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57901907 No.57901907 [Reply] [Original]

But why are people still working? I dont understand? Lots of them only wage for daily expenses and rent, which they bpth could get for free. Its literally a social thing that they still work.
Even with butchered math officials concluded that minimum wagies only get 40 Euro more per month then non workers.
In reality they have less if you include things like tv tax they have to pay, ´and especially if they need a car to work.
And if you work part time or unofficial you have way more money

>> No.57901921

Because i dont get min wage so i have significantly more than any hartzer, i save more every month into stocks and crypto than those subhumans get from the state

>> No.57901946

I dont talk about the high earners but about the below average earner

>> No.57902014

Well you are right but came to the wrong conclusion, those jobs are needed so what should happen is that government gibs should be drastically reduced so those lazy shitheads need to work afford to live

Lots of low wage jobs are empty because of that, especially in the restaurant business they cant find worker anymore, not sure what our retarded government tries to achieve with this but making working unnecessary is bad for both the people and the economy, our whole social security system is deemed to fail, less people work while the working one get more and more tax burden to finance this ponzi scheme, who will finance this shitshow when none works anymore? I wont stop working but will be gone when it hits the fan

>> No.57902071

see, you share the same cuck mentality with the other germs. You cope by calling them subhuman and tell yourself it is worth working just to contribute to society or some shit, while the average germ slaves away just so that they "don't become a subhuman burden to society". The immigrants on the other hand are capable of rational calculation and are not blinded by the average german's cuck moralism. Then you blame them for being prudent because the dildo in your ass made you mad at the concept that real humans around the world (non-germs) choose to work in order to live and don't live in order to work (the definition of slavery) lmao

>> No.57902097
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They wake because they fear the government and are not redpilled enough.

Maybe it's low because these are the countries with the least tax advantage/benefits of owning.

E.g. check out Eigenmietwert tax in Switzerland. They just add the saved rent as income to your income tax. Basically owning a home means that you don't have to rent and they treat this saving as income that has to be taxed accordingly.

>> No.57902106

Lol lmao, i work because i dont average losers, i "cope" knowing i make 5x what those subhumans get, i dont care about our societ or their morals, our society is full of retards

>> No.57902127

Holy shit why am I seeing $HOMEs everywhere today. I can’t stop seeing it. Is it a sign?

>> No.57902157

UK 65% owner? I seriously doubt this because the UK still has the custom to Long Lease (Bail Amphitheotique in French) in the end they don't really own their house. Are there other countries with this system as a general practise?

>> No.57902200

kosovo je srbija

>> No.57902234

I keep seeing this shit too. CA?

>> No.57902236

Historical context means something you absolute retards
I hate being on this board full of midwit retards
Germany is lucky to even still exist after they tried to take over the world the world wanted to pick them apart
The USA said no and fronted them cash the entire country is a subsidized rentier state
And they’ve been rewarded greatly for being our puppet
Affordable housing healthcare public transit
They don’t “own” a house ones like how you still pay taxes on but they live well
I hate libertarian midwits so ducking much
Germany was one of the least impacted countries during the 08 crisis. Why? Wall Street had no way of overleveraging them with shot loans for homes they don’t need
All of you kill yourself right fucking Now

>> No.57902263

i'm thinking buy signal

>> No.57902273
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Damn bro ngl you bussin. Have a young hitler

>> No.57902278

Yeah I follow them schizo signs too I'mma check it

>> No.57902282

>wrong conclusion
>government should
Government wont, so wagies need to stop.
>our retarded government tries to achieve with
They are not retarded, they have their agendas, and one of them is milk germans wherever possible for ukraine, foreigners etc

>> No.57902328

In Germany owning a house gives you huge financial benefits as rent is huge.
Wow did not know this mafia style, but they are the richest europeans anyway and get huge wages.
>tried to take over the world
Anglos/Jews did this only, not Germans you dimwit
Also waht country did not at some point want to greatly expand? The french surely, the russians always, the turks, etc etc etc etc
Germany was punished for that more then others not less you retard.

>> No.57902362

They lost the war against jewish kikes and now they're paying the price

>> No.57902367

Germans actually celebrate ramadan now so the transformation to shithole is nearly complete

>> No.57902399

WWI and WWII is just the Britisch empire sorting out the German problem. The brits were already working on WWI in 1889, when the krauts were still dumbly thinking they could have peace and prosperity. Similarly krauts including Hidler wanted peace all the way to wwII.

>> No.57902401
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>> No.57902408

it's literally that guy (a known scammer around these parts) posting it everywhere, congrats in falling for a really obvious rug, 'schizo'

>> No.57902418

I don't believe these numbers desu

>> No.57902435

kek wtf are you talking about anon. Known scammer?
Lol, looks like HOME already attracted fudders

>> No.57902437

Who is that guy?

>> No.57902460

Again historical context matters
The camera was a tool that helped germanys downfall not something ottoman or France had to deal with
However if you are going to carpet bomb a first world country you better make goddamn sure you are going to win because that will not go down well if you can’t write the history
Anyways the ruskies btfo of your “superior” race through sheer will and solidarity
Get fucked

>> No.57902464

The Loo sirs

>> No.57902474

>to carpet bomb a first world country you better make goddamn sure you are going to win
England did this so whats your probelm? Check who started it in 1939
>russians win
Based, Hohols crying

>> No.57902507
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We should never had stopped carpet bombing the germans.

>> No.57902510

How’s about you try to comprehend my entire post that might be hard for your tiny fucking brain
I said you better make sure you win if you do that guess who fucking won
FUCK aight I can’t handle talking to a midwit anymore
Read more books buddy it might help you gain some analytical skills

>> No.57902529

Home ownership includes mortgages right? Most people are paying off their 40 year mortgage contract. They don't own their home until they are 60/70

>> No.57902537

And i said the biggest carpet bomber won, so you are the retard here.

>> No.57902545

I would not say most but yes a considerable percentage.
Who is "we" here?

>> No.57902555

>Who is "we" here?
Everyone who despises nazism of course.

>> No.57902570

So mostly jews, get it

>> No.57902596
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Imagine standing on the wrong side of history.

>> No.57902597

If you think restaurants are so important, pay them more and don't be a snob.

>> No.57902619
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Depends on how protected the rentoids are.
The numbers in EE are about to drop like their population.

>> No.57902632

Most minimum wagies don't stay long that way. They either work shifts to get bonuses, or they get promoted for a higher salary baseline. Many of them also live with a relative. A minimum wagie lives a slightly more dignified life. They can choose where to live and not be forced into a public housing stinkfest with Syrians.
The Illyrians were there before you slavic scum raped and pillaged your way down from Poland.

>> No.57902713

> after they tried to take over the world the world

your brain on american education

Don't forget your daily ozempic

>> No.57902717

I bought yesterday as well... pretty happy with the whole thing so far

>> No.57902863

and how are you, the winners of the war faring? useful idiot.

>> No.57903051

Fairly rare for people to be on long leaseholds tbf. Most people buy freehold. 65% home owners in UK sounds about right

>> No.57903118

you're a gay-reek, or some shitskin freeloader. Pay your fucking debts or forever be enslaved for EURO-GERMANIC EMPIRE. We are re-arming, we are re-radicalizing, get ready for the EVROPEAN REICH ruled by germanic emporors with an iron fist

>> No.57903254

kek what, are you guys getting ready to kill off more millions of europeans? very based amirite

>> No.57903303

mad lol? Instead of the richest country being the one making others work for it, the richest country in Europe has become the one slaving to feed its poorer masters

>> No.57903313
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Imagine not appreciating the irony in this.

>> No.57903403

Leasehold for actual houses is kike shit

>> No.57903433

Losing 2 world wars has its consequences you know.

>> No.57903698

of course not. only if they oppose us

>> No.57903714

The richest country is Switzerland.
Germany is far far far off

>> No.57903729

It was way better 50 yeras ago

>> No.57903736

If you live with your parents you are not a home owner. This map is shit

>> No.57903842

Your grandma got raped day in day out by occupation troops, Hans.

>> No.57903947

They raped children?

>> No.57903959

Also why are so many jews like you itt?

>> No.57903974

I wish i could delete that thread still, i wanted to discuss the motivation of wagies not hvae 5 jews itt talking about how they hate germans

>> No.57904615

Because they are retarded. Honestly, if I could earn nothing more than minimum wage, I wouldn't bother with working at all. And even now that I make comfy low six figures, I really wonder whether it's worth it, considering how much of my money is spent on immigrants, proles and other undesirables. The social state has made it so that laziness, instead of being met with the rightful punishment of starving to death, is rewarded. Honestly, it would be best if we just put all Hartzers into a mandatory, military-style workforce and make them clean cities, plow fields etc. like Roosevelt and Hitler did in the 1930s.

>> No.57904640

thank god you saved the world from us, amirite?

lol. Even Patton knew we were right in the end.

>> No.57904687

Go play some work simulator to calm down, Hans.

>> No.57904932
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chan will be chan

>> No.57904933
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>Who is "we" here?


>> No.57904993

Pure evil.

>> No.57905022

>I hate libertarian midwits so ducking much
No, duck you!

>> No.57905118

literal tranny shills
one day we will destroy the useless scum in europe. It'll come sooner than you think. Hitler got control quickly once the people needed a leader.
The shitskins and jews are useless scum and they'll all leave once the gibs stop. Don't even have to kill them, they'll just go away as soon as there's no more free money

>> No.57905173

You'll have kebabs as your national dish much sooner than that.

>> No.57905206

I eat greek food, not disgusting plastic pigs mixed together with raped children
I haven't eaten kebab or anything made by a Turk in years. I actively try not to because Turks have literally 0 hygiene standards. They don't take off the plastic from the kebab, they just let it melt into the meat and slice it off and serve it. They're more disgusting than pigs.

>> No.57905693

Not a Turk but you are retarded.
Greek food and Turkish food are great. Higiene standards is your inner /Pol/tard trying to get out. Everyone follows good higiene. Touch grass, malaka.

>> No.57905754

Balkan niggers bragging about owning homes that literally don't even have toilets inside.

>> No.57905810

Greeks charge 30% more than Turks for a gyro because they know anyone eating their food is only doing it because they're thought of as white. Turks charge 30% less than Greeks and call it a kebab.
Italians make pizzas and charge 30% more because they know people will pay for it because they're white. Turks make the exact same pizza and charge 30% less than Italians.

That's how races work sometimes.
Safe to say I never buy from a Greek or Italian unless I have to and end up saving a lot of bucks

>> No.57906145

Turks and greek food are MOSTLY disgusting, especially if they consist garlic. But yes i do sometimes eat kebap.
Best food is french and german to some degree spanish and american.
Remember, spices are toxic, especially garlic, ginger etc.
Vegetables are man made and mostly unhealthy

>> No.57906188

ginger is good though, I add ginger to tea

>> No.57907005
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>Balkan niggers bragging about owning homes that literally don't even have toilets inside.
those village houses with outside toilets are based, but they're rare, most of those "owned" homes are commieblock cuckboxes

>> No.57907763

Looks like a stereotypical chud lmao, he would be posting here and jacking off to cartoons all day if he had been born in 1998