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57919017 No.57919017 [Reply] [Original]

>Meet Wife
>Tells me she's 2 semesters off of college degree. Has connections for job when finished, $80k a year starting salary. Parents supporting her while she finishes
>Me, $40k a year, money saved to purchase home.
>Wife tells me she wants to work less than a decade, save, retire.
>Move in together, furnished apt, "Anon we need new furniture I don't like this"
>Pretty new furniture nothanks
>Randomly sending me $1000+ pieces of furniture
>Not as far along in school as told
>Look for homes instead plz
>$500k homes
>Marry anyway, she earns 30k a year, I make $80k now
>Retirement Account set up for success. Maxed IRA since 18, maxed 401k.
>Crypto going up, so close to make it range (low 6 fig)
>Can you pay off my student loans it's such a painful bill anon
>Demanding 2 week Japan trip this summer (all liquid savings in crypto) that I guess she's saved for and never told me (Only invests through employer benefits)
>Can we get house when lease is up Anon?
>I need my own car (I'm WFH, never an issue to use mine, don't mind Uber)

She pays her student loans and contributes to rent. I occasionally buy her fun things. Clothes, Steamdeck, Laptop, Hair & Nails etc. Regularly eat out.

Down payment on house after lease is fine. But not if we are going to go spend 2 weeks in Japan. She has low interest rate in student loans (less than $200 a month) and only sends me brand new cars.


>> No.57919077
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What the fuck does your gay story have to do with ICP

>> No.57919092

>financial implications of wife
You're going to be poor.

>> No.57919151

if a two week vacation is make-or-break for buying a house then you're already too poor for the house you're looking at. you have to plan for a lot of emergency expenses, anon. also 80k sucks in 2024 and 30k is just pathetic, not even worth existing.

>> No.57919196

>Work less than a decade then retire
>Trips to Japan
>500k home
I would've laughed so hard while slapped the shit out of her

>> No.57919203


>> No.57919205

Go all in plebbit if you wanna make it.

>> No.57919206

BTW now that you have shown the pattern and capability of paying her way, when she divorces you in a couple years she will get alimony and probably the house.

Enjoy that, cuck.

>> No.57919210

Should have stayed single obviously

>> No.57919225

My gf lives with me and I may for everything despite that she is having a full time job. This is how life is. Women freeload their way through life and keep all their own money for themselves.

But hey I could always kick her out if I wanted to.

>> No.57919240

Atleast your gf has a job. Mine haven't had a job since COVID started. We get along and everything but it just feels like she's mooching off me.

>> No.57919265

Having a job makes it worse tho since she is aging faster, less attractive, is more stressed and masculanized, less energy and time left for domestic duties and sex, and has her own money so is more autonomous in taking stupid decisions like major purchases that end up biting me in the ass (like buying a ruin that is supposed to be a house requiring "light renovations")

Really I would prefer her not to ever have had a penny to her name so I would be in control and not have major calamaties happen

Women should have never been left out of the kitchen

>> No.57919387

have kids with her of leave her, its that simple

>> No.57919585

Having "kids" would even be a worse financial mistake

>> No.57919615

Yeah, that's what happens when you get married? This reads like a stupid fucking child (probably early 20s?) just learning what it means to afford a home, your own cars, vacations, etc.

I got married at 21 to a women who had no job when I myself was still finishing college. My wife has never had a job since marrying me, and we had our first kid at age 24, and now 7 years later (I'm 28 now) I make close to 300k annually with over $1.4 million in Bitcoin (21 bitcoin). Yes I have a chip on my shoulder about kids like you complaining about this shit when you have a dual income and no kids.
Your life is a FUCKING JOKE with dual income and no kids and you still can't make it work. You deserve to be looked down on.

>> No.57919635

Also everyone saying having kids and getting married will keep you poor is dumb as fuck also.
I proposed to my wife at age 21 with a $3000 ring and that was the only money I had, as I was in my last year of college at the time. When we had our first kid I had turned $10k from a part time job into $100k from trading. Now I have at least 21 Bitcoin and a very respectable salary. You can absolutely "make it" with a wife and kids if you aren't a pathetic fucker.

>> No.57919642
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Kek, she is taking you for a ride, and not the fun kind.

>> No.57919810

>Make substantially more than her
>Tell her, and allow her to think her living standard is now at your salary level
This is your fault.

You can avoid this by not telling her about gains from now on, and not being this transparent about your finances. Invest all you would invest and don't budge on this, so using this money isn't even an option in her mind. This money is locked away. It can't be used. There's zero wiggle room.

Unless you are willing to slave away until 65 to support her whims and end up with nothing to show for it, except the faintest memory the 13 sofas you bought for her during the last decades and the realization that just one of them was actually at the end of it's life and actually needed to be replaced, and that any of the other 12 could have lasted another decade.

>> No.57919823

I don't know if the rest of the world is retarded, or if I'm just lucky

>wife has a million in assets that she worked for herself
>We split all bills roughly in half
>She constantly treats me to dates, trips etc
>Invests her own money
>Asks for financial advice, but doesn't pressure me, doesn't consider my income hers

That said, I never allowed that stuff in previous relationships. The moment I got the sense they felt entitled to my money, or expected me to support them, I put my foot down. I don't understand how you guys can live like this. "His money her money, her money her money".

>> No.57919877

>>Tells me she's 2 semesters off of college degree. Has connections for job when finished, $80k a year starting salary. Parents supporting her while she finishes
>Marry anyway, she earns 30k a year, I make $80k now

>> No.57920007

you aquired a certain type of wife. the one that always wants more shit from you.

>> No.57920024

i would say its actually easier to make it when you already have the wife and kids thing sorted out. then you can atleast not waste time on meeting a gf.

>> No.57920427

Breed her and she'll have enough work to raise the kids and keep up the house. Thats what women are for dude.

>> No.57920471

Mate, you goofed. The warning signs were there and you just FOMO'd into pussy anyway. Here's what you need to do
>Protect your stack
I don't care how, just make it absolutely beyond her control, and preferably knowledge
It's going to suck, but you have a financial parasite and you need to grasp the nettle and remove it
>Start again
And rent, not buy

>> No.57920529

New laptop.
Hide it.

>> No.57920965 [DELETED] 

>$80k a year starting salary. Parents supporting her while she finishes
>>Me, $40k a year

She'll dump you (as she should).
Women don't marry down.

>> No.57921026

1 Set up something to transfer 80% of your salary on your own mother's account (assuming you're in good terms with your mother)
2 For all you actual expanses, spend the money you have on the joint account
3 Slowly and silently break every financial ties you have with your wife
4 ... a few years happen...
5 When there's no money left on the joint account, divorce her. Because everything you've earned since then is on your mom's account, you're officially worth nothing.

>> No.57922620
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Pardon mon French, but your frog is magnifique!

>> No.57923128

Hahahahah you fell for the pussjew she is draining you of everything you got

>> No.57923908

You're ignoring a lot of red flags anon. It sounds like she wants a sugar daddy and you're being pushed into that corner. You can never waver with women if you genuinely want them to be aiding in your financial goals. The more you cave the more she's going to push for. And the reality is once its said and done you're married and she's just gunna take half of your shit anyway when she gives up trying to milk you. Stop telling her how much you have liquid or invested and begin protecting yourself for the inevitable. In 10 years you'll be thanking yourself that you didn't stay blind get totally shafted. Even hide some assets if you get rich enough. A woman only out to leech off you doesn't deserve half of the shit you struggled and fought to attain.

>> No.57923973

Also, bear in mind women are totally shit with money. All of them. So hiding your success until you're actually ready to spend it is going to make it easier not to be a consoooomer. They see 100k and think immediately about wasting it. They have no clue how hard it was to earn and they don't care. They know they can just leave you and leech off somebody else in the worst case. Meanwhile if you fuck it up you have to rebuild and struggle another decade to recover. Take it seriously fren.

>> No.57924051

The only way marriage makes sense is if you are both on the same page that you'll have kids within two years or if she's a top 20 percentile high school/early college sweetheart that you need to lock down before she starts thinking about how much better she can do than you.