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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57903181 No.57903181 [Reply] [Original]

But then go on to say they won't leave anything to their children ?

>> No.57903188

>do you guys pay attention to celebrities

>> No.57903198
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It's not just one, it looks like a collective type of push

>> No.57903200
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Boomers are brain damaged

>> No.57903209


This thread has peacefully ended.

>> No.57903217

I've also noticed that they set up "charities"/trusts, and just happen to make their children members of the board with $1million salaries. So either they all hate their children or the are all lying for PR stunt, either way it's bullshit.

>> No.57903231
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>or the are all lying for PR stunt
100% this

>> No.57903261
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>> No.57903276
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>> No.57903279

The Psyop is I guess to rob the plebs of any money from parents so they are even more dependant on the state. Look celebrities arent giving their money away honest so accept this 90% inheritance tax you greedy pleb.

>> No.57903335

They are gaslighting the masses. Boomers have a shitton of money and not so many children, so many of us will become kinda well off compared to the average, specially to zoomies to not give a shit about anything.

>> No.57903349

Every time.

>> No.57903358

It's all a lie. They transfer wealth to their children but through some sneaky shit like charities and trustfunds and shit.

>> No.57903393

Psyop to fuck up generational wealth.
Seriously though, the best thing you can do for your children is tell them that despite getting inheritance they should still have goals in life, financial goals, dreams, etc.

If kids expect to get 100m and never do anything in life they will become genetic dead ends.

I wished my parents would've did things differently when i was younger. Focus on better food, say no to videogames, tell me to carve my own path instead of setting me up for a failing family business.

>> No.57903409
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They're putting the money in """charity""" foundations that their kids can control but which aren't taxed. The way they're representing it in the media is a time tested grift. But many of them also have legal guardians in those foundations that ensure their druggie manchildren don't waste all the money and actually keep it in yielding investments ie property. In many of these cases the lawyers guarding the property from the deranged brainfucked rich kids who can't change a lightbulb by themselves also leech off the family fortune as well, but that's a cost of doing business in that sector and probably a preferable long term alternative to letting your adult toddlers go ham with the money (see lottery winners for reference as to what happens).

>> No.57903451

Why is he so stingy?

>> No.57903470

>believing news stories

>> No.57903472

>Goy NEVER help your children.
Why do these people are such bumbling idiots.
Why?!? How much can you SPEND to go through your saving?!?

>> No.57903502

Fucking boomers, TBD

>> No.57903914

>i wish my parents raised me as a tool instead of a human being.
dont have children

>> No.57903934

>Coping incel

>> No.57904109

Why does it end with her? She didn't earn it.

>> No.57904252

white people are way too obsessed with pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, and this will lead to ruin

>> No.57904266

Why even accumulate more than $5 million if you don't plan to pass it down?

>> No.57904412

Its one thing not to pass 1B to your child, cause this will make it a lazy slob for sure and any child with a billionaire parent has the connections to easily get into a very comfy, high-paying position by itself.
Not passing the house down is straight up evil in this market though

>> No.57904456

I wouldn't want to inherit massive wealth

Load up any game and turn on all the infinite money cheats and see how much fun you have, you become mind-blowingly bored very quickly.

The experience and fun is in the challenge and hardship. You think you hate the hardest parts while you're playing them but the only memorable parts were when you succeeded against immense challenge.

>> No.57904534

It's because games are designed to be balanced. fair and fun. Real life isn't, it's designed for rich kids to win everything via nepotism and power of money and for poor kids to get fucked over. And by the time poor kids earn enough money to compete with rich kids, their youth is over and they've already missed out on life's best experiences.
>only memorable parts were when you succeeded against immense challenge
The most memorable part of my youth was a two month long trip across Europe with my gf. Life isn't a game, the only thing I remember about the shitty years when I had to work very hard was how shitty they were and how much I hated them.

>> No.57904603

Anon, that's why if (when if you bought link) you are in the position, you have to cultivate a family culture that ensures your kids don't squander your wealth.

>> No.57904705

They really wanted to end both words with "-able" so bad they just ignored the meaning.

>> No.57904721

I have more fun gardening in Minecraft than in real life so your point is invalid.

>> No.57904812

This. They donate to a non profit "charity", and their kid is the ceo.

>> No.57904825

My mom is going to spend everything. Zommers have the highest rate of being mixed race besides gen a so they don't deserve shit.

>> No.57904829

There is nothing wrong with creating generational wealth. It's the goal, actually, to start a strong line. You should have raised your children right so that when they get their piece they use it well.

>> No.57904839

My mom does this except she pretends to help me and then demands I pay her back despite having millions in NW.

>> No.57904868

their children will still receive a few $mil dont worry about them

>> No.57904884

Really if you had wealth you should give your kids a house and then just money to help them start businesses. They aren't going to get your billions until they are like 45-50yrs anyways... they gotta do something in the mean time and being a bit of a brokie unless they make it themselves will help them appreciate the money.

>> No.57904904


That's my plan if I make it. Raise them to be responsible and ambitious, and if they are inclined towards good ambitions help them out with it.

>> No.57904911

living their best lives

>> No.57904959

>they are all lying for PR stunt.
Yes, no different than the $1 salary CEOs. I remember back in the 90s and early 2000s some media was unironically reporting on them like they worked actually for free.

>> No.57904974

Exactly this. I am basically a handler for one such case and I can confirm that dynastic wealth creates only the most pathetic of people. The way this world works is truly appalling.

>> No.57904981
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>inherit billions from dead husband
>no i wont the money to our kids
>besties with pedo ring leader ghislane maxwell

>> No.57905009

Ye sure you are shlomo, how is the weather is in tel aviv

>> No.57905041

That's probably part of whatever pact they signed. They probably don't get to keep the fortune for generations. Maybe just in case a future family member were to nootice and risk outing them or otherwise subverting whatever plans they have. They can then use that money to grab the next globohomo tool, too.

>> No.57905069

>fat checked

>> No.57905092

Time ago I noticed many celebrities that practice transcendental meditation and now I notified many of them practice manifestation to bring their wish to reality.

>> No.57905128
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>> No.57905137

>donate $180M for a charity to pay it's officers salaries and they can pay for another fancy fundraiser at a ridiculous venue
>give it to those people's parents' children instead

>> No.57905157

Its just marketing. The famous parents dont want that their children are seen as nepo babies. The children are still getting a few millions to get a start in life. It gives the allusion that the children are self made.

>> No.57905196
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People need to talk more about liberalmaxxing geriatrics

>> No.57905398


>> No.57905657

>don’t learn to pay back money

You’re a good candidate for university of phoenix

>> No.57905756

And it's always whites doing this.
Life isn't a game fucking retard.
For them, their distant grandsons are as irrelevant as their distant Paleolithic grandfather who starved to death in his early 30s leaving orphans behind.

>> No.57905983

Yeah, because tax minimization for estates of that size involve putting the assets into a trust rather than just handing them to your several kids to get raped by estate taxes. An added bonus (for the jews in control) is that they can virtue signal to the retarded normies and pressure them into spending their savings rather than passing it on to any responsible children they have as if that's some sort of moral good.

>> No.57906009

in fairness his children were probably complete assholes
my grandfather left his millions to the city he lived in as a fuck you to all his kids who were money grubbing yuppie retards

>> No.57907148

They realize they fucked up their children
The trick is to raise them well, not to give them no inheritence

>> No.57907167


Jews really did a number on boomers.

>> No.57907196

>jenny (((cohen)))
>its fact checked
lo fucking l the chutzpah on this. how do these kikes have such influence over the boomer generation?

>> No.57907204

How noble of her to spend it all on herself.

>> No.57907262

this is all part of the continued psyop to get normies to hate wealth and to embrace their chains. tale as old as time. well, tale as old as jews.

>> No.57907274

The obvious solution is that you should raise your kids to expand and multiply your wealth so they can teach theirs to do the same. Only problem is not everyone is cut out for that though.

>> No.57907276
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First the Jews destroy the families and then they tell them to sell it all back to the Jews, so the future generation is completely pennyless

>> No.57907318

>say they won't leave anything to their children ?
they only say it because they're afrid normie poorfags would vote for inheritence tax, youre delusional if you think they won't pass their wealth down to their children

>> No.57907333

Those games have a limited amount of content you dumbass we're nowhere near the limits of what you can do with money.

>> No.57907386


>two Jewesses telling you to donate your house to them instead
>Fact Checked (TM)

Reality is ridiculous

>> No.57907530

the thing is - building generational wealth is the most consistent and oldest of all jewish family goals - the influence the Rothschilds weild upon the West comes from an almost mythical jewish origin story - him on his deathbed, giving a satanically inverted mission to his seven sons to conquer the Goy nations - in inversion of Jesus' imparting his disciples with the Holy Spirit at the last supper.
But no Goy - dont you try and copy us. This is not the way us fellow gentiles should try and live

>> No.57907616

You're also the same type of euro faggot that probably shits on the US.

I'm sure you also like eating candy for dinner and staying up late watching cartoons.

Life can be thought of as a game also. And with the current version, if you turn 30 and aren't financially comfortable, you're just not good at the game.

IDK if this thread is populated by euros and other third world faggots where social mobility isn't possible. But if you haven't gained a degree of financial comfort and you're over the age of 25, you just suck at this version of life.

>> No.57907629

I can see it from one perspective, the kids of these rich and famous people are very rarely as talented or successful as their parent(s). Never built any character, lazy, and disconnected from real people. I've seen this first hand with rich kids I've known.
From another perspective, giving your offspring a hard time and reducing their chances of further reproducing is retarded. You are meant to ensure your genes survive not slash the possibility they carry on.

>> No.57907751

>I'm sure you also like eating candy for dinner and staying up late watching cartoons.
Guilty as charged.

>> No.57907802

thes epeople have no idea how to raise theri kids well
just look at these hollywood faggots
they completley screw them up and turn them into trans, because they believe every horseshit the jews tell them

>> No.57908994

>I came from nothing and turned out to be something
>wouldn't want my kids to have it any differently

I mean that's consistent. Wealth corrupts families over generations anyways. If you pay for your kids to be brought up right and get them through school debt-free that's pretty good. You leave your kids $20MM, $100MM and they'll just blow it on hookers and cocaine.

>> No.57910335

>inversion of Jesus
>sending disciples to infect and subvert European nations and values with desert nonsense

>> No.57910875
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>Psyop to fuck up generational wealth.

since the dawn of human history parents have known how important it was to pass on a legacy to their children. but the boomers are so self centered and selfish they delude themselves into thinking the most SELF SERVING path is also the most moral and intelligent path.
>hurr durr me being selfish is actually to most moral and correct thing to do
>thinking only of myself is what got me here

they behave this way is to their eternal shame. The generations of the world will rightly look down with contempt at the boomers, who were given so much and passed on so little

>> No.57910896

no one hates Jesus more than jews. Europe was at its strongest when it was at its most Christian

>> No.57910925

"fact checked" most likely means that they verified the sources the journalist used

>> No.57911003

Let me guess, its all going into a charitable trust. And another guess all of his children will be named as trustees on the trust. Meaning his entire fortune transfers over to them, tax free and the same harpies screeching Eat the rich will applaud it because they think its some big noble charitable gesture.

>> No.57911016

they want everyone to think their nepo babies did it themselves when in fact they did not. watch all the nepo babies change their names and say: I cAmE fRoM nOtHiNG, Im sO sPeCIAL

>> No.57912346

most people dont actually want to raise kids, or to even teach them anything. they think school does that so they just ignore the kid. pretty easy to teach your kid to be capable and take over the family business and to expand it within their own ambitions and goals.

>> No.57912621

It's not about having unlimited spending money, retard. It's about creating an endlessly-increasing parcel of generational wealth. The goal is that my kids will be able to live a decent life, and that there will still be enough money coming in from investments that my grandkids will too. And the same thing going on and on for as many generations as possible. But none of us will be able to live like kings, because each generation adds more people.
Realistically we might need to train one person from each generation to professionally manage the family estate, but everyone will need to live within their means.

>> No.57912902


Her progeny should end her

>> No.57913470
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>you can't build a dynasty for your bloodline goyim, that's for us alone!

>> No.57913507
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I feel extremely lucky to have a good dad. Not so much, mom, who I have not talked to for 10 years. But dad is a fantastic man.