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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57906599 No.57906599 [Reply] [Original]

BTC $42k
Chainlink $20
BTC $52k
Chainlink $20
BTC $62k
Chainlink $20
BTC $70k
Chainlink $20

>> No.57906640

THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57906818

BTC will be $100,000
Chainlink $20
I’ve never been so demoralized
Is that fat fucking selling into the pump- what the fuck is going on!?
We’re going to miss another Bullrun - truly max pain

>> No.57906856

Did you see that … Chainlink just dumped the market ! Wtf

>> No.57906877

Sold all but 50 of my link a week ago and it has been the best decision i've ever made

>> No.57906881
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Fuck off. Never selling. You got that? NEVER. FUCK OFF

>> No.57907053

Link boyscouts are having emotional breakdowns left and right.

Remember the guy two days calling people evil for buying BTC? hahahahhahaha

>> No.57907071

they are evil

>> No.57907128
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>Year of our lord 2024
>Trusting the russian

>> No.57907168
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Newfags learn the power of dilution.

>> No.57907174


>> No.57907215 [DELETED] 

I had a feeling chain-stink would miss another bullrun after non-stop coping and 'two more weeks' posting by the cultists for 3 years during the bear.
It's gonna get so much uglier once BTC is at 100k, ETH is 10k, PEPE/DOGE/SHIB are mooning through the stratosphere while chainlink struggles with every dollar to get to $30 lmao
Thank fuck I actually diversified into this bullrun, not gonna let this piece of shit make me miss out again

>> No.57907223

LINK has outperformed BTC and ETH since it's inception and more recently since the pump started in mid-September. Cope all you want.

>> No.57907245

Sirgay has been accumulating sats and ETH while bagpiggies worship him.

>> No.57907750

t. twitter advocate

>> No.57907771

have you ever questioned yourself why the price should go up in the first place? the team never promised you the price would go up, that was all in your head

>> No.57907841

>Chainlink LINK is supposed to be the price of a cup of coffee
>A cup of coffee plus tip is $20

Y'all should be glad LINK met fat man's price target

>> No.57907856

It's factually true though

>> No.57907919
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>> No.57907921

I hear you bro. I've held for 7 years but today I sold a small stack and bought some ETH. Got called a pajeet in another thread for daring to express the opinion LINK might not achieve the greatness it set out to be. I prefer the term 'realist'.

>> No.57907972
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>> No.57908006

remind me again what LINK's price was on July 7th, 2014?

>> No.57908075
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remind me again, what exactly makes LINK's gains since ICO that impressive?

>> No.57908097

BTC and ETH's underperformance, easy. next question.

>> No.57908959
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even advocates know what to accumulate for the longer term

>> No.57909161

how does that make you FEEL

>> No.57909245
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I gave my money to a fucking scam project that only hires retarded socially autistic engineers, Bulgarian spam teams, and HR roastbeefies. It’s so over

>> No.57909365

THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57909379

Good please keep holding while I emptyy wallet of this scam

>> No.57909491

Sergay himself said he would not allow Chainlink to pump over $20 as they want to keep it affordable enough for everyone, so they will sell it, but it's for your own good!

Enjoy your 4% apy 30 days locked staking stinky linkies

>> No.57909535

sage fudsters, they are mentally handicapped coomers.

>> No.57909688

Do you not jerk off?

>> No.57909723

Chainlink: $18

>> No.57909948

he doesn't have time. He's too busy running 24 hour anti-Link defense security. The team pays him in build rewards (value: unavailable)

>> No.57909968

token not needed

>> No.57909972

It shows that the FUD has really started to harm the company's reputation that they desperately sent a defense force to /biz/. Sergey is the worst piece of shit CEO in the entire space. Just completely incompetent on every level.

>> No.57910037

I’m a brainlet. Why isn’t Chainlink pumping with the rest of crypto? Usually is been “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that should ring true with a top 20 project. Is that fat fuck selling off more supply to buy more Big Macs and hot strumpet recruiters… while us loyal marines get left in the dust. I’ll just start my life in 10 more years when I’m near 50. Good god- fuck you you fat Big Mac inhaling piece of garbage

>> No.57910054 [DELETED] 

We need to keep calling out this fat fuck for killing the project
maybe he'd actually fucking do something then

>> No.57910256

Institutions only want BTC, retail only wants L1s like ETH & SOL and meme coins.
Also likes terrible price action is just a huge glowing neon advertisement sign that reads "DONT BUY ME IF YOU LIKE MAKING MONEY"

>> No.57910281
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sergay just wants to keep the token at a fair price for its investors

>> No.57910286
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So Linkbaggies, who is suppressing the price this time?

>> No.57910317 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone buy a 7 year old alt that fails to keep up with the market and never pumps?
You'd have to be a retard.
Buying chainlink now is like buying Digibyte or Neo.
Flushing your money down the toilet, you'd unironically be a smarter investor if you just used the money on memecoins instead.

>> No.57910338 [DELETED] 

It's just a cursed shitcoin with 0 moon potential.
Just wish I accepted it sooner.

>> No.57910346

Thank you, anon. I agree with you but how do you explain price action like Band Protocol being up 40% over the past month? And other projects normies have no idea exist… I’m never selling but there’s something nefarious happening

>> No.57910378 [DELETED] 

Other alts can actually pump and don't have a fat fuck of a CEO suppressing every pump and never delivering.
Chain-shit is just a failure

>> No.57910464


>I must coom
>I must consume
>I must coom again
>I bought Link at ath
>I bought again at $10
>I need more link to coom
>I need more link to consume
>and I need more link to coom again
>so I fud
>and coom
>and coom again
>I fud to consume so I can coom
>I am a coomer
>please sell

>> No.57910562

I don't own link, I am just curious what cope you fags will come up with now? You married a shitcoin instead of trying to make money.

>> No.57910578
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I pledge allegiance to the Link Marines. One cucked unit under Sergay. We Coom, We Consume. We consume to Coom.

>> No.57910959 [DELETED] 

Harmless chain-shit baggie advocate spotted.
Hope you're at least getting paid for damage controlling on /biz/

>> No.57910998


>> No.57911027


>> No.57911295

I bought at 22 years ago :(

>> No.57911350

link breaking 20 is crypto top signal

>> No.57912067 [DELETED] 


$SDL is the next LDO/RPL. Study Chainlink.

>> No.57913230

What us this modern obsession w jerking off. I dont the whole nofap shit either. Like why does anyone care. Could you imagine our grandfathers hearing this shit

>> No.57913262

What is*

>> No.57913288

Not for long cucko, toktok nignogs and single mothers on Twitter have made more money buying woofwoof coins than any incel who invested in chainlink.

Enjoy missing out on the biggest bullrun in the history of crypto

>> No.57913309

the longer the range is bound, the higher the spring will sprung

TRUST the plan

>> No.57913519

it's one of the few things tethering man to his primal roots. the world becomes increasingly confusing every day. return to monke

>> No.57914325

>Im a suicidal nobody addicted to cooming please sell your link I bought too late

>> No.57914412

>Im a suicidal nobody addicted to cooming please sell your link I bought too late

>> No.57914851
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everything bleeds against bitcoin

>> No.57914888

>Is that fat fucking selling into the pump
yes you retard, he literally told you upfront thats what he will do

>> No.57915069

You ok?

Does anyone know why this guy gets so enraged about dudes jerking off? Are you like that bald guy from game or thones that got his nuts cut off

>> No.57915225

They are distracting everyone with the price of BTC.

>> No.57915341


>> No.57915401
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>> No.57916082


>> No.57916118
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Checked Cubes
I’ll accept my retardation

>> No.57916134

I unironically bought some link for 18 us dollars each. It's just a sound investment what can I say.

>> No.57916614

Bitcoin is the main character dumbass. it's the star of the show

>> No.57918503

LINK fucked themselves once the HR roasties started posting on social media

Never going to invest in that bullshit

>> No.57918533


The cucks of Crypto

>> No.57918540




>> No.57918658


>dear reddit how can I stop cooming I need 100 link but I cant stop being a coomer

>> No.57918667

Kek baggie

>> No.57919913
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did that long ago. now I stake PYTH. Looking to load SUPRA at TGE.

>> No.57919936

This piece of shits dumping again

>> No.57919962

i think it's quite funny that anyone tries to defend this token simply because they are stuck with bags I can be honest enough to say I held for 2 years and sold and did the right thing

>> No.57920002

I think it's understandable. I also found it difficult to sell my link but in the end it was the delays and false promises. Even the CCIP GA release, which is delayed for the third time, won't make any difference to the price. And build rewards are simply not mentioned anymore.

>> No.57920062

Are you going to answer the question? Why would a guy get enraged about other guys jerking it… seems a little homo

Ive never met anyone irl that had that issue

>> No.57920175
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>Ive never met anyone irl that had that issue

>> No.57921287

Sergey owns 50% of the supply and dumps aggressively, the token will reach top 5 but still be $20 because he's just dumping billions.

Other projects like AVAX have inflation from unlocks/staking. They don't have literal market dumps from the CEO with 50% of the supply unlocked in his wallet.

>> No.57921422

Inflation is inflation, dumbass. It's all free for the dumping.

>> No.57921444 [DELETED] 

Any crypto whale here?