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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57912309 No.57912309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A DOGCOIN truce.

Doesn't matter if you're holding LUCKY, LINU or HOKK (I hold all 3), let's all agree to stop fudding each other's bags and instead begin engaging in some healthy competition

Each has a vibrant community and a devoted team working day and night to ensure everyone here has a shot at making it, I've rarely seen a more beautiful movement here on biz

The feud between these 3 is reaching tranny levels of hysteria on this board, and everyone would benefit greatly from a calmer, more reasonable enviroment in which to shitcoin freely and liberally, to our hearts' content

Let's all stay in our lane, and let each community come up with their best ideas on their own, without lying or obfuscating other people's work

.. you aren't afraid of some healthy competition, are you anon?

>> No.57912352

Based. Fudding each other literally accomplishes nothing it's insane how retarded niggers here don't understand this.

>> No.57912375

I'm all for a truce, all that drama was just the schizos anyway. I'm holding all 3 until one or all of them makes me rich.

>> No.57912405


>> No.57912455
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No. You...
a) Were jealous of the success of LINU, but instead of buying in, you...
b) Created your own shitty copy by reviving other old dogcoins...
c) ... and got yourself jeeted by a literal pajeet, only to blame it on the only thing you were ever thinking about in the first place - LINU.

Fuck you and fuck your gay coins. There is only one and it's going to the fucking moon.

>> No.57912478

the trannies are here..

>> No.57912480

Lol spotted the LUCKY bagholder.

>> No.57912496

I'm pretty sure most of biz holds or at least bought in to at least 2 of the 3 dog coins though.

>> No.57912538
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Based. Someone else seems to agree. Linu holder is pumping lucky right now.
Dude stop marrying your bags, holy fuck.

>> No.57912565

Agreed, I hold all 3 as well and I just want them to make me a bunch of money, couldn't give a fuck about anything else

>> No.57912584

hey newfag, welcome to the world of crypto. You weren't the first dog coin, you weren't event the first dog coin revived by biz (dog with bat). Granted you were the first one to get scammed, so theres that.

>> No.57912648

gotta catch em all

>> No.57912656
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Reminder that the admins of all three coins got fucking scammed by a guy called Raj.

>> No.57912668

don't start, you guys can't stay 5 minutes without lunging at each other's throats

>> No.57912702

I made the mistake of selling my bags and watching them all take off. I bought back into HOKK and LUCKY after DYOR to understand what is going on. If LINU drops more, I might buy back in. At this point my plan is hold that shit until October because it is obvious that all three of them will blow up.

>> No.57912799

can I join the truce if I hold MIGRANT

>> No.57912846

fuck off scammer

>> No.57912865

Checked. No. This >>57912846

>> No.57912923
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found a pic of your mom

>> No.57912964

Only lucky and hokk

>> No.57912992

Didn't LINU also get scammed in some NFT shit? That was before I bought so I'm not sure though.

>> No.57913046

two of these have buy/sell fees
one does not

end of discussion.

>> No.57913077

Don't two of them give you money for just holding and not selling as well though? That's the main reason I'm holding a bag of all three.

>> No.57913099

I only own lucky and linu so I cannot say for hokk, but lucky redistributes buy/sell tax to holders.

>> No.57913103
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Linu had some NFT shit going on, but that was far before the recent shit happened and has nothing to do with it.

The simple fact is that hokk and lucky admins sent money to the private address of a LITERAL pajeet named Raj that simply told them he worked for a CEX. They blamed it on Linu because......... because it's also a dogcoin, maybe because Linu has recently successfully listed at the exchange they were trying to get on (and thus scammed by "Raj", kek) or maybe simply because it's the ONLY thing they can think about at night.

Now they come crawling back and want a "truce" after realizing they're in utter and deep shit and completely irrelevant while LINU will get listed on Bitmart within days.

>> No.57913145

Do they give you actual "money" (e.g. dividends in BTC or USDT or ETH) or just more same tokens? You realize that in case they give you tokens, they are literally inflating the coin, making it more worthless every single day?

>> No.57913148

Nobody fucking cares. Only baggies get this devoted to the coins narrative. Everyone else just wants to make fucking money. With this attitude, I can't even imagine how many dead coins are in you wallet.

>> No.57913161

Well I hold both so I am unbiased, and I believe both will pump since they both are in talks with CEX and close to being listed. There still is no reason to fud either, as one pumping will benefit the other. I know in my case at least if lucky pumps before linu I will use the money to buy linu dip and vice versa.

>> No.57913212

What a dumb fucking post, who cares about any of this shit? Are you for real?

>> No.57913226

>if you're holding LUCKY, LINU or HOKK (I hold all 3), let's all agree to stop fudding each other's bags
Linu devs being retarded got fucked, but moved on.
Lucky devs being retarded got fucked, but
working hard to recover situation.
HOKK, don't know of any drama there, yet.
Look at it this way, three chances of making it are better than 1 or 2. It's simple math, lads.
>inb4 shilling whichever dog coin(s) you hold.
>t. Lucky holder.

>> No.57913238
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Look my sweet child. I usually have one shitcoin per bull run that I choose very carefully and do proper due diligence on. In the last two bullruns, this have been BIS and PRQ respectively and both made me at least a x20 (PRQ probably even more). Shitcoins are a delicate business: In hindsight it's easy to say "well if I just had bought here and sold there, it would have been an easy x100". But only very few have the stamina to hold a shitcoin for an extended period of time after committing to it.

I know very well when to sell my LINU, and we're still very, very far from that target. But I know that we'll get there. You may mistake that as me being a "baggie" with "this attitude", but this attitude bought and paid me the house I'm currently sitting in, happily shitposting on /biz/ on friday night.

Nonetheless, I wish you all the best of luck. Think of me when you're looking at the chart in a few months, contemplating how much you could have made if you had just held.

>> No.57913249

buy/sell tax is contradictory to the dog coin thesis. It's a gimmick.

>> No.57913257

The 3 headed Cerberus will destroy all other meme coins.

>> No.57913261
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>Not holding PINU

>> No.57913269

Because it's none of the above, faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.57913294
File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, luna_inu_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrongfully accusing others with 100 theads per day
>Being exposed and dumping into oblivion
>Coming back saying "who cares about any of this shit?"
Kneel and kiss the ring or fuck off into your lucky shithole

>> No.57913307

Sorry friend no matter how I look at it Astrodoge is the superior dogecoin, it will reach the Space soon, the doge simply has a space suit don't you get it?

>> No.57913314
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Literally no one cares

>> No.57913315

lol no


>> No.57913318

Linu got scammed by some Italian as I understand it. They trusted him with $8k for the NFt stuff and he fucked off with it fucking lol

All 3 have been scammed so they have no place fudding each other. I own all 3 and hope they get their shit together.

>> No.57913321

You might actually be a tranny or seriously mentally ill because I have no fucking clue what you're talking about

>> No.57913332
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Keep buying overpumped shitcoins, then cry when you lose money. Your choice really.

>> No.57913343

All 3 have dumped recently and have great potential of mooning dumbass.

>> No.57913351

Bro what? I'm just here to make money on shitcoins. I'm not crazy enough to care for a thesis lol. The only thesis I want to hear is if money is green

>> No.57913380

>buying old shitcoins with MC in millions

>> No.57913435

>I know very well when to sell my LINU, and we're still very, very far from that target. But I know that we'll get there.
Where is this target, approximately? I don't want to be left holding the bag. I just want to make it and win for once, ease some of my suffering

>> No.57913534

arbidoge is better

>> No.57913559

cool man.
I'm trying to make dog coin money not rugpull, shitcoin money. Money is money but I don't have the time to play around with stuff that I know is never going anywhere.

>> No.57913573
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I don't use fixed mcap targets, but a comparision towards other coins. Usually, I sell...
- My initial after a x5, leaving me with 80% of the stack
- Another 40% once the coin has reached the mcap of similar coins that have done the same in the past (usually that's a x20 or a x50). That's where I've made the big exits so far. In LINU's, case, this would be at 1-3b mcap currently, as this is where other successful memecoins are at the moment. If the bullrun matures further, this can be at 3-5b or even higher.
- The last 40% I keep as a lottery ticket so I don't have to kys if it really goes to the moon (e.g. flips shib)

>> No.57913608
File: 81 KB, 640x622, EAF9B80F-5426-4485-A16D-365D5057E8C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you weren't event the first dog coin revived by biz (dog with bat)
RETARD ALERT!!! Dog with bat is down 98% from all time high and is only up about 10% since the Great Meme Revival of 2024(tm) began. I repeat, when factoring in tax and tip, dobaggies have actually lost money since shitcoin mania began. Some revival you got there, dummy.

ps - LINU is up a shitload and even after a nearly 50% drop is still over its previous ath. That’s what an actual revival looks like

Captcha: D0B4G (lmaoooooo)

>> No.57913709

And I've already made well over x40 what I've put in all 3 coins. You can't win the lottery if you don't play at all.

>> No.57913712
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Interesting. I was thinking of just riding it to 5b and beyond since I'd have shitloads of money then, but I know my little strategy is very risky. I don't know, we'll see how things play out. I do think we have a ton of potential compared to other meme coins.

>> No.57913714

>dog civil war
>retards got scammed $7000 paying a literal Indian named Raj AND bragged about a CEX listing
>all dogs crashing hard all week
Kek, I warned you all these things were scams from the start. Add a flag to /biz/, jannies. I guarantee you +70% of meme dog posters are from the land of scams.

>> No.57913785
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Riding it all to 5B isn't a bad plan per se. But thinking you have shitloads of money by then is only half true - you do have it, but in the form of a shitcoin. We all know what happens to shitcoins in the long term. You cannot live knowing you could have had 6-7 figures if you had just cashed out. I've seen those people, they are hollow on the inside.

>> No.57913798

I appreciate the enthusiasm but there are hundreds if not thousands of dog coins at this point

>> No.57913817
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>> No.57913839

Would be awesome if /biz/ added flags. LINU is nothing but burgers, leafs, and aussies. Would love to see who’s representing those other two shittoken scams

>> No.57913869


>> No.57913886 [DELETED] 
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Yes, it me. Vox.
No, I am not apologizing, I am not crawling back. HOKK is gonna make it no matter how hard you seethe and cope.

What's your ATH again?
Aaaah.. I understand.

>> No.57914194 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 500x618, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Linu had some NFT shit going on, but that was far before the recent shit happened and has nothing to do with it.
No, no. It does matter.
You don't get to call everyone else incompetent, and a pajeet scammer. When you guys were scammed by more cash than Lucky, or HOKK.
It doesn't work that way. A Jew from your admin team, took 10k USD off you.

Don't try to hide that, if you are going to be pointing fingers. My guy.

>> No.57914271
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I never said that LINU is unscammable. Nobody is. And it doesn't matter.
What matters is how you react to it. Linu reacted to their NFT fiasco by stepping up their game and behold, they're getting proper listings and got their shit together.
The others started blaming their "Sister Coin" with the most absurd and bogus rhetoric and are now, crawling back asking for forgiveness and a "truce". That's what I condemn.

>> No.57914424
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>The others started blaming their "Sister Coin" with the most absurd and bogus rhetoric and are now, crawling back asking for forgiveness and a "truce".
This is the main issue LINU has. It can't differentiate from admin statements, and shitposts on 4chan. You are your own worst enemies, because you assume everyone is out to get you.

You remember when HOKK got their teegee nuked?
Did we go around blaming Homies for it?
No. We assumed it was a lone wolf, someone that could as easily be from LINU as it could be from Lucky or HOKK.

No one is asking for forgiveness, cause we've done nothing wrong.

>> No.57914723

>doesn't know jack shit
dog with bat was a revival coin when it was pumped on biz in 2021. It was launched in march of 2021 and revived from the dead in the fall of 2021. Thanks for proving my exact point, newfag. No fucking wonder you marry your bags.

>> No.57914760

>Linu reacted to their NFT fiasco by stepping up their game and behold, they're getting proper listings and got their shit together.
You know that's literally what LUCKY is doing right?

>> No.57914762

How do you explain ONE (1) guy with $11k completely dumping Linu while pumping Lucky?

>> No.57914793

These three meme dogs are the best thing to happen to biz in a while I’m so entertained and also making money kek

>> No.57914809

severe autism and a burning hatred for money

>> No.57914819

>Would be awesome if /biz/ added flags.
Nah, wouldn't work. They'd have to have the meme flags too.

>> No.57914833

I hold both tokens, deep down i think LUCKY is more marketable but LINU team seems pretty dedicated and way further along
So i dont really care which ones makes it or if both makes it. Aslong as HOKK doesnt make it and these two dont

>> No.57914863

>I'm super cereally rich guys, I'm an expert meme coin investor!
>11 pbtid getting mad and defensive and slinging insults

>> No.57914867

I don't know if people actually know that, but they will when lucky hits 5m mc

>> No.57914885

You are completely wrong. The max supply on Hokk is already minted, on buy / sell the 2 percent tax gets redistributed to holders as tokens. Hokk is actually deflationary as the burn wallet gets reflections just like all the holders

>> No.57914936

exactly, I feel like we are all talking to a fucking nitwit

>> No.57914978

This dumb nigger is marrying and fell in love with his bags
Fucking kek

Crypto is about making money
don't take the "Linunovela" too serious

Are you 12 anon?

>> No.57915107

I just wish all this stupidity could disappear once and for all, but alas crypto attracts weird people

>> No.57915201

okay retard, by your own logic SHIB was actually the first dog revival done by /biz/, or did you not know that shib pumped and dumped months before it was shilled here? Some kind of newfag or something? Fucking idiot, what a stupid mutt retard faggot lol

>> No.57915207

I have not seen anyone blaming linu in lucky tg and vice versa, so idk what all this shit on biz is. Reading these fud posts on biz its like you all live in an alternate universe making shit up that never happened.

>> No.57915208
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in the last 12 hours I'm up more with arbidoge than I will make the entire year of wage slaving. perhaps stop being a retard buying the top and time your buys better

>> No.57915209

Truce rejected. I propose war.

>> No.57915216

KEK these niggers are going to lose it all in the divorce

>> No.57915249

I swear there must be some third party coordinated tranny tg or some shit dedicated to fudding, because my experience has been the same.

>> No.57915251

LINU literally cannot be a scam. It can pump and then be sold by people who are up massively, but it literally cannot be rugpulled and the contract cannot be changed. I can’t speak for those other two off brand KMart tokens but LINU is anything but a scam

>> No.57915256

well you're completely wrong both coins have been killing it and will pump again soon enough.

>> No.57915284

All 3 are part of the same scam