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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57904898 No.57904898 [Reply] [Original]

Then I am selling my entire LINK stack (10K link). Midnight UTC, March 20. Look for my order on Binance.

>> No.57904901

Pool's closed

>> No.57904900

you are a gigantic faggot

please get off this board

>> No.57904921

Here come all the people who "don't care".
On March 20, midnight UTC, if CCIP is not released, I am selling. Mark your calendar.

>> No.57904931

Kek. NGMI. I'll gladly buy your bags.

>> No.57904937

You will have a great opportunity to do so on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, unless CCIP is announced.

>> No.57904957 [DELETED] 

Slide me 100 Link Anon! :' )

>just kidding ; )

>> No.57904967

How much you are holding anon?

>> No.57905015

>Look for my order on Binance
Why tho? It has no relevancy whatsoever

>> No.57905032

Thanks for showing how little relevancy it has by replying to and bumping my thread.
March 20, 2024. If CCIP is not announced, I am pushing that sweet sweet sell button and setting myself free.

>> No.57905048

You didn't replied to me yet anon :' )

>> No.57905519

Just curious, what are you now going to invest in?

>> No.57905534

>I am pushing that sweet sweet sell button and setting myself free.
bold of you to assume you'll be free even if you sell, there are dozens of anons still fudding even tho they sold years ago, you'll never be free once you held link.

>> No.57905572

I may put more into meme coins. My retard memecoin gamble did a 10x while LINK just fumbles around and shits itself. But most of it will go to BTC/ETH. My main issue with LINK (besides the obvious broken promises) is that I am shouldering a HUGE risk with only BTC-tier returns. I might as well swap to BTC-tier risk as well. I would sleep much easier.
You're wrong. I am getting out MARCH 20 unless CCIP is announced.

>> No.57905651

Anon, you didn't even replied to me

>> No.57905856
File: 88 KB, 582x723, 1709212271211794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k link
lmao stacklet

>> No.57905885

Cute frog. Yeah I'm a stacklet; but I will be a free man come March 20. My fate will no longer be tied to diversity hires twerking on tik tok making $200K/yr off of LINK dumps.

>> No.57905961 [DELETED] 

Update your info advocates, the new narrative is CCIP in june
THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57905968

open your eyes and look at the OP anon :)
he did, he said meme coins and most of it in BTC/ETH

>> No.57905995

>If CCIP is not released on March 20 Then I am selling my entire LINK stack

>March 21st, 2024
>"We are excited to announce that CCIP is out for general access."

>> No.57906033

Could happen! However I will still sell on March 20.
I have been telling myself
>if I sell now they'll release it tomorrow

>> No.57906076

Look what I have said to him! He didn't response to me yet

>> No.57907048

equivalent to 1/100,000th of the supply

>> No.57907066

Why are you expecting ccip? The team owe you nothing

>> No.57907382

Based.. sounds like OP is a man of conviction

>> No.57907407
File: 245 KB, 480x480, 1709913885307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, what if it moons after you sell? Better keep holding my sweet little Linkie

>> No.57907477
File: 270 KB, 872x1064, IMG_6439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. You made a promise
>2. You keep it
If you don't, I stop trusting you and I dump your shitcoin. Simple as.

>> No.57907515

>there will be no staking
you are here
>there will be no ccip

>> No.57907566
File: 51 KB, 1279x898, 1706926104227667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop telling us

>> No.57907582

whew that 3 day ban felt like forever! it was an absolute pleasure watching based TA anon ravage you demonic halfwits. no amount of money will save you from your final destination! imagine thinking you're going to make it when you haven't the slightest conceptual foundation for understanding karmic rhythm.

>> No.57907604

>If you don't, I stop trusting you and I dump your shitcoin
But you didn't.

>> No.57907628

You won't do shit faggot

>> No.57907662

March 20. Mark your calendar. Midnight UTC, I am dumping if there isn't CCIP. I am out.

>> No.57908210

I am gonna join OP. Let this be a movement. We must show solidarity. If everyone supported eachother, Sergey would be forced to actually release if he knew everyone would sell at the same time and abandon his project.

>> No.57908369

>Then I am selling my entire LINK stack (10K link). Midnight UTC, March 20. Look for my order on Binance.

Why not just sell now? Its just general access of CCIP. Its not going to pump because of it. It virtually never pumps on news. It just pumps out of nowhere when its least expected. If anything it will dump a little. Better safer you sell now. Now if a large corporation or something announces using it when GA is released then it would probably pump but that isn't likely.

Otherwise free yourself now and give screenshots to celebrate.

The last news it pumped on was Google in 2019 otherwise its always random.

>> No.57908760

It's about trust. If they can't deliver on this one thing while they are busy posting tiktok videos, then I don't trust them with my money. So I will be selling on March 20, which ends what I consider "Early 2024".
Sirgay has dumped on us for too long. I am willing to give him the benefit of a doubt this ONE LAST TIME. If he can't deliver, well, it has to end sometime. I say it ends MARCH 20.

>> No.57908805

Why March 20 and not March 31st when q1 actually ends?

>> No.57908834

do it right now instead, linklet

>> No.57908842

Couple of reasons
>he has his "fireside chat" in London (why would he go all the way to London... unless his lazy ass just zooms in?)
>first day of Spring. If he doesn't announce CCIP then I sell; if he DOES announce CCIP then I have renewed faith in the project. Either way I will enjoy this Spring and stop worrying.

>> No.57908867

Set a reminder on your calendar. MIDNIGHT UTC MARCH 20, 2024, I WILL BE SELLING MY STACK if CCIP is not here

>> No.57908880

>it’s about trust
LMAO just sell now fucking idiot nothing is going to happen

>> No.57908981

Yeah the logic doesn't make any sense. The team always waits until the last moment to announce anything.

>> No.57909086
File: 105 KB, 1318x497, GExRsO5WgAACAWF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The team always waits until the last moment to announce anything.

My nigger in Christ, Chainlink pushes back everything. Nothing has ever came at the last minute, it doesn't come at all.

>> No.57909090

I've made up my mind and you aren't going to change it. If CCIP is not announced by March 20, 2024, at MIDNIGHT UTC I will be selling. Mark my words carefully. Enough is enough.

>> No.57909141


Idc if you sell now, the 20th, or never. I'm saying your logic is mediocre at best

>Nothing has ever came at the last minute, it doesn't come at all.

Now that isn't true. They do push things back but they also do release things.

>> No.57909258

>They do push things back but they also do release things.

I notice you didn't actually name anything.

>> No.57909282

Let me tell you what I think sounds illogical.
A fat russian scam artist overpromises on a project, and rather than hire competent hardworking people who don't gloat about their extravagant lifestyles and instead actually get their fucking jobs done, he hires $200K/yr obese roastie whores to twerk on tiktok, all funded by his dumping on retail holders who have had faith in his idea for YEARS. THE ILLOGICAL PART IS FUCKING HOLDING THROUGH ALL THIS BULLSHIT AFTER DELAY AFTER DELAY. Yes maybe March 20 is arbitrary and illogical, but let's just put it this way: on that day I will STOP making these illogical decisions and do something with my money THAT OFFERS A FUCKING ROI

>> No.57909294

Probably makes sense, sell link, hop into a few meme coins that might actually pump.

You just leave a tiny amount staked so you can hop back in afterwards if you still desire, easy

>> No.57909422
File: 155 KB, 626x527, jonneh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you truly realise the topic of conversation at hand and how absolutely off the deep-end a response about demons and karmic rhythm is? You're more XRP than XRP at this point. You've become it what they were back when LINK was shiny and relevant.

>> No.57909515


VFR, Proof of Reserves, Price Feeds, Keepers off the top of my head

There is more.

>> No.57909568



>> No.57909629


>> No.57909676

How much revenue have those generated? Just curious.

>> No.57909975

did somebody say revenue, or shall I say lack thereoff, eh eh am I right LOL

BTC $42k
Chainlink $20

BTC $52k
Chainlink $20

BTC $62k
Chainlink $20

BTC $70k
Chainlink $20

>> No.57909993

You're evil and are going to hell

>> No.57910030

Those numbers CAN'T be right.

>> No.57910292
File: 29 KB, 587x315, 111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys - CCIP is almost done

>we just need to build it first

>> No.57910310

that reminds me of the time I moved into my new house.... and by that I bought some land, and slept in a tent while the builders constructed the house around me

>> No.57910321

Holy fucking shit. This can't be real. There is just no way.

>> No.57910688

I'm on board. #LINKEXODUS

>> No.57910982

Sergey never said that

>> No.57911069
