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57918553 No.57918553 [Reply] [Original]

Do you regret ever working? Not sure why people waste their time on it when they can just buy crypto.

>> No.57918617

nah i love my job. finally found one im excited to get to each morning and am good at. Feels nice getting steady income doing something i enjoy. Tried the whole day trading thing before and it just made me miserable and it just became another office job but with no guarantee of pay each day. Honestly, would've gained more from just holding but some lessons need to be learnt the hard way.

>> No.57918624

I don't regret working, you need to be involved in society on some level to feel complete. Staring at green and red dildos all day is not living.

>> No.57918787

>Not sure why people waste their time on it when they can just buy crypto
Buy with what, you mongoloid? You need money first and you need to a job to get it, at least for a couple of years. Also you can get anally raped in crypto, while having a job at least you don't gamble your savings in utter digital fecal matter that may rug, you actually get money if you hold a job like a little good slave
t. chad NEET

>> No.57918801

You've guys have missed out on years of social security credits, you'll never be able to retire. Even having a shit part time job could've moved up your retirement by YEARS

>> No.57918817
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holy shit if you think anyone under 60 rn will ever be getting SS or even that the dollar will be around by then you are legitimately one of the dumbest posters on this board.

>> No.57918819

Not everyone can “just buy crypto” if no one worked, you wouldn’t be able to go spend your new acclaimed wealth in any sort of luxurious fashion. Someone has to serve your food to your table, check you into your hotel, bag your groceries. That is why you better make it while you can.

>> No.57918823

Bruh nobody seriously believes that social security will still be around in 2050. That's just absurd. As soon as baby boomers lose their grip on elections, that shit is GONE.

>> No.57918825

i been collecting that on the side into a different account. turned my 80k job into 120k

>> No.57918831

I regret working at restaurant jobs. The environment and people there fucking suck. I'd imagine working at a trade would be better.

>> No.57918833

You're a midwit who outed himself by parroting reddit speak. It's literally so easy to keep SS going that's why it's not even a talking point before elections. I bet you don't even understand how either. No wonder you're unemployed

>> No.57918835

See >>57918833 my low IQ friend

>> No.57918840

>Someone has to serve your food to your table, check you into your hotel, bag your groceries.
yeah they are called NPCs who are to dumb to realize life could be anything besides doing what they are told

>> No.57918842

epic troll bro haha

>> No.57918848


>Do you regret ever working?

No. But sometimes I wish I started working at a different job. Now I'm at the point where I don't really like working here, but I've built up so much paid vacation time, benefits and my hourly wage is higher than any starting job around me. I'd have to take like a $4/hr pay cut and a longer commute to leave here.

>> No.57918851

fuck any job that requires you to deal with human bullshit. get into logistics, forklift certified + cold storage work in Australia gets about $45-$65AUD/hr before tax and they are always hiring.

>> No.57918861
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America is on its last legs and being looted for everything thats not nailed down to the floor right now. you are incredibly fucking dumb if you think this can be fixed without complete collapse. i would be shocked if the dollar exists by the end of the decade, you will never see a SS check with your name on it.

>> No.57918877

Yeah nah you think immigrants are gonna vote to keep paying outta their paychecks to fund old ass late boomers and gen x? Seriously? Fuck no, that shit's gone by 2045 at the LATEST. Everyone with a brain is not counting on the fucking government to just hand them free money in old age.

>> No.57918890
File: 17 KB, 596x144, 1657994414471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the united states as we know it wont exist in 2045, we will be lucky to make it to 2030 without balkanization or some other even worse shit happening.

>> No.57918922

No, I know you probably don’t want to hear this and it may make some of you have a meltdown but a job is the best mental and physical therapy you can have. I get paid to go and have a workout and practice my social skills every day. When I was a neet left to my own devices all I ever did was circle the drain waiting for the final flush while lying to myself that things would somehow magically get better one day. Just think of work as therapy and rehabilitation that you get paid to go to and you’re all set

>> No.57918952

It'll be hyperinflation. The currency will hyperinflate and state governments, having already stopped listening to the federal government for years, will formally secede via their representatives in congress who will overrule a presidential veto to stop it. Probably starting with Texas, and then spreading to other southern states that are more integrated with Texas economy, then maybe one or two of the northeastern states like Vermont or New Hampshire. Cali will posture that they want to, but ultimately they'll stay in and dominate the remaining union with New York, fucking over the midwest which won't have the balls to secede against the will of CA and NY. Florida oddly enough might stay in even though they'd be perfectly capable of seceding.

I will watch all this from overseas and laugh about it.

>> No.57918992
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Yeah unfortunately i will likely have to stay because i care to much about my family to leave them here. im trying to set up a deal where i can be at least mostly self sufficient and ride out the collapse without myself or my family members being cannibalized by niggers or starving to death. fun times ahead though LMAO we are in uncharted waters.

>> No.57919007

The best goy cattle award for you.

>> No.57919036

yet here you are on 4chan getting social interaction.

>> No.57919166

na working gives some satisfaction. If you made it in crypto or stocks, it makes the job easier but it is still useful to get out of the house and work for your own mental health.

>> No.57919172
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Yes. In my entire career since childhood I maybe grossed $500k. However investing in ETH made me $1.5M.

This is retarded. Do you know how hard I had to work for that $500k? I worked at a gas stations, on assembly lines, got a degree, I programmed PLC's for huge companies, I worked in big pharma, and for public utilities. Years of my life expended and the most I ever got was $100k per year, doing messy, loud, dangerous, and stressful work with long commutes.


>> No.57919181

>if you dont work hard now the government wont mercy kill you when you are old. You dont want that to happen do you?

>> No.57919245

Two more fucking weeks

>> No.57919269

It will be hyperinflation 100%
A lot of dollars around the world are going to find their way back to the USA and push prices up just as the Fed is forced to continue to monetize so that "things can be normal".
Despite literally everybody knowing about this possibility and wanting to avoid this fate, it's something unavoidable and the road into it is paved with all kinds of surprises.

>> No.57919277

You don't understand it's not about it happening like a lightning strike or some freak celestial event, we are past the point of no return and the reason this matters right now is the bond market. The interest rates are going to soar, and they already are starting the process. In the fall for example, if the Fed had not stepped in the yields would already be ascending to 6%. Nothing but confidence holds it together now.

>> No.57919304

Sell signal

>> No.57919306

Just bring back tge gold standard (BTC) Problem solved?

>> No.57919336

Yeah I've tried to explain this to people and they literally cannot conceive of it. Like just getting money without doing some kind of work. Just by having money. They think only cartoon villain tier billionaires can do that. The brainwashing is super strong.

>> No.57919352

The problem is that 'we' is becoming an increasingly difficult proposition. So 'we' don't want to bring back the gold standard, because people have a lot of debt and would get bodied if the dollar was not getting crucified constantly.
Gold, silver, metals, commodities... that's what our foreign creditors are going to want if we want their stuff after the dollar. We are going to have to print more dollars, we can't just collapse right now, we can still buy meaningful time so why not. But the interest rates, the debt... that's going to create even more pressure dividing the producers from the consumers, the debtors from the creditors...
I'm not sure how you reconcile that, it's basically theft, and when people figure it out and get fed up, especially when printing this money doesn't get you a free lunch from abroad anymore (slowly happening)... people are going to turn on each other.
I don't think people understand what it's like to go through something spicy. What happens if we don't have telecommunications for awhile, or very probably (in fact i guarantee it) rolling blackouts.
The fact that Americans think that's far fetched and doomsday stuff is hilarious to people around the world. That's reality for the vast majority out there. I hope America gets back on her feet in my lifetime, but I am unsure if it is United States of America, or several.

>> No.57919373

I blame american consooomerism. All they do is spend money so they think that's all it's good for.

>> No.57919388

The annoying thing about the USA is that it's a federated body of multiple states, with independent governments subordinated under a federal government. The federal government can collapse, but that doesn't mean eg Florida will collapse. One electric grid might fail, but the other 3 (or more??) can recover independently. A drought can take out one region, but there's multiple watersheds across most of a continent with the largest freshwater lakes in the world. And even within a state, there's multiple independent governments that can take action. Even if NY state is knocked out, NYC might stay on top of things. Or vice versa. LA race riots and DC insurrections* don't paralyze the USA the way Paris race riots would paralyze France.

Even if the dollar hyperinflates, individual states can and legally CAN just start saying gold and silver backed currencies are legal, and the federal government can't do shit. They can also start accepting crypto extremely easily. There's nothing even really stopping stores from accepting crypto now, so long as they pay their taxes in dollars.

AT BEST hyperinflation would destroy the federal government and fracture the Union, but it wouldn't cause a collapse of all 50 states.

>> No.57919420
File: 138 KB, 905x950, IMG_4223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m convinced a big reason for covid protocols and the clot shot was to murder a bunch of boomers to keep the entitlements down and the show rolling a little longer.

>> No.57919490

That won’t work for the government or the Jews who currently control it though because our whole financial system is built around jews being able to print money from nothing and they can’t do that with btc.

>> No.57919555

Depends if you have the need to have social interactions on a daily basis or if you're an autist like most of us

>> No.57919740

Not really. It made investing possible, but in hindsight I wish I had relaxed more and not tried to give more than I was compensated for. I'm definitely not going to do salaried work after 30, rather shorter consultancy gigs and long vacations