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57913656 No.57913656 [Reply] [Original]

What's this guy know that we don't?!

>> No.57913678

He’s a coping baggot

>> No.57913681

He lost his mind after all the massive losses, you know, with being a ICP baggie and all.

>> No.57913687

icp is a token not needed, infact its a complete system not needed. just rent a server on aws its the same thing.

>> No.57913726
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>> No.57913805

Arweave raped this piece of shit and filecoin too

>> No.57913846
File: 56 KB, 512x476, 3F96D652-2C07-400A-AC5A-CF1DC3B7BE16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57913874

And yet ICP has a higher MarketCap than both. How odd.

>> No.57913884

> picture of ICPs chart .jpg

>> No.57914030
File: 13 KB, 244x253, IMG_7426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.57914178

Honestly the only thing holding back ICP is it seems the crypto market makers/big players hate it and try to sabotage it at every turn. The whole FTX/SBF thing, it seems CZ doesn't like it either you can tell he doesn't run the fake volume bots on that pairing. That AVAX roach and Charles. Pretty much everyone in crypto hates it except for vitalik and Coinbase which in my opinion is pretty bullish cause those are the only two entities not running a massive fucking grift that will go up in flames when ICP gains traction.

Plus everyone hates Dom because he's smarter than them and good looking which makes them all seethe.

If Dom would have sold at 3c to CZ instead of VCs that are so far removed from the crypto industry it would easily be $100 by now but we also probably never would have got to buy at $3. I guess you really don't want your competitors having such a large stake in your project either especially now knowing what fraud they all were/are.

ICP still needs a couple years of development but will come out on top.

>> No.57914209

Because it's overvalued...let me guess...2021 bagholder

>> No.57915110

Yes we're going higher than $100, yes we're going higher than $200, GHOST will pull a BONK and this board lose its mind.

>> No.57915150

with an average around 5 dollars.

>> No.57915447

You missed the bottom

>> No.57915825

Vitalik is good looking too. People don't like to talk about it but looks are correlated with intelligence.

>> No.57915853
File: 53 KB, 605x605, 465165210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually paying attention to what a mf with a $4/month on tw says lmao

the only thing going higher besides my wallet and my boner is $SUPER, fuck your GHOST shitty coin faggot

>> No.57915925

fuck you faggot

>> No.57915945
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It's $8/month actually

>> No.57916041


>> No.57916050
File: 103 KB, 738x741, 390EFB54-7A48-4A79-A81B-8BF657517285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine obsessively fudding a coin for 4 years and missing the bottom

immeasurable cope imminent

>> No.57916052

you probably pay for x premium as well also, if you dont hold any GHOST, enjoy missing an easy 10x lol

>> No.57916140

DeAi, decentralized Ai, Dfinity will release a working model within the next few weeks running 100% on the internet computer. Also they just partnered with a swiss bank. Yes that's right banks partnering with ICP, not Chainlink. You have no idea how comfy things really are.

>> No.57916796

Source on the ai thing ser?

>> No.57916891
File: 319 KB, 1170x775, B0C182BB-42F6-4BC7-AA28-975867A6ECCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy Dom himself

>> No.57916971

Damn idk how I missed this.

>> No.57916980

>demos soon
Just like Vetkeys