floor for the next decent entry point? 18500 sats?

>> No.5795388

Right now im 40% Vechain 35% ENG 12.5% ICX 12.5% XLM

>> No.5795389

for you:

>> No.5795407

I'd say there's a lot of news. First, there's a trading contest on Binance and buying more than 1 BTC of VEN automatically makes you eligible for a BMW and a 100k pool of VEN. Having a very high volume also makes you eligible for other reward pools. Tiers of nodes are being implemented that allow you to accumulate THOR, which is similar to NEO's gas. They are rebranding shortly, and they have a number of partnerships that they can't disclose yet because of NDAs.

This is going to be a very, very big deal. I have been hyped on VEN for about 3 months now.

>> No.5795453

Add AMB for an extra lambo.

>> No.5795465

Idk I just play it by ear. I was hoping to get in lower, maybe 17100. And if bitcoin would stop being a little hitch that might be possible.

>> No.5795492

Should I sell my 60 REQ coins for more VEN, or hold both?

>> No.5795545

Sell that shit right goddamn now

>> No.5795564

Everything that has real world usage and doesn't consist of some obscure korean krokodil-induced future vision with a we-rule-world-in-2040-roadmap is a steal.
Remember 2018=shitcoin purge

>> No.5795569

They should reward holders at random. Wouldn't someone pushing that much VEN around be able to afford a BMW? GIVE US POOR FUCKS A CHANCE.

>> No.5795618

all you need to do is trade 1 btc of ven for a chance to win right

>> No.5795659


I bought in at 2.37

>> No.5795747

Should I sell my XRB for VEN? Only have a little VEN at this point

>> No.5795819

Yeah, has way more upwards potential than Raiblocks

>> No.5795827


>> No.5795842


I sold all of my XRB. It has barely moved at all recently so I just said fuck it, and threw it all into VEN

>> No.5795880

It's the next 10x. Obvious as fuck

>> No.5795881

yup I believe so I bought .6 and sold .6 an hour later idk if that makes me eligible or considered a wash trade

>> No.5795884

>tfw bought 4k Ven at 20c

>> No.5795914

Can you share

Really?! How much did you have? I wanted it to keep going :(

>> No.5795934

25k at 0.20 here, and another 20k between 0.75-0.175

Sadly I can't afford a full thunder node without liquidating positions that have too much upside.

>> No.5795966

How do y'all find these coins so early?

>> No.5796000

Too much time on my hands... trading my mental health for unrealized gains

I try to understand the technology, what it's good for, what it isn't, and then read a couple whitepapers a day.

>> No.5796030
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when are whales gonna let these walls down?

>> No.5796031


shill me on some dank future gains anon

>> No.5796053

Do your research. Look at coins by the industry you have good knowledge of.

>> No.5796098

>thank you whales for letting me accumulate

>> No.5796121
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the absolute state

>> No.5796129

they all trying to win that bmw i8

>> No.5796189

At this point I'm trying to play the long safe game, so if you want 100x, I can't help you.


SONM for mid term
Honestly, despite all the hate, WTC still looks like it will be a long-term winner.

>> No.5796320


can someone shill me on this coin properly?

>> No.5796328

Forgot to mention

VEE looks really nice.

>> No.5796351

just go on their Reddit if you're that lazy

>> No.5796393

They cant even make a decent ama, good luck with that. Partnerships are everything in this field which vechain has. Doesnt matter if you have the best tech but cant market it properly

>> No.5796418


well you support the coin, and yet you cant write one sentence to justify your spend when this other dude just shilled 5 coins? gtfo faggot

>> No.5796443

You're right, that's why I hold waaaay more VEN than WTC.

And WTC's marketing is just pathetically sad.

That picture with all the 4/10 female team members doing a "cute" pose?

But their tech is very good and I bet they can pull some big deals. They're definitely better than a lot of projects that have higher market caps.

>> No.5796479

nobody has to shill you anything idiot, I do my research why the fuck would I give u x10 when you're clearly a faggot.
now If you ask nicely I will explain to you why vechain has potential and shill you another one that will do good end of this month.

>> No.5796523


>> No.5796566

VeChain initially started as a system to store and validate information about products on the blockchain. This would be done through RFID chips implanted in the product. The information can include manufacturing info, temperature, location, or anything else the manufacturer or vendor finds appropriate.

This will have useful applications in luxury goods (the original use), cold-chain supply systems, and international shipping.

Now for the token itself. Unlike many other tokens, which are backed purely by speculation because they are associated with a good project, VEN has actual uses on the VeChain blockchain.

The largest nodes (250k) will verify information and transactions on the blockchain.

Any amount can be staked to produce THOR Power, another token that is used to pay transaction costs on the blockchain.

This will create situations where it is more profitable for institutions to run a node and produce their own THOR than to have to buy it every time they need it.

>> No.5796594

I hope WTC can get their shit together ASAP b

>> No.5796612

walt has partnerships up to their arse, only problem is they have that chink greysuit gerontocracy mentality going on. Founder is like what 60 years old? Look at their website, look at the cheesy fucking photos, the presentation, the fucking window 95 wallet, their approach to communication, etc. Everything gives of that smelly provincial vibe. This will ultimately sink the whole project.

>> No.5796615

Also, they recently announced that they are building a full scale dApp platform for enterprise use, similar to ethereum.

The other guy was right though, the subreddit has a bunch of useful information about VeChain's uses and partnerships (BIG selling point).

>> No.5796616


>> No.5796675

Thanks buddy. Clear and concise.

Shill me your shills and lets be faggots together.

>> No.5796930

Yes they have many local partnerships not global ones like VeChain. You need to be able to sell your services to global powerhouses as well, not just chinese customers.

>> No.5797172
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Walton broke an NDA on their Slack today hahahahah so unprofessional senpai. Looks like they won't be getting that listing after all.

>> No.5797492

Gorbachev tear down this sell wall!

>> No.5797519


thanks dad!

>> No.5797624

I Believe In You Anon!

And You Should Believe In Your Self !

>> No.5797669


I had about 30 XRB before turning it all into VEN

>> No.5797701

Ex-poorfag here.. I love u Sunny !!

>> No.5797738


<3 how would you feel about tapping into a measley 1.2k REQ stack to invest in OMG/VEE/AMB?

eth is my #1 hold forever and always.

>> No.5797869


>> No.5797917
File: 143 KB, 510x514, 1514680249036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA walton cucks BTFO


>> No.5797946

All-in since last week, comfy af.

>> No.5797949

So REQ is supposed to be Blockchain Paypal right?

I was never sure how much sense that made given the technology, but if it pops off it's gonna pop off hard.

OMG and ETH are pretty solid IMO, blockchain infrastructure is what we really need right now.

VEE is a really good concept (you could verifiably buy the eBook that Vitalik owned, for example), but also kind of niche. Not sure how much upward room for growth it has, but it's really new and the market is irrational so who knows.

>> No.5798104

Imagine this: Vechain and Walton merge into one coin

Win-win for both Vechain and Walton holders
biggest moon ever

>> No.5798156

Thats like attaching a paper plane (WTC) to a rocket (VEN). Nah, thanks.

>> No.5798263

what the fuck is up with the sell walls? when is this shit dropping on korean exchanges so it can acutally moon?

>> No.5798365
File: 801 KB, 525x705, the moderate thinker lover of yellow press.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is up with the sell walls?
its almost like the wealthy are using their volume to influence the market

>> No.5798396

i wasnt actually asking a question. Just frustrating to watch them play their games.

But, seriously, ETA for VEN on korean exchanges?

>> No.5798436

vechain probably a TOP 20 coin by Q1
Never been so optimistic about a blockchain project

>> No.5798465


It's due to the binance trading contest I guess

>> No.5798468

When all the regulation bullshit ends. No other coins will be listed till then

>> No.5798702

that makes sense, how overvalued do you think VEN is on binance due to the competition volume?
my bad, just really wanted to post that .png

>> No.5798739

my bad

>>5798365 (You)
my bad, just really wanted to post that .png

>> No.5798752

just bought 1 btc worth....hoping i win the car

>> No.5798856

Probably undervalued, since whales trying to win are pushing the price DOWN in order to move more volume.

>> No.5798879
File: 260 KB, 434x395, not a smart man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably undervalued, since whales trying to win are pushing the price DOWN in order to move more volume.
thanks, good insight

>> No.5799229

Whales please remove your walls, thanks in advance

>> No.5799315

Will those in power really let us all get away with such massive gains?

Can there actually be millionaires in the making posting in this thread right now?

>> No.5799360

that walls. wtf

>> No.5799365
File: 62 KB, 540x508, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, is this really happening ???

>> No.5799435


The whales are testing us

>> No.5799533

This is nothing. Already 60% gone
The 500k wall later will be a bit annoying.

Tfw made 15k in my sleep.

>> No.5799732

I've got 11K for a strength node. How much is this going to make me per month once staking goes live? Are there any solid estimations or are we just guessing at this point?

>> No.5799803

I predict 1 THOR is going to be 1/8 the price of VEN.

If VEN makes it to 25, 1 THOR is gonna be 3.125

11k VET returns 2,286 THOR annually. x8 is ~6500 a year.

Speculative prices. I think VEN's actually going higher than 25, more like 60. But that's an idea.

>> No.5799808


Trading competition. Someone wants to win that BMW + VEN

>> No.5799892

Is that competition on binance? How do i participate ?

>> No.5799902

15$ by the end of the week

>> No.5799994

This is going to be huge. They've partnered with another billion dollar company. https://medium.com/@vechainofficial/vechain-partners-with-healthcare-co-ltd-84bba69c95fb

>> No.5800011

1 btc trading volume till 5th for one comp
And the biggest positive (buy only) volume for the Second comp

>> No.5800268


>> No.5800362

Took long enough. We almost made it. Kek